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Page 2

by Jessika Klide

  He shakes his head. "That’s three questions."

  I laugh. "Well, ok. The three questions I want answered are those."

  "I’ll answer the last one first. I'm not assuming anything; the second answer is, I know you better than you think I do; and the answer to the first one is long, so be patient and hear me all the way out. I’ll explain."

  "Please do."

  "I have a buddy coming in for some additional flight training. He asked for my help renting a place. I stopped by Dogwood Court to check it out. I saw you coming out of Building A. I watched you walk across the parking lot. I couldn't believe it. There you were."

  "So, the first time you saw me, wasn't Sunday morning?"

  "No, it wasn’t." He glances over at me.

  I realize I interrupted and say quickly. "Oops. Continue."

  He winks.

  Damn! That wink is killer. I bite my bottom lip to mask the lust that just flushed over my body.

  "When you walked across the parking lot, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I watched until you drove out of sight, then I went into the office and asked Lucy to see the vacancy in Building A. She scheduled Mrs. Smith to show me the apartment on Sunday morning. Before I left, I asked her about you." He wags his finger and gives me a great impression of Lucy. "'You fly boy. You no good. You leave her alone. She lady. She sweet. She work. She home alone. She good girl. She no party girl. You leave alone.' And that's how I knew you weren't that kind of girl."

  I laugh out loud. It all makes sense now. Even the cold shoulder she gave him at the elevator. "So Lucy vouched for me?"


  Our eyes dance in the darkness. My heart feels lighter and happier than ever before. When he looks back at the road, I take a deep breath. "I need to clear the air right now too. Aurei, I want you to give me … us, a real chance too. I want you to get to know me without jumping to the wrong conclusion about the kind of person I really am." He glances back and the sincerity is there. "Lucy isn't 100% right. I am sweet. I am a workaholic. I do live alone. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty much isolated. But a good girl? That’s debatable." I wink at him. "But I am most definitely a party girl. My dress is proof of that."

  He smiles, puts his finger against his lips, and I watch them form a perfect heart as he shushes me. "I’m not finished answering your question. There is more to my explanation."

  I smile. "Oops again. Sorry."

  He looks away, thinking, then looks back. "Ok. Let me give you my proof, straight line, not curved."

  I nod, listening.

  "Last Friday, when you reached your car, you dropped your keys."

  My eyes begin to narrow, remembering.

  "Then you bent over to pick them up the same way you did tonight." He smirks and I squint. "Only tonight you meant to flash me, but didn't. Friday, you didn't mean to flash me, but did. You weren't wearing any panties." He grins as my jaw falls open.

  "Holy fuck!" I blurt out and he chuckles, enjoying my shock. The crinkle is back at his eyes and they fall to my hemline. I know now for sure he knows my pussy is bare under there. I resist the urge to pull it down, but I do shift in my seat. "Hang-on now, Hard-Core." He chuckles again and looks back at the road. "Most men would think I was both that kind of girl and an easy piece of tail, just from the view alone on Friday, not to mention tonight in this dress. But you say in all honesty, that you don't?" I shake my head. "I find that hard to believe."

  "Affirmative. That’s exactly what I’m saying. A panty-less pussy doesn't mean you are 'that kind' of girl. It only means you don't wear panties. Which I find extremely appealing, by the way." His eyes fall down to my pussy again, and damn, it tingles.

  Fuck! I bite my bottom lip.

  "And I would never think that your particular piece of tail was easy, especially after seeing you in that dress tonight." He raises his eyes back to my face and his sexy as fuck sideways grin is there.

  "Well, that's opposite of what most men would say."

  He pulls into a parking spot and turns the truck off. "I understand that. And I want you to understand that about me. I'm not most men. It's not that I know you well enough, it's that I don't jump to the normal conclusions about people. I think differently. I think for myself." He puts his arm on the center console and turns to face me.

  I grin at him. "You're an honest asshole. Most men are lying bastards."

  "Exactly." He reaches over and puts my hair behind my ear so he can see my face, then puts his hand under my chin, and tilts it so he can search my eyes. "It's a beautiful dress and you look stunning in it."

  I melt completely with the simple gesture. "Aurei?"

  "Yes, Siri?"

  "I’m really liking this straight line, not curved method. If I ask if my ass looks big, it's because I want to know if my ass looks big." I wink at him.

  His smile is so sweet and sincere. "Stay right there. I'm going to come open the door for you." He gets out, but before he closes his door, he says. "And just for the record, your ass is perfect."

  Chapter Three

  He walks in front of the headlights. His blonde halo sways gently with each step.

  Umm. Umm. Umm. He is purty. I giggle drawing out my southern drawl and totally owning it like a local.

  When he opens my door, he offers his hand like a gentleman to help me step down. As soon as our skin connects, the spark ignites. He says softly as he pulls me out of the seat. "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" He controls my body, letting it slide slowly down his safely to the ground. Our electricity makes me tingle all over. His voice drops an octave. "I’ve always wanted to use that cheesy phrase on a beautiful woman, but never found one I really wanted to say it to … until you."

  I raise my eyebrow and doubt him again.

  He smiles. "It’s true."

  I lay my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat. Then I smirk. "I suppose I have to accede to you."

  I hear a low throat moan and it’s sexy as fuck!

  I poke his firm, thick muscle. "You're in for a real treat." I push him away gently, lean down, take my shoes off, and hand them to him to hold. I look in my purse for my phone, find it, tell the voice command to play the song, then push him further back. When it starts, I pick my feet up in the delicate steps of the Hawaiian hula, hips rolling, arms flowing, expressing the lyrics to the song by the Bellamy Brothers titled, "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

  His whole face lights up starting with his eyes then moving to his beautiful heart-shaped lips as they spread wide, showing me a tongue that can’t stay away from the corners of his mouth. As I dance, I move my hands sensuously up and down my body, introducing him to the real me. I form a halo over my head then gesture it’s his, then I push my forefingers up through my hair to form horns, letting him know I’m a devil.

  The song is perfect for the conversation we just had. He watches me dance the entire song without saying a word. The only language I hear is his hungry expression that haunts his face and it shouts to me. As the song ends, I turn my back and shimmy my ass in luau fashion, knowing his heart is racing as fast as my heart covered ass is shaking. When the song is over, I turn back around, drop the phone back in my purse and tell him. "One of my all time favorites!"

  His face tells me that he will never hear that song the same way again. His voice is husky when he says, "One of mine too now." I reach for my shoes, but he grabs my outstretched hand and slides his fingers between mine like he did when he kissed me. The cinching movement stirs my passion with its subtle but so sexy sensation. Shivers run up my arm. He leans over, putting his mouth next to my ear and whispers in it. "You do have a beautiful body."

  I close my eyes and inhale deeply. His scent is intoxicating. You smell so fucking good. My knees get weak and I answer softly. "Yes."

  He inhales my scent deeply too, then exhales onto my neck as he whispers, "Are you acceding again?"

  Goosebumps start at that spot and travel all
over as he sends my desire into overdrive. I whisper. "No, I’m consenting. I will hold it against you."

  I hear that low throat moan again, as he puts his fingers under my chin, lifts my face to his and places his lips on mine. Like his kiss before, his lips feel soft, but firm. He doesn't stick his tongue in my mouth, instead he runs it along the bottom of my teeth, tasting me, teasing me. Our breath mingles making my pussy tingle terribly. Then he lets me go gently, and steps away to the back of his truck to retrieve his cooler with my shoes still in his hand.

  My eyes fall to his round ass and my palm starts to tingle. That is a perfect ass and I can’t wait to squeeze it and feel it in motion.

  When he stands up, he walks in front of me, and squats down. "Hop on. You can ride me."

  I laugh and think preview, sling my purse over my head and shoulder, push it to the back, and mount him piggyback style, wrapping myself around his neck and his waist. He hooks my legs with his arm and starts toward our building. The feeling of his muscular body moving under me, between my thighs with my pussy hanging just over that perfect fucking muscle, and the bounce of his step, is exquisite. I bury my face in his back enjoying the feel and smell of him, and I purr happily.

  Oh my Golden God! You ooze sex. Everything about you is perfection!

  Then I start to giggle.

  "What's so funny?"

  I pull myself up to his neck. "My panty-less ass is hanging out of my dress." He stops immediately, puts his hand back there and feels under my skirt touching my bare skin as I drop my legs to stand back up, giggling. "Not very lady like." As he turns around grinning, I pull the leather back over my booty. "My shoes, please."

  He drops the cooler where he stands, then scoops me off my feet.

  Surprised to be lifted, an "Ohhh!" Slips out of my mouth as he cradles me in his arms. I laugh, putting them around his neck again. "Is this necessary?"

  "No, but you wanted a ride to the front door."

  "Ah, trickery." I tease, studying his handsome profile as he starts walking again. "Hey, what about the cooler?"

  "What about it?"

  "Are you going to just leave it there?" I ask, staring over his shoulder.

  "Affirmative." Then he laughs down into my face. "That's army talk for yep."

  I throw my head back and giggle hard. When I open my eyes again to enjoy his handsome profile, he isn’t watching where we are going. He is watching me and the gentle, but deeply passionate look on his face, wipes the smile off mine. His voice is husky when he says softly, "You are stunning, Siri. Simply stunning."

  My heart melts, but I can’t help but tease him. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Hard-Core."

  His grin is perfect. "Ah, how far will honesty take me then?"

  I roll my eyes and look away. "Umm. It's such a novel concept. Let me think about that."

  "Till the end of time?" The depth of his words aren’t lost on me, and my eyes are drawn to his.

  "But time will never end." I hear my own husky voice thick with passion answer.

  His head tilts slightly and a sexy as fuck smile only teases his lips. "That's the whole idea."

  Sweet Zeus! Try not to swoon, Siri.

  Chapter Four

  We arrive at the door, and he breaks eye contact as he sets me gently down. "I always deliver the goods." He brags, making me giggle again.

  This man has IT in fucking droves! His sex appeal is off the fucking chart!

  He hands my shoes to me and steadies me as I lean against him, slipping them on with one hand. When I stand up on my stilettos, he slides his hand down again to my hand, eases his fingers between mine, and squeezes. The sensation makes me think of a saddle being cinched around a horse’s girth. I smile up at him and know that I am going to love this sensual move every time he does it. He leads me to the door, pulls it open and says as he offers entrance to me first. "My Lady."

  It is definitely a possessive statement.

  I walk through, pulling him with me toward the open elevator doors. My heels click lightly on the floor, echoing in the late night emptiness, as we walk across the lobby. "Look, Aurelius, Our Chariot of the Gods awaits. Let us ascend to Cloud 9."

  He chuckles as we enter the elevator. I step to the back and as he steps forward to push the 9th floor, he rests our hands on his ass. My hand tingles terribly wanting to grab it. Then he simply steps back to stand next to me, letting our hands fall between us. Side by side, we stare straight ahead waiting for the elevator to start. As soon as the doors close, the electricity begins to build. In the confined space his body heat radiates making every inch of my skin come alive with longing. The tingling in my hand spreads like liquid fire through me and I have a hard time controlling the flood of desire that washes over me.

  He doesn't move. He stands there still and silent.

  As we pass the first floor, my breath becomes more shallow and the tips of my nipples tease themselves on the bodice with every inhale and exhale I make. The edge of it digs into my skin as my breast begin to swell, pushing themselves through the open heart hole, wanting him to touch them. Remembering the earlier elevator ride and his seduction, only makes matters worse. I lay my head back, closing my eyes, trying to breathe. I tighten my tummy, squeezing my pussy.


  I know his rock hard body is flawless.


  I can see his perfect lips behind my closed eyelids.

  I want to kiss them so bad it hurts.

  I stroke my throat with my hand and swallow hard.

  His throat moans and the low vibration sends shivers through me, then he says, "I would rather take you to heaven."

  Holy fuck! I'm speechless with that thought. Then, I realize I can feel his breath on my face and I slowly open my eyes to find him towering over me, only inches away, leaning his forearm on the wall behind me while the other still holds mine cinched tight. He is watching me struggle to breathe and enjoying the battle, knowing I am losing. When I look into his emerald green gaze, sparks shoot between us, and he draws closer, pinning me down with the intensity of the thunder there.

  He is seducing me again … and so successfully! Every inch of my being is turned on. I want him! I want him to touch me. Anywhere! Everywhere!

  He whispers, and I can feel his breath caressing my lips. They part in anticipation. "Aren’t you curious how I knew you weren't on a hot date tonight?"

  I blink several times, trying to focus on his words, but give it up and close my eyes again. I lean into the wall.

  "I asked you a question." He whispers on my face again.

  I lick my lips. "What was the question again?"

  "Look at me."

  I open my eyes to see the cute crinkles that form when he is smiling really big. His tone is teasing. "Don't you want to know how I knew you weren't on a hot date tonight?"

  It's hard to think with him this close, but his teasing tone makes me answer. I whisper, wanting to say more, but not being able to. "Yes."

  "Yes, what?" His breath blows in my open mouth, tickling my lips making me bite them.

  He is so intoxicating!

  I turn my head away to focus. "Yes, I want to know how you knew."

  He blows a thin line of air in my ear. The feeling makes me moan and squirm. My knees get weak and I feel goosies pop out all over my body. Fuck! I squeeze his hand and my breath comes out in short excited bursts.

  "Look at me, Siri." He commands.

  I can hear how pleased he is that I’m losing my shit, so I lay my head back against the elevator wall for support and hone in on his eyes determined to get through this. But when I look into them, I really see them for the first time. They are so green, so clear, so honest, so sincere. Suddenly, I feel centered. Fuck! They focus me. I take a deep breath and stop fighting. My voice is still full of desire, but not quivering when I ask. "How I knew…. What again?"

  He chuckles and his eyes shine. The little hairs on my face dance with excitement as his breath tickles my skin.

bsp; I push my head against the elevator wall as I tilt my face all the way up to his, giving myself up. My tits arch out and brush the fabric of his shirt. My eyes narrow slightly as I tease him. "How did you know TD and I weren't on a hot date tonight?"

  The elevator reaches a floor with a ding and the doors slide open, but Aurei doesn't move. He keeps me pinned to the wall and staring into my eyes, he answers my question. "I knew you weren't on a hot date with that guy because he isn't man enough to tame the tail that can wear this dress."

  My pussy thumps with his words and my tits scream for his attention. I drop my eyes to watch his lips, yearning for them to kiss me somewhere! Anywhere! Everywhere! "And what kind of man can tame this tail?" I whisper.

  He grins, then buries his face in the nape of my neck, leaning into me. My taut nipples rub against his hard pecs and I nearly swoon. We both know the answer, but I ask anyway. "A real man?"

  "Umm hmm." He moans in agreement. The vibration tingles all the way to my toes.

  I tilt my head away, giving him free access to my neck and he nuzzles me. I place my free hand on his waist and ask. "And are you a real man, Aurelius?"

  "Huh!" He huffs, knowing I’m the one pushing his buttons now. He drags his nose up my neck, and over my jaw on the way to my mouth. Protecting my skin from the harsh scuff of his beard. Just before he lowers his lips to mine, he says. "You tell me."

  I open my mouth to receive his tongue, running my hand behind his waist, and hugging him against me while squeezing the other tight.

  You aren't stopping short this time, baby.

  Chapter Five

  But there was no need to worry, he kisses me full and deep. His tongue meets my tongue, exploring how I enjoy kisses, as we test and taste each other fully.


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