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Hawk Wild (Lost Boys MC Book 2)

Page 5

by Janice M. Whiteaker

  “So you don’t get cold.” He grabs one of my hands and starts rolling the sleeve up until the tips of my fingers peek out, then repeats the process with the other one.

  His eyes never come to mine, instead they stay completely focused on what he’s doing. When it’s done he turns away without another word and swings one long leg over the bike, leaning it upright and kicking back the stand. His dark eyes finally meet mine. “Come on, Kitten.”

  My stomach twists a little. This is what I wanted. To taste a little of the life these men lead.

  Explore the side of myself my parents tried to exorcize out of me.

  Unsuccessfully apparently.

  But now that I’m facing down a bike that seems way bigger than it needs to be, I’m feeling much less sure of my ability to hang with a man like Hawk. I lick my lips, trying to work up some moisture in my suddenly dry mouth.

  I’m a little scared.

  There is literally nothing between me and the road.

  Shaun holds out one hand. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Shelly.”

  The seriousness of his tone steals my attention from the fear biting at my insides, dragging it away from the enormous machine I wanted to ride, to focus the man straddling it. His hand is still out. “Trust me.”

  Two words that stop me short. Make my stomach clench with a fear that is very different from the one I felt over the bike.

  I think I do trust Shaun. I’m not sure I should, which leaves me thinking this is a bad idea.

  I’m not trying to form anything serious with him. I just want to have fun.

  Experience the kind of excitement I’ve been chasing.

  I stare at the steady palm reaching for me.

  But if I’m going to do crazy things it should be with someone I trust, right?

  I just want to be wild.

  Not stupid.

  And it would be stupid to get on the back of a bike with a man I don’t trust.

  I slap my hand into Shaun’s and grip it tight, my mind made up. It’s okay that I trust him a little. A good thing even.

  Doesn’t mean it’s anything more than it is.

  Which is two people having a little fun together.

  He pulls me close and lifts the hand in his to rest it against the well-muscled width of his left shoulder. “Hands on my shoulders.” Shaun’s hand slides down my leg to wrap around my calf. “Foot on the step, then swing on behind me.”

  He lifts my foot to the grated metal step then slides his hand back up my leg to rest firm against my thigh, adding support as I take a deep breath and do as I was told. I let the breath out as my butt settles into the seat behind him.

  Hawk grips both my thighs and pulls me forward so my body is pressed flush against his. “Hang on tight.”

  Then his touch disappears and the engine flares to life, making everything in and around me vibrate. The bike eases forward and I suddenly feel completely off-balance. I grab onto Shaun, wrapping my arms around him like he can save me from toppling to certain death. The pavement passes under my feet faster and faster, making me feel dizzy. I squeeze my eyes shut and press my forehead between Shaun’s shoulder blades.

  A heavy hand rests on my thigh just above the knee and squeezes. I can hear the low rumble of Shaun’s voice but I have no clue what he says. The engine is too loud and the wind in my ears smothers out what the engine doesn’t.

  Maybe I’m not cut out for the wild life I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid. Maybe I’m just as boring as everyone else.

  The sound of the engine lowers and the strands of hair flipping in my face fall around my shoulders.

  We’re slowing down.

  I chance a peek over Hawk’s shoulder. We’re sitting at a light not too far from my house. “Almost home, Kitten.” His hand slides up and down my leg. “How you doin’?”

  “Fine.” I haven’t loosened my hold on him. That light is going to change any second and then we have to move again and I want to be ready.

  Shaun turns his head to peek at me over his shoulder. “Not as much fun as you thought?”

  “It’s fine.” I’m not willing to admit anything to him. Not that I’m still almost as terrified as I was when we started. Not that I’m ready to get the hell off this damn thing.

  And definitely not that even though I feel a little throw-upy I’m still pretty sure I’ll survive this trip because I can’t imagine him letting me die.

  He chuckles and looks ahead as the light turns green, sending us forward and my stomach down.

  I am not going to puke.

  Not after as big of a pain in the ass as I was over this trip. I’m going to finish this ride and do it without barfing down his back.

  Because I’m a badass.

  My definition of the requirements to hold that title has changed dramatically since this morning, but right now keeping my dinner in its place seems a hell of a lot harder than shooting a gun.

  I manage to make it through the final turn without chucking, and take my first full breath since the engine started as Hawk parks beside my car in front of the little house I bought this spring. Becca decided she was ready to live on her own and that left me either renewing a lease or house hunting.

  I decided on the hunting.

  For one big reason.

  Hawk cuts the engine and we sit there.

  “You’ve gotta get off first, Kitten.”

  “Oh.” I unwrap the arms still squeezing him tight. “Uh. Okay.” I straighten and try to figure out the best way to accomplish it without sliding down one side of the bike and burning my ass on the tailpipe.

  Hawk grabs my hands and rests them on his shoulders. “Use me to keep you balanced.” He drops his left hand to my leg like he did before. “Just swing up and off.”

  I can do this. Just like riding a horse.

  I should have learned to ride a horse.

  I push up, standing on the footrests. Hawk’s hand wraps around the back of my thigh, gripping tight as I curl my right leg and manage to dismount with a minimum of fumbling.

  Much harder to get off that thing.

  “Good job.” Shaun kicks the stand into place and swings off smooth and easy to stand in front of me. “You going to invite me in?”

  With all of the motorcycling I forgot what he promised me.

  How in the hell could I have forgotten that?

  Doesn’t take long for it to all come rushing back though, bringing a heavy amount of heat rushing along with it to pool in between my thighs. I open my mouth to let him know he’s not getting out of his promise, but my words are cut off by the deep sound of a bark from the other side of my door.

  That might be a problem.

  “You have a dog?” Hawk eyes the door.

  I rub my lips together. “Uh-huh.”

  Hank barks again. A deep, warning sound that would make most people rethink knocking on the door.

  It’s kind of the point.

  Hawk lifts a brow at the door then turns it on me. “He friendly?”

  “Sort of.” I fish my house keys out of the small purse I took to Jill’s and take a few steps toward the door. “It’s okay, Hank.”

  I can hear the tapping of claws against tile as I unlock the door. I turn to glance at Hawk over my shoulder. “Don’t make eye contact with him.” I start to twist the handle then turn again. “And don’t get between us.”

  His brows go up in surprise.

  I didn’t think this all the way through. The thought of Hawk doing debaucherous things to me was all my brain had room to imagine.

  Until I got on the bike.

  I shove open the door and step inside, hoping that if Hank can see that I’m fine he won’t have his usual reaction to strange men.

  All men.

  Because all men are strange men to him.

  “Hey, handsome.” I rub his thick neck with both hands, trying to keep his attention on me.

  Doesn’t work.

  Hank lets out a deep growl.

k completely ignores him.

  Or it seems like he does until one hand turns to face palm out.


  I nod as Hank eyes Hawk’s offered hand then looks up at me. Slowly he makes his way closer to Shaun, his nose twitching. Hawk stands perfectly still as Hank sniffs his hand then moves to his pants, working his way down to the black boots on his feet. He finally lets out a huff and wanders back into the house, flopping onto the large memory foam mattress that takes up most of my tiny living room floor.

  “That’s a badass dog.” Hawk silently closes the door behind him. “He protective of you?”

  I glance back at the heap of black brindle fur already snoring loudly. “Usually.”

  Hawk gives me a sharp nod. “Good. We’ll get along then.”

  My heart skips as his eyes darken. “Where’s your bedroom, Kitten?”

  A few hours ago I was bold and brave, egging Hawk on in every way I could think of, determined to get what I wanted from him.

  And I am about to get it. My first helping anyway.

  But my bravery is dangerously close to abandoning me, leaving me closer to a pile of excited nerves threatening to melt into a passive puddle as soon as he touches me.

  “Go on back then.” Hawk reaches for the door. “Lock the door behind me first.”

  “Oh hell no.” I slam my purse down on the counter, a wave of anger bolstering me. “You made promises and you’re damn well going to keep them.”

  “Am I?” His hand falls on the knob.

  I have to work hard not to grab the closest thing and launch it at him. I don’t want him to think I’m crazy.

  But he makes me feel that way.

  “If you don’t want me then tell me, but don’t fucking tease me. It’s not nice.” I curl my hands into fists, making sure they act right instead of giving him another dose of the side of me that no amount of my parents’ praying could obliterate.

  Hawk’s hand falls from the knob. “Is that what you want, Kitten? Someone nice?” He prowls toward me, coming closer and closer until we’re face to face in the center of my kitchen. “Because I’m not a nice man.”

  I can’t help but lick my lips. “I want an honest man. One who tells me the truth.”

  “You want the truth?” He presses closer. “The things I want to do to you would make a smart woman rethink asking me to stay.”

  “I hope you’re not suggesting I’m stupid.” I lean into him. “Because I want what you promised me.” I can’t stop myself from touching him, running my hands up the center of his chest. “And all the other things you want to do to me.”

  “Oh, Kitten. You might be in way over your head on that one.” He reaches around to fill his hands with my ass and pulls me tight against him. “But if you really want it I’ll give you what I promised you.” He leans down to suck on the spot under my ear. “But that’s all you’ll get from me tonight.”

  At this point I would literally take anything he’s willing to give me. Hawk might think his deepest darkest desires will scare me.

  He might be right.

  But that’s what I want. I want someone who will take me out of the comfort zone I tried so hard to live inside. Let me walk over the line I’ve been too scared to cross.

  Even though it’s what I want.

  I’m not the same girl my parents fought so hard to tame.

  I’m a grown woman who’s tired of fitting in the box I was born into and have been fighting to get out of ever since.

  And what my parents don’t know won’t hurt them.

  Won’t make them ashamed when they go to church.

  I’m not the meek girl they wanted me to be.

  The kind who stays home and takes care of the house and the kids.

  A woman who lays back and thinks of England when there’s a man between her legs.

  I shove my hands up Hawk’s shirt and against the smooth heat of his skin. “Then give me what you promised or go home.”

  “If you’re wanting what I promised you then I’m not going home anytime soon, Kitten.” He presses against me, shoving me down the hall toward my bedroom.

  When we come to the doorway he reaches out to flip on the light.

  Hawk’s dark eyes roam the room then land on mine.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”


  I STARE AT the woman in front of me. I’m sure she’s a grown woman. The body. The brains.

  She’s an adult.

  But the room in front of me says different.

  A canopy bed covered in white see-thru fabric and twinkling lights sits in the middle of a room with pink-painted walls. The bed is covered with a pile of fluffy pink and white blankets. A rug that looks like something fluffy and arctic died for it to exist covers the hardwood floor.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  Shelly fists her hands in my shirt. “It’s my room, asshole.” She drags me toward the bed and I stumble a little at the unbelievably high pile of the carpet. “Stop looking at me like that. It’s my house. I can decorate it however I want.”

  Very true.

  I just wasn’t expecting this.

  I knew Shelly’s sweet side was as substantial as her salty side.

  At least I thought it was.

  But then I walked into the kind of bedroom a thirteen-year-old girl dreams of and it’s got me thinking the good girl in front of me is playing a game she doesn’t understand.

  Shelly shoves my shirt up and I grab her hands. “Slow down.”

  “Slow down?” Her eyes flash. “You want to slow down?” Her head tips to one side as her hands fall away from my body. “Fine.” She grabs the hem of her shirt and yanks it over her head. “You do whatever you want.” She unhooks her bra and lets it slide down her arms. “And I’ll do what I want.” Shelly unfastens her jeans and shoves them down taking anything she might have on under them at the same time. Then she slides her butt onto the fluffy mess of blankets and scoots to the center of the bed.

  I’m a little dumbstruck.

  Not just because I didn’t get the opportunity to unwrap her body myself, but because my little Hellcat has the image of a giant tiger ready to pounce tattooed across her ribcage, its tail curling around the outer edge of one perfect breast.

  But that’s not the only surprise a naked Shelly had in store for me.

  A delicate gold barbell passes through each of her nipples, making them stand up a little more than normal.

  She lets one leg fall to the side, giving me a view of her pussy. It’s already flushed and swollen. Ready for my tongue.

  Shelly’s lips quirk. “What’s wrong tough guy?”

  I peel my tongue off the roof of my mouth and manage to shake my head. “Not a thing.”

  It’s a lie.

  I’m not happy with how this is going. I was supposed to bring her home and tease her until she hated me more than before.

  Then make her come harder than she has in her life. This thing with her is all about keeping everything in balance. Make her hate me but still keep coming back for more.

  But now I’m standing here with a stiff dick and no clue how to go about what I planned. Pretty sure I can’t.

  Pretty sure the second I taste her I’m not gonna stop till she’s coming on my tongue.

  I wipe one hand down my face, trying to get it together. I take a deep breath. I can do this.

  I take a step toward the bed and rest one knee on the mattress. The steady rise and fall of Shelly’s chest stops.

  “Breathe, Kitten.” I reach for her, spreading my hand across the tiger that’s an unbelievably accurate representation of the woman spread out for me. She pulls in a shaky breath as I move over her, forcing myself to keep a safe distance between my body and hers.

  I can’t stop looking at her. The perfect contradiction stretched out for only me to enjoy.

  And I want to enjoy this. That means I have to regain what little control I have with this woman, which isn’t much. Never has been.
/>   But I like to keep trying anyway. I like the battle. Like that she brings it to me every time and never backs down.

  Only gets distracted.

  Like she is now.

  “You’re fuckin’ beautiful, you know that?” I dare to run one finger over the swell of her hip and up the center of her chest. Everything about her is perfect.

  Perfect for me.

  I don’t let myself dwell on the possible ramifications of that thought. I can’t. It’s too much to even think about right now.

  I trace the edge of her nipple where the softness of her skin turns even softer. The velvety peak contracts almost immediately under my touch, tightening into a pink pebble I can’t resist tasting. Shelly sucks in a breath as my mouth grips her, pulling at her flesh. I use my tongue to slide the tiny barbell from side to side.

  “Fuck.” Her back arches, shoving her body closer to mine and I can’t keep myself from pressing down into her. Shelly’s knees fall on either side of my body, her legs wrapping around mine, her bare feet sliding between my thighs.

  I let myself rub against her a little, tease her and me with something I know damn well we both want.

  But I’m not going there.

  I can’t. Not with her.

  Not yet.

  Shelly meets the slow rhythm I set, her hips lifting each time I thrust against her.

  I haven’t dry fucked since I was a kid.

  I don’t remember it being this good. Good enough I might be able to get off from this alone. The feel of her legs tight around me. Her nipples rolling under my tongue.

  I groan in frustration as I pull away. It’s painful even though it’s my own doing. I just want to fake fuck her until my balls stop aching.

  But it won’t make me feel better. Might even make everything worse. What will make me feel better is watching her come undone while I tongue her pussy.

  Prove I’m more than she thinks I am.

  I scoot down her body and down the pink pile of bedding. “Open your eyes, Kitten.”

  Her lids slowly lift as I settle between her thighs and lean in to let my tongue slide across her swollen clit.

  Shelly’s eyes immediately shut.

  I take my mouth off her. “You watch what I do to you or I don’t do it, Kitten.”


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