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Page 3

by Jessika Klide

  He tastes as good as he smells, like heaven.

  This small sample of him inside me feels so fucking fine, I know he is the one that could take me there too. Unable to resist the urge, I close my mouth around his tongue, and suck on it gently.

  The action catches him off guard and he stiffens. Instantly a growling moan escapes from his throat penetrating my heart and I quiver. He slides his arm down the wall, releases my cinched hand and cups my ass with both. With one easy pull, he picks me up like I am a feather and presses me between his body and the elevator wall, pinning me there. His groin grinding mine.

  My pussy lurches so hard it feels like a roller coaster thrill ride. Oh… hell yeah! You're a real man!

  The elevator doors slide closed, and begins to move again. No one else is up this late. I release his tongue and he withdraws it. His lips rest on mine and we breathe together. There is only me and Aurei. The world has fallen away. All I can hear is the blood pounding in my ears and our heavy breathing. All I can feel is his lips kissing mine in sweet pecks, then he slips his tongue between my teeth again and he explores my mouth fully. I feel his hard erection pressing into me. All I can think about is going to heaven with him. I want him to take me right here, right now.

  The elevator dings again as the doors slide open. He lifts me off the wall and holds me onto his body still kissing me. For a moment, I think he is going to carry me this way, but he ends our kiss by letting my body fully slide down his body slowly until my feet touch the ground. He slides his fingers between mine, cinching us, kisses my hair and leads me out of the elevator to my apartment.

  I love how my hand feels so small and secure in his.

  We walk without speaking to my door and when we arrive he releases me so I can find my key and unlock it. When I swing it open and turn on the light, I reach for him, but he steps back. "Siri, if you need me for anything, you have my digits. Goodnight."

  I'm dumbfounded. What? You are leaving me? Alone? My poker face slides down and I respond with the polite, good girl response. "Goodnight. Thanks for the ride. I really like your truck." I lean on the threshold looking at him, wishing with all my body, that he would kiss me again so I could drag him in, closing the door on the world outside.

  But he backs away toward his apartment, smiling at me. "No problem. I'll take you for a real ride, real soon." He turns and walks away.

  What about heaven? I thought you wanted to take me to heaven? I lean on the threshold of my door admiring My Golden God while his innuendos echo around in my head.

  'If you need me for anything.'

  I do. Sex! I need you for sex!

  'I'll take you for a real ride, real soon.'

  I need a real man to ride, right now!

  When he reaches his door, I watch as he puts his key in and opens it. He looks back in my direction and sees me standing there, watching him. He smiles his winning smile at me, gives me a simple head nod and I imagine hearing him say "Ciao" as he goes in closing the door.

  My shoulders slump as I go into my apartment, shut the door, and turn the bolt. The sound is depressing.

  I don't want to be alone again. I don't want to be alone ever again. I want to run down the hall after him. I want Aurei!

  But I'm on this side and he is not.

  Because he chose not to be.

  Is he rejecting me? I put my palms to my eyes.

  No, don't think like that. He said, he doesn't lie and he said, he would take me for a real ride, real soon. If that's not sex, then it's a real ride in his Raptor.

  I hear his words as he confessed. I want you to get to know me well enough that you decide rationally, not emotionally, about who I am really am. I lift my head high and square my shoulders. I guess I have to be patient a little while longer.

  Walking into my bedroom, I pull my gun out of my purse. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I slide it under my pillow and lay my purse on top. Next, I undo my shoes, slip them off while I unsnap my Black & Blue Baby. I need a shower. When I stand, it falls to the floor in a small pile. I take it to my closet and hang it up. Tired and sticky from all the dancing, and the jog on the golf course, I head to the bathroom. Hopefully after the shower, I will be able to drift right off to sleep, because right now that's impossible. The elevator encounter has left me horny as hell. Shower or not, I know who I will dream about all night long, Aurelius Moore!

  Letting the water wash away the sins of the night, I start to sing "Shower" by Becky G. When I emerge 30 minutes later, I feel like a new woman but I'm not the least bit sleepy. I dance around in the bathroom, singing using my toothbrush as a microphone. Brushing my teeth, I watch myself in the mirror, smiling because I'm happy. Alone, but happy because Aurelius Moore is in my life. I spit in the sink and rinse. My mind drifts to my mother and a conversation I had with her when I was little.

  "Does everyone have a soulmate, Mama?"

  "Yes, Siri, everyone has a soulmate. And you will find true love one day, I promise."

  "But how will I know it's true love?" I ask her crying.

  "You'll know."

  "How will I know?"

  She smiled and rubbed my cheek. "Because he will take your breath away."

  "But I can't live without my breath."

  "Exactly." She put her hands on my face, and kissed my forehead. "You know, your green eyes practically glow when you cry."

  I hugged her tight. "You're the best Mama in the whole world!"

  "You'll know him when he comes into your life, Siri, and it will happen when you aren't expecting it."

  Well, I surely wasn't expecting Aurelius Moore.

  Chapter Six

  I hang the towel up to dry, and flop on my bed. I close my eyes and see Aurei's face. His beautiful face with his straight nose; his firm jaw that's not square or hard; his dark whiskers that don't scratch; his halo hair and the way it moves when he tips his head; the way his eyes crinkle and twinkle; the dark eyebrows that frame his mesmerizing emerald green eyes with the piercing green gaze, and the steady focus I get lost and found in; his lips, his teeth, his tongue, the way he says my name, that smile that melts my heart; the way he kisses that makes me weak in the knees, and that's only from the neck up! I search for a flaw, but can't find a single one.

  The man is perfect! He is a fucking Golden God!

  I roll over, grab my laptop off the night stand, sit cross-legged and open it. I want to see his Facebook profile on the big screen. There he is. I stare at his cover picture. He is relaxed and laughing. I click on photos. There isn't a lot. They are pictures he was tagged in, not ones he uploaded. Not a lot of information. Here's an interesting piece of data. He is, correction, was an instructor pilot at the local base. Impressive. Here's his sister, Ann. She's younger, beautiful like him. She doesn't have a lot of personal info either. Frustrated, I close my computer and lay back on the bed.

  I want to see him tomorrow. Well, today. I don't want to wait until Sunday unless I absolutely have too. He did give me his digits. I crawl to my purse and grab my phone. If I text him now, he will see it when he wakes up. Yes … Good idea. Contacts. A, U, there he is. First name: Aurelius. Last name: Moore of him! Company: Golden God! I laugh again at that. I hit 'send message' and stare at it.

  What do I say? 'Hey, I can't sleep because your face keeps swimming around my mind? What are you doing today? Want to hookup?'


  'Hey, I can't sleep. I was wondering when I might see you again.'

  Yeah. That's sounds ok.

  I type the message to him. *Hey….*

  No wait, that's not good. He is expecting to be together Sunday anyway. It should be something more…specific.

  I think and mull over a reference to another ride in his truck or sharing the bottle of wine. Shit! I don't know!

  Want to cash in a raincheck today instead of Sunday?


  I end up just typing, *Hi….* I laugh at the simplicity.

  That works. He'll answer when he gets it and we'll go from

  I hit send.

  Too hyped up to rest, I decide to fix myself a cup of Tension Tamer tea. While I'm in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, I hear the message tone.

  I have a new message! I freeze.

  Could it be Aurei?

  Of course, it's Aurei! Who else would it be this time of night?

  I tear off at a run into my bedroom, dive on my bed and grab my iPhone. There on the screen is a new message. I giggle feeling giddy.

  *Hi…. Why are you still up?*

  I roll onto my back and hold my phone in the air as I type.

  *I can't sleep. It's been an eventful night. I'm still pretty wound up. I'm fixing myself a cup of Tension Tamer tea though. Why are you still up?* I hit send, roll off the bed and walk back into the kitchen with my iPhone in hand. Before I arrive, "Ding."

  *I can't sleep either. It's been an 'uneventful' night and I'm still pretty wound up tight too. Tea sounds good.*

  Uneventful! Wound up tight! Why did you leave me at the door then? Have you changed your mind about fucking tonight? And what are you implying with tea sounds good?

  Feeling sixteen and unsure all over again, I don't know how to respond.

  Do I blurt it out: I need you. Please take me for a real ride, right now? Or, Tension Tamer tea works. Want to come over and try some?

  I stare at the phone. Fuck! What do I say?

  Don't say anything until you know for sure what he is thinking. Keep it simple.

  *It is good.* I hit send.

  *I like tea, but I like taming tail better.*

  Oh, holy hades! There it is. He is wanting to fuck tonight!

  I smile and type feverishly. *Are you implying you are the man for the job?*


  Double holy fuck! That one word rocks me to my core.

  The teapot starts to whistle and I jump. Pulling the water off the stove, my iPhone dings again.

  *Your teapot is whistling.*

  Sweet Zeus! Father of Fucking Gods! He's outside my door!

  My heart falls to my feet, my breathing stops completely, but my pussy does a back flip with a triple twist off the diving board. I rush to the door and peek out the peephole. What I see literally stops my heart.

  The most gorgeous man in the entire world is leaning against the wall looking at his cell phone with only a small white towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is tousled from towel drying. The wet dark accentuating the gold highlights. The lightest shining bright, reflecting in the harsh hallway lights.

  His entire body is without tan lines. It is the same golden color as his hand and it is ripped! Not just muscular and defined, but ripped! His arms bulge, deltoids, biceps and triceps; his chest is pumped, perfect pecs; his teres majors form the broad back and body triangle; his abs are a tight, clearly defined, six pack; his v-shape between his hips is molded and exposed.

  My mouth waters.

  A body that perfect should never wear clothes! He looks so damn hot I think I'm going to fucking faint!

  I turn my back and lean on the door. "Shit! What do I do?" My whole body is calling to him. My heart is now back in my chest and pounding wildly trying to knock on the door. I swallow then type.

  *Just a minute. Let me grab my robe.*


  *No?* I frown, looking back through the peephole. Damn! He is unbelievably BEAUTIFUL!

  He reads my text then starts to type. I look down with the ding.

  *Yes. No. No robe.*

  I smile. Clear, concise communication. Direct honesty. Not sugarcoated. He means exactly what he says and his words take my breath away.

  Through the peephole, I see him staring at the door and his intensity touches that deep something that lives within.

  *But I'm naked.* I type and send.

  He leans his head down to read my text, then he smiles up at me. My pussy soaks itself.

  He types and sends. *That's the way I want you.*

  I almost drop the phone again. The butterflies invade my heart and then flutter free.... Everywhere.... Wildly....

  That's the way I want you too! But I'm…. I'm scared. I put the phone to my chest and take a deep breath. I stare at the deadbolt and door handle.

  A voice in my head tells me the words I know in my heart. Siri, the time is now.

  I lay my hand on the lock and turn it as I peek again at him. When he hears it moving, he pushes off the wall and the flexing and rippling muscles make me bite my lip hard.

  WOW! Majestic man! Hard-Core suits him!

  With one smooth motion, he strides across the distance, commanding and yet relaxed. Pulling the door open slowly, with my face peeking through the crack, I let it shield my nakedness.

  "Hi." He says as he sticks his hand in and grasps the door firmly.

  My eyes fall to that golden hand! "Hi." I whisper.

  Lord, the effect this guy has on me. I have lost all sophistication! Seary and Surreal are nowhere to be found. Only Siri is here.

  I drop my eyes to the floor and back away as he pushes the door open, not hesitating. He steps over the threshold and closes it behind him. Standing only three steps away, I am completely exposed to his gaze from the light in the kitchen. His eyes travel slowly up the same path as in the elevator earlier, taking in every detail of my naked body. I stand perfectly still, like prey unable to move. My eyes lock on his face, watching his expression. When he looks into my eyes, I am promised that trip to heaven. The wildness grows and spreads throughout my body as he crosses the distance, takes me into his arms, and backs me up to the wall. I hear his phone slide out of his hand and land softly on the carpet. I have no idea where mine is.

  Chapter Seven

  The touch of his skin on mine sets me on fire! I wrap my hands around his neck, run my fingers into his hair pulling his mouth to mine. He opens to possess me, then he stops short, letting his tongue tease my lips. I smile and open my teeth to allow him in. He slides in filling me completely.

  Fuck! He taste so good!

  I run my hands down his shoulders as he cups my face holding me captive. His skin is smooth; the curves of his muscles sliding over my palms makes my mind moan. I close my mouth around him, sucking his essence gently.

  His throat moans again as he thrusts his hips, pinning me to the wall. He slides his hands into my hair, entwining his fingers; he pulls my head back. Standing tall, he towers over me, exposing my neck, forcing my hands to drop helplessly to my sides, making me surrender myself to him. He thrusts his tongue and I suck matching his rhythm. When he releases my mouth, he maintains his grip in my hair and his dominant position over me, but gently kisses my face, my eyes, as a soft almost inaudible hum comes from him. Moving to my neck, his lips nibble my ear. I have no breath and no heartbeat. He thrusts his nose into the nape of my neck, burying in it in my hair as he inhales deeply.

  "I shouldn't be here, but I can't stay away any longer."

  I almost swoon. I moan as my knees tremble. "I want you."

  His throat hums louder as he pulls his head back. The sound makes me gasp short snatches of uncontrollable excited breath.

  I have NEVER felt this way before!

  He looks into my eyes with that steady focus and I am lost, but found. I see his hunger and the depth of his desire there.

  He possesses my lips first, then my mouth again. I close my eyes and suck him. I can feel his breath blowing over my face, in and out in a deep, slow, steady rhythm and I match it, letting him take control of my passion. As we breathe together, a calmness settles over me and I open my eyes to see him still looking into mine. Our eyes smile at the same time and he moves his mouth away separating from our kiss.

  "Good girl." He tells me in a soft, yet firm voice, that matches his lips and his kiss. He begins little nibbles along my jaw line, traveling back to my neck. I focus on breathing in his steady rhythm, as he pulls my hair again, forcing my head all the way back. He slides his other hand over my shoulder, and down to cup my ass. I stare at the ceiling as
he pulls my weight off the wall and into his groin. All the while, running his tongue over every inch of my exposed neck, licking me before he sucks gently and pulls the skin off in a slow, seductive nibble. The feeling is so exquisite, I start to tremble again and I lose my breath. I moan, panting softly.

  He massages my butt cheek gently as he pulls back and tips my face to his to kiss me again. The feeling of his tongue in my mouth and his hot breath blowing gently from his nostrils onto my face, centers me. I open my eyes to find him looking at me again. He smiles and I release my hold on his tongue, smiling back at him.

  "We have time. No need to rush this. Let's take it nice and slow." He releases my hair, runs his hand down my arm and cinches my fingers, bonding me to him. "I want to make this unforgettable with you. I want to erase all memories from your mind. I want to replace everything and everyone, like you have for me. I want to be your one and only lover."

  My face falls to his shoulder and I smell his intoxicating scent.

  He smells so fucking fine! Inhaling deeply, I shudder.

  He hums softly with the movement and I become aware that his cock is scorching hot and hard against my pussy. I start to lose my breath at the thought of it.

  He lays his forehead on mine. "Breathe, baby. Breathe with me, Sweet, Wild Thang. Slow down. Nice and slow."

  I close my eyes and breathe with the rhythm of his hand massaging my ass as I force myself to focus on just our breathing. We take deep breaths together, in and out, in a slow, steady rhythm.

  When I am stable again, he returns to work on my neck, continuing his nibbling kisses down my shoulder then back up my collar bone, licking then pulling the skin, nibbling. I'm not stable for long, knowing where his kisses are headed. My breasts are swirling. I moan as I inhale deeply, and moan as I push my breath out, trying not to pant or hold it inside. I lay my head back for him, exposing myself willingly as he drives my body wild.

  At the hollow of my throat, he saturates it with a full tongue lick. "Umm."


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