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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 13

by Bartlett, Gerry

  I left him in her capable hands and turned back to see how Caro was handling Lee and the altercation. A very efficient bus boy had cleared up the broken glass and you couldn’t tell there had ever been a fight. The man who’d made a move on Donna was gone. I noticed one of the bouncers hustling him out of the club. Lee still sat at his table with that dazed look.

  “Who is that new girl? Another bouncer?” Donna was back at the bar after her photo op, throwing down a shot. “Which one of you got Lee acting like a tame tabby cat when a few minutes ago, he was roaring like a lion? Lee on drugs? I don’t think so. You must have threatened to crush his manhood with your tray.” She laughed then nodded to the bartender for a refill. “Lee never should have come here. He gets so jealous. It’s stupid. He knows I’m doing the topless thing but when he sees me talking to other men looking like this…” She picked up the fresh shot. “Well, it drives him crazy.”

  “You got carried away tonight, Donna. I think most men would object to what you let that guy do, touching your breast.” I called Caro over. “Caroline Turnbull meet Donna Sharp.” I had to give Caro points for sticking out her hand and shaking Donna’s like the dancer wasn’t nearly naked. “Caroline is Dom’s new bodyguard.”

  “No kidding!” Donna got a good laugh out of that. “The way you both handled Lee was awesome.” She toasted Caro and drank. “I wish I could get him to calm down like that. He has such a temper.”

  “I’ve had special training. I could teach all of the dancers some moves if you think they’d be interested.”

  “Of course, we would be. Most of us have boyfriends who talk with their fists.” She shuddered. “I’d like to be able to hold my own.”

  “It’s a plan then. Spread the word. I have some time before we open in the evenings. We can do it before your shifts start.” Caro nodded toward Dom’s table. “Excuse me. Those are my grandparents over there, drinking with Dom. My Gran’s staring at me. I’m going to have to convince her I want to stay here and work this job. She’s a little shocked at your costumes.”

  Donna laughed. “What costumes? Most of us would die if our moms or grannies wandered in here.” She patted Caro on the shoulder. “At least you’re not topless. I’m glad to see a strong woman here. Stick to your guns. Of course, Gloria is no slouch. Did you see her hit that guy?” She looked at me admiringly. “Let me feel those muscles, Glo.”

  I played along, talking about a workout video I’d seen on TV. Donna and I watched Caro thread her way through the tables and move to stand behind Dom. Maggie grabbed her hand then started talking rapidly. My vampire hearing came in handy and I could hear her trying to talk Caro out of taking the job where women were sex objects. Donna couldn’t hear her over the piped in music or the general noise of customers drinking. Dom just grinned, like he was loving the argument between his new bodyguard and her grandmother.

  “Now I’ve seen everything. Her folks are clearly rich, but she’s working here as a bodyguard. How do you like that?” Donna stared at Lee after Dom stopped by his table.

  Dom must have released my command for Lee to stay put. I couldn’t deny it was a good idea. People would start asking questions if the man kept sitting there like some kind of zombie.

  Lee didn’t move out of his chair, just glared at Caro. Then he gestured for a drink from the waitress who served that section. She hurried to bring him a fresh one. When he casually tossed her a hundred-dollar bill and said keep the change, I wanted to scream. Why wasn’t I working that table? Oh, it was better that I didn’t. I really wanted to dump that drink all over Lee.

  “It’s no stranger than you doing the topless thing when it’s making Lee crazy. Why don’t you quit?” I looked her in the eyes. I needed to read her mind, something I hated to do, but I wanted to help her.

  “I’ve thought about it.” She kept watching Lee, who still frowned at Caro. I was sure he was trying to figure out how she’d managed to take him down in that fight.

  “What’s stopping you? Lee obviously has money and that place where you live is beautiful.”

  “Yes, but it’s his place, not mine. I keep thinking this won’t last. I don’t think he’s in love with me or anything. I’m just temporary for him and he has a wandering eye.” She dropped her empty glass on the bar. “I’m saving my money for the day when he tells me to get lost.”

  “Maybe you should tell him that first.” I hated that she was so insecure. Donna was smart and beautiful. Surely, she could find someone who treated her right, who valued her.

  “You don’t want to make Lee mad. You saw that.” She smiled when a customer waved at her. “Besides, I know things about his business that he wouldn’t want me to share. In a way, that’s my insurance. I’ll be with him for a while yet.” She threw back her shoulders. “If he tries to dump me before I’ve saved enough for a nice place of my own, I’ll just have to remind him of that.”

  I shivered as Donna walked away with a sway to her hips. She was playing a dangerous game. I remembered those two bodyguards Lee traveled with. In fact, while I watched, one of them joined him at his table and leaned in to tell him something. That brought Lee out of his chair and they both left the club. Business? Donna watched them go but they ignored her. Whatever it was made them quicken their pace when they reached the door where the other bodyguard waited.

  “I’m glad to see him leave. He’s bad news.” Caroline spoke next to me.

  “I thought so too. I wish Donna wasn’t involved with him.” I turned to her. “Did you read his mind? What kind of business is he in?”

  “Drugs, prostitution, you name it.” Caro frowned. “He’s not the head honcho. He’s got some pretty scary dudes he answers to. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t a hit man.”

  “We have to get her away from him.” I saw Donna talking to Misty. Both of them stared at me then glanced at Dom’s table where Jerry sat drinking some of that expensive synthetic. I didn’t doubt the reason for the looks I was getting. I hadn’t been home in a couple of days. Maybe I owed Misty an explanation. I worked my way through the tables toward her.

  “I hope you haven’t been worried about me.” I cleared a table of empties, snatching up my generous tip. “I guess I should have called or texted you.”

  “No problem. Tiffany filled us in. She said your boyfriend was in town.” Misty took my arm and guided me away from a loud group that called Donna over for a photo. “I didn’t know you had a guy, Gloria. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks. We’re on and off. He’ll be leaving tomorrow. He’s got business in Louisiana.” I nodded toward a customer who signaled for a refill.

  “He didn’t ask you to go with him?” Misty wouldn’t let go. “He’s not the one who has you so scared you got the big dog, is he?”

  “No!” I smiled at Jerry who was watching me. Or was he interested in Misty, who wore little more than body glitter? I moved to block his view of her. “He gave me Valdez. He wants to take care of me. He did ask me to leave with him when he goes back to Louisiana.”

  “Then why are you still working here? Go over there, sit in his lap, and whisper yes in his ear.” She smiled in the direction of Dom’s table. “I see who he’s sitting with. Dom doesn’t hang out with anyone who doesn’t run with the rich crowd. Your man’s hot, too. Grab him and hold on to him.”

  I was tired of having to explain myself. It was tempting to say something like he was married, or that he had knocked me around. That would end the push to send me into his arms. I realized Jerry was staring at me now. It would be so easy to just give in. Go and never look back. I could be an ornament, a decoration in his life. How long would it take, though, before I was bored out of my mind, he was bored out of his mind, and we started sniping at each other?

  “Thanks for the advice, Misty, but I’m not ready to leave here yet. If he really loves me, he’ll wait.” I took off to fill my drink orders.

  My feet ached and I knew it was nearly time for last call. Once the bar closed, I could leave with Jerry. L
ast call for us as well. How long would we be apart this time? Months? Years? My bank account was not impressive. It would take years for me to make enough to finance a small business. I needed a serious amount of cash on hand before I dared jump into action. A serious amount. Was there any way to get it fast?

  My mind was spinning with ideas when it was finally time for me to meet Jerry in the parking lot.

  He looked so good I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, going up on tiptoes to kiss him.

  “Wow. Nice greeting,” he said when we finally came up for air.

  We both laughed when there was applause from two of the dancers who had been about to get into their cars.

  “Hey, I was glad to see him.” I waved at them. “Go. Take off.”

  “Have fun, you two.” Misty grinned and climbed into her aging Chevy. “I won’t wait up.”

  “Actually, I’ll see you in a little while. I’m coming home to change clothes.” I ran my hands over Jerry’s chest. “I need to do that, Jer. Can I meet you at the hotel?” I was determined to dress up this night. Going around in shorts and t-shirts wasn’t doing my self-esteem any good. Not when I stood beside a man whose Armani jacket cost more than I made in a month.

  “You look fine to me.” Jerry held me away from him and looked me over. Then he frowned. “Why are you wearing a bra?”

  “Because without it, I look slutty.”

  “You do not.” He frowned.

  “Forget that. Tonight, I want to go dancing. There’s a nice lounge in the lobby of your hotel. Instead of hitting the sheets right away, is it too much to ask that you take me out?” I moved close again. “I know it’s late, but I think we could squeeze in a few slow dances.” I ran a fingertip under his collar. “I want to dress up for you.”

  “I like you best undressed.” In a move that made me glad the dancers had already taken off, he reached under my shirt and unhooked my bra. Then his hands were on my breasts, stroking them into pinpoints of desire.

  “God, Jerry. You know I love when you do that.” I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. He pinched my nipples until I gasped.

  “Leave the bra at home. But dress up if you wish.” He raised my chin so he could look into my eyes. His kiss told me he wanted me now but could wait. “I like dancing with you. Love watching you dance. How you dress doesn’t matter to me. Except these modern clothes are so easy to remove. A real convenience.” He took my hand and sucked a finger into his mouth, dragging a fang over it. “I love to see your breasts move under your shirt. You should never wear a bra.”

  I leaned into him, lost in his eyes. Oh, how he made me want him. “I promise we’ll go to your suite before dawn in time to enjoy being alone together.”

  “Alone with you. I can’t wait.” He reached down to open my car door. “Go then. Put on your dancing dress. I’ll meet you in the lobby.” He turned to Valdez. “You and Sherie can entertain yourselves elsewhere, I’m sure.”

  Valdez pushed me aside so he could jump in the car. “I’m sure we can, boss. See you later.”

  I gave Jerry a quick kiss then got in the car. “I’ll text when I’m almost there.”

  It wouldn’t be easy but I was determined to give Jerry something special to remember before the night was over. I rushed to my storage unit. Talking to Maggie had reminded me that I did have some pretty wonderful things stored. At least a couple of the cocktail dresses were timeless. I’d pull out my sexy best so Jerry would have that picture in his head when he was without me in New Orleans.

  I quickly rifled through my racks in the climate-controlled unit. I finally found what I wanted.

  New Orleans. The very name conjured up visions of good times, parties and hot women crawling all over my man. Was I a fool for letting Jerry go there without me clinging to his side? Too bad I had this obsession with being independent. I’d just have to hurry every chance I got.

  I ran back to the apartment and jumped in the shower. I was running late, but Valdez’s whistle told me the effort was worth it. My low-cut Pucci mini from the sixties was a stunner. I’d always had too much boob for it, but that’s why Jerry had liked it on me. Yes, I was braless and showing cleavage for days. Add to that I displayed lots of leg.

  “Gloria, that dress is fabulous. Where did you get it?” Misty helped me with my makeup. She kept holding up a hand mirror and I pretended that I could see myself and how she’d done my eyes.

  “I have a bunch of vintage clothing in a storage locker. I’m planning to open a shop when I get enough money together.” I struggled into high heels, wincing at the pain. Too much standing on my feet. And I wanted to go dancing? It would be a short visit to the dance floor because I wasn’t sure how long I could stand in these heels.

  “I love vintage clothes. I’d buy something like that in a heartbeat. You have other sizes, or just stuff made for you?” She walked around me. “That would be way too short on a woman my height. It would be showing my hoo-ha.”

  I laughed. “You’re right. I do need to start collecting things in different sizes. I don’t suppose you have any vintage pieces you’d like to sell.”

  “My grandma kept some things that would fit me.” Misty smiled.

  “I’ll buy things in good shape. This piece was in storage, not on my bedroom floor.” I didn’t mention the clothes I’d damaged in sword fights. I stuffed my phone into a beaded clutch. “Time to go. We’ll talk about this another night. Spread the word. I need to buy more vintage clothing. I won’t be opening the shop for a while, but I’ve already started collecting the stock.”

  “Will do.” She grabbed her phone. “I’m taking your picture. You look fabulous.” She snapped it. “Look. I’ll send this to your phone.”

  I gawked at it. We did show up in photographs but it was one piece of modern technology that I tended to forget. There I was, with smoky eyes and that fabulous pink and orange print sequined mini with legs for miles. Even my hair had cooperated and it fell in waves past my shoulders the way Jeremiah liked it. Valdez had managed to push into the picture and my hand rested on his head. It was definitely a keeper. I gave Misty Jerry’s cell phone number.

  “Send that to Jerry. He’ll have that to remind him of us when he’s working.”

  Misty grinned. “Good idea. You look so good, he’ll not think of straying.”

  Valdez chuffed and we both looked down at him.

  “I swear that dog understands every word we say.” Misty patted him as he walked past her to the door.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised.” I let him out. “See you tomorrow.” I grabbed a tote with a change of clothes in it. “I’ll stay over.”

  “Of course, and you’ll give him a passionate sendoff.” Misty sighed. “This almost makes me miss Sid. I even thought I saw his car in the parking lot when I drove in tonight.”

  “You wouldn’t take him back, would you?” I held the door and looked down when Valdez growled.

  “No. I haven’t heard from him either, which kind of surprises me. I thought he’d beg me to take him back.” Misty picked up a paper from the coffee table. “But I did get this in our mail box. It’s his hospital bill. He’s trying to make us pay it. Like we have that kind of money! He was at fault anyway.” She held it up then tore it into pieces. “There! Let him try that again.”

  I admit it worried me that she thought that would be the end of it as I got in my car and drove to the hotel. I made one quick stop on the way at a drive-thru for Valdez. My car air conditioner had quit cooling and my shifter had his head hanging out the window.

  “I’m not sure Jerry will leave tomorrow night after he sees you looking like that,” Valdez said after he finished eating yet another hamburger in the car.

  “I hope to give him a night he’ll never forget.” I looked down to make sure I wasn’t showing too much boob before I handed my keys to the valet and snapped on the leash for Valdez. I’d texted Jerry that we were almost there. As soon as we entered the lobby, I could hear the music coming from the lo
unge over the usual noise from the casino. I couldn’t wait to hold Jerry and just sway to the romantic song.

  “There’s my woman.” Jerry swept me into his arms. “I got the picture on my phone. The reality is even better.” He held me away from him. “Beautiful. And braless.”

  “Hush!” I looked around. The lobby was busy and there were people nearby. A teenager snickered and eyed my plunging neckline.

  “We’ll be going.” Sherie took Valdez’s leash and my tote. “We’re going for a walk outside first. It’s cooler now and I want to sit by the pool. Have fun you two.”

  “The music sounds good.” Jerry offered his elbow in an old-fashioned gesture. I took it and we walked up to the entrance. “I reserved a table for us as soon as you mentioned this. I also arranged for our private stock to be on hand so we’d have something to drink.”

  The hostess greeted us. We had a table near the dance floor. There was a bottle in a silver ice bucket and two glasses ready for service. A trio on the small stage had switched to a lively tune and several couples were doing what I recognized as a jitterbug on the generous wooden dance floor. Jerry and I decided to sit this one out and he poured us each a drink. I sipped and found it delicious. It was obviously one of Dom’s exotic synthetics. As soon as the song ended, the lights dimmed and a slow song began. Jerry held out his hand.

  “We came here to dance, didn’t we?” He smiled and pulled me into his arms.

  “We did.” I leaned against him, content to let him hold me and move to the music as I’d imagined. The darkness made this feel wonderfully intimate, even though there were other couples on the dance floor. I breathed in his masculine scent, the scent I had memorized all those centuries ago. I’d know him in the dark, I was sure of it. When he leaned down to scrap a fang over my jugular, I shivered, not bothering to admonish him. He dared to try such a thing in public and I wanted him to do it, take my blood there, surrounded by mortals who didn’t have a clue who was in their midst.


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