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Falling For You

Page 9

by Lily Haycraft

  "That's what I love" She says softly.

  "What else do you love?" I smirk.

  "Hmm nothing just yet" She smirks back and this time it's me that is reaching out to push her, causing her to giggle softly.

  "It's so easy with you" She says softly.

  "Yeah it is, I don't think I've ever had it this easy with someone before"

  "That's a good thing right?" She asks.

  "I like to think so" I smile.

  "I guess I should get her up to bed" Chloe says looking over her shoulder.

  "I'll carry her up for you"

  "You don't have to" She objects straight away like I knew that she would.

  "I know I don't, but I get to spend more time with you" I grin.

  "And I thought I was cheesy" Chloe rolls her eyes but grins back at me.

  "Just another one of those things you love about me" I wink at her and climb out of the car, opening the back door and carefully unbelting Harmony and lifting her into my arms.

  She mumbles and wraps her arms and legs around me, instantly clinging on.

  "Let's get you upstairs to bed baby girl" I mumble in her ear softly, using one hand to lock the door while I steady her with the other.

  Chloe walks by my side and opens the apartment building door for me, before pushing the button for the elevator.

  "You could stay for a bit if you wanted" Chloe says shyly as we step into the lift.

  "As much as I would love that, I have to be up early for work in the morning" I sigh softly.

  "Ugh back to the real world" Chloe grumbles. "I'm afraid so" I say softly following behind her to her front door.

  Chloe and I walk into her apartment and we both put Harmony to bed together, both of us kissing her on her forehead before walking out and closing the door behind us.

  "Thank you" Chloe smiles softly as we both stand in the hallway.

  "Anytime" I grin at her.

  Chloe walks me to her front door and we both just stand in the doorway staring at each other.

  "When can I see you again?" I ask quietly.

  "Whenever you want" She responds with a small smile gracing her lips.

  "Tomorrow" I grin cheekily.

  "I have class at six" She says and my face drops slightly.

  "What time do you leave here?" I ask her.

  "5:30 why?" She asks with her brows furrowed. "Just asking" I grin cheekily.

  "What are you up to?"

  "Nothing beautiful, I should really get going though" I smile.

  "Let me know when you get home safe?" She asks reaching out to hold my hand.

  "Of course" I smile pulling her closer to me and pressing a soft kiss against her lips.

  Chloe holds onto the back of my neck, to stop me from pulling away, I can't help but smile into the kiss, and suck softly on her bottom lip, finally getting her to release her grip on me so we could pull a part, as much as I would love to get lost, I have to be up early.

  "Bye beautiful" I whisper against her lips.

  "One more" She whispers back kissing me chastely, before stepping back.

  "Okay you need to get out of here" She pushes me lightly and I chuckle.

  "Finding it hard to resist?" I smirk.

  "Yes" She answers honestly.

  I step forward and rest my forehead against hers, squeezing her hips tightly.

  "Me too" I peck her lips before spinning away from her and walking down the hallway, I grin over at her and decide to take the stairs instead of the elevator, I watch her watching me whilst biting her lip until she is out of sight.

  I swing my car keys around my fingers with a huge grin plastered across my face as I exit the building and climb into my car, I decide to make my way home instead of picking up my bike from my mum's, I'll just collect it tomorrow night, I should be able to find somewhere to park tonight.


  I get out of work early, having asked Mark earlier if it would be okay, he of course agreed, because I am his favourite, I always work longer than I should, but I have a feeling that is going to change, because of two girls that have recently entered my life. I get home just before five and quickly change into more comfortable clothes, before grabbing my car keys and making my way towards starbucks, I'm not sure what Chloe likes so I just buy two hot

  chocolate's, because who doesn't love hot chocolate. I place the drinks into the cup holders, and drive towards Chloe's apartment, arriving just as she was about to exit the door, I quickly roll down the window and watch her face as she spots me in the car. "I knew you were up to something" She smiles as soon as she sees me.

  "Would you like a ride?" I grin.

  She shakes her head with a smile on her face and walks around to the passenger side, climbing into the car.

  "I didn't know what to get, so I got you a hot chocolate" I smile over her.

  She grins back at me and picks the cup up bringing it to her lips and taking a sip.

  "My favourite" She smiles.

  "So where exactly am I going?" I ask completely at a loss.

  She chuckles softly.

  "Start driving and I'll guide you"

  "Okay" I nod and begin driving down the road. "You know I'm going to be really early now that you're driving me" Chloe says just after she tells me to take a right.

  "That was my plan" I smile over at her quickly before putting my eyes back on the road.

  "Can't go Twenty four hours without seeing me?" "Don't be getting cocky over there"

  "I can't help it... Take a left"

  I continue to follow her directions, as we drive in silence for the rest of the five minute trip, I pull up onto the grounds and park my car, not too far away from the doors, so she doesn't have to rush, when I keep her late in the car.

  "What on earth am I supposed to do for the next twenty-two minutes" She grins.

  "Sit here and talk with me" I say shyly.

  "You're cute you know that"

  "Why am I?"

  "Because you drove me to college, and bought me hot chocolate, just so you could spend 20 minutes with me, that's cute" Chloe smiles bringing the hot beverage to her lips and taking a sip.

  "Okay I guess I am kind of cute" I smile and take a sip of my own drink.

  "How was work?" Chloe asks turning in her seat and leaning her head against the headrest.

  "Eh work was work, I was waiting for a pretty brunette to text me all day, but it never came" "Really? Hmm I was waiting for a green eyed beauty to show up at work and ask for lunch" Chloe smiles softly.

  "I guess we were both waiting for something that never happened"

  "Maybe we should be more clear next time so we don't get our wires crossed"

  "Yes that sounds like a good idea" I smile.

  "Harmony wants you to teach her how to draw next time you're over, so I'm just letting you know now, so that you're prepared" Chloe says randomly. "I'll make sure I bring my drawing equipment" I grin. "You architect's and your fancy equipment" Chloe rolls her eyes.

  "Hey I can't help it, I'm a snob when it comes to pens and pencils" I shrug my shoulders and she chuckles lightly.

  "Just don't turn my daughter into a pen snob and we should be okay"

  "Why can't she be a pen snob?" I arch my brow. "Because that shit is expensive and she is four years old" Chloe shakes her head.

  "Well I have loads, so she can have mine" I stick my tongue out.

  "You can't start spoiling my child"

  "I can do whatever I want" I smirk my body automatically leaning closer to hers.

  "I don't want a spoilt brat for a child"

  "With you as a mother? That would never happen" I smile softly.



  "Just shut up and kiss me already" Chloe smirks. "What if I don't want to kiss you?" I arch my brow. "You and I both know that you have wanted to since this car has been in park"

  Okay so maybe that is true, I really need to start hiding my emotions better, I am really bad at it, or maybe she
is just really good at reading body language, I have leaned in considerably closer to her within the past five minutes, so I'm not the most subtle person, but can you blame me? If you could kiss Chloe O’Connor whenever you wanted, trust me you would.

  I just grin softly at her and I’m taken by surprise as she closes the distance and crashes her lips to my own, I smile into the kiss bringing my hand up to rest against the side of her neck, our lips moving in sync, Chloe slides further along the seat bringing her body right next to mine, as we both allow ourselves to get wrapped up and lost in the kiss, I'm itching to pull her into my lap, but I know that it is too soon, I have to take things slow with this woman, I can't rush things with her.

  Our kisses become lazy as our heads begin to swim, both of us getting lost in the passion and in the moment, our lips and tongues barely moving against each other, but neither of us wanting to pull away and break the contact, and just as I think that, Chloe's lips leave my own and she's sliding away from me, I look over at her in confusion and she just gives me this lazy smile.

  "As much as I would love to sit here with you all night, I have class in three minutes" She smiles glancing at her watch.

  "Already?" I don't even try to hide the frown that finds it's way onto my face.

  "I'm afraid so pretty girl"

  "What time do you finish tonight?" I ask her, knowing full well I'll sit out here all night and wait for her if she doesn't tell me.

  "Eleven" She answers and makes things easier for me.

  "I guess I'll see you then, now go before you're late" I smile.

  "You're sweet" Chloe leans back in and pecks my lips one last time before dashing out of my car. I continue to sit there in the parking lot, just thinking about everything, am I really ready to jump into this relationship? With a woman who has a child, because if everything turns to shit, it won't just be between the two of us, there will be a little girl caught in the crossfire, and I never want to hurt that little girl, because she is too sweet for this world, and has captured my heart already.

  Maybe I need to slow things down a little bit, because I don't know how much more self control I actually have, honestly I think if I wasn't trying to take it slow with her, I would have asked her to be my girlfriend already.

  I think maybe my mother is right.

  Five dates.

  Chapter Eleven.


  Dani, Dani Freeman, Green eyed beauty with black hair, god why can't I get you off of my brain, how am I supposed to concentrate when you're all I can think about, in just twenty minutes I will be able to walk out of this building and be in the comfort of your company once more, I really need the next twenty minutes to go fast.

  I sound like a drug addict, waiting to get their next fix, this is so unhealthy, why am I like this? What is so good about Dani Freeman that I can't wait to see her again? It hasn't even been five hours and I am already craving her presence, god this is seriously ridiculous, pull yourself together Chloe.

  You're not in high school anymore, you are a med student, you have a four year old daughter at home, you can not be acting like a silly little lovestruck teenager, the second a beautiful woman enters your life.

  But she's not just a beautiful woman, she saved my daughters life, she bought me dinner, she took me to meet her family, she told me things about herself, she has opened up to me, she has allowed myself and my daughter to take over her life, without any complaints whatsoever, she understands me, she let's me talk about things she probably isn't even interested in, she is so caring and incredibly sweet.

  Danielle Freeman what are you doing to me?

  I practically run out of the building as soon as it was time for me to leave, but slowed my pace when I saw Dani leaning against her car just outside of the doors, I grin as I walked towards her.

  "Hey pretty girl" Dani greets me, pulling me into her arms.

  I sink into her embrace, soaking up her scent, completely enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in her arms.

  "Hey, You didn't have to get out of the car you know" I smile softly.

  "No, but it's late, and anything could happen, I was just making sure" She shrugs softly.

  "You really need to stop being so adorable, I don't think my heart can take much more" I tell her honestly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "It's not my fault, I'm not even lying to you, it just naturally comes out of my mouth when I am around you, and I've already said it before I even have a chance to take it back, I really don't think before I speak when I'm around you"

  "I actually like that, it means you're being honest and not thinking of a lie to say" I smile.

  "I don't think I could ever lie to you" She says and I swear my heart is in a puddle at our feet.

  "I told you to stop being cute" I growl jokingly and she chuckles.

  "Technically you said adorable" Dani smirks. "Oh they both mean the same thing" I roll my eyes. "Still a different word" Dani continues to smirk. "You're annoying" I step out of her embrace and make my way towards the passenger side of her car. "Hey, I never said you could stop holding me" She pouts.

  "Clingy much" I arch my brow, a smirk playing on my lips.

  "It'll get a lot worse believe me, so if you want to back out, I suggest you do so now" I can tell she is serious by the way she is saying it, there is a hint of sadness and disappointment in her eyes, letting me know that if I did walk away, she wouldn't take it very well. Maybe she is addicted to me just as much as I am to her.

  "Don't you worry, I can handle clingy, I've got a four year old remember" I grin and open the car door climbing inside.

  It takes Dani a few more seconds before she climbs into the car after me.

  "Well you've got until the fifth date to change your mind, because I think by then, I will be too involved to let you walk away" Dani says just before putting the key in the ignition.

  "I think I'm already too involved" I mumble quietly to myself, I don't know if Dani heard me, but if she did, she didn't say anything, but she did have a small smile on her lips, making me believe that she heard me.

  It took me all of sixty seconds of driving with Dani, before sliding over from the window to the middle of the seat so I was right beside her, she took her hand off of the gear stick and rested it on my thigh, acknowledging my presence without taking her eyes off of the road, I smile and link my fingers with her, letting the radio be the only noise to fill the silence as we drive back to my apartment.

  "I just realised that every time you have been to my apartment, and I have never been to yours" I say as she turns onto my road.

  "You can come to my apartment if you want" Dani says pulling up along the side of the road.

  "You going to cook for me?" I grin.

  "I can do that" She smiles turning the engine off and facing me.


  "Tomorrow?" Dani suggests.

  "Can't do tomorrow, Tuesday's are Chloe and Harmony days, as soon as she finishes school, we go see a movie, then go out for dinner and dessert" I smile.

  "That's sweet I like that" Dani says.

  "Yeah, I like just having a day with her, I know we get the weekends too, but Diana is there nine out of ten times" I roll my eyes jokingly, having nothing but love for my best friend.

  "I guess we could do it Saturday? Seeing as you have classes after work" Dani suggests.

  "Ugh but Saturday is so far away" I huff.

  "Aww can't you go five days without seeing me" Dani smirks.

  "Pssh yeah course I could" I flip my hair over my shoulder.

  "Wanna bet?" Dani smirks.

  "You and I both know that you'd be the one to cave first"

  "Hmm not when it's a bet, I never lose" Dani grins cockily.

  "Neither do I" I arch my brow.

  "I guess I'll be seeing you in five days then" Dani smirks.

  "We're really doing this?" I ask.

  "Yep, so what are the stakes? You know for when you lose" Dani smirks.

  "I'm not losin
g baby girl" I smirk.

  "Sure so when I win, I want to be apart of next Tuesday, Chloe and Harmony day"

  "That's what you want?" I ask slightly shocked, this girl just continues to surprise me.

  "Yeah that's what I want" She smiles.

  "You could be a part of it tomorrow beautiful if you really want" I smile over at her.

  "Breaking the bet already?" Dani grins.

  "No hands have been shaken, the bet has not been placed" I wink and she chuckles softly.

  "I can wait until next week, I want to give you guys one more Tuesday alone together before I

  completely take them over"

  "Oh so you think you're going to be a part of the Tuesday's more than once?" I arch my brow. "We both know that your daughter is in love with me, and as soon as I come with you guys once, she is going to want me to come every time, so I'm giving you one last Tuesday"

  "You're such a cocky asshole" I shake my head. "You know it's true though"

  "I can't even deny it, because you're probably right, I can't believe you're going to be stealing my Tuesday's away from me" I shake my head once again.

  "Maybe not every Tuesday, I still have to work until six, but I can get off early sometimes, like next week I will so I can be a part of it"

  "So you're not completely stealing my child away from me then"

  "I told you before, I'd only ever steal her if you're coming with me" Dani smiles taking her hand out of mine and placing it along the back of the seat, I turn my body slightly so I am facing her better.

  "Where would you take us?" I ask.

  "Where would you like to go?"

  "I'd love to live on the beach" I smile.

  "Okay we'll kick my parents out of their house and live there" Dani grins.

  "You can't kick them out of their house" I laugh softly. "They can live in the shed in the garden" Dani smiles. "And what about Dylan"

  "Crap I forgot about him" She says and I can't help but let out a giggle.

  "He can stay in the house with us, it has enough bedrooms" Dani smiles.

  "Damn how big is your parents house?"

  "Quite big, it has five bedrooms, three en suites, as well as two other bathrooms, I love my parents house"

  "Hmm do you think they'd be happy in the shed?" I ask her and grin happily to myself as she throws her head back in laughter.


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