Justin's Journey (Hobson Hills Shorts Book 3)

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Justin's Journey (Hobson Hills Shorts Book 3) Page 3

by C. W. Gray

  “I held them back as long as I could, sunshine.” Harper panted. “I’m sorry, Justin. They’re coming.”

  “Get out of my way,” Grammy said, pushing Harper out of the doorway. “Where’s Justin?”

  “Mi corazón, where is your best friend? Where is Justin?” Ines was right behind Grammy.

  The two women saw him at the same time and rushed over, shoving Grey aside so they could hug Justin. Before he knew what was happening, he was wrapped in their arms, crying.

  Grammy’s soft arms held him tight while Ines stroked his back and whispered soft words of comfort. He vaguely heard Grey and Harper talking.

  “Gramps and a few others went to help out at the pub,” Harper said. “Grammy sent someone to talk to the sheriff now. We’ll head to the funeral home soon to make the arrangements. Justin won’t have to worry about anything.”

  “Abel and Ernie are flying home in the morning.” Grey hugged his alpha. “We’ll be here for him. Everyone will be.”


  Grammy insisted on driving Justin home when he decided he was ready to go. Her calm presence and the comfortable silence was a balm for the painful day.

  Grey and his family were arranging the funeral. It would be in three days. Justin was relieved not to have to deal with all the details. It was going to be hard enough to just get through it all.

  He had never relied on others as easily as he was relying on the Wilson family. Justin felt a little guilty, but mostly he just wanted Tanner’s arms around him.

  Abel and Ernie would be home tomorrow night. Justin had tried to talk the men into finishing their vacation, but they had insisted they needed to be here.

  Grammy drove the car behind the pub and parked in Justin’s usual parking spot. Ines parked her own car next to them.

  “Thank you, Grammy.”

  The woman gave him a watery smile. “I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now, Justin.”

  “I’m so mad at her.”

  “Rhonda did a stupid thing, and it cost her the rest of her life.” Grammy took his hand. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t love you, Justin. She tried so hard. Ines and I spent a lot of time with her, and she talked about you all the time. She was so proud of you.”

  “Tanner helped her too. Mom was seeing a therapist. Did you know?”

  Grammy looked surprised. “I didn’t. She was always so quiet when we visited, but she would smile and laugh with us.”

  “I think, if she had more time... but she doesn’t. She’s gone.” Justin felt something break inside him.

  She was gone. She would never get better. He would never develop the relationship he wanted with her. It was done. All he would ever have of her were a few good memories.

  Tanner opened the car door and knelt beside him. The rain pelted the alpha, but his big body blocked Justin from getting wet.

  “Hey, honey.”

  Justin unbuckled his seatbelt and pushed into Tanner’s arms. He wrapped his arms around Tanner’s neck and buried his face against his chest.

  “Whoa.” Tanner fell back, landing in a puddle.

  He held Justin tight, settling him on his lap.

  “Don’t worry, boys,” Grammy said. She and Ines held umbrellas over them. “Ines and I have you.”

  “I’m so sorry I left you, Tanner. I didn’t think about how you must be feeling.”

  “I’m alright, honey. You needed to clear your head. I get it.”

  “Tanner, I love you.”

  “I love you too. Let’s go inside where it’s dry.” Tanner tried to get up, but Justin refused to move.

  “I don’t want you to leave. Not ever. Even if it means you can’t be sheriff.”

  “Huh?” Tanner’s hand tilted Justin’s face up. “Sheriff? I don’t want to be sheriff. I’m confused.”

  “I want you to move in with me. You’ve asked before, but I was stupid. I want you with me.” Justin’s voice cracked. “I’m all in, Tanner – both feet in the door.”

  “I don’t understand, but I’m sure as hell going to say yes.” Tanner gave him a gentle kiss. “I love you, Justin. I’ve wanted this for a long time, but are you sure? Is this some reaction to losing Rhonda?”

  “It’s not a reaction.” Justin wiped his eyes. “It’s a realization. I don’t want to waste any time with you.”

  Tanner kissed him, lips soft and warm against Justin’s.

  “We’ll help him move his things.” Ines smiled down at them. “You boys have more important things to focus on.”

  Justin shot her a soft smile, then kissed Tanner again. They sat in the rain, with two chattering women standing over them. Justin felt a little less empty with every kiss.

  Chapter Four

  It took a while and several kisses, but Tanner finally convinced Justin to lay down. He tucked the blankets around his omega, then checked on Butter Bunny.

  Tanner gave the bunny her dinner, then jumped into the shower. He wanted to go downstairs and make sure the pub was running smoothly. He let the hot water ease his aches and pains.

  He dried off and grabbed his toothbrush. Halfway through brushing his teeth, his hand froze. His eyes were glued on the garbage can and the white stick poking out.

  Tanner’s hands shook as he picked it up and looked at the two pink lines. “Oh, fuck.”

  Butter Bunny hopped through the open door and sat on his foot. Tanner picked her up and held her tight to his bare chest.

  “B.B., we’re having a baby. Holy fuck.”

  Wait. Why hadn’t Justin told him? Tanner’s eyes filled as he answered his own question. Justin hadn’t told him because his mom just died. On top of that, it looked like he just found out and he apparently had a lot of self-doubt.

  Tanner thought about Justin’s words from earlier. He obviously thought Tanner’s career suffered because they were together. “Prickly idiot.”

  Tanner wiped a hand across his face then dropped a kiss on top of Butter Bunny’s head. “I love him, B.B., but he can be stubborn. I don’t want to be sheriff, but even if I did, my relationship with Justin wouldn’t get in the way.”

  He set the rabbit down, then finished dressing.

  The rain was pelting the porch roof when he left the apartment. He took a minute to breath, fighting a grin. A baby. They were having a baby. How could he want to cry and laugh at the same time? His stomach churned with grief and joy. Damn, but he wished Rhonda was here.

  He sighed and walked down the stairs to the pub.

  The kitchen was busy when he walked in. At least twenty orders were on the screen and Albie was rushing to fill them.

  Grey and his father-in-law, Bennett were pitching in. Bennett worked at the cutting board and Grey plated the food.

  “Fuck. It’s late. Doesn’t the kitchen close in thirty minutes?”

  “We’ll stay open until the orders stop pouring in.” Albie looked unconcerned. “The place is packed.”

  “Is he resting?” Bennett looked up from chopping potatoes for the pub’s specialty – loaded pub fries.

  “Finally. Thought I’d check in for him and see if it was as busy as it was at lunch.”

  “It’s been crazy all evening.” Albie flipped a pile of shredded steak, then turned and took a sheet out of the oven. It was full of large ramekins filled with the pub’s Guinness Beef and Mushroom Shepard’s Pie.

  Tanner’s mouth watered. That was one of his favorite dishes. He wasn’t even hungry, but he wanted to devour the twenty servings laid out on the counter.

  “That big guy, Reuben, stayed late to help out,” Grey said. “He just left a few minutes ago.”

  “All the busy bodies in town want to gossip about Rhonda.” Bennett growled.

  “Don’t let it get to you,” Albie said. “Justin will make a lot of money tonight, and the fuckers won’t get a peek at him.”

  Tanner smiled softly. Justin had a good crew here. “You all need any help?”

�We got this.” Albie shot a grin over his shoulder. “I imagine the servers could use a hand, though.”

  Tanner nodded, then left the kitchen. “Damn.” Every table and barstool in the place was taken.

  “Tanner.” Gramps stood behind the bar, pulling drafts of beer. “Can you check on tables? Those poor servers are getting overwhelmed.”

  Gramps, Caden, and Wiley tended the bar and Tanner could see four of Justin’s servers running around the room. Fortunately, it looked like a few more Wilsons had decided to pitch in by serving tables. Otherwise, the evening servers may have revolted.

  “Hey.” Tavis popped up. “Need some help here?”

  “Hell, yes.” Tanner handed him a tray. “Start bussing tables, hot shot.”

  Travis patted his shoulder. “You got it.”

  Tanner grabbed a tray and carried a drink order to one of the tables. From there, he carried dishes to the kitchen, refilled drinks, and bussed tables.

  They were half way through the night, when Chelsea walked in. Wiley had mentioned she’d been fired, so Tanner didn’t suppose she was here for anything good.

  Chelsea pushed through the crowd to the bar. “Where’s Justin?”

  “Resting upstairs. What do you want?” Tanner crossed his arms across his chest and glared at the woman.

  Laura and North came to stand next to him, echoing his stance.

  “Aww, does Mr. Stuck-up miss his mommy?” Chelsea turned to her friends and laughed. “I told you guys that Justin was just like us. His trashy ass mom just proved it. Stupid bitch didn’t even have that much. Wally said he only gave her three percs. We’ve all had that many this morning.”

  “You bitch!” Laura launched himself at the woman, but Tanner caught the angry woman in his arms before she could touch Chelsea.

  Chelsea laughed. “I’m just telling it like it is.”

  She kept laughing until Sheriff McKenzie grabbed her arm. “Ma’am, you just admitted to illegal use of prescription medication. We’ll be taking you and your friends here down to the station for a drug test.”

  Tanner and Travis corralled Chelsea’s three friends.

  “This is harassment.” Chelsea’s voice went high. “I’m just here to get some things I left.”

  “You literally just said, in front of multiple witnesses, that you had already taken at least three Percocet.” Travis looked at her in disbelief. “I don’t imagine you have a prescription.”

  “You’re horrible woman.” An older lady from Rhonda’s trailer parker tsked. “Rhonda was a sweetheart. She wasn’t a bit indecent, even with her problems. How dare you call her trashy? How dare you compare yourself to her?”

  Another of Rhonda’s neighbors crossed her arms and glared at Chelsea. “She surely wouldn’t be so cruel to another person. You came here to hurt Justin. Talk about trashy!”

  Sheriff McKenzie snorted. “Agreed.”

  They marched the four people out of the pub and Tanner helped the sheriff get them situated in two patrol cars.

  “I’m sorry about all this, Tanner. I’m glad Justin wasn’t here.” Sherriff McKenzie opened his door. “I’ve been wanting dirt on Wally for a while and these idiots may lead me there. Travis is going to check and see if she really left anything here. I have an idea of why she really came in tonight.”

  Tanner waited until the sheriff drove away. He ran his heads over his head and did his best to get rid of the anger.

  “I wanted to hit her.” Laura came to stand beside him, trembling with fury.

  “Justin needs you here, not in jail. I know it would have been satisfying, but that wouldn’t be a smart thing to do in front of everyone.”

  “We’ll save that shit for our next night out,” North said, snarling toward the door. “Can you believe her?”

  “We could accidently shave her head.” Grey looked thoughtful. “That would last longer than a beat down.”

  “Let Sheriff McKenzie handle it, guys. He’s been wanting to get to Wally for a while. Everyone knows where the drugs are but pinning him down is the problem.”

  “Have it your way.” Laura stomped her foot.

  “She’ll get what’s coming to her. Karma can be a bitch.” Caden smiled. “I may offer my services to the sheriff.”

  Tanner grinned. “Get back to work, guys. We have a pub to run.”

  Before he knew it, closing time had long since passed. He turned the open sign off and locked the door before turning around and groaning.

  Tanner gave North a look of sympathy. “Damn, my feet hurt. How the hell do you all do this all the time?”

  “You get used to it, man.” The young alpha looked exhausted. “Laura and I both worked a double today. We’re glad Chelsea is gone, but damn, the timing sucks.”

  “Good riddance to the bitch.” Laura groaned as she settled onto one of the stools to count her tips.

  One by one, the pub’s employees finished up and clocked out.

  Albie was the last to go. “I’ll come in around twelve tomorrow. It will probably be busy again.”

  “That’s in seven hours, Albie. You need sleep.”

  “Don’t doubt my staying power, Tanner.” Albie mock growled.

  Tanner laughed. “Okay. Okay.”

  Gramps patted him on the back. “I’m heading out too. I’ll get someone in tomorrow to tend the bar. Wiley needs a good night’s rest since he worked all day.”

  “Thanks, Gramps. We really appreciate you all helping out.”

  “Ever since Grey and Justin became friends, we’ve seen Justin as ours. You too, Tanner. If you need anything, make sure to let us know.”

  “We will.”

  An hour later, Tanner drug himself up the stairs. It was still raining and he sat down in one of the deck chairs. The sound of the rain soothed him, and he was asleep in seconds.


  “Tanner.” Justin sounded amused.

  Tanner’s eyes popped open. Daylight filtered through the rain and highlighted the white streaks in Justin’s blond hair.

  Justin held Butter Bunny in his arms and smiled down at Tanner. “How long have you been sleeping out here?”

  “Since six.” He rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. “You made a lot of money last night. The pub didn’t close until around five.”

  “Oh, no. We’re short a server and bartender. I should have...”

  “We took care of it. The Wilsons jumped in to help, and you have an awesome crew, love.”

  Tanner pulled Justin onto his lap and set Butter Bunny down. “I knew you worked hard, but I never appreciated how hard.”

  Justin cupped his face. “Thank you for helping last night. I haven’t thought of the pub since you told me about Mom.”

  Tanner leaned forward and kissed Justin. His tongue slid in and the kiss deepened.

  Justin groaned and pressed his ass against Tanner’s erection. “Can’t have sex on my porch.”

  Tanner stood, holding Justin in his arms. “That can be fixed.”

  He carried him to the door and Justin pushed it open. Butter Bunny hopped through, and Tanner followed her in.

  Reaching the bedroom, he gently lay Justin on the bed. He laughed when his omega grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of him. Their bodies settled against each other, fitting together perfectly.

  “I hate it when you’re not here.” Justin pressed kisses to his face. “I hate sleeping alone. I hate cooking and eating alone. I miss cuddling with you and Butter Bunny and watching that stupid show you like.”

  “The Walking Dead is not stupid.”

  Justin kissed him and wrapped his legs around Tanner’s waist, pressing their dicks together. “I hate zombies.”

  Tanner hummed and pressed against Justin. “Less clothes. We need less clothes.”

  Justin had Tanner’s pants off in seconds. His warm mouth wrapped around Tanner’s dick, and the alpha groaned. Justin cupped Tanner’s balls and licked and sucked his h
ard dick. Tanner clutched Justin’s head and arched his hips, sinking deeper into his mouth.

  A few minutes later, Justin’s mouth moved slowly off Tanner’s dick while twirling his tongue around the head. The omega licked up and down Tanner’s shaft slowly while caressing his balls. “I love the way you taste.”

  “I want in you.” Tanner growled, pulling at Justin’s clothes.

  He had Justin naked and stretched quickly. Tanner paused as reached for condom, then left it on the bed stand. He made a mental note to talk to Justin about that.

  He pushed into the omega, enjoying the smooth heat as Justin’s body clenched around Tanner’s dick. His speed picked up and soon he was pounding into the omega, Justin meeting his pace.

  He reached between them and stroked Justin’s dick, relishing the sounds his man made. Justin screamed as he came, shooting all over Tanner’s hand.

  Tanner licked his hand clean, then focused on Justin’s ass. He leaned down and kissed Justin, loving the closeness and intimacy of the moment.

  How had he ever lived without Justin?

  Tanner didn’t last long. He came, filling Justin’s body and moaning into his omega’s mouth.

  He rolled to the side and they lay together, breathing heavily. Justin settled his head on Tanner’s shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist.

  “You weren’t wearing underwear.”

  “Nope.” Justin nuzzled against his neck. “I had hopes.”

  Tanner laughed. “I’m always yours, honey.”

  He leaned down and kissed his omega’s head. “There was something I needed to talk to you about, though.”

  “Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. Zero percentage of worry needed.”

  Justin laughed. “Okay then.”

  “I found your pregnancy test in the bathroom trash can.”

  Justin sat up quickly. “Oh, fuck.”

  Tanner leaned up and pulled Justin back into his arms. “Zero worries, honey.”


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