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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

Page 11

by Laura Acton

  Mike ordered breakfast for both of them. They sipped coffee as they scanned for a man wearing a fleur-de-lis pin on his cap. The mission briefing indicated Mike would make the initial response in Russian and then switch the conversation to German. Over the next twenty minutes, the place filled, and both men stayed alert as they ate breakfast in silence.

  Dom watched the two enter the small cafe. He waited twenty-five minutes to ensure no one followed them. His daughter’s lives hung in the balance, too much at stake to make any rookie errors.

  He hated with a passion that William sent his only son to help. Though, he was also eternally grateful. If he were not worried about a leak in SAS, he would have gone to his old unit for assistance, but with Makar and Kazimir Yurievich discovering his identity and targeting his girls, obviously a mole existed.

  After he retrieved his precious daughters, Dom would make it a personal mission to locate the leak and plug him or her so no other innocents could be compromised. But family came first. His cherished girls meant the world to him and Jeannette.

  Poor Jeannette, usually a formidable woman, she broke down upon finding out their girls had been abducted … completely devastated. Each of her anguished sobs became a stab to his heart, destroying him as he witnessed his wife break like a fragile vase. If he did not bring Anna and Nikki home safely, Dom comprehended he might lose Jeannette too. The death of their daughters would shatter her life … their lives. He could not fail.

  Dom skirted across the street and entered the breakfast cafe. Perusing the dining area, he noted the lack of empty tables as predicted. This would lessen the chance of raising flags by approaching Will’s men and made his stratagem of meeting two men accidentally more likely.

  He went up to the table with two empty chairs. He tipped his cap using his finger to point to the fleur-de-lis.

  “May I sit with you? All the tables are full,” Dom asked in Russian.

  Mike grinned and responded to the request to sit with them by grinning and waving to an empty chair and speaking Russian. “Sit down, please.”

  Dom took a seat in the offered chair and ordered breakfast. As the waitress left, he asked in Russian, “Business or Pleasure?”

  Mike followed the script and indicated they were on vacation to enjoy the Caspian Sea. When Dom inquired where they hailed from, Mike said Berlin, which allowed them to switch to German under the ruse of Dom having a prime opportunity to practice the language.

  At this point Blaze joined the discourse. While Mike and Dom had been speaking, he assessed the patrons, searching for anybody who might be eavesdropping. For additional protection, he carried a portable jammer, concealed in his jacket pocket. The device would prevent others from picking up their exchange.

  The conversation carried on in German as they passed coded information. Dom determined which bars Blondie should visit to establish himself as Maks and who to search for in each location in an attempt to secure an invite to Savelievich’s bordello.

  Dom stressed time was of the utmost importance. Blondie only had two nights to swing an invitation to the Cherry Club. If unsuccessful, they would need to go to plan B, a higher-risk plan. The secondary method required Dom to follow the demands of Makar and Kazimir. A scenario which would most likely result in Dom’s and his daughters’ deaths.

  Mike suggested a bar which Dom did not include and both Dom and Blaze peered at Mike questioningly. Mike lowered his voice and urged them to accept what he said. Mike’s expression caused both men to wonder what Mike did not want to vocalize, but they put the location on the list.

  They spoke for nearly two hours lingering over coffee. Bringing an end to what appeared to the casual eye as an unexpected assignation, Dom conveyed his last bit of intelligence, a contact name and a location where the unit would acquire the necessary weapons.

  As they were finishing, Blaze asked about renting a Corvette.

  Bemused, Dom asked why. Blaze shrugged and indicated it would be a flashy way to be noticed. He added the request for a red or yellow one.

  Dom laughed but agreed and said he would make the arrangements if possible. All payments for rentals and other sundries would be funneled through Dom, acting as a financial representative for Maks. Dom indicated the cars would be delivered by sixteen hundred hours.

  They paid their bills and headed out. Dom went to take care of business while Blaze and Mike started for the hotel to grab a few hours of sleep.

  Scars Do Not Define Me


  May 27

  Anzhi-Qala Resort – Luxury Suite – 0500 Hours

  Ripsaw settled himself on the couch. In his role as Maks’ bodyguard, he could sleep most of the day, unlike Blaze, Winds, Brody, and Patch. Those four would be up sooner doing recon and securing weapons. He yawned as he glanced at Anastasia. Grinning, he recalled how she playacted being a fluff-headed blonde. The kitchen manager ended up manipulated in ways the man would never suspect. He even thanked Anastasia for rousting him out of bed to be of service to her.

  Finishing her water, Anastasia turned when Ripsaw chucked. “What’s so funny?”

  “I do not understand what you said to that man, but he … well, by his expression he would’ve done anything for you.” Ripsaw kicked off his shoes, glad to be out of the uncomfortable things. He preferred his broken in combat boots to the stiff dress shoes. His mind shifted to Blondie as he rubbed his aching feet. He wondered if Blondie’s shoes caused him pain and if his special insoles fit in them. If not, he might be hurting.

  “Well, that is part of the reason I was selected.” Anastasia smiled and noted the pained expression on Ripsaw’s face. “You alright?”

  Glancing up, Ripsaw answered, “Me? Yeah. Feet ache, but nothing I can’t handle. Minor discomfort compared to …” he trailed off before voicing his thoughts about Blondie.

  “To what?” Anastasia prompted when Ripsaw stopped.

  “Never mind. You should sleep now. We’re counting on you to cover Blondie tonight. You’ll be the closest to him, and well, he’ll need your help.” His eyes flicked to the closed bedroom door as worry renewed for the kid. This mission was nothing like they expected as they gathered on the tarmac.

  “You all are protective of Blondie. Why?”

  Lying down and stretching out, tucking a throw pillow under his head, Ripsaw deflected with a general statement, “We cover each other’s backs.”

  “There is more to this. Can you give me something … a hint? I don’t want to be blindsided.” Anastasia crouched down in front of Ripsaw, her face revealing her concern as she lay a hand on his forearm.

  Ripsaw understood her apprehension, and her interest seemed genuine, but he couldn’t reveal Blondie’s secrets. He gave her the only piece of information he was half-way comfortable sharing. “This is Blondie’s first mission in months. We assumed his role would be overwatch … not primary and certainly not impersonating a sleaze like Maks. He’s saved our lives countless times. Time for us to return the favor and watch over him.”

  Realizing she would get no further insight, Anastasia rose. “Thank you. I’ll do my best to keep him safe.”

  After yawning Ripsaw closed his eyes as he mumbled, “Appreciate it.” The need for rest pulled him towards sleep. When a blanket was laid on him, he cracked an eye open and found Anastasia smiling down at him. “Thanks.”

  Anastasia leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Sweet dreams.” She stood a moment staring down at Ripsaw. A loyal, kind man with a wicked sense of humor. Turning, she ambled to the bedroom needing sleep herself.

  Opening the door carefully, so as not to disturb Blondie, she slipped into the room. Stripping off the form-fitting dress, she smiled as she saw the designer tag. Eons ago she possessed a closet full of Marie-Christine Bacque clothing, vastly different from the fatigues of her last assignment as an MP. Whoever was in charge of outfitting them for this mission understood the fashion choices of wealthy socialites.

  Her mind wandered to her previous covert assignment. She
had not located any leads into the missing munitions yet. The MPs all checked out … no insiders as far as she could tell. Finding those responsible for the well-organized thefts proved a challenge … one she would be happy to return to after completing this task.

  Being tapped for this one made her smile. Rescuing two innocent girls would help fill a void in her heart. Strolling to the window in her undergarments, she stared out at the Caspian Sea as her hand absently roamed over her stomach. She stood lost in memories for several moments before pulling the curtains to darken the room.

  She returned to the wardrobe and pulled on a pair of shorts and t-shirt before padding over to the bed. Raising the covers, she shimmied under them careful not to jar the mattress. Glancing back at the man sharing her bed, she noted a peaceful visage … mission successful. A smile graced her face as she drifted into a restful sleep.

  Anzhi-Qala Resort – Luxury Suite – 1000 Hours

  Don’t cry little one, come to me, I will protect you …. Awakened, she sought the source of keening hijacking her dream. Anastasia turned over to find Blondie whimpering in his sleep and curled up tightly. She glanced at the closed bedroom door and wondered if she should get one of his buddies. The desolate weeping elicited a compassionate response. She reached out and laid a gentle hand on his arm. With a light touch, she rubbed up and down attempting to wake him and soothe his nightmare.

  In an instant she found herself forcefully restrained by Blondie, as he glared at her with confusion and deadly intent. “Stop, Blondie. I’m a friend. Stop,” Anastasia cried out trying to break through.

  Hearing a feminine voice, which didn’t fit with Grape Man or The One, Dan became aware he pinned Anastasia beneath him. Ah, shit! He swiftly rolled off, stalked well away from her, and ripped open the drapes, flooding the bedroom in light to help dispel the darkness both in his mind and within the room. Turning back towards her, he said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  The speed in which this man moved startled Anastasia as she sat up. “No harm and no need to be sorry. I know better than to get too close to someone having a nightmare. Especially someone trained as you are.”

  Dan nodded and turned to the window. “Still, I’m sorry. Sorry, I woke you. Go back to sleep. I’ll head into the other room and crash on the couch.”

  “You can’t. Ripsaw is sleeping there.” Anastasia scooted to the edge of the mattress recognizing signs of distress.

  Agitated, Dan ran his hands through his hair. “I’ll sleep on the floor then so I won’t disturb you again.” He started for the door.

  Anastasia rose in a flash, positioning herself between Blondie and the exit. “No. The bed is still big enough for both of us.”

  “Too risky.” Dan halted.

  A half-smile formed on her face as she asked, “How so?”

  Embarrassed for being caught in a nightmare by this woman and scared he could have hurt her, Dan wanted to leave. “I might have another nightmare and attack you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Placing a hand on his shoulder Anastasia noted he flinched and withdrew. “I’m not scared of you. You reacted instinctually based on your training. I’m sorry my touch upsets you.”

  Dan studied Anastasia. Why does she want me to stay? “It doesn’t.”

  “Yes, it does. You’re uncomfortable with women. It’s alright. You don’t need to be shy with me. Just think of me as one of the guys for this assignment.” Anastasia allowed her smile to blossom attempting to coax him to remain.

  A mirthless chuckle emitted from Dan as he walked back to the bedroom window. “Yeah, right. You look nothing like one of them.”

  Anastasia giggled as she followed Blondie. “Well you do have a point, but appearances are only skin deep. They don’t tell you who the person is on the inside. Inside, I’m an operator, same as you and them. We are here to save two young girls.”

  Dan stared out at the beach thinking on Anastasia’s words. When she touched his arm again, he fought the urge to flinch. He lost the battle and took a step away from her.

  “Blondie?” Anastasia’s eyes softened. This reaction indicated more than shyness.

  Dan crossed his arms over his chest, holding himself rigid, before turning back to Anastasia. “Sorry. I just … I ….”

  “You’re having trouble with me touching you. The weight of this assignment is squarely on your shoulders. I’m not blind, and I recognize the concern the unit shows for you and their protectiveness. I won’t pretend to comprehend why, but I would like to help if I can,” Anastasia said kindly.

  The thought of failure scared the hell out of him. If I fail, I will once again prove how worthless I am. Stepping further away, Dan said, “You cannot help. I need to suck it up and do my damned job.” He turned away from Anastasia again unable to look at her. Then he started to quiver. Goddammit, I can’t control the tremors. I’m pathetic.

  Watching him retreat and subsequently begin shaking, Anastasia realized this was not simple shyness with women. She wiped all emotion from her face and said calmly. “Blondie, I can help.”

  Dan bit his bottom lip and shook his head, incapable of facing her. He wanted to reply, but he didn’t trust his voice.

  “Let me try, please,” Anastasia said with compassion.

  His thoughts raced. How can she help? I can’t take another woman staring at me with horror, disgust, and pity. Those girls are going to die because I can’t get my act together. The weight of everything crashed down on him, and he stumbled forward, oblivious to direction.

  Anastasia watched Blondie’s lurching steps before he collapsed on the bed. Bit by bit she moved towards him, stopping once she heard a quiet sob. My goodness, this young man is profoundly hurting.

  By the way the others treated him, it became clear something terrible occurred recently. Patch placed painkillers on the bedside table. Blaze and Ripsaw told him to ask for sleeping aids if he needed them. Brody maintained physical contact with him and embraced him on the tarmac. They all shielded him from her view when he changed. All signs of someone suffering emotional and physical distress. What happened to him?

  Anastasia sat on the mattress as she tried to discern what might be the source of the problem. His quiet sobs wrenched her heart. Without thinking she caressed his face as she would a child. Her thought brought her pain, heartache dulled by time but she pushed her memories away and focused on Dan. She scooted closer so she could reach him easier because he did not recoil from her touch this time.

  Feeling pathetic and weak, he couldn’t stop the flow of tears. He tried hard but his anguish won out, and he could not contain the hurt anymore. When a hand stroked his forehead, his mind skipped back in time to when his mother loved him and provided care and comfort. A time when all would be well again if he cuddled up with her as she massaged his scalp.

  With no conscious thought of his actions, Dan moved and laid his head in her lap, knowing what he needed, seeking solace and release from his pain and insecurities. Desperate for his mother’s touch and to feel loved and cared for, he accepted the soft caresses offered.

  Blondie shifting and lying on her surprised Anastasia. Tears prickled at the back of her eyes when he shuddered and relaxed as she continued to card her fingers through his blond hair. Letting her mind work on the puzzle as she gave him comfort, she ran through everything she learned about him.

  He behaved in a shy manner talking to us at the bar. He said he spent a long time in the field, but Ripsaw said this is his first mission in months. Blaze appeared pissed off on the tarmac as he guided Blondie, sheltering him almost. Brody held him, offering a haven and maintained contact with him on the plane. Patch wore an expression of deep concern and hovered. Mason’s continual covert glances. Winds rising and beginning the human shield while Blondie began to change on the jet.

  Intuition brought an idea to mind. Julie might have done something to distress him. She had only known Julie for a few months but found her to be aggressive when sh
e wanted something. All at the table recognized Julie planned to seduce Blondie. Built and ruggedly handsome, Julie found him desirable. With sensitivity, she asked, “What happened with Julie?”

  Dan froze. The voice invaded the insular world he crafted seeking relief. Sitting up, he scrambled backward. The headboard stopped his frantic motion. Not my mother’s voice. Panicked eyes sought to escape.

  “Shhhhh. It’s alright I’m not going to hurt you,” Anastasia said in a soft, calm voice. She didn’t move from her spot. Blondie became disoriented and spooked like a wild animal. She remained cool and collected waiting for him to calm.

  His rapid, erratic breaths slowed as Anastasia came into focus. What the hell did I just do? Slumping on the bed, embarrassed to have been crying in front of her, Dan covered his face with his hands. Not only did I sob like a baby, I put my head on her lap. I’m so FINE. Will I ever live down this humiliation?

  Anastasia decided she needed to connect on a deeper personal level. She would use his real name. “Dan, relax. Everything’s okay. Honestly.”

  Dan glanced up at the use of his name instead of his call sign. He wiped at his eyes to dry his tears and noted only acceptance. No pity. No derision. No mocking. He blew out a breath he didn’t realize he held. “I’m sorry.” Damn, I’m apologizing yet again.

  “Did Julie hurt you?” Anastasia wondered if he would respond when he stared at her with rounded eyes of shock.

  How the hell does she know? Unsure why, Dan found himself answering, “Yes, no, yes … it isn’t her fault.”

  Keeping an even tone, she asked, “What isn’t Julie’s fault?”

  Unable to meet her eyes, mortification filling him, Dan turned his head. “Her expression of horror and pity. Any woman would react as she did.”

  “What caused her reaction, Dan?” she queried hoping he would answer.

  “Me.” Dan unconsciously rubbed at his chest and pulled his knees in close in a protective gesture.


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