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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 101

by Rebecca Royce

  “No, I want to try,” I said shakily after a moment.

  “You sure?”


  He kissed my neck as he moved to position himself over me, gently sliding my panties off.

  A soft breeze fluttered through the area, and our two candles went out, which he grumbled at.

  “Don’t worry about them,” I squeaked, feeling slightly better in more darkness.


  I trembled as he opened the bottle of lube and squirted some onto his hand.

  At least he hadn’t just squirted it onto me. The coldness of it would’ve killed the moment.

  He sunk down, kissing my breasts again and then suckling as he began sliding his finger inside me, coated with lube to prepare me.

  I moaned as he worked on me, his finger hooking and stroking my walls in a way that made me squirm with delight.

  He took his time, testing out different things with his hands until I was panting beneath him, utterly shocked at how good some of this felt. When he stroked my clit with his thumb, he asked how it felt, clearly amused at the way I arched and quivered at the sensation.

  Sure, I’d touched myself before, but more to see what responses I’d get. I’d never actually orgasmed.

  And right now, I wondered if I was going to or if I had. How would I know when I did? We didn’t get a clear finale like guys did.

  “You ready?” he asked in a deep, husky voice as he moved to kiss my neck again.

  I just moaned my agreement, wanting to feel what it would be like to have him inside, to be connected with him.

  I felt the tip of him touch my entrance, gently probing me.

  He’d stretched me a bit with his fingers, but I could feel myself stretching painfully to accommodate him.

  He took it slow as I hissed, constantly asking me if I wanted him to stop.

  I repeatedly said no, to keep on going.

  And when he finally filled me, we stayed motionless for a moment as I took a few breaths, feeling myself adjusting to him.

  It ached with a throbbing sensation, but I moved slowly at first, finding that the pain was subsiding slowly.

  He waited for me to give him the go ahead, and then he carefully eased out nearly all the way before gliding back in just as gently.

  We kept this up for a short while, slow and steady as it became more pleasurable for me.

  My legs were hooked around his waist, and I ran my hands down his back as I moaned again.

  He began to quicken his pace after he asked if it was okay, and I gasped, loving how he felt inside me.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he gave me a peck on the lips as he thrust into me.

  I managed a smile, which turned into a moan as he ground down into me.

  He wrapped his arms around me, holding me against him as he drove into me.

  “I don’t want to finish until you do,” he panted, slowing down his movements as he shuddered and nipped my neck softly.

  “I don’t know if I have yet,” I admitted breathlessly.

  “You’d know,” he chuckled softly. “Just relax, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.”

  I did as he said, gasping and curling my hands in the blanket as he reached down to tease my clit.

  He rocked into me gently as he did this, and the fire scorched through me, tingles flooding my body as he touched me.

  A strange pleasure began to build up inside me, and I moaned, moving my hands to claw at his back, gasping out the words that it felt amazing.

  He moaned with me, swirling his thumb over my sensitive little nub as he thrust deep into me.

  I began to writhe, never having felt this kind of build-up before. It was incredible, and I wanted it to hit its peak, to feel whatever amazing bliss it would bring with it.

  Jack continued driving into me faster, his fingers teasing my clit quicker too.

  I cried out as the wave broke through, washing over me with intense pleasure that I was arching against him, my legs nearly cramping as they tightened around him.

  “Fuck,” he moaned, and he sped up, driving into me with soft growls and grunts.

  I moaned, the bliss still coursing through me with mini waves as he continued, and I found myself staring up into his dark eyes, a fire flickering within them as he gritted his teeth.

  “Oh fuck,” he rasped, dipping his head down to nip my neck. “Lily,” he moaned, and his body shuddered as his arms tightened around me.

  I felt warmth flood into me, and I held him close as he panted and lazily kissed my neck.

  “We didn’t use a condom,” I mumbled, feeling completely stupid for not thinking of that.

  “Hellhounds aren’t fertile,” he rasped, his hot breath washing over my neck.

  Oh, well, that was good, I guess.

  We stayed joined for some time, holding each other as we caught our breath.

  I giggled before sighing, running my fingers up and down the lithe muscles in his back.

  “Was it okay?” he asked when he finally flopped down beside me and pulled me against his chest to spoon me.

  I ignored the stickiness running down between my legs.

  I’d deal with it later, right now, I wanted to enjoy the moment.

  “It was perfect,” I murmured as I held his arms around my waist and closed my eyes.

  “That’s good, I wanted your first time to be good,” he murmured, sounding pleased.

  I just smiled to myself, thoroughly exhausted now. It had been perfect. Feeling connected with him, how he’d taken his time so it didn’t hurt, how he’d focused on me, it was beyond perfect.

  “Was it okay for you?” I asked softly.

  “Better than perfect,” he chuckled as he kissed my shoulder, brushing my hair to the side as he nuzzled my neck.

  “I’m glad.”

  We lay snuggled together, and a wave of contentment washed over me. I felt completely at ease and comfortable, and satisfied.

  So it wasn’t a surprise when I drifted off, encased in his warmth and floating on clouds.


  I awoke, finding the warmth I’d fallen asleep with was gone from behind me.

  I rolled over, blinking as the moonlight streamed in through my open window.

  I guess Jack had brought me back to my room and tucked me in.

  My legs were still sticky, and I carefully slid out from under the covers. I needed a shower, badly.

  My body ached, but I was smiling as I headed to the bathroom.

  The beautiful session replayed in my mind as I stepped under the jet of warm water, ghostly fingers caressing me as I relived his soft touch and the way he’d kissed my skin.

  I thought of the fire that had burned in his eyes when he’d finished with me, of the bliss that had coursed through my body.

  I could get used to feeling like that, and it wouldn’t hurt the more we did it.

  I washed myself, replaying the scene over and over as my skin flushed.

  Where had he gone anyway?

  I knew he didn’t sleep. I wish he did, I would’ve liked to have woken up next to him.

  I finished up and exited the bathroom, changing into some pajamas as I checked my phone. It was only one in the morning.

  But I wasn’t tired now.

  I wanted to see him again, to crawl into his arms and be held by him, to kiss him and thank him for making it so blissfully perfect.

  I crept out into the hall, going over where he might be in my head.

  Maybe he was out at the gazebo cleaning up. He spent a lot of time out in the garden or in the library, so they were options.

  I slipped down the darkened hallway, only the moonlight seeping in through the window at the end guiding me.

  I peeked in his room to no avail. They barely ever used their rooms except to change and shower, and maybe study.

  I found my way silently to the library, checking in there first before heading out into the gardens when no one greeted me.

nbsp; The cool night air brushed my skin, flicking my hair into my face to tickle me.

  I quivered as I felt Jack’s phantom lips kissing my neck.

  I had to see him again.

  I strode into the gardens, following the path to the gazebo.

  I sighed in defeat when I found it, finding it already cleaned up and empty. The only evidence of our amazing time were the few rose petals that were still scattered around.

  I turned back to the mansion, silently heading back.

  Maybe he was in the leisure room? Or talking with one of the others, which could mean he was in the music room or kitchen.

  I froze as a strange sense of dread washed over me. I glanced around me, the eerie moonlight casting shadows that danced around me.

  I wasn’t alone out here.

  I forced myself to continue on, veering from the path when something pushed me to go the other way.

  I headed into the training area, the concrete blocks and wooden barricades that fenced off some of the area offering shelter for anyone out here.

  I peered through the darkness, pushing forward when the dread washed over me again from behind.

  I spun back, facing towards the gardens I’d just exited, my eyes flicking wildly around the shadows.

  “What are you doing out at this time of night?”

  I stiffened at the dark chuckle.


  “Taking a walk,” I said, trying to refrain from growling.

  But every hair stood on end right now, and warning bells were going off in my head.

  This wasn’t his usual harassing or annoyance.

  Charlie stepped out of the shadows, the moonlight bouncing off his golden pocket-watch as he swung it carelessly.

  “No hellhounds,” he mused.

  The statement made me prickle, and I bristled as I planted my feet.

  “What are you doing out here?” I hissed.

  “Hoping to catch you alone.” He shrugged.

  I clenched my jaw as a shiver crept down my spine.

  “Why?” I asked, forcing out the question that wanted to catch in my throat. My blood was pumping in my ears now, and I knew my body was on high alert.

  Something wasn’t right here.

  “I need to give you a message from Baal, a Prince of Hell,” he said with a sneer, his teeth glinting in the moonlight.

  My blood ran cold as my breath caught.

  I needed to find my hellhounds. I was in danger.

  “What’s the message,” I found myself saying. Time. I needed to buy time. Maybe someone else was awake and would sense this dread.

  Surely my boys could feel it too. They knew something was off about Charlie.

  “They’re coming for you, and they won’t stop until you’re dead,” he chuckled as he caught his pocket-watch mid-air.

  I flinched as he crushed it in his hand, a strange black ooze trickling down from his hand.

  It dripped onto the ground, and I could only watch as a black pool began to form quickly, moving as it began to grow and take on a shape.

  A black creature came together before me, seeming to manifest from the pool and the shadows all at once, its red eyes gleaming in the darkness as black leathery skin formed.

  Charlie’s terrifyingly dark laughter echoed around as the creature rumbled, its thick limbs reaching out.

  Hellfire exploded from me, and I hurled it with everything I had, beyond grateful that my training was paying off as the fireballs smashed into the creature.

  But nothing happened. It simply shook it off, snarling and revealing thin, razor-like teeth as its mouth cracked open abnormally wide.

  “Hellfire won’t work on this demon spawn,” Charlie laughed from behind the monster.

  I shuddered as I stumbled back.

  My hellfire. It was useless.

  I couldn’t beat this thing, and it was towering before me now, growling and creeping forward.

  I was going to die right here.

  And I wouldn’t be able to tell the others how I loved them.

  Snarls rose up all around me, and I gasped as an arrow pierced the creature, making it snarl in annoyance. But the small injury barely affected the huge beast.

  I knew the others were coming to my rescue. Not just my boys, but the other students.

  More arrows buried into the creature, along with a hurled knife.

  And then I felt them moving.

  Four black wolf-like creatures the size of bears exploded from the darkness, their horns glinting in the moonlight along with their fiery red eyes. Like the creature before me, their jaws opened wider than they should have, cracking right up to below their long, pointed ears. They shot past me, agile and quick, and full of pure rage as they barreled into the creature.

  One launched high into the air with its powerful legs, snapping his jaws onto the creature’s shoulder and tearing into it as his claws tore into its chest.

  Another shoulder charged into one of its hind legs while one locked its jaws onto the other leg and ripped into it.

  The creature howled as the fourth hellhound shot around it, dodging the large creature.

  I heard Charlie’s cries as it found him, and the snarls rose up as he shouted and shrieked.

  The creature fell to its knees, but I watched in horror as its huge clawed hands reached out, swatting the hellhound off its shoulder like a fly.

  It yelped, but landed gracefully on all four and launched at the monster immediately.

  I knew it was Jack, somehow. And Chumley was the one that had shoulder charged its leg, while Bug was yanking and tugging on the other.

  Which meant it was Creeper who’d gone after Charlie.

  “Lily, you okay?” Hadley barked as she pulled up on one side of me, Diane on the other.

  Their hands were glowing green with magic, something I’d seen them do on occasion, but they were gritting their teeth.

  As I looked back at the creature, I realized that its hands now had green chains binding them to the ground, holding it down on its knees.

  The creature’s head shot towards the sky, and it roared in fury as it struggled against the magic holding it down along with the hellhounds.

  Something golden caught my eye, and I turned my face skyward.

  Something shot down at an insane speed, and as it drew near, I could only gape in sheer disbelief as Dezikiel sliced down through the creature with a brilliant, glowing, golden sword. It cut down through the head of the beast, light exploding forth from the wounds as the creature wailed and disintegrated into smoke right before us.

  Dezikiel stood in its place, his large white wings spread out as he held his sword before him.

  I stared in amazement for a few moments, before my eyes moved to the form behind him.

  Charlie lay on the ground, his eyes glazed over with his throat ripped out and his body torn up.

  Creeper stood over him, staring past Dezikiel, right at me. He was in his hellhound form, looking terrifying yet majestic all at once.

  I didn’t know what to do, so I just slumped to my knees, drawing in sharp breaths as Hadley and Diane collapsed besides me.

  “Damn, takes it out of ya. That thing was strong,” Hadley gasped.

  Only now did I realize she was in her pajamas, as was Diane.

  A glance over my shoulder revealed the other students, with crossbows and normal bows, throwing knives, and shadowy looks. They were all in their pajamas as well.

  “Why did he attack you?” Diane asked in the silence that had fallen. No roars or growls now as my four hellhounds wandered over and sniffed me, their scarlet eyes glittering as they checked on me.

  They had thrown themselves to my defense, and I couldn’t be more grateful at their stupidity as I stroked their wolfish faces and thanked them one by one.

  Creeper was the last one to check on me, hesitating before padding forward, crimson splatters drying in the fur on his chest and covering his snout.

  “Thank you,” I whispered as he cautiously
stepped before me.

  He whined as I stroked his head and ears, not caring that Charlie’s blood drenched him.

  That demon was a danger to us all. And he’d dealt with him as needed. I felt no remorse for him, or any hard feelings for Creeper.

  “He said that he had a message for me,” I finally answered Diane as Dezikiel strode over, his wings withdrawing into his back, his white long-sleeved shirt shuffling with the movements of his disappearing wings.

  “What message?” Dezikiel asked, his stoney gaze locked onto me.

  “He said it was from Baal, a Prince of Hell. That they’re coming for me, and they won’t stop until I’m dead,” I relayed the message.

  Dezikiel’s eyes flickered before a mask set over them, and he sighed.

  “That is worrying. Especially being a daughter of a Prince of Hell,” he murmured as he glanced around the training area at the other students.

  “I thought the High Council vetted the students they sent here. How could they have screwed up this bad?” Miss Sage hissed as she strode over in her black nightgown. Her face was taut and set in a grim line. She had a crossbow at her side, and I wondered which of the shots had been hers.

  “How come none of the weapons had any affect on it except yours?” Mr Baron asked as he hurried over in his baby blue pajama set, looking quite ruffled.

  “The weapons we use at the Academy are demonic weapons, meant for demons. This thing, it was more than just a demon,” Dezikiel said.

  An eerie quiet fell on all of us as I shivered and Diane bit her lip as she glanced at me.

  My hellhounds were shifting back to man now, looking perplexed and pissed off all at once.

  Jack looked like he was on the verge of marching into Hell himself and demanding to speak to the Princes for answers, while Bug looked uneasy. Chumley’s face was grim, and Creeper looked oddly calm, drenched in blood. But the fire that raged in his still red eyes told me he was anything but calm.

  “What do you mean by that?” Miss Sage murmured as she glanced around at the crowd of students who had drawn closer. My boys were unfazed by their nakedness around them all, and Diane and Hadley were clearly flicking their eyes everywhere else to avoid looking at them.

  I couldn’t take the moment to appreciate them as Charlie’s words played over in my mind.


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