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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

Page 8

by Laura Acton

  Dan jumped up from the couch, reaching for the two halves of his shirt, holding it closed. Rejection validated his insecurities and stripped away all his defenses leaving him vulnerable. He staggered backward until he bumped into the fridge. Her reaction was worse than he could’ve imagined. No scratch that … pity entered her eyes. He still couldn’t handle pity.

  Struggling for control, his breaths came in short, frantic pants. Bile started to rise, and his white-knuckled grip on the ruined shirt increased as phantom, sharp, burning needles pierced his stomach. A vision of The One swam in front of Dan’s eyes and his hurt filled expression flashed with a fury born in Hell.

  The sound of his internal screams almost drowned out the loud knocking and Blaze’s shout. “Blondie, sorry to interrupt. Time to go.”

  Instinctually responding to Blaze’s command tone, Dan stumbled past Julie without making a single comment. Vaguely he noted she shrank away from him, her face still contorted in a mix of pity, revulsion, and now fear. He yanked open the door finding Blaze waiting for him.

  His pain all too real, his shields ripped away exposing the frightened, lonely, forsaken little boy who dwelt in the darkened corner of his mind. Reaching out for shelter Dan’s shirt fell open revealing not only the evidence of every physical wound but the invisible ones too. He could not hide his raw torment. All masks crumbled as he tried to put them in place.

  After one glimpse of Blaze’s concerned hazel eyes, Dan took a tentative step, his heart screaming for acceptance and solace. He waited only a fraction of a second before Blaze moved forward and pulled him close. Unable to hold back a heartrending sob as the worlds of his nine-year-old boy and twenty-three-year-old man collided becoming one, Dan allowed the man his soul recognized as a father to embrace him.

  Blaze continued holding Blondie as he glared at the woman gaping at him from inside the room. He saw the pity, disgust, and alarm displayed on her face. Her expression validated all Blondie’s fears and insecurities. That bitch wounded his son deeply. Goddammit! I chose her … I hurt my boy!

  As Blondie clung to him, Blaze’s guilt and fatherly instincts grew, and he tightened his hold. He pitched his voice soft as he used to do with Daphy when she needed reassurance, “Come on, kiddo. We have a mission.”

  Base Tarmac – 2305 Hours

  Brody and the rest of the unit minus Blaze and Dan gathered on the tarmac. The mood jovial as they teased each other over their conquests. Winds nearly busted a gut laughing as Ripsaw and Brody recounted events of collecting Patch and Mason. After Blaze rousted him, he double-timed it to the airfield as Blaze went to collect Blondie.

  As the teasing ebbed, Winds glanced at Brody. “Hope Blondie got laid.”

  The smile on Brody’s face and his mirthful response died when he glimpsed Blaze walking towards them with his arm around Dan’s shoulder. “Ah, shit!”

  Swiveling their heads, the guys followed Brody as he sprinted to Blondie and Blaze. Swear words burst forth, stomachs and fists clenched, and hands ran through short hair in frustration as each realized tonight had not gone well for Blondie.

  Blaze stopped when Brody reached them. He mouthed to Brody, ‘She saw scars and showed pity.’

  Upon seeing Dan’s torn and gapping shirt, Brody began unbuttoning his. He stripped it off and gently said, “Hey, Danny, let’s put this on.”

  Dan opened his eyes at his brother’s voice. He had allowed Blaze to lead him as he kept his eyes shut attempting to quiet the inner turmoil, close the door on his insecurities, and forge a new protective shield. As Brody slipped his body-warmed shirt over him, Dan shuddered as the cloak helped soothe and hide the wounded child inside.

  Once he finished putting the shirt on Danny, Brody pulled him close, embracing the brother of his heart and soul as he whispered, “I’m here for you. Always will be. Hang on, brother. I won’t let you drown.”

  Leaning in, Dan allowed Brody to hold him. His actions in the past ten minutes were not manly, but he needed the comfort, security, and strength his brothers offered unconditionally. Brody became his life-preserver. He clung to him struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent ocean of emotions.

  Mason, along with the others stayed where they were and watched as Blaze and Brody took care of Blondie. Each aware those two were the most capable of dealing with Blondie’s emotional needs and crowding him might cause a flare of anger or worse yet, withdrawal from the reassurance he so desperately needed. Turning away from them, unable to witness Blondie’s pain, Mason spotted the colonel. Softly he informed the guys, “Sutton’s coming.”

  They all came to attention, creating a wall in an attempt to block Sutton’s view of Blaze, Brody, and Blondie. Winds called out loudly, so Blaze would know they had company now, “Sir, all present and ready as ordered.”

  Tom didn’t miss the protective gesture of the unit, but he had already glimpsed Dan, and his stomach dropped comprehending something happened but unaware of what. He came to a halt. “At ease men.”

  On Sutton’s right stood a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed woman. Her eyes landed on Ripsaw, and she smiled. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Ripsaw’s face broke into a grin seeing the blonde he picked out for Blondie but ended up with tonight. As they sat enjoying a pleasant conversation under the stars, she received a call and had to leave. He wondered why she was with Sutton, but said, “Anastasia, nice to see you again.”

  Sutton raised a brow. “You two know each other?”

  “Yes, sir,” both responded.

  Noting Sutton’s concerned mien, Anastasia added, “We met tonight, sir.”

  Sutton nodded and directed his question to the second in command of the unit. “Simons, what’s going on over there?”

  Winds was saved from concocting something as Blaze arrived.

  Made aware of the colonel’s presence, Blaze rapidly strode over leaving Blondie in Brody’s care. He needed to do damage control. Halting and coming to attention next to Patch, he said, “Lieutenant Blain reports, sir.”

  Sutton asked, “Your unit mission ready, Blaze?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Giving Blaze an assessing look, he questioned, “All your men?”

  Blondie was shaken, but Brody would get him sorted out. Blondie would be ready by the time they landed. His head would be in the game with no thoughts of dealing with women. It would be just Blondie and his rifle. The kid was more than prepared in that department. They would be able to depend on him to cover their back, so he replied, “Affirmative, sir.”

  Viewing Brody and Dan, Tom recognized something was up, but Blaze vouched for his men. Blaze could be trusted not to send soldiers on a mission if their heads were not on straight. So, whatever was up with Dan, Blaze believed he was capable of doing his job.

  “Excellent. Your plane is due to arrive any minute. For now, though, let me introduce Anastasia Lyons with Intelligence Command. She is vetted and aware of your Guardian unit status. She will be working with you on this mission.”

  Blaze extended his hand to Anastasia. “Pleasure to meet you. You can call me Blaze.” He identified Winds, Patch, and Mason.

  Anastasia acknowledged each man with a nod and returned her gaze to Blaze. “You’re Daphne’s brother, right?”

  “Guilty as charged,” Blaze said with a smile.

  Anastasia glanced over at the blond Julie left the bar with and the other man who stood apart from the group. “Are they part of this op?”

  Blaze nodded. “Yes. That is Blondie and Brody.”

  “Ah, so Blondie is Dan’s call sign, how original,” Anastasia said as she pushed back her blonde hair.

  The guys chuckled. Ripsaw said, “Naming members isn’t our strong point. Wiping out the scum of the earth, now that is altogether a different story.”

  Sutton interrupted, his tone serious. “Your gear and mission briefing will be on the aircraft. This is classified as a Guardian mission, covert in and out. We cannot afford to be caught operating in Russia. As far as anyone is concerned
, you are on leave, enjoying a vacation. You are on your own if you are discovered, so don’t get jammed up.”

  “Roger,” Blaze answered for the unit. His eyes widened as a Learjet taxied towards them.

  Winds let out a whistle. “This is going to be some mission if our ride is a private jet.”

  Mike Galloway brought the plane to a stop, exited the pilot’s seat, proceeded to open the door, and peered out at the group. “Welcome aboard.”

  Brody glanced at the jet, his fear of flying muted at the moment as his concern for Danny overrode his own anxiety. He murmured, “Let’s go. Patch brought Beauty. I’ll select a playlist to help you.”

  General Broderick’s Office – 2340 Hours

  Sutton knocked and entered the general’s office, not standing on ceremony with no staff in the outer office. He found William leaning back in his chair and staring out the window with an ever-present cup of coffee. His friend survived on the stuff, often working twenty hours a day. Long day, I could use a cup myself. “They’re in the air.”

  General Broderick turned to Tom as he set down his cold coffee. “How did Daniel look?”

  Noting the worry lines, Tom sat wearily in a chair. William never allowed his emotions to show except to a small trusted circle of men and Yvonne. Honored to be included in that group, he wavered before deciding to put his friend’s mind at ease even if his mind was not. “Mission ready.”

  William assessed Tom with a critical eye. “What are you not telling me?”

  Tom exhaled with a resigned sigh. “Never could lie to you. You see right through me every damned time.”

  Broderick cocked his head to the side. “So, what is it?”

  Coming clean Tom said, “Dan appeared a bit off. I only got a brief glance at him before he boarded the plane but he didn’t seem quite himself. Though, we both know Blaze’s command style. He would never allow one of his men on a mission if he believed it posed a risk.”

  Nodding William agreed. “Blain excels in that area. I trust Daniel in his care. If Blain deems he is ready, then I accept his judgment. Though, this is no ordinary mission. A part of me worries I’m asking too much of Daniel.”

  Unbidden, the thought of how women flocked to his son made him grin. “But then again, Daniel’s never had any trouble with the ladies. He’s a smooth talker, and that along with the fact he looks similar to Maks should make this easier for him.”

  William rubbed his temples. “I’m more worried about them getting out without getting caught. I couldn’t stand it if Daniel is thrown in a Russian prison. I’m not sure he can survive captivity again.”

  It was Tom’s turn to agree. “Yes, we may be expecting a lot from him, but he has amazed us so far. You are right he won’t have a problem attracting women to gather crucial intel. He is a red-blooded young man and will undoubtedly enjoy that aspect. As to your apprehension, all I can offer is … Blaze and his men are the best and most resourceful guardians we have, and I fully expect they will rescue Dom’s girls and return them safely.”

  The two seasoned warriors sat silently for some time lost in their thoughts. Each understood the risks associated with missions. The burdens of command weighed heavily on both men, and they found relief and companionship in just being quiet in the same room.

  Several minutes passed before William sighed. “If there is nothing more, why don’t we go grab a few hours of sleep?”

  Sutton nodded but recalled something. “One last thing. Anything, in particular, you want me to relay to Plouffe regarding the unit’s absence?”

  “No. I’ll leave the explanation in your capable hands. I trust your judgment without reservation, Tom.”

  Groaning, Tom said, “Thanks, I guess. The major’s been a thorn in my side ever since we removed Blain’s unit from active rotation. Every briefing is delayed by the man’s incessant inquiries regarding when the unit will be back in full action. Not liking my answer, he gripes they’re not shouldering their fair share of missions.”

  Shaking his head, William said, “I’ll never understand why Grasett promoted him to major.” He grinned at his buddy. “Glad he’s your problem child. At least one perk of being general is I don’t have to interact directly with him often. Deal with him as you deem fit.”

  Tom grunted. “If I could do what I want Plouffe would be out of our hair permanently. Unfortunately, performance wise, other than being a royal pain in the ass, I have no grounds to dismiss or transfer the idiot.”

  William stood and stretched before moving toward his door. “Rules and regulations are a bitch sometimes, aren’t they? Occasionally they tie our hands, but we must follow them, or we are no better than those we fight against. Although, part of me wishes I could’ve ignored the order and taken out Makar and Kazimir during Sandsnake. If I had, we wouldn’t be dealing with this issue now. Innocents and my son wouldn’t be at risk.”

  Rising, Tom nodded. “Can’t agree with you more. Have you decided to contact Kingsley, Pearce, and Cardillo so they can take precautions?”

  “Took care of that while you were out. I sent the rest of Mike’s team to Ottawa to protect Yvonne and Becca. Arranged with Cardillo to provide covert security for Lenton’s and Stodeley’s families too. Whoever leaked the details may not know they are dead and still target their widows or children.”

  Tom grinned as he walked out with William. “Efficient and protective as always. The two character traits I admire most in you.”

  William snorted. “Just two … you know I’m still quite a proficient sniper.”

  Tom chuckled. “That is a skill, not a trait.”

  The two old friends strolled towards their quarters enjoying friendly banter.

  Asking Too Much


  May 27

  Learjet En Route to Makhachkala – 0005 Hours

  The jet’s interior configuration consisted of four sets of two leather chairs facing each other with four seats on each side of the plane and a tiny lavatory at the back. Several bags of gear had been tucked between the chairs, and three garment bags hung from a hook on the lavatory door. Upon boarding, Brody ushered Dan to the far back right and took the seat facing him. Patch and Mason followed them and sat in the rear seats across the aisle. Ripsaw and Anastasia assumed places in front of them while Winds and Blaze took the remaining two seats.

  As soon as they were airborne, Blaze began to review the mission briefing packet while the rest of the unit settled in. His gut soured the more he delved into the plan and details. Glancing up from the file, Blaze turned his gaze on Blondie. He noted Patch had given him Beauty and Brody now kept one hand on Blondie’s knee providing him a human connection.

  That bitch threw Blondie for a loop. How can she be so shallow and insensitive? He felt responsible for Blondie’s current condition because he suggested the idiot woman. Perhaps we should have vetted a woman for the kid’s first time, especially since we are all aware of his insecurities. Hindsight tended to be twenty-twenty.

  Blaze pushed unproductive thoughts aside and focused on the details. Two girls kidnapped and being held for an enormous ransom. Though, the abduction appeared to be a ruse to draw out their father, a former British SAS operative, to kill him as an act of vengeance against the ex-operator. In addition, his unit must search for and identify the mole who leaked information which compromised the operative’s identity and all those taking part in a joint operation twenty-five years ago.

  Revenge is a strong motivator. Blaze understood all too well. Retribution fueled his and Winds’ drive to seek out and kill every last bastard who tortured Blondie even if it took them a lifetime.

  His eyes lit on the mission scenario. Only years of training and the force of clenching his jaw kept Blaze from swearing out loud. However, internally he cussed a blue streak. His eyes lifted again, and his gaze landed on Blondie. How the hell is Blondie going to pull this off? How? This is asking too much of the kid. Leaning forward to his second in command, Blaze whispered, “Winds, we have a serious proble

  Winds leaned in close. “What?”

  “The general is screwing with Blondie again,” Blaze ground out.

  Blinking at the venom in Blaze’s words, he asked, “How so?” The fury in his friend’s expression signified the severity of the matter.

  “Blondie’s role in this isn’t overwatch, as I assumed. He is the principal player. Blondie needs to impersonate Maksim Gennadiyevich Ivanov, who goes by Maks,” Blaze said as he handed over a photo.

  Winds’ eyes nearly bugged out. “Christ! Blondie could pass for him. Same build, same height, same basic facial structure, and the coloring is the same, intense blue eyes and golden blond hair. Though Maks appears to be at least five or ten years older, we can compensate with some creative makeup. What is the issue?”

  Blaze clamped down on his rage though flames flickered in his eyes. “Maks is an ultra-rich, Russian playboy with a relentless sexual appetite on the fringes of decency. Blondie must assume Maks’ persona to obtain critical information on the suspected location of two girls.”

  Winds’ gut clenched at the implications as he stared at Maks. Blondie can barely talk to women at the moment. How the hell will he act like a playboy? Taking a deep breath and releasing it gradually Winds lifted his amber eyes to Blaze. “Can we reconfigure this op and still be successful?”

  “I don’t see how. None of us come close to looking like Maks. Not even if we dyed our hair and wore colored contacts. Besides, Blondie is the only one who reads and speaks Russian fluently.”

  Winds snorted. “Yeah, finding out was a shocker when we watched ‘Hunt for Red October.’ Wonder how many languages he actually knows.”

  Blaze shrugged. “More than me, that’s for damned sure.” He sighed. “We must move forward as planned for now and figure something out if this is beyond Blondie’s current capability.”

  Flipping the page to continue reading, Blaze first glanced at Anastasia. Perhaps she can help. Her role is to act as Blondie’s girlfriend. However, the part that worried him most was Blondie must go into a bordello owned by Panin Savelievich Volkov, a man who catered to people with peculiar sexual appetites.


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