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Lifeguard’s Thick Fiancée

Page 2

by Amber Branley

  “You designed this place? So, you’re like an architect, too? What are you, a modern renaissance man?”

  He lets out a big belly laugh. “No,” he says, slapping his knee as he grins. “Just had an idea of what I wanted in a house. It’s important to have a good roof over your head.”

  I’ve never had a true roof over my head. All my life I’ve pretty much moved around from crappy apartment to crappy apartment… I look up at him and blush when I see the way he’s staring at me.

  “I’ve got to kiss you again,” he says.

  “Please do.”

  His lips lock with mine a split second later. This time, the kiss is raunchier than the first time. His tongue slips past my lips and swirls around mine. I start to groan very softly. My body stiffens up and my heart starts pounding like crazy in my chest.

  He pulls away just when things start getting hot and heavy. He looks into my eyes and smiles. I can practically tell what he’s thinking: I want you so bad, but I know we should take things slow… I don’t want to mess them up with you.

  He’s such a gentleman. I want him right here and right now, but he’s willing to show me he’s not like other guys. He’s anything but typical, and the way he looks at me speaks volumes. He stares at me like he’s never seen anything quite so special.

  But why me? He’s so good looking, he could have his pick of any woman he wanted. And yet, he’s chosen me. Maybe I’m not as bad looking as I always thought. There he goes giving me confidence already. Who knows how good I’ll feel about myself after a few more days, weeks, or months?

  The idea of being with him forever is what I want. I never want to lose this guy, because the chemistry is so thick between us. I always thought I was destined to be alone forever, but I guess I was wrong about that, because now that I’ve found Luke, I feel like the missing piece of my heart has finally been found.

  “I’m so happy right now,” I beam at him as I look up into his gorgeous, soft blue eyes.

  “So am I,” he says.

  “Kiss me again,” I say.

  “With pleasure…”

  Chapter Five – Luke

  I’ve been a lifeguard for a long time now, and when duty calls, I head straight into the thick of danger if someone’s life is on the line.

  My past still haunts me. Memories of a failure. A time during a storm when I had to rescue six surfers and managed to only get five back onto the shore in time. The last one was carried out to sea before I could get ahold of them. Why in the hell they figured they should be surfing during a massive storm like that, I’ll never fully understand. But according to them it was a chance to catch the “perfect wave”.

  People tell me it’s not my fault. People tell me they knew better than to be out there. They tell me I did the best I could. Heck, I even got a medal. My superiors said it was a miracle I was even able to rescue more than one under the circumstances. They said I seemed damn near superhuman and that’s when I got my first major promotion.

  But in my own eyes, I was an utter failure. Someone died. I tried to save them, but I couldn’t even REACH them.

  It’s taken years to get halfway over it. Still I have dreams sometimes. But I let them wash over me now. I don’t let them take root. I don’t let them torment me like they used to. But in recent months, someone connected to that memory has returned in my life. And they’ve done everything they can to try and bring me back down into the depths of depression and guilt.

  His name is Robert Jones, and he’s one of the men I saved back then. The one who died was his fiancée. Over the years Jones has become increasingly sick and twisted in his methods. I’ve had to get restraining orders against him. I tried to explain to him that his fiancée was already too far out at sea for me to have ever had a chance at saving her. I tried to explain this to deaf ears that didn’t want to listen.

  The last time I saw him was on my front porch security camera. He looked up at it, a sadistic smile on his face, and he waved to me.

  “Hello Luke,” he said. “Thinking any lately about the girl you let die?”

  I damn near stormed out onto the porch and kicked him to the dirt right then and there. But I didn’t. Instead I called the police on him. I didn’t want to at first. I know he’s feeling a tremendous amount of anger and desperation. I know he’s depressed. But I can’t have him standing threateningly on my front porch, talking to me through the camera.

  I can’t have him trying to bring me back down into that darkness I narrowly escaped from.

  And now, as Anna lies in my arms, I’ve all but forgotten about Robert Jones. Until there comes a knock at the door, and I check the camera on my phone. When I see his face, my heart seems to stop beating. I gently pull myself out from under Anna. She’s sound asleep, and I cover her with the blankets as I stand there for a moment and stare straight ahead towards the front door, dead-eyed.

  I look at my phone again, at the camera. He’s smiling up at it. He waves at it. “Hello, Luke,” he says. “Missed me?”

  I’ve had enough. I’m going to face him now and put an end to this.

  I walk quickly to the door and open it. Then I see him wielding a glistening blade in one hand. He looks shocked to see me, like he can’t believe I finally opened the door after all these attempts. He grins and quickly says, “I’ve been waiting for this.”

  He swipes the blade in my direction and I lunge my hand towards it, snapping hold of his wrist and twisting it away from him. The blade drops from his grip as a look of horror comes over his face. I waste no time in snapping his wrist backwards, as an ugly cry of pain bursts from his puckered lips.

  A split second later my foot goes barreling upwards into his stomach, and he goes flying backwards into the air.

  He lands with a nasty sounding crash on the pavement; arms flailing as if he doesn’t know which painful body part to grasp, and he lets out a guttural groan of misery as I slowly walk down the steps towards him.

  “You like to come here?” I ask him. “You like to mess with me?”

  I crouch down and grab him by the face. I pull him up by the neck and he’s staring at me wide-eyed, looking like he’s about to pass out from shock. “I gave you a chance. And you drew a blade. And now you’re going to face the consequences of that.”

  I drop him back onto the ground and then I stand there and call the police. I’m glad Anna is sleeping now, because I wouldn’t want her to have to worry about this crap. The operator says the police should arrive in thirty minutes or so, which I figure is a decent timeframe for LAPD. I can’t complain. Besides, this scumbag isn’t going anywhere.

  I used to feel sad for him. Hell, he used to even make me feel a bit guilty. But not anymore. Not now that he’s pulled an eight inch blade on me.

  He’s groaning in pain, clutching at his stomach. I’m no doctor, but my layman guess is that he’s broken his ribs. Or rather, I’ve broken them for him. He’s squirming on the pavement, doubled over, face red, with sweat trickling down his cheeks.

  I bend down and stare him square in the eyes. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save her. You know I’ve gone through pain too. So keep your self-righteous load of crap to yourself, acting like I’m thrilled about her dying. Why the hell do you keep coming here and trying to guilt trip me? Why?”

  He groans, “Because my own guilt. Because she told me we shouldn’t surf that day…”

  I feel a sudden sadness inside me. He’s looking at me with watery eyes, and I quickly pull my phone out and call the police after making a hasty decision. I’m not going to let this guy get arrested. He may have just pulled a blade on me, but now we understand each other. And I understand the pain he’s been feeling.

  “Sorry, I just called,” I say, giving them my name and address quickly before continuing, “That was a false alarm, earlier. I mean, he’s gone. It was a different guy. It ended up being my friend playing a prank on me… Yes, I know. I’m so sorry about that. So, if you could just cancel everything and not send them out here, that’
d be great. I appreciate it.”

  I hang up and stare down at him. Then I reach down and help him up. He stares at me, stunned, and he nods his head. “Thank you,” he says.

  “Don’t come back here again. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes,” he says, but he pauses longer than I’d have liked.

  Then he walks off, and as he does, Anna comes to the door behind me and says, “Who was that? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” I say, laughing. “I’ll tell you the whole story… It’s a real doozy.”

  We go inside and I tell her the whole thing. By the end of it, both of us are tired, and as I’m staring at her all I can seem to want to do is jump her right then and there – literally pounce on her.

  So I do just that. And let’s just say one things leads quickly to another…

  Chapter Six – Anna

  He grabs me and presses his lips against mine. His tongue slips into my mouth as he moans into my mouth. His fingers slide up and down my body, and then he yanks my shirt up over my head and slings it to the floor.

  Scanning my body, his eyes tell me he wants me. He licks his lips and presses me up against the couch. Then he pulls his shirt over his head and drops it to the ground. I stare longingly at his washboard abs, and the chiseled, bulging chest that sits above them.

  He’s so perfect, and he’s managed to make me feel so wet. When he bend down and kisses me again, I feel like my body is shivering with excitement. Then he suddenly pulls my shorts down and spreads my legs apart.

  “You’re wet,” he mutters excitedly, staring at the dark spot in the crotch of my panties.

  I blush, feeling embarrassed, and then yelp with surprise when he pulls my panties from my legs and stares lustfully at my naked crotch. Before I know it, he’s got his face shoved in it! He’s lapping hungrily with his long tongue, sliding it up and down, and I’m groaning with delight as he pleases me orally.

  “Oh god,” I gasp.

  “You like that?” He mutters.

  His tongue slides up and down me, slithering back and forth, and then it enters me. I groan and after a minute I’m already coming. My whole body feels like it’s burning with desire as the orgasm takes hold like a tidal wave. I’m gripping onto the corners of the couch as this hot guy tongues me nice and deep.

  “Oh, god!” I squeal.

  His tongue laps at me, slipping up and down, left and right. It feels so amazing as he licks me, and I lose all control. Before I know it, he’s standing over me unzipping his pants. He holds it before me; the massive shaft I’m gazing at with wide eyes, and then he sticks it in my mouth.

  I’ve never done any of this before, so I know I must not be doing a good job, until I hear his groans. He’s groaning so loud and passionately that it convinces me I must be doing something right, and so whatever it is, I just keep doing it. I slurp him up and down, feeling his massive rod stretching my lips wide open, and then after a few minutes he pulls the twitching shaft from my lips and stares down at me with a stern, dominant expression behind those narrowed blue eyes.

  “I want you so bad,” he mutters; his voice a breathy whisper, and then he slings me onto my back and spreads my bare legs wide apart.

  He stares down at my dripping wet hole and then stuffs himself into it. I’m screaming with pleasure as I feel every inch of him barreling back and forth. He doesn’t go slowly. He doesn’t go easy. He obliterates me down there – and it feels so freaking good.

  My curvy body is jiggling as he works himself in and out, slamming himself into me with all his might. He’s not only long, but also so tremendously thick, and he uses every bit of his size to spread me wide apart. I’m practically squirming as he pulls out of me and spins me around.

  “Get on your knees,” he mutters.

  I do what he says, feeling so turned on by his stern commands, and then I feel him pressing into me once again; this time from behind. I sling my head back, let my mouth hang open, and feel him entering me from behind. Oh gosh, he makes me feel so good…

  He slides in and out of me, sloshing his big stick back and forth, and he makes me climax again. I try to be quiet; not wanting to disturb any neighbors, but I’ll be damned if I’m able to be quiet whatsoever. I end up squealing loud enough for all the distant neighbors to hear, and Luke keeps on trucking as he slams himself back and forth into me.

  He does this for what feels like a long time, and every minute feels so damn good as he works his magic. Then he pulls out suddenly, flips me around, and spreads my legs apart before he slams himself back into me. His huge rod starts throbbing, and that’s when I know he’s about to be finished… He’s about to climax.

  And when he does, it feels so amazing…

  Chapter Seven – Luke

  The next day the captain calls me into work an emergency shift. There’s a bit of a rough tide today, and so swimmers and surfers are encouraged to be extra cautious. Needless to say, my captain needs all hands on deck.

  Anna goes with me, and spends her time lounging on the sand reading books, and eating crackers while I sit up in the lifeguard chair and watch the sea carefully. Not many people are in the water. It’s a gorgeous day, sunny and hot, but the waves are just too extreme for anyone other than surfers, and most of them went home early in the morning.

  I lean back in my chair and think about the night before. I think of Anna, and how incredible she was. I think of how incredible she made me feel. It was unlike any other feeling I’ve ever experienced… I mean, people act like making love is always amazing, but who has ever truly made love? Not many people. Not unless you’re truly in love with someone.

  And with Anna, there’s no doubt about it. I’m head over heels in love with her, and it made the experience last night so much more intimate. It was raunchy as hell, but it was also so passionate and tender. When I kiss her I feel my heart spinning in my chest, and I feel like time literally stops.

  Call me crazy, but I know I want to marry this girl.

  I snap out of the love struck daze and then look out at the waves. Anna is going out into them. The water in Southern California is cold, so I know she won’t go too far. Until I see something that shakes me to the core.

  It’s him. By God, it’s him!

  Robert Jones, the guy who I went easy on yesterday, comes running up out of nowhere and grabs Anna. The bastard must have followed us here. He pulls her out into the ocean and begins to drag her into the surf.

  I can hear her bellowing cries as I sprint towards the water. I dive into it and start swimming towards them. I’m going to kill him this time.

  “Luke!” She howls.

  I go under the rough tide and open my eyes underwater. I swim as quickly as I can towards them. Then I grab his legs and pull him under. He wasn’t expecting it – the scum didn’t even see me coming. When I pull him under the tide he stares at me in the deep blue depths with a look of horror on his face.

  I start to choke him out. I’m going to end him…

  I’ve never been a violent guy. But when I saw him threatening Anna, all things changed, and my laid back beach-bum attitude was turned upside down. I’ll never let anyone hurt her.

  And then he starts to smile. He’s grinning as I choke him. This is what he wanted… He knew he wouldn’t hurt her – he never even planned on hurting her… He just wanted me to follow him out here so I’d kill him and end his misery.

  I release my grip from him. Then I do something he doesn’t expect. I pull him up out of the water and he gasps for air. From the moment I pulled him under until now, only twenty seconds or so have passed, and Anna is already almost back to the sand.

  “Luke!” She screams, sounding worried.

  “Just finish it!” The guy howls at me.

  I stare him in the eyes. “Kill me,” he says.

  “No,” I say, and I grab him in a headlock and force him back to the sand.

  This time I won’t let him off so easy. This time he’s going to get the help he so desperately need
s. I keep him restrained on the beach while I call the cops. Then I hold him there with my coworkers as we wait. Anna stands by my side, clutching onto my arm.

  “Are you okay?” She asks me.

  “I should be the one asking you that. I swear I almost killed the guy… Just… When I saw him taking you out there, I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t control my rage.”

  “But you did,” she says soothingly. “You stopped yourself. You didn’t kill him.”

  “Maybe I should have,” I rasp. “If he ever comes into our life again, I swear I will… If he ever puts you in danger…”

  “He won’t,” she says, and she kisses me as my coworkers take over. They tell me to go on; that they can restrain him on their own. Reluctantly, I agree. I walk a few paces down the sand with Anna, and then we plop down onto a dune and look out at the ocean.

  My heart is still pounding in my chest, but when Anna leans over and kisses me, I manage to calm down.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart. I’m just so sorry he grabbed you like that. I’m blaming myself for letting him go yesterday. I should have let the cops take him away.”

  “It’s the same guy?”


  “No. You didn’t know then. Now you know. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s over, anyway.”

  “I love you,” I say suddenly.

  She looks at me stunned. Her gorgeous green eyes are wide, and her lips are trembling. “I love you too,” she says in a trembling whisper.

  “Kiss me,” I say.

  Her lips lock with mine, and like before, like always, it feels magical. I’ll never get tired of kissing her, and I’ll love her for eternity. I’m going to marry this curvy girl.

  Chapter Eight – Anna

  When he says he loves me, my heart feels like it starts to beat so fast. But at the same time, it’s like time stops around us. The beach, the noise, the people… Everything just stops for a second. The world stops spinning, and Luke and I are at the center of it.


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