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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 100

by Rebecca Royce

  “She’s spoken to us about it too. I still can’t believe she’s got all four of you hounding after her. Then again, you are her hellhounds,” Diane said with a shrug before chuckling at her words.

  “I spoke with the others, they think I should be the one to… go first,” I said slowly, tugging at the collar of my shirt. I hated talking about this, the nervousness that it was bringing on was not something I liked.

  “Shouldn’t that be up to her?” Diane frowned.

  “Why?” Hadley said almost immediately after.

  “Apparently, they think I’d be the most gentle with her, since I have the most control over my hellhound,” I explained, shifting uneasily under their scrutinizing gazes.

  “I guess that’s true. Being a virgin, gentle is a must. And if they get caught up in the moment, they could accidentally hurt her,” Diane nodded.

  “So, what advice do you want?” Hadley asked as she leaned back against the head of the bed.

  “Is there anything you think I should do in particular? Anything to make it more special. I’ve been researching and studying, I just… I want to get it right,” I sighed.

  Diane made an adorable face before laughing and clapping her hands as Hadley grinned.

  “That’s so cute. Man, I wish my first guy had been that thoughtful,” Hadley cooed.

  “Well, you want her to be comfortable and relaxed. That’s the main thing. And make sure she wants to do it too and is prepared. Oh, I’m not sure if she’s on the pill,” Hadley glanced at Diane, who just shrugged. “So you’ll need condoms, do you have condoms? Do hellhounds need condoms? Can they reproduce?”

  “No, we can’t. We’re not designed for reproduction. Hellhounds are created from hellfire, not intercourse,” I explained. It was something that I’d learned when talking to Dezikiel once about why so little was known about hellhounds.

  “Intercourse,” Diane snickered, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, then you don’t need to stress about condoms. But she may bleed the first time, and it’ll hurt. Buy lube, you’ll need it the first time. Make sure you take your time on her so she’s nice and ready for when you do go in. Have you done stuff on your own? You want to last a decent amount of time for her pleasure, if you’re a three pump chump that’ll suck for her,” Hadley explained.

  I didn’t even get to feel embarrassed or nervous now, I was too busy taking in everything she said.

  “What lube?” I asked as I pulled out my phone to take notes.

  “Water based. Be willing to use your hands on her, google the best methods, even go down on her if you’re up for that. Although it might be too much for her, she may get self-conscious,” Hadley mused as she looked over at her window in thought.

  “You guys are all virgins too, right?” Diane checked.

  “Yeah,” I muttered.

  “You’ve at least done stuff with your hand though, right?” Hadley asked in shock. “You’re technically only four years old.”

  “When you put it like that, it sounds so wrong,” Diane groaned.

  “Yes, we’ve done that stuff since Lily came here,” I said softly as I averted my eyes.

  “Only got eyes for her, huh?” Hadley chuckled.

  “Think it’s how we’re wired,” I said honestly. None of us had ever been interested in other females. Lily was the only one who ever got us aroused. And ever since she’d come to the Academy, it was so much worse than before.

  Before, if we got aroused by her or thoughts of her, we’d get rid of our projections and handle our… issues.

  Now, when we got turned on while with her, it could get painful not being able to deal with it, especially when we were wearing jeans.

  “Oooh, you should make it ultra romantic. Cover her bed in rose petals, make sure she knows that you love her body just the way it is,” Diane swooned at the thought.

  “Have you guys said the ‘L’ word yet?” Hadley asked suddenly as she leaned forward.

  Love. That’s what she meant. Lily knew we loved her. It was blatantly obvious. But Hadley had a point. We’d never said it.

  “No,” I muttered.

  “Oh, no, definitely not. No sex until you tell her you love her. That’s a must,” Diane nodded firmly.

  “You guys haven’t said it, jeez,” Hadley clucked in disappointment.

  “I don’t think it’s an easy thing for her to say,” I murmured. “Or to be told. She only ever had her mother growing up, lost all her friends when she got moved over here.”

  “That’s why it’s even more important,” Diane stated.

  I just nodded as I leaned forward on the desk chair.

  “I do love her. We all do.”

  “We know, but you need to tell her that, and find a way to show her too. You already do in a lot of ways, all the little things you all do. How you all know what her favorite foods are and grab them for her at meal times, or how you hold doors open for her and offer to do things for her. But do something grand when you finally tell her, so she knows you mean it,” Hadley said, her eyes bright with delight.

  “What do you suggest?” I asked honestly.

  Both of them lit up as they grinned at one another and shuffled forward on the bed.

  “Well, let’s see…”


  “Where are we going?” I asked Jack.

  It’d been two days since my music room kiss with Creeper, and I’d kissed him again since then. Just earlier today actually, when he’d come in my room after lunch to see if I wanted to practice the flute after class with him again.

  As if he needed to ask.

  Somehow, he’d ended up on my bed, kissing me and sliding his hands under my shirt and up my back. He didn’t stray around to my breasts, which I was a little bummed about actually.

  After some good making out, he bailed, clearly needing to put distance between us before it escalated.

  I’d then headed out to my training classes and then the music room for a while, where he stole another kiss for a moment before focusing on the piano.

  Practicing flute had been hard, and when Jack came to whisk me away, I was happy to not have to force myself to try to focus on the instrument.

  Now we were heading out into the garden after dinner, and the cool night air brushed my skin and made it prickle.

  “I wanted to do a dinner with you, but it’s kind of hard when there’s group dinner all the time,” he sighed as he entwined his fingers in mine.

  I smiled as we walked hand in hand through the gardens, and I took in the quiet serenity of it, the only sound was the soft breeze and insects chirping.

  The moon was almost full, and it doused the gardens in a magical moonlight, revealing our path.

  I was completely comfortable with him, and I leaned into his side until he wrapped an arm around me.

  He’d dressed up a little tonight, wearing a formal navy shirt and his good jeans. I’d come to learn he had a pair for special occasions.

  So what was the occasion?

  “Lily, are you happy?” he asked softly, breaking the comfortable silence we were walking in. We were wandering deeper into the gardens, already having passed the fountain that I’d had a picnic with Bug at.

  “Yes,” I said, turning to frown at him. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just wondering. You seem happier than before the Academy. You seem happy when you’re around us too,” he said, chewing his lip nervously, his sweet face illuminated by the moonlight. His dark hair and dark eyes made him look whiter than usual, but he looked stunning right now, like he was carved from marble, a pure masterpiece to admire.

  “You guys make me happy,” I murmured.

  “We care for you, Lily. A lot. You mean everything to us,” he said as he turned me down a path through some tall hedges and an archway.

  “Thanks, I care about you guys a lot too,” I said rather awkwardly, my heart skipping a beat.

  Where was this going?

  Where were we going?

glanced around me as we stepped into a small area with a white wooden gazebo.

  “You make me feel alive, Lily. Being with you, it gives me purpose and life, seeing you smile brings me joy like nothing else, and watching you learn how to manipulate your hellfire and kick ass in combat training, it makes me beyond proud and overjoyed,” he said as we came to a standstill before the gazebo.

  Two candles were lit, perched on each side of the wooden railings that blocked off the gazebo on each side.

  My breath caught at the sight of rose petals strewn everywhere, including over the railings and the surrounding grass.

  I focused on Jack, holding my breath as he smiled down at me tenderly.

  “You are my everything, Lily. I love you,” he murmured, ducking down to capture my lips with his.

  My heart burst at the declaration, and I melted into his sweet, soft kiss, clinging to his shirt as his mouth moved against mine.

  It was cut short too soon as he pulled back and reached into his back pocket.

  I froze up as he held out a small jewelry box.

  “It’s not a ring, so don’t panic,” he said quickly when he noted my expression.

  I relaxed a little, giggling nervously as he opened it.

  A ruby red heart charm was revealed, and I just stared at it in awe.

  “A symbol of my love for you, to go on your charm bracelet,” he murmured.

  I just smiled lovingly up at him.

  He’d said the words that I’d thought I’d never hear again in my life. Ever since my mother died, love had been missing from my life. Until I came to the Academy and truly met my hellhounds.

  They’d shown me love once more, and I knew I’d come to feel the same way for them.

  “I love you too,” I said, shocking myself.

  Jack tensed up at first, his eyes widening slightly in shock before he grinned widely.

  I held out my hand with my charm bracelet on, and he carefully added the charm onto it, clasping it on tightly before claiming my mouth once more.

  Our kiss deepened this time, and I stopped holding back, letting all my love and desire flow freely from me.

  He moaned softly as I began sucking on his lower lip and teasing his tongue with my own.

  His hand slid down my back, and ever so cautiously inched down to cup my ass.

  The heat that seared through me made me stand on tiptoes as I kissed him hungrily, balling my hands up in his shirt, desperate for… something more.

  “Lily,” he said breathlessly as he pulled away.

  “Mmm?” I pouted, staring at his lips, desperate to taste them again.

  “Do you want this to go further? I won’t let it go further unless you’re comfortable. We can just kiss and hold each other, and that’s enough for me,” he said sweetly as he stared into my eyes with utter devotion and affection.

  My breath caught as I got sucked into those deep, dark eyes.

  He was being sincere. He wanted me as much as I wanted him, but he wouldn’t go further unless I wanted to.

  And I’d waited long enough.

  I really did want to.

  “Okay, yes,” I breathed, kissing him again.

  “Are you sure? You can pull out at any time, we don’t have to,” he said as he broke the kiss once more.

  “I know,” I growled softly, kissing him again. This time he didn’t break the kiss, instead wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight against his warm, firm body.

  He led us back into the gazebo, and I only noticed the bedding laid out in the dim candlelight once we broke apart for breath.

  My cheeks flushed as I eyed the adorable, romantic set-up. Rose petals were everywhere, and a thick quilt had been laid out on a foam mattress. He’d put a lot of thought into it, making sure there were plenty of pillows.

  It was perfect, and we were well-hidden from the mansion. No one else would be out here tonight, and I’d noticed that my hellhounds had keen senses. He’d know if someone was coming. I could trust him to keep us hidden away.

  My heart pounded as he helped me down onto the bedding, covering my body with his and kissing me once more.

  My hands were sweaty as my stomach knotted and twisted. But I didn’t want to stop. I ached to finally take the next step.

  And Jack had been the first one for everything. The first hellhound I’d met in person, the first one I trusted, my first kiss.

  It made perfect sense.

  He kissed me deeply and passionately, before moving to kiss my jawline and then my neck. He nibbled on the sweet spot where it met my shoulder, and I moaned softly as I closed my eyes.

  “Remember, you can tell me to stop at any time,” he reminded me.

  I just nodded as I turned my head and kissed him again.

  “Can I take off your shirt?” he asked softly when we broke apart.

  I nodded without hesitation, my cheeks flushing as my chest rose and fell quickly.

  He slid an arm under me to raise me, working my shirt off a little awkwardly.

  I instantly shielded my breasts from him, and he just smiled lovingly at me.

  “You’re beautiful, Lily. Don’t hide yourself from me,” he murmured.

  My face was on fire, but I gingerly removed my hands from my chest, revealing my black bra.

  He bit his lip as his eyes trailed over me, and then I got the chance to have my breath taken away as he tugged his shirt off, revealing his perfectly toned, gorgeous chest and abs.

  “You know, I’m a little nervous too, I’ve not done anything like this before,” he admitted as he covered my body with his once more.

  His bare chest brushing mine made me quiver, and I gasped as he kissed me again, one hand stroking down my side and sending tingles through me.

  My hands started to explore his chest, and I loved the soft rumbles of pleasure that emanated from him at my touch.

  His hands wandered my bare skin, before finally sliding under my back as he raised himself up.

  “Can I take your bra off?”

  I nodded, grinning at how he seemed to need to ask with everything. It was utterly adorable and perfect.

  My heart pounded as he fiddled with the clasp for a few moments before finally getting it off and carefully removing it.

  He tossed it with our shirts, and then he stared down at me, admiring my bare breasts with a soft smile.

  I wanted to shield myself, but I fought the urge as he ducked down to kiss my neck.

  I drew in short, shallow breaths as he slowly slid down my body, kissing down my collarbone and then lower.

  He gently kissed one boob, before licking my nipple and making me quiver.

  “Can I?”

  “Yessss,” I moaned.

  I closed my eyes as his mouth encased my nipple, sucking gently as his hand worked softly on my other one.

  I moaned softly, my lady parts aching and throbbing painfully.

  I arched into him as his teeth grazed me. My hands knotted in his hair as I wrapped my legs around him.

  Goddamn, this was good.

  He took his time working my breasts, and I couldn’t believe the soft sounds I was making from the delicious pleasure it was giving me.

  And then he pulled back, staring down at me with lust and hunger as he panted softly.

  My eyes fell to the bulge in his jeans, and I swallowed nervously.

  His hand stroked along the waistband of my jeans, his eyes never straying from mine.

  “Can I?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  Fuck, just his voice was making me squirm, that hungry look in his eye making me bite my lip as I nodded.

  He unbuttoned my jeans, and I held my breath as he slid them off, leaving me in only my black panties.

  He stared down at me, a fire flashing through his eyes before he reined it in.

  “You have no idea the effect you have on me,” he groaned as he stroked my thigh.

  My panties felt wet, and I wondered if he’d care that I hadn’t shaved down there. I did
n’t grow much hair there anyway, but now I was worried. And would it be too wet? Was that a thing?

  He leaned down to kiss me again, laying his body on mine as his hand slid down my body to trace the edge of my panties.

  “Can… can I touch you?” he asked, his voice soft and tender.

  I nodded, my heart pounding as so many worries tore through my mind.

  I tried to force them out, to relax and remind myself that this was Jack, a man I trusted with my life.

  He would never judge me.

  He loved me.

  His fingers slid beneath my panties, twirling my tuft of hair as he kissed my neck and slid lower.

  I quivered as his finger gently slid down to my folds, circling my entrance as he kissed my nipple again.

  I moaned, arching up as he began suckling on me, his finger gently teasing my wet entrance.

  Would it hurt with just his finger?

  He slid it in when I arched again, and I let out a satisfied moan. It hurt a tiny bit, but it also felt rather nice.

  Would he know what to do? He’d never done this before either, so was he just winging it?

  No, I knew him better than that. He’d have researched it a whole lot before he finally felt satisfied he could do well.

  His hand slid out of my panties, making me pout as he pulled away.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, so I brought this,” he said as he rolled away and reached under some pillows.

  He pulled out a bottle of lube, and I just pursed my lips. He’d really thought of everything.

  “Can I take my pants off?” he asked as he rolled back close.

  I nodded, drawing in a deep breath.

  He quickly tugged his pants off, and I could see the relief on his face when his arousal was freed from his jeans.

  He went to ask again, but I just nodded, and he slid his briefs off as well.

  “That’s not going to fit,” I blurted immediately, my face burning at the sight of his erect penis.

  If his finger had hurt a small amount, that thing was going to kill me.

  “Um, we don’t have to, but it’s meant to fit,” he hesitated, looking quite perplexed by my statement.

  “I know, I just don’t know how,” I mumbled.

  “With lube. But we can stop,” he said gently as he nuzzled my neck. “I can just hold you and kiss you.”


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