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Wicked Saint: Sinners and Saints Book 1

Page 12

by Eden, Veronica

  Gemma blinks in disbelief. She tests my hold on her and sighs when escape proves to be fruitless.

  “Not in your wildest dreams, you entitled bastard.”

  My mouth curves and a rough laugh leaves me. I squeeze her wrist, raising it above her head until she has to lift onto her tiptoes to avoid the strain. She winces as I place a lingering kiss on her cheek.

  “Be a good girl, or I’ll have to keep punishing you.”

  “You’re sick, Lucas.” Gemma turns her face away and pushes out a ragged breath. “Damn it. I’m seriously going to file a restraining order or a harassment report if you pull that shit with my locker again. Asshole.”

  “Which part did you not like? The lingerie? The cuffs?”

  Color fills Gemma’s cheeks and her eyes flicker to the side.

  “Ah.” I drag my nose against her cheek. “Then I’m sorry for making you face that desire in school. If I’d known the idea of me restraining you got you so hot, I would’ve kept that a secret for myself. Mmm.” My teeth graze over her soft skin, grinning when she shivers and makes a small sound. I grip her wrist harder. “I like the idea, too. Did it make you wet?”

  My other hand skates down her side and teases the hem of her skirt. She doesn’t have tights on today. Gemma squirms.


  “What about right now, hmm? If I filled you with my fingers, would your tight little pussy soak them?”

  Gemma licks her lips and makes another quiet whimper. She glances over my shoulder, where other students stroll to their cars and shout to each other. We’re hidden away between the cars, her CR-V parked in a back corner.

  Releasing her wrist to hold her chin, I draw her attention back where it belongs. My lips seal over hers, making her melt against me with a filthy kiss. Gemma shudders and grips the material of my shirt beneath my school blazer.

  While I have her distracted and pliant, I slide a foot between hers and kick her legs apart. I swallow the noise that leaves her, muffling her feeble protest. I kiss her deeper as I slide my fingers up her thigh.

  “Lucas,” Gemma says in a rush after ripping away from the kiss. “What are you—?”

  She cuts off when I reach her underwear. I hold her wide-eyed stare as I tease my fingers over her, tracing up and down her pussy.

  “Hmm, you’re not wet enough if I can’t feel drenched panties.” I slip past the waistband of her underwear and bite my lip when she gasps. She’s so warm and soft. I glide my fingers over her folds, releasing a dark chuckle when she tries to clamp her legs shut to trap me. “Too late, baby. This is your punishment for ignoring me.”

  “Lucas!” Gemma pleads, tugging on fistfuls of my shirt. She looks around and whispers, “This is—we can’t—not here!”

  Gemma bites down hard on her lip to muffle herself when I rub her clit. Her eyes flutter, then snap open again. She shakes her head at me, her words fleeing.

  I grin and nod, kissing an uneven trail across her cheek as I move my fingers against her. She tries to fight me, but I know I’m making her feel good.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” Gemma mumbles, burying her face in my neck.

  “I know.” I make her look at me again. “Don’t hide from me.”

  “I can’t! You can’t expect me to—nngh!”

  I adjust my hand to cup her pussy. She’s getting wetter by the minute, making sweet sounds as I tease her. I push a finger over her hole and watch the conflict dance across her face.

  The minute she surrenders with a tiny nod, I slide it inside and kiss her hard. She opens for me right away, her tongue meeting mine. She’s hot and tight and wet.

  I muffle a groan into her mouth and add a second finger. Gemma’s grip on my shirt flexes, her nails digging crescents into my pecs.

  My cock is hard, straining in my pants. Heat pulses through me along with a crashing wave of possessiveness. I’m claiming Gemma right here in the parking lot, against her car, students milling around as they leave.

  The only thing hiding us is my body covering Gemma and the cars we’re wedged between.

  I curl my fingers and Gemma gasps, the hot puff of air hitting my neck as she tears her mouth from mine.

  “Lucas.” It’s a wrecked whisper.

  She lifts her eyes to mine. They glisten with the wetness of tears. I swipe a thumb beneath her eye to catch a tear and suck it into my mouth. A shuddering breath rattles out of her as she presses her hips against my hand, seeking more.


  Gemma freezes, eyes wide with the terror of being caught, but I don’t stop. I keep pumping my fingers in her without missing a beat as Devlin walks by the row of cars we’re in. I don’t break eye contact with her, twisting my fingers. She swallows around a restrained moan she can’t quite contain.

  “What’s up, man?” A wild grin crosses my face as I block the sight of what I’m doing to Gemma from Devlin as I call out to him. “Beers on the boat later?”

  “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll meet you at your house.” Devlin’s voice drifts away as he moves on. “Later.”

  Gemma’s lip wobbles and more tears fall. I fuck her faster with my fingers, eating up the flush in her face, the shine of wetness in her eyes, the way she shivers and parts her lips for me.

  Her pussy clenches on my fingers and a deep rumble resonates in my chest.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Are you ready?” I whispering to her between kisses. “Are you going to fall apart on my fingers?”

  Gemma mewls.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  Her body tenses and she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Gemma grits out in a choked whine.

  As I thrust my fingers inside her, she shudders around them. She gasps against my mouth.

  “All of your sounds belong to me and me alone. No one else gets to hear them.”

  Gemma nods and presses up to kiss me. I give it to her, twisting my fingers again. She seizes up as her orgasm hits. I want to keep going until she’s a delirious oversensitive mess, wringing orgasm after orgasm from her until she can’t come anymore without sobbing.

  I reel my urges in. Soon. But not here in the school parking lot.

  “Good girl,” I rumble as I slow my movements, savoring how wet she feels.

  Gemma breathes harshly, resting back against the car. She’s flushed and wrecked and fucking gorgeous.

  I pull my hand from beneath her skirt and flick my tongue over my shiny fingers, tasting her. A hungry groan leaves me and I lean my weight into her body, pressing my cock against her.

  I stroke her face as I touch her lips. She darts her hooded gaze up at me. I pet her lip and nudge inside her mouth. She hesitates, then closes her mouth around my finger and sucks her own taste, tongue curling around my finger.

  Another groan leaves me and I tear my hand free to kiss her. When we part, I rest my forehead against hers.

  “You’re mine, sweetheart. Don’t forget that.”



  “Gemma?” Ms. Huang stops me as I’m packing up after class.


  She smiles and tucks her short black hair behind one ear. “Could I ask for your help with a photo assignment? Usually I have two students from newspaper and yearbook club take photos, but they’re both absent.”

  “Okay, sure.” I sling my bag over my shoulder. “I have my gear with me and I’m free.”

  Ms. Huang lights up with a relieved look. She claps her hands together.

  “Wonderful! It’s nothing major. You’ll be covering the boy’s football team practice after school today. The school paper needs your files by tomorrow morning for their story if you can meet that turnaround time.”

  By some miracle I keep my face blank.

  I know I just agreed, but I should refuse. Make up some important appointment I just remembered.

  “Sure.” My voice is robotic. Foreign. “No problem.”

  Inside, my shoulders sag. Once I leave the room,
I let out a big sigh.

  “Of course,” I mumble.

  Hitching my bag higher on my shoulder, I head off to my doom. I stop by my locker and drag my feet the closer I get to the football field. At least there will be other people around. And I won’t have to get close. The telephoto lens is the greatest invention ever for avoiding social interaction.

  Parking myself by the fence surrounding the field, I set down my things and busy myself with my camera settings while the football team jogs warm up laps.

  It’s not until Lucas runs by and our eyes meet that I admit I’ve been afraid to be alone around him since he touched me in public. I sink my teeth into my cheek as he grants me a smug look.


  That’s all he says, voice deep and amused. One word and my insides dive-bomb for a crash landing.

  Lucas’ buddies chuckle and give him playful punches.

  Lucas demands attention without asking for it, making me track him as he rounds the bend of the track. It’s like I’m hypnotized by his muscles bunching with each stride. He makes running look easy. His legs pump effortlessly and his skin glistens with a sheen of sweat.

  He looks like a damn god. It’s no wonder everyone worships him.

  The rest of us are lesser beings. We should be thankful he graces us with his presence.

  Heat blooms in my face and I will it away.

  Come on, Gemma, I think, can’t get flustered over a boy jogging.

  Except I am. God, I so am.

  I shake my head at myself.

  The pack circles the bend in the track again, Lucas leading the bunch. His attention flashes to me and the corners of his mouth curl up as he picks up the pace. He shoots me a wink.

  “Let’s go!”

  The guys all answer him with yells that must make them feel like they can take on the world. They follow Lucas as he runs off.

  Alec is the only one that overtakes Lucas in the straightaway. He pumps his arms in the air and I lift my camera to snap the frame. A fond smile curves my mouth as I check the back of the camera.

  My brother’s so competitive. He can’t let the captain beat him in a race.

  I settle into a rapid-fire rhythm of capturing action shots. The team completes two more laps before they move onto the field for practice. After running some drills, they start a practice scrimmage.

  I don’t think it’s warm enough, but Lucas peels off his shirt. Half of the guys follow for a shirts and skins game.

  What? Don’t they have like—practice jerseys for this?

  Lucas seeks me out. He blows me a kiss and flexes for the camera, showing off tan skin, broad shoulders, and sculpted abs. He adjusts his shorts, the indent of muscles at his hips visible.

  Oh my god.

  Lucas peeks at me with hooded eyes and cocky smugness. I press the shutter and let out an unsteady breath.

  It’s impossible to deny his physique and athleticism as the game gets underway. Lucas snaps the ball in a spiral through the air and calls out plays. The ripple of muscles in his arms and shoulders as he throws the football is alluring. I lose track of how many shots I’ve taken, absorbed in documenting the grace and strength of his body as he moves around.

  I take a break to scroll through what I’ve captured so far. There are almost 350 pictures on my memory card.

  One image on the card calls to me. I zoom in on it. I already know I’m going to make it a black and white. Lucas is about to throw, arm poised as he skillfully grips the ball.

  Those hands were on me. Touching me. Making me come.

  You’re mine, sweetheart. Don’t forget that.

  Heat bombards me, my skin buzzing with a hot-cold feeling. When I raise my eyes to the practice, Lucas is watching me.

  It’s like he knows all the thoughts spiraling through my head.

  I gulp and fuss with my leather jacket, wrapping it tighter around my body.

  The fire doesn’t leave my body. It only burns hotter because Lucas keeps looking over at me.

  He doesn’t even have to pay attention to the game. His team is winning. He’s that good.

  I make a feeble attempt to distract myself, playing around with the shutter speed and aperture. It doesn’t work for long. I blink through the viewfinder when Lucas moves into the foreground.

  Lifting my head, I find him jogging over to the fence with a gleam lighting up his eyes, making them appear bluer. That sparkle spells mischief.

  “Enjoying the show?” Lucas is barely winded. The shine of sweat and his messy hair pulls at my belly. He motions for my camera. “Can I see?”


  It’s difficult to find composure being so close to Lucas while he’s shirtless. Mashing my lips together, I flip my camera to show him the back, clicking through the last few photos. They’re of Lucas. Most of the images on the card feature him.

  I couldn’t help myself.

  Lucas seems pleased, but then a shadow falls over his features. It’s visible for a scant second before he brightens again.

  The flash of emotions tug at my instincts. I want to know more about that Lucas. Why did he look almost…sad to see himself throwing the football?

  “You got my good side.”

  “That’s because your bad side isn’t on the surface.” I take my camera back and set it down on my bag. My hands rest on the fence. “I guess I’m the only one that knows about that side.”

  Lucas purses his lips to the side and squints at me. He steps up to the fence and cups my face. Before I know what he’s planning, his lips are on mine.

  He kisses me in the middle of practice, stinking and sweaty.

  And I give in.

  I lean into the kiss, my fingers flying up to curl in the damp hair curling at the nape of his neck. Distantly, I’m aware of the other guys on the field howling like wild coyotes. A whistle blows.

  Lucas laughs into my mouth and I dig my fingers in his hair.

  He pulls back, his breath a hot puff over my lips. “Come with us after practice. We’re going to the lake to hang out.”

  “Oh. I, uh—I don’t know.”

  Lucas caresses my face. There’s a beat where I’m torn between the face of my entitled tormentor and the guy that makes my head foggy when he kisses me.

  “I should really—”

  “Come on,” he murmurs. “It’ll be fun.”

  I cling to reluctance for another minute. He gives me another kiss that steals my breath away.

  Then I’m nodding before the daze clears.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Saint! Get your loverboy ass back to practice!” Coach shouts, interrupting the moment.

  Lucas winks and jogs away. As I watch his back, I wonder what the hell I just got myself into.

  My whole plan this year is to avoid and fly solo. Hanging out with Lucas and his friends is the exact opposite.

  * * *

  The sky is ablaze with the fading afternoon light over the lake. Music thumps from the dock’s fancy speak system. I’m sitting next to Alec out of some misguided sense of seeking a security blanket so I don’t vibrate out of my skin.

  This isn’t my scene anymore. I don’t have any interest in fitting in with the girls in bikini tops and chunky cardigans with cut-off shorts and flirty shirtless football players. Everyone is drinking and swaying to the beat as they giggle.

  It pulls up the uncomfortable memories. It’s not as bad as the first time I came to Lucas’ house to pick up Alec, when it was crowded with people and everything was happening in excess. But it doesn’t totally go away, either.

  Lucas disappeared inside a while ago and now I’m floundering for a reason to be here. I should’ve said I couldn’t come.

  My palms prickle, an itch irritating my skin that I can’t satisfy no matter how many times I scratch my palms raw.

  I’d much rather chill with Lucas’ sweet pug dog that trots from person to person to see who will pet him. I click my tongue to call the dog over for the third time since we arrived. He�
�s a chill, pudgy little dog that helps keep my freak-out at bay when I stroke his fur.

  Further down the dock, Carter has been messing around with the girl he’s trying to get with, teasing her about throwing her overboard. Something about the way his hands keep sliding down her sides makes me think of Matt and my breath grows short as my throat dries out.

  Elena Morales from math plops next to me, her sleek black curls bouncing.

  “Come on, Gemma. I love this song!” She grabs my hands and for a second I have to work hard to quell the instant urge to snatch them back. Missing my startled expression, she pulls my arms like a marionette while she rolls her body in time with the music. She laughs and falls against my shoulder. “Girl, loosen up. It’s a party! Let’s get lit.”

  She can hardly get the words out before she holds up a blunt, cracking herself up.

  I offer a feeble smile and scoot closer to my brother. Alec flashes me a look with his eyebrows jumping up, subtly motioning to the cute girl perched in his lap. Sighing, I hold up my hands and shift away.

  Fine, I get it. Twin sister hanging around like a shy toddler clinging to the only familiar person. Total cockblock.

  My bad.

  Carter appears in front of me and offers a hand up. “Come dance with me.”

  “I’m good.”

  “C’mon, we’ll have a good time. We’re going to get a contest going. Let’s show everyone else up. I know you’ve got moves. You’ve got that vibe.”

  Carter runs a hand up my arm. My whole body screams no. I shrug him off with a violent movement and turn back to Elena.

  She’s the only nice one of the whole bunch. There’s been no real shift from the vicious insults, accusations, and assumptions slung at me by the same people trying to act like we’ve been friends all this time.

  Lucas comes back outside hauling a cooler.

  “Sweet salvation, Saint,” Carter says.

  Lucas’ biceps flex. He beams at his friends as they cheer.

  Unbelievably, I’m relieved to see him because Carter steps away.

  “Brought rations.” Lucas drops the cooler beside the bench where Elena and I sit. He runs a hand through his hair as he stands. “Come and get it.”


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