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Wicked Saint: Sinners and Saints Book 1

Page 11

by Eden, Veronica

  I shouldn’t want him at all. He’s a monster.

  But…I do want him.

  Even if I know it’s wrong.

  This feels like I’m playing with fire. It'll give me a bad burn if I’m not careful.



  Having Gemma in my web unlocks something inside me. I’m no longer fine with watching her from afar.

  When I see her heading into the lunch room, I bump my fist against Carter’s shoulder and dart ahead to catch her.

  She’s walking with Davis, talking animatedly, her hands moving. It makes it easy to get what I want.

  I grab Gemma, tugging her against my body.

  A breath knocks out of her and she tips her head back to look at me upside down.

  “Lucas.” My name is a stubborn sigh.

  “Sweetheart.” I grin. “Come sit with me.”

  Her eyes narrow, but she doesn’t complain when I slide my arms around her.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Yes. I say so.”

  Without waiting for an answer, I lift her from the ground and carry her toward our usual table.


  Gemma’s body wriggles and I have to tamp down on the spike of desire spiraling to my dick.

  Wolf whistles chorus around the lunch room. I plop down and settle Gemma in my lap. Her face is pinched in a frown.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This is obviously out of the question.” She maneuvers in an attempt to slide away. “Can you at least let me off your lap? Jesus.”


  The mutiny in her stare is too cute, all flustered and combative. A calculative look passes over her expression.

  “I’ll stay here on one condition.”


  Carter takes a seat across from me with a dopey grin. Devlin hangs back a few feet. He’s in Davis’ face.

  “I’ll start sitting with you…if Blair is allowed to come, too.” Gemma nods to her friend, getting distracted by the sight of her friend and Devlin. “I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “Sure, whatever.” I play with Gemma’s hair. “As long as I have you here with me.”

  Gemma clambers from my lap. I hook a finger in the back of her skirt before she can move away. She shoots me a flat look. Smirking at her, I crook my finger in a come hither motion.

  She sighs and bends down while I wrap my arm around her thighs. I steal a quick kiss that leaves me wanting more.

  “Now you may go.”

  Gemma affects a faux simpering tone and bats her lashes at me. “Oh, can I? Bless, what a noble master.”

  “Don’t be like that, sweetheart.”

  Gemma rolls her eyes and goes to talk to Davis. Once Gemma walks up, Devlin’s expression closes off and he comes to the table, dropping beside Carter. Gemma appears to be convincing Davis, motioning toward the table with a pleading look on her face. She succeeds and the girls come over.

  Gemma tries to sit next to me, but I wrestle her into my lap again.

  “Back where you belong,” I rumble into her ear.

  Gemma shivers and darts a glance from me to her friend. “Lucas. Goddamn you.”

  Unrepentant, I kiss her cheek.

  Davis takes a seat next to us with a stony expression, her shoulders stiff.

  “Isn’t this cozy,” Devlin says lightly.

  “Get used to it,” I say with a shrug. “We’re changing it up.”

  Devlin’s eyes cut to Davis, then slide away. He and Carter get up and head for the lunch line.

  “Aren’t you going to let me up?” Gemma asks.

  She’s not exactly comfortable sitting in my lap. Her body hunches in on itself to make herself smaller and she’s gripping the table.

  “Not a chance.” I stroke my palm down her back. “You’re right where I want you.”

  “Well, I want to go buy lunch, so…”

  Gemma lifts her brows. I grant her a sardonic tilt of my mouth and wave my hand. Gemma gets up and tugs on Davis’ sleeve. The girls go to the lunch line and I trail after them a few minutes later.

  Back at the table Gemma tries to take her own seat again. That lasts two whole seconds before I drag her back onto my lap. She sighs in annoyance, but her body relaxes slightly. Good. She’s accepting that I’m going to get my way and she should accept it or remain uncomfortable.

  “Don’t be fooled. I’m not giving in here. I just don’t want to waste the pointless energy fighting you right now.” She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. “You’re such a caveman. People get it, grr I’m your plaything. No touchie. You don’t have to put me in your lap to get the point across. It’s not like I’m your girlfriend.”

  That won’t do. I trap her against my body. Leaning in, I brush my lips against the back of her neck and get a thrill from the way she shudders.

  “People have seen us do worse than this,” I breathe against her skin.

  “No thanks to you,” Gemma mumbles. “You’re a damn exhibitionist. I guess it makes sense. Quarterback. Popular. You love the attention and want people to know how good you have it.”

  A chuckle rolls through me.

  “What we’ve done isn’t even close. When I have you, sweetheart, no one gets to see but me.”

  I hear it when Gemma swallows at my words. She has no snarky comeback for me.

  For a while Gemma talks quietly with Davis, only interacting with me and sometimes Devlin. I think she’s trying to play it like I don’t have her seated on my lap, acting as if things are normal. She ignores Carter and everyone else at our table.

  Carter and I get lost in strategy talk.

  I steal one of the potato wedges from Gemma’s plate. Gemma growls under her breath and clamps her hand around my wrist. Actually growls.

  It’s fucking adorable.

  “What, you don’t like to share?”

  I offer her the rest of the wedge and after spending a long second weighing her options, she parts her lips and lets me feed her while she glares at me. It pulls heat into my gut.

  “You’re infuriating.”

  “There’s my girl.”

  “Don’t you know better than to steal fries from chicks?” Devlin quips as he spins his fork half-heartedly in a plate of pasta. “Her fries belong to her. And your fries belong to her, too.”

  “My sister’s a psycho for fries,” Carter agrees.

  Devlin props his elbows on the table and pins Davis with a look that promises trouble. He pinches Davis’ tray, dragging it across the table out of reach.

  “Is this all you can afford, sticky fingers? No fries for you. Just the free lunch program for poor people.”

  The only indication that Davis hears Devlin are the tight lines around her mouth. Gemma goes stiff in my lap, though. I stroke her thigh beneath the table to soothe her and keep her attention on me.

  Devlin picks up a limp piece of broccoli from Davis’ tray and scoffs at it before popping it in his mouth.

  “It tastes like sadness and food stamps.”

  Carter cracks up, smacking Devlin’s shoulder as he chews and stares Davis down. Gemma scrambles from my lap, elbowing me with a sharp blow to the stomach when I try to keep her where she is. Davis scoots down to give her room to wedge between us.

  Gemma’s about to fight back. Davis might take it lying down because she knows how our group gets, but Gemma isn’t one to stand for it.

  Devlin picks up random things from Davis’ plate and drops them on the floor. Davis balls her hands in her lap.

  I level him with a look, but don’t intervene.

  “Hey, Devlin. Can you fucking not?” Gemma snaps, poised to fight.

  Devlin doesn’t acknowledge Gemma and tips the whole tray off the table. The clatter echoes above the cacophony of chatter in the cafeteria.

  “You’re used to eating from the garbage, so what’s the difference eating off the floor? You shouldn’t be here. You don’t belong.”

  Davis shoots a ha
rd-eyed stare across the table as he ruins her lunch. He smirks and returns to eating his pasta.

  “Not all of us are born with that silver spoon in our mouths and a no limit credit card,” Davis snipes.

  Devlin’s brows shoot up before he quickly covers, pulling his mask back in place.

  Gemma bristles and I grab her around the waist before she dives across the table to deck my cousin for being a little shit.

  “What is wrong with you?” Gemma shouts. She turns to her friend and nudges her tray closer. “Here, Blair. You can have the rest of mine.” She tosses a dirty look at Devlin. “I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. The smell of pompous asshole is lingering like a rancid fart.”

  Davis snorts and takes a potato wedge from Gemma’s plate. “That’s exactly what it smells like. Old Spice and privileged manbaby tears.”

  Gemma cracks a smile that I want to kiss. “Can I buy you another tray? They had pizza today. Want some?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Gemma jabs a thumb at Devlin. “We should make him buy you more for trashing your food.”

  Devlin’s lip curls and he moves down the table a few seats to flirt with the girls at the other end. Gemma frowns at him.

  It’s sweet that Gemma stands up for her friends. But Devlin’s got a point. Davis isn’t one of us.

  “Careful,” I warn, tossing a sidelong look at Davis. “Not everyone here appreciates when criminals hang around. My Jeep hasn’t been right since your accomplice touched it.”

  Mentioning Davis’ involvement in the stunt with my Jeep makes Gemma’s eyes go wide. Her gears turn frantically in search of something to get my attention off Davis. She bounces her gaze between my eyes and then fists the lapel of my blazer, dragging me down to press her soft lips to mine.

  As far as distractions go, it’s an obvious attempt. A bit sloppy for Gemma’s style, but I won’t deny a kiss.

  For a minute I sit still and let her move against me. When she gets desperate, her tongue swipes against my closed lips and I can’t hold back. I lock my arms around her and take my fill, slipping my tongue into her mouth. It doesn’t sate my hunger for her, only stokes the flames higher.

  When I release her, she’s left with a stunned expression.

  The bell rings to signal the end of the period. I’m not ready to say goodbye to Gemma yet. As she and Davis go to dump her tray, I follow and lift her up in my arms. She makes an aborted sound of surprise and kicks her legs.

  “What are you doing, caveman? I get it, you’re stronger than me!”

  I exit to the busy hallway with Gemma, carrying her around school. Other students catcall us and slap me on the back like I’ve won a prize.

  The raging green monster roaring inside my chest is impossible to fight. The thought of her leaving my side right now is something my entire body bucks against.

  I’ve never been this possessive over any of my girlfriends before. It’s a little crazy.

  “I’m sick of everyone else getting to look at you all day,” I decide, hauling her body against my chest with ease. “I’m not letting you out of my sight. You’re coming with me for the rest of school.” I pause to give her a wolfish smile. “I’m in the mood to kidnap you again.”

  “What?” Gemma blushes a pretty rose color. She writhes like an angry snake. “You’re so annoying! Lucas, let me down!”

  “Nope.” I sidestep the clapping onlookers and drop my lips to her ear. “You belong to me, so I say where you go.”

  Gemma’s jaw works, her bottom lip pouting. I doubt she’s aware of her expression, but it makes me lose sight of logic. I want to shove her against the wall of lockers and drive my cock into her as I attack that sexy mouth.

  “People can’t belong to others,” Gemma mutters.

  A growl rips through me. I let her drop to the floor and herd her against a locker with nowhere to go. Cupping her face, I bend to speak against her mouth.

  “When I say you’re mine, I don’t just mean you’re my girl, sweetheart. I mean I want to own you all the time.”

  Gemma’s lashes flutter as she peers up at me with a stubbornness that I’m growing fond of.

  “Do you understand how much I want to sneak up to your window at night to watch you sleep? To slip into your bedroom and touch you? I need to keep an eye on you all the time. If I don’t, I’m going to give into this urge I have to take you away and hide you at my house. I’d keep you chained in my room and never let you leave.”

  Gemma’s throat bobs. “You’re…crazy.”

  A hollow laugh punches out of me and I swipe my thumb over her lip.

  “Maybe. You make me that way.”

  I let that sink in for a beat before I kiss her with all the ferocity I held back. She trembles. I love the dazed look in her eyes when I pull away.

  She can fight me all she wants with her words, but her actions don’t lie. She is attracted to me. She likes it when I kiss her.

  “Now. Let’s go before I’m late for class.”



  Bringing Gemma to class with me might not have been my best idea.

  It was worth it for the cute look of worry as she sat beside me through two classes. Coach didn’t care that I brought a…guest to world history, but on our way to the north building one of Gemma’s teachers spotted her. They served her detention on the spot for cutting class.

  Still, I didn’t feel guilty.

  Gemma was pissed at me. She socked me in the arm and stalked off while I snickered.

  I sent her a few texts, but the only response was an absurd amount of middle finger emojis.

  After practice, I hung around to see her in detention. I planned to give her a ride home, since I saw Alec leaving school with a hot chick riding shotgun.

  Gemma refused to talk to me. Stubbornness came off her in waves as she bent her head to hide her face from me when I sat on the desk in front of her. I tucked her hair aside, and she shot me a vicious look.

  “I’m done being your little play thing for your personal amusement,” she hissed.

  My brows pulled together. I left her alone to fend for herself, knowing her brother already left school.

  I thought that would be enough of a lesson not to give me attitude, but she ignored and avoided me for a couple of days. It got old real fucking fast.

  Agitation rippled through me every time I thought I clocked her honey-blonde hair weaving through the halls, an itch niggling at me with the urge to make Gemma understand the beast she unleashed within me.

  When the itch becomes too much to ignore, I recruit Bishop to help me leave Gemma a surprise.

  She asked for it, so it’s my duty to deliver the punishment she earns.

  I wait near her locker between periods, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. My eyes have been on her all day, but I’ve kept my distance, far enough not to alert her. She appears at the end of the hall.

  Davis is with her. They giggle about something and Gemma waves her hands. That easy smile tugs at me, but I remain where I am, waiting for Gemma to open her locker.

  As she opens the locker a flash of red lace pops out first. I smirk at the strangled sound that escapes her. Before she can slam her locker shut to hide what I planted, a strip of condoms and handcuffs fall out, the metal clattering against the floor.

  Gemma goes rigid. The locker inches open, revealing the lacy lingerie in its full glory.

  “Um,” Davis says, tugging on the ends of her blue hair.

  “Shit.” Gemma drops to the floor to scoop up the condoms and handcuffs. “This—these aren’t mine. I don’t know how or who—”

  “Damn, Turner, you really do like to get freaky!” Carter strolls up and props his weight against the bank of lockers, plucking the condoms from Gemma. “This ain’t gonna be enough for us, though.”

  Fuck. I grit my teeth and it takes all of my self control to remain where I am.

  Carter leers at Gemma as she snatches the foil strip away
from him.

  “You’re a pig, Burns,” Gemma snaps as she shoves everything into her locker and slams the door shut.

  Her entire face matches the red lace for color. She plants herself in front of her locker and crosses her arms.

  “Oh, come on, baby girl.” Carter touches Gemma’s face and she snarls. I ball my hands into fists. “Saint can’t have you every day. You can take a night off from his dick so the rest of the team can sample you. I’m first in line.”

  “Fuck you,” Gemma growls, slapping him.

  The corner of my mouth lifts at the loud echo of her palm meeting his cheek. It silences the raucous laughter and chatter in the hall.

  That’s my girl.

  Carter might be one of my closest friends, but I will end him if he touches Gemma again.

  “Fucking uptight bitch.” Carter holds his face. “Fine, Saint can have your wild ass. Bet he needs the cuffs to tie you down so you don’t bite.”

  “Damn right.” Gemma takes an aggressive step toward Carter and he backs up from her threat. “I’d bite your goddamn dick off, Burns.”

  A chorus of low oooh’s travels through the hallway.


  Carter flaps his hand dismissively and leaves.

  Davis touches Gemma’s shoulder and speaks too low for me to hear. Gemma’s eyes land on me and the fire searing my veins rises.

  Time slows and the other students milling around the hallway fade away.

  We’re locked in a stare, the tension of an elastic band threatening to snap. Her chest moves with each heavy breath. My hands flex, the muscles in my arms shifting.

  With a violent tug on my resolve, I spring away from my post and turn my back on her. She curses in my wake as I leave for my next class.

  * * *

  “What the—holy shit!” Gemma yelps when I catch her later in the student lot against the side of her CR-V.

  Her hand instinctively darts out to defend. I grab her wrist before she can hit me and step closer until our bodies are flush. I rub the soft skin of her wrist with my thumb as I lift an eyebrow.

  “Ready to play nice?”


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