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Falling For You

Page 8

by Lily Haycraft

To say that I was nervous would be a bit of an understatement, because I am completely freaking out, I mean who does this? Who invites the stranger who saved their daughter to dinner, and then to a park the next day, because said daughter requested her, and then into my apartment to help us cook pizza's, and then she showed up at my work place and I asked her on a date, we have been on one date, and now she is driving me to a private beach, which her family own, and I am about to meet the whole family, what the hell is even going on, this isn't normal, I'm not even sure if this is real life at this point, people don't do crazy things like this, this is how people get killed, oh god what am I doing?

  "Hey you okay?" Dani's hand lands on my knee completely bringing me out of my thoughts. I turn my head to face her, getting her side profile and I completely relax, this is why I do this, this is why we went on a date and I agreed to go with her to a family affair, because just looking at her, even if it's a side view, she completely calms me, and makes me feel so comfortable in her presence, many people can call me crazy, but I'll let them as long as I get to keep this woman by my side.

  "Earth to Chlo" She says, causing me to realise that I never answered her.

  "I'm good" I smile softly and rest my hand over the top of hers, giving it a slight squeeze before she has to take it back to change the gears.

  Dani pulls up along the road where we were just last night, and I smile over at her as she puts the car in park, Dani glances in her rearview mirror and then grins looking over her shoulder.

  "Does she normally fall asleep in cars?" Dani grins softly.

  "I wouldn't know, she's never been in one, but I guess so" I smile looking in the back at my daughter also.

  "She's never been in a car?" Dani turns to look at me, I glance back at her, our faces only centimetres apart.

  "Other than the day she was born, no, I never saw the need for a car" I shrug softly.

  "I guess you still don't, because I'll drive you wherever you want to go" She smiles softly. "Well aren't you a sweetheart"

  "Only for you"

  My heart melts and I lean in, capturing her lips in a short and sweet kiss.

  Dani climbs out of the car, myself climbing out just after her and I grin as I watch her open the back door, and lift my sleeping daughter into her arms, she holds Harmony up with one arm, whilst closing the door and locking the car, before shifting her back into the centre of her body, and wrapping both arms underneath her, Harmony's arms instantly locking around her neck, I seriously want to capture this moment.

  "Come on beautiful" Dani smiles over at me and I grin and begin following her, catching up to walk right along beside her.

  I open the gate for her as her hands are full with my daughter and we both make our way down the stairs leading to the beach, as we get closer I can see maybe 40+ people, these can't all seriously be her family members?

  "Dani" An older woman approaches us with a smile on her face, before turning and smiling at me, but also holding a look of confusion.

  "Hey auntie Sue, I'll hug you as soon as this little one wakes up" Dani greets her.

  "We've got all night" Sue waves her off.

  "Auntie Sue, this is Chloe, and the sleeping beauty in my arms is her daughter Harmony" Dani introduces me.

  "It's nice to meet you" I smile and hold out my hand. "Oh please if I don't get a hug from my niece, I at least have to get a hug from you" Sue completely ignores my outstretched hand and wraps her arms around my neck, forcing me into a hug, which I immediately reciprocate.

  "So what is all this about?" Dani asks once Sue has pulled away from me.

  "I have no idea, your mother just sprung it on everyone short notice, and she's not even here yet, typical" Sue rolls her eyes, and I hold back a chuckle. "Hmm odd, I'm going to go and see if anyone knows anything" Dani tells her.

  "Of course, go say hello to everyone" She nods at Dani and throws a smile in my direction before disappearing over to a group of people.

  "Do you want me to take Harmony from you?" I ask Dani as she begins walking towards a group of people that look to be around our age.

  "Nah I'm okay" She smiles.

  "The only problem I have, is not being able to hold your hand" She grins and a blush creeps onto my cheeks.

  "Ayyeee Dani, how long has it been? You have a kid?" A man probably a little older than Dani asks. "Haha Chris you're so funny" I watch as Dani rolls her eyes.

  "Well hello there pretty lady, what's your name?" He asks addressing me with his hand outstretched. "This is Chloe, leave her alone" Dani glares and I chuckle softly as I shake his hand.

  "Am I not allowed to greet the pretty lady?" Chris asks looking over at Dani.

  "You are, as long as that's all you're doing" A young woman smiles over at him.

  "Of course my love, you know you're my one and only" He grins wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek softly.

  "Chloe this is my brother Chris, and his wife Chantel" "I'm assuming the child is yours?" Chris asks me and I nod softly.

  "She is yeah"

  "She's cute, what's her name?" Chris smiles. "Harmony" I answer for him.

  "Dani let me know when she wakes up so I can kidnap her" Chris grins.

  "If anyone is kidnapping this child, it will be me" Dani tightens her grip on Harmony taking a step away from her brother.

  "What have I told you about kidnapping my daughter?" I arch my brow at her.

  "To kidnap you too?" She scrunches her nose up and looks completely adorable.

  "I believe it was you that said that"

  "You guys are cute, how long have you been dating? And Dani why have we not met her before?" Chantel speaks up.

  "We had our first date yesterday, which is why you have never met her before"

  "Damn, one date and she's already meeting the family, lesbians move quick" Chris jokes earning an elbow in the ribs from his wife.

  "How did you guys meet?" Chantel asks.

  Dani glances over at me, and I smile at her. "Dani here ran out into oncoming traffic to save Harmony from being hit by a car" I answer. "Oh my god are you serious? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me? Or mum?" Chris quickly jumps in as the overprotective brother.

  "Yes she's serious, yes I am okay, my back is still slightly bruised but nothing I can't handle, and because it wasn't necessary for me to do so" Dani shrugs.

  "You didn't tell me you were bruised" I furrow my eyebrows at her.

  "It's nothing to worry about beautiful" She steps closer kissing my cheek softly.

  "Are we at the beach?" Harmony yawns.

  "Can I see?" I ask.

  "Later" She smiles softly.

  "Dani" Harmony lifts her head and rubs at her eyes sleepily.

  "Hey sleeping beauty" Dani smiles softly.

  "We are" She answers.

  "Mmm I wanna go play" Harmony says placing her head back down on Dani's shoulder.

  "Are you sure about that?” She chuckles.

  "Yeah" Harmony lifts her head back up again, suddenly wide awake.

  "Damn I wish I could wake up from a nap that quick" Chris says.

  "You're Twenty Seven years old, you shouldn't be taking naps" Dani rolls her eyes.

  "Don't judge me"

  "Who are you?" Harmony asks turning in Dani's arms so she could see.

  "I'm your new uncle Chris" Chris grins.

  My eyes go wide as he calls himself her uncle, I've only just met him, but I also feel slightly endeared by the fact, that he has taken to my daughter already. "Do you have any kids?" Harmony asks.

  "I do, I have twin boys, you want to go meet them?" Chris asks and Harmony instantly nods.

  "I'm stealing your child, I hope you don't mind" Chris smiles over at me as Dani places Harmony onto the sand.

  "As long as I get her back at the end of the night" "Of course" He takes Harmony's hand and they both walk off towards a small group of kids playing in the sand.

  "Do you have any idea why mum has called us here?" Dani asks Chant
el, wrapping her arm around my waist, pulling me into her side.

  "Don't look at me, she wouldn't tell me anything" "Ugh this woman needs to hurry up and get here and spill the news already, she said two, it's nearly half past"

  "Always impatient Freeman" Chantel rolls her eyes. "Shut it Moretz" Chantel just laughs and walks away. "So far you have met three members of my family, you ready to run away yet?" Dani grins turning to face me, wrapping both arms around my waist. "Not just yet" I smile snaking my own around her neck.

  "Well once you meet my sister and mother, you'll be running for the hills" Dani chuckles.

  "The only reason I'll be running up any hill, is if you're waiting for me at the top" I cringe as soon as I realise what I had just said.

  "Oh god, ignore that, that was so incredibly cheesy, I'm just going to go and shoot myself now, bye" I try to escape from her arms but she just holds me tighter.

  "It was incredibly cheesy, but it was also cute" Dani smiles.

  "Ugh I'm such a dork" I shake my head avoiding her gaze.

  "One of the many things I like about you"

  "Many?" I arch my brow looking up at her.

  "Yep, now come on, let's introduce you to everyone else" Dani smiles and leads me back over to where the rest of the family is gathered.

  I wanted to ask her what the other things were, but I guess that can wait for another time, I grin and smile shaking people's hands, and even hugging a few as Dani introduces me to her family and friends, they all seem like such incredible and beautiful people, I can tell that Dani is close with each and every one of them, by the way she greeted them.

  "Everyone" We hear a woman's voice from behind us and all turn around to face her.

  "About time mum, what have you got us all waiting around for?" Dani speaks up first.

  "Well you're about to find out any moment now, I just wanted to come here first and tell you all"

  "Well come on then" Taylor says beside Dani. The youngest Freeman is probably the funniest, just don't tell Dani I said that, I don't think she would appreciate it.

  "Well seeing as all of our children have grown up and flown the nest, the house has been rather quiet, seeing as it's hard to get them all under one roof at least once a month" Dani's mother rolls her eyes briefly before pin pointing them on all of her children, who respond her gesture.

  "So Michael and I, for awhile now we had thought about fostering children, it was something we had always wanted to do, even before we had our children, but we decided about a year ago that we would like to adopt, we kept it to ourselves because we didn't know if it would happen, but yesterday we picked up our beautiful little baby boy, he is just three years old, with bright blonde curly hair, and the bluest eyes you will ever see, he is extremely shy, he didn't have the greatest start in life, and so we have brought you all here so you could meet


  "That's why she was acting sketchy when I went over this morning" Dani mumbles under her breath. I look over at Dani trying to gauge her reaction and she just looks genuinely shocked, but then her face breaks out into a huge smile.

  "I've got a baby brother" She grins walking closer to her mother.

  "Yes you do" A man who I assume is Dani's father says, standing near the steps with a small boy hiding behind his leg.

  I watch from a distance as Dani walks over to the two, giving her dad a quick hug before getting down onto her knees and talking to the little boy, Chris and then Taylor both follow soon after, all three siblings now in the sand on their knees, talking to the boy who is hiding behind his new father.

  "You must be Chloe" I turn my head and see Dani's mum standing beside me.

  "That's me" I smile softly.

  "I'm Clara" She smiles.

  "It's lovely to meet you" I glance back towards Dani and see her now with the little boy in her arms, and I can't help but smile at the sight, I think it's just Dani with children that makes my heart flutter.

  "So how long have you been with my daughter?" "Oh no, we're not actually together" I say shyly. "Not together and you're meeting the whole family already, she must like you" Clara smiles and I blush. "I like her too"

  "I've only ever met one of Dani's girlfriend's before, and that was after they had been dating for well over six months, and she never got to meet the whole family, you must be special Chloe"

  "What are you saying to her?" Dani says now within hearing distance, the small boy still firmly in her arms.

  "Nothing dear" Clara smiles at her daughter. "Chlo this is Dylan" Dani grins introducing me to the little boy.

  "Hello Dylan, I'm Chloe" I smile and hold out my hand for him to shake, he smiles shyly and holds out both of his arms for me to take him, I willingly oblige, taking him into my arms and sitting him on my hip. "Stealing my date already?" Dani arches her brow "At least you have good taste" She winks at me and I roll my eyes softly.

  "The boy is three Dani, don't go teaching him how to pick up women just yet" Clara scolds her eldest daughter.

  "Of course not mum, I'll wait until he is at least five" "You're terrible" I shake my head.

  "Mummy" I look down and see Harmony standing by my feet.

  "Hey princess" I smile and crouch down to her level, setting Dylan down on the ground, but he stays close to me.

  "Whose this?" Harmony asks.

  "Harmony this is Dylan, he is Dani's little brother" "Can I play with him?" Harmony asks and looks up at Dani, but Clara is the one to answer her.

  "Of course you can sweetie, if he wants to" "Do you want to play?" Harmony asks Dylan, he nods his head shyly and she takes his hand, we all watch as they walk off together.

  "Oh how precious" Clara holds her hand over her heart.

  "I have a feeling they're going to become best friends" Dani smiles over at me and winks.

  "So that's why you needed the booster chair" Clara says.


  "I don't mean to impose, but you must have had her young?"

  "I did, I was eighteen when I had her" I nod. "Is her father in the picture?"

  "He isn't no" I shake my head.

  "I'm sorry to hear that" Clara says sympathetically. "It's okay, we have done just fine on our own" I smile glancing in my daughters direction, seeing her trying to build a sand castle.

  "I can see that" Clara smiles.

  "So Chloe here tells me that you two aren't in a relationship yet, you don't normally bring girls to meet the whole family" Clara begins to tease her daughter, I bite my inner cheek to stop myself from smiling. "Yeah but there's something special about Chloe, I'm not sure what it is just yet, but I just know she is going to be around for awhile" Dani smiles pulling me closer to her, I blush and duck my head trying to hide it.

  "Dani are you feeling okay? You're not normally this sappy" Clara places the back of her hand on Dani's forehead pretending to feel for a temperature. "I blame Chloe wholeheartedly" She beams down at me, I smile up at her, proud to be the reason. "You two are adorable"

  "I know, we make a cute couple right" Dani smiles. "Easy there tigger, it's been one date" I chuckle softly.

  "Well technically this could be classed as our second" She smirks.

  "It could" I agree.


  "Yes Dani?"

  "Can this be our second date?" She bats her eyelashes and I chuckle and nod my head.

  "Is that so when you ask her to be your girlfriend on the fifth date it won't be classed as too early" Clara smirks.

  "What makes you think I'm going to ask her on the fifth date?" Dani raises her eyebrow.

  "Just a feeling" Clara grins and walks away from us. "Fifth date huh?" I smirk wrapping my arms around her neck.

  "Apparently so"

  "I really want to kiss you" I tell her honestly. "Well I'm not stopping you"

  "No, but I don't want Harmony to know until we're official" I smile softly.

  I watch as Dani turns her head, and I look at her confused before her head snaps back in my direction and her
lips are on mine, and just as quick she is pulling away.

  "She wasn't looking, so I thought I'd steal my chance" Dani grins goofily.

  "You're such a dork" I shake my head.

  "Maybe, but on our fifth date, I'm going to be your dork, and there won't be much you can do about it then"

  You're already my dork, I think in my head even though I wanted to say it out loud, I know that it is too soon, god if she asked me to be her girlfriend right now, I have no shadow of a doubt that I'd say yes, but jumping into relationships normally doesn't work out well, so we should take it slow, because I want this to work.

  Chapter Ten.


  I pull up outside of Chloe's apartment, putting the car in park, I glance over my shoulder and see Harmony completely passed out in the backseat, she has had a tiring day, playing in the sun with my nephews, cousins, and new little brother, I can't believe my mother actually adopted a child and didn't tell anyone about it.

  "Thank you for today" I'm brought out of my thoughts as I hear Chloe's voice.

  "Thank you for coming with me" I smile softly leaning my head against the seat.

  "So you don't normally introduce your girlfriends to the family" Chloe smirks.

  "Girlfriend huh?" I wink and watch as she blushes. "You know what I mean" Chloe pushes me and I chuckle quietly.

  "I told you the reason why I did" I wasn't lying when I said she there was something special about her, I honestly do feel that way.

  "Do you know what I love about you"

  "Ooh love already, go on tell me" I smile.

  "You're not phased at all by the fact that I have a four year old daughter"

  "I love Harmony, and if it weren't for that little girl passed out in the backseat of my car, I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now"

  "Not many people would willingly want to be with someone who has a child"

  "I love kids, I'd never have a problem with it" I tell her honestly, because that is what I believe in

  wholeheartedly, I think it's wrong for someone to drop a man or a woman, just because they found out that they have a kid, sure it's a big responsibility to take on, but if you want to be with someone, that shouldn't matter.


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