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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 14

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “You are mad.” I gasped when he bit down hard and began to take my blood. I shook out my hair to cover his face. Then I held his head against me, my fingers in his soft hair, that he wore cut short this century.

  “I am mad. For you.” He said it inside my mind, where only I could hear him. When he just as quickly eased away from my neck and licked the punctures closed, I moaned and looked up at him.

  I slid my hand between the buttons of his silk shirt, another white one, and pinched his nipple. His eyes narrowed and he pulled me even closer so I could feel the press of his arousal. What were we doing playing like this when there was a perfectly good suite upstairs?

  “You want to go up?” He whispered to me.

  “After only one dance?” I grinned and led him to the table. “Not at all. Sit, drink. We will dance at least two more, lover.” I knew the anticipation was killing us both. But we needed it. Getting anything too easily made it mean nothing. Jerry was going to have to work to have me. Yes, tonight wasn’t going to be easy for either of us.


  I kicked off my high heels when a song with a Latin beat came on. We knew how to tango. We’d spent some time in Cuba in the fifties. I stood and held out my hand.

  “Show me what you’ve got, Jeremiah.” I wiggled my hips. “Do you remember how?”

  “I remember everything I’ve ever done with you, querida .” He pushed back his chair and reached for me, sliding across the floor in the traditional tango hold. He laughed when he realized I was barefoot. “Where are your shoes?”

  “Where they belong. Under the table. Don’t you dare step on my toes. Now find the beat and let’s show these mortals how it’s done.” I held onto him as he spun me then locked us together at the hip.

  “If only I could.” His whisper sent chills through me. The music became louder as the musical trio clearly enjoyed having a couple on the floor who knew how to dance to the song they’d chosen. Jerry proved that he did remember how to lead me through the steps, dipping me dangerously low as we spun at the end of our trek across the floor. When the song finally came to a close, there was applause from the other customers. Jerry took my hand and we bowed then laughed and returned to our table, flushed and pretending to be thirsty.

  “I am overwhelmed. I think you’ve been practicing.” I looked up from my glass and realized I’d said exactly the wrong thing. “Oh, you have! Who was she?” I put down the glass, no long interested in some paltry imitation blood. “No, don’t tell me. Is she waiting for you in New Orleans?”

  “It was a fling. Nothing more. Surely, you’ve taken lovers. Valdez doesn’t tell me about those. I told him not to. It would drive me mad.” Jerry drank his synthetic then refilled his glass from the bottle in the cooler. “We agreed…”

  “I know. I’m being unreasonable. You have needs .” I hated that word. I denied myself because I wouldn’t admit that I had needs too. I had some stupid sense of loyalty to Jerry, Jeremy, Jeremiah. Damn him for holding my heart.

  “Gloriana, I can be celibate. Is that what you want from me?” He stared at me in the darkness.

  I wanted to screech at him. Didn’t he know by now that the answer was “Hell, yes!”?

  “Glory, Jerry!” The whisper interrupted what had become a tense silence, even though the band had started a new tune. This time it was a love song we could have enjoyed swaying to again.

  “What is it, Sherie?” Jerry didn’t even glance at her. He was too busy trying to read my mind.

  “They’ve taken Valdez.” She touched my shoulder. “Three men came out of nowhere. This guy was ranting about a court order or something and waving a paper. He had two uniforms from Animal Control with him.” She sniffled and I realized she was trying to keep from crying. A Bengal tiger! “I could have taken those fucking mortals, even three to one, but thought you wouldn’t want me to make a public scene, Jerry, shifting like I’d need to do.”

  I frantically stuffed my aching feet into my shoes. “Where did they take him?”

  “Valdez sent me mental messages. Said he was pretty sure it would be the same dog jail he was in before. You’d know where it was but not to worry you. He’d shift out of there if he had to.” She stared at Jerry. “It’s that damned contract, boss. It’s got him tied up in legalese and he’s determined not to break it.”

  “She’s right about that. He works hard and is afraid he’ll lose his stupid bonus.” I was fighting tears now too. “You don’t know what kind of humiliating things they do to him there. If he tries to get away from them, they’ll tranquilize him. They will probably do that anyway, because he has a history of biting.” I shuddered and fought back a sob. “God, Jerry, tranquilize him! That will make him helpless.”

  “You’re right, Glory.” Sherie stiffened. “I followed them. When they went to put him in that special van they drive, V went crazy, snapping and lunging at them. One of the men held him off with a noose around his neck while the other shot him with a tranquilizer dart.” Her eyes glittered in the light from a crystal chandelier above us.

  “My God!” I clutched Jerry’s arm.

  “Surely he can change once he’s in there…” Jerry seemed to realize he had nothing to say when I glared at him.

  “He won’t, Jerry. He’s always harping on his honor and how he has to stick to your terms. He’s big on trust and boasts about his family’s ‘reputation’. I’m sick of such things.” I shook my head. “Damn it! He’ll be put in a cage, Jerry! A cage. And examined like he really is a dog.” I knew I’d raised my voice and wasn’t surprised when Jerry dragged me out to the lobby. Of course, the other patrons in the lounge had noticed.

  “Calm down. We’ll fix this.” Jerry pulled out his phone and sent a text. “We don’t have much time. Sherie, you’ll have to go to Animal Control and find out what you can during the day. Neil can take over as guard for us while you secure Valdez’s release. Glory, you’ll have to tell Sherie what to do. Tell her where the man’s papers are, that sort of thing. This has got to be a mistake.”

  “His release? A mistake? That dog is going to be put down and there’s nothing you can do about it.” A man was waiting for us in the lobby. He thrust a paper at me. “He was supposed to be in quarantine, not lounging beside a hotel pool! I also expect you to pay my hospital bill, Gloria.”

  I recognized the man making a scene and rushed toward him so fast I stumbled and fell into Jerry’s arms. Jerry held me up when I wobbled in those damned high heels. “Sid, what have you done?”

  “Let me handle this, Glory.” Jeremiah put me behind him and walked up to Sid. “What do you have there?” He plucked the paper out of Sid’s hand. “Yes, it’s a hospital bill. You had stitches after a dog bit you.” Jerry frowned. “I’ll have my accountant take care of this in the morning.”

  “No, you won’t.” I shoved Jerry out of the way. “You don’t know what this man tried to do. Tell him, Sid. Tell Jerry, my boyfriend, why my dog attacked you.” I seized Sid’s shirt and shook him. When Sid pulled back his good arm to take a swing, Sherie grabbed it and held on.

  “Hurt her and die, asshole.” She snarled like she meant every word, her six feet of muscle very intimidating in a tight black shirt and running shorts.

  Sid’s eyes widened but he focused on Jerry. “You’re her boyfriend? You just going to let your woman act like this?” When Jerry stayed silent, he looked back at me. “Let him pay the damn bill, Gloria.”

  “No way.” I turned to Jerry. “Valdez attacked this man because he tried to come into my bedroom in the middle of the day. You know what that means.”

  “I certainly do,” Jerry said quietly. I was sure it was Jerry’s cold smile that made Sid struggle to break Sherie’s hold on him. Her grip tightened so much that Sid yelped.

  “Tell my lover what you wanted to do in my bedroom, Sid.” I poked him in the chest.

  “Now, see here. She came on to me. I figured she’d welcome my attentions—” He gasped when Jerry suddenly slid me out of the way and grab
bed Sid by the throat.

  “I don’t believe you.” Jerry stared into Sid’s eyes. “In fact, I think you hoped to take a helpless woman against her will.”

  “Helpless? That woman is not helpless. She’s got that wild dog by her side and look what he did.” Sid choked out the words and waved his bandaged arm. He had no idea he was making matters worse for himself. He couldn’t say another word when Jerry’s hand gripped him so hard his face turned red and his eyes popped.

  “I’m sorry he didn’t kill you.” Again, Jerry said it quietly, so our growing audience couldn’t catch the words.

  Sherie exchanged looks with Jerry. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Sid. You’re coming with me to Animal Control. Obviously, you made a mistake. Valdez wasn’t the dog that bit you. It was another dog, white with a pink collar. You were hysterical, seeing things. Drunk at the time. That sound about right?” She glanced at Jerry who didn’t seem inclined to release a struggling Sid. “We’ll handle the hospital bills but you will never go near Ms. St. Clair, uh, Simpson, again.”

  Sid dug at Jerry’s hand tightening on his neck and might have nodded, I couldn’t tell. His feet scrabbled for purchase on the marble floor and one of the bouncers who worked the casino floor became interested. Several tourists had also stopped when Sid hit Jerry with his bandaged arm.

  “Jerry, enough. We have an audience.” I looked around. “Nothing to see here.” Of course, that didn’t make my lover release Sid.

  “I can hold you here or we could take this outside,” Jerry said quietly. “You won’t like what happens outside.”

  “Pay bill,” he croaked. “Animal Control. Wrong dog.” Jerry finally threw him away. Sid fell, retching and grabbing his throat. “Meet you there.” His voice was raspy and he gagged.

  “Man bit off more than he could chew.” Sherie told a couple who walked past, giving us a wide berth. She pounded Sid’s back and gripped his arm.

  “We’re going together, Sid. In a cab. Right now. If anything bad has happened to Valdez, motherfucker,” Sherie hissed it close to his ear, but my vampire hearing caught every word. “Well, I’d hate to think what would happen to you, Sid. Hate to think. Right, Jerry?”

  Jerry nodded, his hard stare almost daring Sid to make a run for it.

  Sid gulped and staggered. His gaze darted around the lobby but clearly no one was coming to help him. The bouncer had gone back into the casino. The doorman had heard enough and turned his back on him.

  Sid finally held out his bill with a shaky hand. “Here. Take it. Then, uh, yeah, let’s go.”

  “You will never see Ms. Simpson again,” Jerry said quietly.

  “No. Good bye and good riddance.” Sid hadn’t learned. He “accidentally” tripped on his way out the door, hitting his head on the heavy glass. His cry was ignored by one and all.

  “Who the hell was that?” Jerry asked as soon as Sid and Sherie were out of sight. “I know he was never one of your lovers.” He folded the bill and stuffed it in his pocket.

  “No, he was my roommate’s mistake.” I sighed. “I’m trusting Sherie will rescue Valdez. I could go myself but sunrise is too close and it wouldn’t help Valdez if I dropped dead on the front steps of Animal Control and fried in the sun.”

  “You’re right. Come upstairs with me.” He held out his hand.

  “I wish you wouldn’t pay his bill.” I slipped off my shoes and handed them to him.

  “I can certainly afford it. Forget about it. It will keep him off your back. I wish I’d broken his neck.” He squeezed my hand. “Come.”

  I let him lead me to the elevator. “I’m afraid our night is ruined. I won’t relax until I know Valdez is all right.”

  “I’m sure Sherie will text me as soon as he’s released.” Jerry punched the elevator button with the toe of my high heel. “I have a surprise for you in the suite.”

  “You know I hate surprises.” I did want to leave him with a good memory. He’d be gone until Halloween and the big blood tasting. I missed him already. Another surprise. What could he have in mind? His last one had been wrong-headed but at least we’d managed to pass Caro off to Dom. When we reached the door to the suite, we were met by a shape-shifter I didn’t recognize. He was tall and handsome in a dark suit.

  “Not another guard for me. Valdez will be back, I know it.” I put my hands on my hips. “I won’t have anyone else, Jer.”

  “No, this one works for me. Meet Neil Turnbull, another Turnbull grandchild. While Sherie works on the Valdez situation, he’s on duty. Your surprise is in my bedroom. Neil is going to wait out here in the hall until the sunrise then come inside. Right, Neil?”

  “Right. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Glory. I’ve been hearing about you from Gran and Pops for years now.”

  “Thanks. Another Turnbull. How many of them are there?” I followed Jerry into the suite.

  “Too many to count. Have a good night.” Neil smiled and shut the door, staying in the hall.

  “He’s well-trained.” I stopped at the door to the bedroom, looking for clues to my surprise.

  “Yes, all the Turnbulls are, just like the shifters from the Valdez family. I’m not surprised your current bodyguard is hung up on his contract. It’s a matter of honor with the shifters from those families. It’s why I hire a Valdez when I can’t get a Turnbull.” Jerry pulled off his jacket and kicked off his shoes.

  “There weren’t other Turnbull bodyguards, only Fergus, when you hired my first Valdez. The Turnbull empire hadn’t been created back then. I give Maggie credit for pushing that family into becoming the big, successful business it is today.” I was distracted by the sight of Jerry unbuttoning his shirt. “Um, my surprise?”

  “It’s over there, on the dresser.” He sat on the end of the bed. “You’re right. Fergus was content to settle in Dollar and enjoy family life once he left my employ. Maggie pushed him to want more. Both of you have a lot in common, now that I think about it. Ambitious women.”

  I couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying because I’d seen his surprise. It was a small blue box, instantly recognizable. Tiffany. What had he done?

  “You look scared.” Jerry got up and picked up the box and placed it in my hands. “Relax. I know our rules. Open it. I think you’ll like it.”

  Our rules? I carefully blocked my thoughts. I wasn’t the one who was adamantly opposed to marriage. But maybe I wasn’t being fair to Jerry. My big push to be independent was also a roadblock to becoming Mrs. Blade or Mrs. Campbell or whatever I’d call myself if I married this man who stood there waiting for me to pull the satin ribbon on the blue box. I gave up analyzing and just opened the damned thing.

  “Oh, Jerry!” I lifted the bracelet out of the box. “It’s like the one you gave me before. The one I lost.”

  “Lost?” He shook his head as he slid it onto my wrist and fastened the clasp. “Sold. That’s not the same thing. I hope this one will never be sold. I had your name engraved inside. Hopefully that will make sure you keep it.” He held up my hand to admire it on my wrist. “You know that’s an infinity symbol. That’s because I believe we will last forever.” He kissed the inside of my wrist where my vein ran. “Do you believe that?”

  I looked up and met his dark eyes that seemed so sincere. “Forever? I would like to think so, but I wonder if it’s possible. I’m just happy we keep coming together time and time again, even after hundreds of years. Maybe we do have something unbreakable between us.” I stared down at the beautiful white gold and diamond bangle. I’d noticed a Tiffany boutique in the lobby of this hotel but was surprised he’d remembered exactly which bracelet he’d given me decades ago. And to even take the time to personalize it! If I’d needed proof that he still loved me, this was it.

  Something deep inside me wanted to ask why. What did he see in me that was so special? Jeremiah knew me so well and he certainly knew how to please me. I tried to please him and yet… I pulled his head down and kissed him, a paltry thank you for such an expensive present. I had
nothing to give him but myself. I poured all my love into that kiss, moving closer and twining my arms around his neck. He responded as he always did, eagerly, pulling me in and taking control of our lovemaking. He found the zipper at the back of my dress and slid it down. I wore nothing under it but a pink thong. When the dress fell to the floor, he stepped back and looked me over.

  “You never change. You are perfect.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” I carefully stepped out of the dress and laid it on a chair. “You fattened me up with cakes and puddings before you made me vampire. Maggie was wise enough to diet down to a perfect size before your cousin Jacob Campbell turned her. I wish I’d had the good sense to do so.”

  “She says you were the one who told her to get to her perfect size first or she’d regret it.” He ran a hand down my side. “It drove Fergus mad when she went on that strict diet. He liked her curves before she starved herself.” He patted my bum. “Don’t you know ancient men can’t stand a bony woman? You are just right, Gloriana. Never complain about this again.” He put his other hand on my breast. “Or this.” He leaned down and licked my nipple. “Never, ever complain that you have too much of this.”

  I closed my eyes and let him seduce me. I had to admit he knew how to distract me from my worry about Valdez. He’d managed to get me onto the bed and had lost his own clothes when his phone buzzed.

  “Check it, Jeremiah. It might be Sherie.” I sat up, my haze of pleasure vanishing.

  He reached for the phone he’d set on the nightstand. “It’s a text from her. He’s out of dog jail and drunk on that tranquilizer as you predicted. She’s bringing him here and putting him to bed in the other bedroom in the suite. They should be here any minute.”

  I leaped out of bed and grabbed one of the terry robes provided by the hotel. “I need to see him for myself.”

  “Gloriana! Come back to bed. Sherie is handling it.” He patted the place next to him. Jerry did not look happy. Well, he was clearly aroused and dissatisfied. “Sunrise is close. We don’t have time…”


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