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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

Page 9

by Laura Acton

  As he digested the material, Blaze found out their contact and the girl’s father, Dom Savoy, believed the girls were being held in the Cherry Club, a tightly guarded building. The only way to recon the interior and locate the children was to send Blondie in posing as Maks. Can Anastasia assist Blondie? If not, will Blondie’s ability to gather intel and recon be compromised?

  Blaze decided to wait to make a decision. They must complete an exterior recon and establish Blondie as Maks in several nightclubs before arranging an invitation to Volkov’s establishment. Standing, Blaze cleared his throat to gain the unit’s attention.

  At a tap on his knee, Dan opened his eyes and saw Brody motion to remove his earbuds. Dan noted Blaze standing at the front of the plane. The expression on his face made his stomach roll. He could tell he would not like this mission one damned bit.

  Blaze began the briefing by highlighting the primary objective of mission Rescue Innocence. The mood rapidly became somber, and the men stole glances at Blondie. When Blaze finished providing details and identifying each member’s role, he handed out dossiers for them to study.

  Dan’s suspicions were confirmed as he listened. He would be the only one impersonating a real person. The rest would assume fictional identities and only had to memorize the details of the created character. Winds handed him a laptop and headphones to view a video of the man he would be mimicking.

  Watching the recording Dan’s stomach twisted in knots, and with a great deal of effort, he kept his face neutral. Inside he was a mess though. How the hell am I going to pull this off? What if I have to disrobe? Will my scars give me away? More importantly, will I fucking lose it as I did with Julie not two hours ago? Two little girls will die if I blow the mission.

  This was another example of how fate played dirty with him. He could not even suggest anyone swap roles with him. None of the others came close to looking like Maks Gennadiyevich. Dan understood he must find a way to do his job and not screw things up. He couldn’t live with himself if he caused the death of two more girls—Sara’s death already weighed too heavily on him.

  To divert his anxiety, Dan focused on the Russian language. The last time he spoke Russian he translated ‘Hunt for Red October’ for the guys while recouping. Luckily, he read the language quite often lately thanks to Brody’s gift. He treasured the book. The inscription Brody added inside made him aware Brody lied to Blaze to keep his birthday secret.

  Dan glanced up at Brody to check on him. His phobia of flying had skyrocketed since the plane crash, and he wondered how he was coping with it at the moment. He reached out a hand and lightly tapped Brody’s knee. “Hey, Brody.”

  Brody’s concerned gaze flew from his pages to Danny. “You okay?”

  “That’s my question.” The corner of Dan’s mouth twitched up slightly.

  Brody returned a small smile. “Well, I’m fine.”

  “Same here.”

  Both snorted. Brody flicked his eyes to his papers and back to Dan. “Studying my role is helping to occupy my thoughts.” He kept to himself the main reason he was too preoccupied to focus on his fear … guilt. I shouldn’t have pushed Danny to talk to her. I should’ve supported him. My brother is hurting because of my decision. I shouldn’t …

  “What happened isn’t your fault so knock off the guilt trip.” Dan’s penetrating eyes connected with Brody’s, almost hearing his thoughts as if he spoke aloud. They held gazes for several minutes before Dan said, “You’re gonna have fun being my chauffeur. Perhaps we can rent a Corvette.”

  Brody chuckled. “A red one. That would be cool, ‘cause on our pay, not even with the extra for hazard duty, will I ever be able to afford one.” Again, he held back private thoughts. I’m saving up to buy something much better than a Vette. Something immensely more important. Something I hope will make you very happy one day.

  Dan and Brody both returned to studying their materials. Both locked onto their sense of duty to push away their personal issues and focused to ensure they were prepared because two innocent girls depended on them. Dan resumed the video and softly repeated out loud what was said in Russian to brush up on his accent.

  After a while, he glanced up as the guys began to change into the clothes provided to match their covers. He noted Anastasia smiled and averted her eyes as they shucked their clothing in front of her without blinking an eye. Anxiety rose in him as his hand went to his chest and lay on Brody’s shirt. Can I change with her watching? Will she react like Julie? He went back to memorizing, aware he must dress for his part before they landed yet putting off the inevitable.

  Thirty minutes later, Anastasia rose to dress, and the men afforded her privacy by averting and closing their eyes. Dan decided not to avoid changing any longer. It would only make his brothers more uneasy and worried he was FINE. He wanted to project a solid front. This was his job, and he needed to put Julie’s reaction out of his head.

  He unbuckled, stood, and reached for the garment bag. Surprise lit his face when the unit all rose pretending to stretch and formed a wall which blocked Anastasia’s view as he changed. Their actions, as they attempted to be nonchalant, didn’t go unnoticed by either Dan or Anastasia. My brothers continually amaze me. Relieved and grateful, he gave them a lopsided grin.

  Once he was redressed, they resumed their seats and Dan glimpsed Anastasia’s perplexed expression. He only dipped his head to focus on studying Maks’ body movements and manner of speaking in the video.

  Mike cringed inside as he listened to the briefing. Fully aware of the torture Dan endured, including all the wounds caused by the needles, because Mike was in the office often when Dr. Pastore provided the general updates on Dan’s condition. As General Broderick’s lead security man, he was privy to tons of private information, but those details he would take to the grave.

  He noticed what the men did when Dan began to change. The action was telling, and Mike deduced Dan was uncomfortable displaying his scars. If so, there is no way in hell he would be comfortable in the role he must assume.

  An internal battle warred within him as Mike struggled to decide if he should share an aspect of his previous life which could be a benefit now. So far, he had never revealed anything of his past to anyone other than General Broderick. Mike trusted his secrets would remain safe with the general because, like him, William would never reveal private elements of their lives.

  Coming to a decision, knowing what he shared might mean the difference between success and failure of this mission, Mike turned his head to the cabin. “Blaze, come up here for a moment.” After Blaze entered the cockpit and sat in the copilot seat, Mike spoke quietly, “I might be able to help Dan.”

  Blaze narrowed his eyes. Mike is General Badfather’s man. Why would he want to aid Blondie? Curious he asked, “How?”

  “What I’m going to tell you must remain confidential. It goes no further than you and Dan if absolutely necessary.” Mike’s sky-blue eyes held a hard note as they locked onto Blaze’s eyes.

  Reading the intense gaze, Blaze nodded. “You have my word.”

  Mike confided, “Long ago, in another lifetime, I was acquainted with Maks. I possess knowledge of Gennadiyevich which Dan won’t find in that video. Things which close friends of Maks will be aware of, and things which will help him remain in character as he gathers intel. I can also give Dan some tips which might smooth the way.”

  Hazel eyes flared in surprise as Blaze stared at the man. He didn’t know Mike well, but Yankee was an excellent judge of character and had once told him Galloway is an unassuming, albeit highly skilled soldier, with impeccable moral and ethical standards. Still wary due to the relationship with the general, Blaze said, “I’ll keep that in mind. After we meet up with Dom, we can decide if you need to share anything. I assume you understand your role?”

  “Yep, I’m a rich boy’s pilot,” Mike said with a smirk. “We’ll be landing in about an hour.” Pulling out an envelope containing cash, he handed it to Blaze. “Customs will be easy if Dan,
I mean Maks flashes a few bills.”

  “Good to know.” Blaze returned to the cabin mulling over several questions. When and where would Galloway ever meet an ultra-rich playboy? How would he know Maks well enough to give Blondie character traits? What is Mike not telling me?

  No Ditzy Blonde


  May 27

  Learjet En Route to Makhachkala – 0215 Hours

  Anastasia finished memorizing her character details before glancing up to begin taking the full measure of the unit she would be working with. She had been recruited for covert ops five years ago. Her natural ability to read people coupled with her grasp of languages were among the reasons she was selected. The current assignment as outlined would not be new.

  Comfortable in her skin, she had no problem being asked to play a ditzy blonde. Most men took one glance at her and discounted her brain completely, which tended to benefit her endeavors. It sometimes still amazed her how men would speak in front of her, assuming solely from her appearance she was stupid and incapable of understanding them. They let their guard down, and Anastasia used that to her full advantage. She took down some nasty targets pretending to be nothing more than eye candy.

  She typically operated alone and played the empty-headed bimbo to get close to the target. This would be the first time she worked with a group and was not the one in charge of the assignment. Anastasia didn’t know these men and how they functioned. To complete this task and return unscathed, she needed to take a moment to assess them.

  Her eyes landed on Lieutenant Donald Blain. Blaze commanded this Guardian unit. She had been discernibly shocked when Colonel Sutton informed her of the elite, covert unit’s existence. Frankly, she felt honored to be trusted enough to be read in. Anastasia doubted Daphne had a clue about her brother’s role, so no insight there. Though, from random conversations with Daphne, she was cognizant Blaze raised Daphne after their parents died. Daphne also loved him dearly though they often argued like cats and dogs. Anastasia perceived a father figure more than a brother.

  From what she observed as Blaze presented the mission, he appeared concerned about the one they all called Blondie. In fact, they all seemed protective of Dan. From the demeanor of the other men, she extrapolated they trusted Blaze to lead them, a positive sign in her playbook. An officer who garnered the faith and respect of the men he commanded indicated the leader valued his men. Anastasia relaxed a bit when she resolved to place her confidence in Blaze too. She sensed he would do all in his power to ensure everyone got out safely and they completed their mission.

  She shifted her focus to Winds, the second in command. She wondered if Winds received his call sign due to being their communications specialist. He was relatively quiet for the moniker to be based on him being a motor mouth. The man appeared to be competent as he assessed the electronic surveillance gear provided.

  Anastasia noted a thin white scar on his left palm, almost identical to the one on Blaze’s palm. She speculated how they got them … perhaps knife wounds. Her hand absently rubbed her abdomen. Anastasia was well aware what kind of damage a blade could do.

  Her gaze moved to Ripsaw. He was a hoot, and she enjoyed talking with him. His wit and charm might make her reconsider her desire not to date Special Forces men. As she told Sherry and Julie, SF men die often. Having experienced too much loss in her life, Anastasia wanted a man with a dull, safe career. Someone who would be at home waiting for her. A man she would be able to grow old with, but Ripsaw might be worth changing her mind.

  They laughed plenty as they sat under the stars after leaving the bar. He didn’t share much about the unit, those in Special Forces tended to be tight-lipped about their mates. They covered each other’s sixes and kept secrets. And speaking of secrets, there must be one with Dan.

  He possessed the appearance of a ladies’ man, but he was so anxious chatting with Julie. Sherry acted like an idiot, making him more insecure when she introduced herself and called him out on the dare for him to approach Julie. The way Blondie’s head bowed, his face blushed, and his hand ran through his hair, told her he became timid and nervous around women.

  That almost made her sigh. Fate could be mean. Possessing handsome features made him a girl magnet but lacking social skills with women was just cruel. Anastasia wondered what he would be like if he had been granted such abilities. He would undoubtedly bed anything in a skirt. Perhaps fate attempted to balance things out.

  Although, he probably got lucky tonight anyway. Julie sought out daring, muscular men with six-pack abs. Unfortunately, Anastasia knew this because her last assignment had her posing as an MP as part of an investigation into missing weapons.

  She ended up partnered with Julie, a real MP, who talked non-stop about guys with whom she slept. Julie made comparisons regarding their chests and abs and kept a list of her top ten. Anastasia briefly wondered where Blondie would rank on Julie’s list.

  Her thoughts moved on to Mason. He possessed kind, chocolate brown eyes. By his actions and the constant covert glances to Blondie, he exuded worry for his buddy. Sherry was right about his facial scars. They gave him a fierce guise, but she would lay odds he was a teddy bear at heart.

  A slight smile graced her face as she thought about fickle fate. Making a man the size of a grizzly bear and just as scary with his scars but giving him a kind heart the same size. Studying him more, she noted his eyes changing, becoming hard as flint as he read over the mission details again.

  She revised her assessment slightly. Soft heart of a cuddly bear for the people he cared about but claws of a formidable bear for those who might threaten his cherished ones. Despite Sherry’s lack of judgment in handling Dan, she was spot on about Mason … a highland warrior through and through.

  Turning her eyes to Patch, the unit medic, she had no difficulty assessing him. He wore his emotions on his sleeve. Of all of them, Anastasia worried most about him. Covert missions required one to hide emotions. She was relieved he was tasked with a background role for the mission. Patch and Blaze would acquire weapons and recon the exterior of Savelievich’s establishment. That would keep Patch out of direct sight which in this case protected all of them since his reactions would not give them away.

  Again, she distinguished concern for Blondie in his eyes and actions. When Brody and Dan approached the plane, he had been the first one to go to them. Patch whispered something in Dan’s ear, and he shook his head after murmuring something. She wondered what that was about.

  Ever since they took off, Patch hovered around Dan, making sure he ate, drank, and handed him some medication. The expression on Dan’s face had been interesting when he downed the pills Patch forced on him. Almost like a petulant child complying only because he couldn’t get away without doing so. Anomalous behaviors all around.

  Shifting her attention, Anastasia focused on Brody, the only one without a code name, which struck her as being peculiar too. At first, she thought he was the newest member, and they hadn’t named him yet, but she recalled Ripsaw saying he transferred in last. From Ripsaw’s age, Anastasia reasoned he was nowhere near being a rookie.

  Blondie gave the impression of being the real rookie. He looked too young to be in Special Forces, but Anastasia comprehended appearances could be deceiving. She experienced that first hand and relied on it to do her job. She was no ditzy blonde though that is what her marks perceived.

  Gifted with an IQ which placed her in the top two-percentile, by the time she was twenty-three she earned master’s degrees in psychology, philosophy, literature, and history. She also spoke twenty languages fluently and another ten well enough to hold a basic conversation. So Anastasia was well versed in the fact looks were only skin deep and provided no clue to the person inside.

  Her thoughts returned to Brody. A bit of an enigma. The way he held Blondie on the tarmac most people might infer he had a thing for Blondie … nothing wrong with that in her mind. Though, she didn’t sense that to be the case. To her, Brody appeared to be quite protect
ive, almost as if he cared for a little brother, one hurt and needing comfort and reassurance.

  With the exception of changing clothing, Brody had not taken his hand off of Blondie’s knee since he buckled up. The connection acted as a grounding wire, and if Brody let go, Blondie would float away. She sensed anger in him too. Anastasia read the emotion when she glimpsed his green eyes as he glanced at the other guys. They would darken to almost black which she found somewhat scary. She pondered what would cause his reaction.

  Anastasia turned her attention to the young blond. She nearly laughed when she realized she essentially assessed each of the men in relation to Blondie. Okay, so Blondie. Young, handsome, and shy around women. The others were concerned for him—written on their faces or in their actions since they boarded the plane. Their reactions when Blaze related Blondie’s role in this mission made it undeniably clear.

  Blondie didn’t appear comfortable. Tension vibrated in him as he held his body rigid. He had not relaxed once and inserted the earbuds as soon as they took their seats after Patch handed him a music player. Another oddity to her which none of them seemed to find out of the ordinary. Perhaps he doesn’t like flying and the music distracts him.

  No, that didn’t fit. She glimpsed something in his eyes which became difficult to interpret because of the jumbled nature of what she witnessed. Many emotions played in Dan’s eyes while his expression remained impassive. He wore a mask yet his eyes gave away so much. In the few moments she locked gazes with the sapphire blue eyes, she read pain, anxiety, anger, disgust, sadness, vulnerability, determination, and strength.

  The success of this operation depended on this young man. The lives of two innocent girls rested on Dan’s ability to impersonate Maks. A lot for one so young to bear. Perhaps too much. Anastasia got the sense Blaze thought so too. The waves of concern for Blondie coming off the man were tangible.


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