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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

Page 12

by Laura Acton

  She observed his body language. He closed off, making himself smaller and stroked across his torso. Julie had a thing for chests. A wild idea formed in her head as she put many pieces together. It might be considered a long shot because she truly didn’t comprehend the issue, but she would try this and see where it went.

  Anastasia pulled off her t-shirt and remained in place wearing only her bra and shorts revealing two long white scars. First, she traced the six-inch one which started below her collarbone on the right side and ran down over her breast. Then her fingertips glided over one that spanned across her torso from her right upper ribcage to her left hip. Pulling her shorts down a little, she showed a third scar which traversed from her navel to her pubic area. With empathy, she inquired, “Do you see me differently or am I the same person?”

  Dan stared at her scars while Anastasia traced them. They were terrible and caused by life-threatening wounds. She apparently survived an awful attack and had been left with these marks as reminders. His eyes sought hers, and she smiled at him. He could form no words to answer her.

  Anastasia recognized his difficulty. “My scars are only skin deep. They are not a reflection of who I am inside. They are only a reminder I possessed the strength to survive. They do not define who I am.”

  Her voice dropped a shade. “Nine years ago, when I was twenty, my fiancée flew into a drunken rage and attacked me three weeks before our wedding. Tyson believed I cheated on him with his best friend. I didn’t, but he wouldn’t accept the truth. At the time he attacked, I held our baby. I tried to protect Colten, but Tyson ripped him from my arms. Colten died because his father threw him against a wall in his rage.

  “Then Tyson came after me with a knife. He kept telling me how he loved me as he sliced me open. Thinking me dead, he left me lying in a pool of blood while he made his escape. The police said Tyson was so intoxicated that he lost control of the car and drove off a cliff, killing himself.”

  Stunned and speechless Dan’s mind whirled. What Anastasia openly shared was heartbreaking. She lost a child at the hands of the child’s father. A man she planned on marrying murdered their child and attempted to kill her too.

  Those scars would always be with her and remind her of a horrific day full of loss and betrayal. If anyone understood his anxieties and doubts, it might be Anastasia. Dan’s hands reached down and gripped the bottom of his t-shirt, and he gradually pulled it up.

  Shocked beyond belief by the fairly recent scarring, Anastasia’s heart broke for him. Julie would have freaked. Anastasia kept her face devoid of emotion. Julie’s callous reaction hurt him.

  His voice quiet and unsure Dan said, “I was tortured for three months. They liked to use a thin whip and burning needles among other things. My back is worse than my chest.”

  She scooted closer, reached out, and finished pulling his shirt off. She took Dan’s hand and guided his fingers as she had him trail over her three scars. Then she asked, “May I touch you?”

  A single tear dripped from Dan’s eye as he gave a slight nod. Tenderly she traced the longer scars. Moving closer, she kissed his cheek then pulled Dan into an accepting embrace, holding him as he tensed and tried to pull back. “Shhhhh. You are going to be alright. Let me help you through this.”

  One hand massaged his back delicately. Exploring the slightly raised marks, she grasped the extent of the damage without viewing them. Her heart wrenched. His back is dreadfully scarred. This young man experienced Hell on earth if he survived months of torture. No wonder his unit buddies are protective.

  As she held him, Dan relaxed. Softly kissing his neck, she traveled up until she found his lips and decorated them with light, gentle kisses. She smiled as he reciprocated, displaying a definite prowess.

  Hoping to communicate to him his scars made no difference, Anastasia roamed her hands all over his back. As his hands brushed over her body like a feather, she believed she made progress. Pleasantly surprised when his tongue sought entrance, she capitulated, knowing she stimulated a change.

  Worry over his marked body fell to the background as sexual hunger reawakened, coming to the forefront. Dan closed his eyes and continued kissing her. Without conscious thought, he found her bra clasp and released the hook and eye closures. Once the lacey material was removed, he moved to lay her down as one hand came forward, molding to Anastasia’s breast and applying gentle pressure causing her to moan in pleasure.

  A part of him which he had been afraid no longer worked stirred to life growing harder as he explored her sweet mouth and kneaded her breast. A moan escaped him.

  Anastasia allowed Dan to take charge. His hands proved most skillful. His kissing sparked her heat, and she became ready for all he might offer her, but she would let him lead the way. If he pulled back, she would accept he was not prepared for this step. This is not about me … this is about helping him.

  She felt him harden and heard him moan. He leaned in close to her and moved his hips suggestively. Her hips responded in kind as her hands sought out his boxer covered buttocks to pull him closer, pressing him to her letting him know she was interested.

  Dan’s hand slid lower, trailing down the scar which ran from her navel to her nether regions. Slipping under her panties, he found her receptive and glided his fingers inside. With his thumb, he located her nub and rubbed causing her to mewl and arch her back.

  Anastasia moaned under him, and as he touched the right spot, she begged, “Ah ah ah ooooh please.”

  Next thing he knew, Anastasia’s hand flitted into his drawers and explored his growing length which flew almost at full staff now. Amazed she wanted him after viewing his ugly chest, Dan removed his hand and gazed into her crystal blue eyes. “Are you sure?”

  Anastasia breathed out, “Yes.”

  Dan rolled off and went to the closet. He rummaged in the pocket of his jeans for the packets Patch handed him last night. Thank God, they were still here. He turned and noted Anastasia shed her shorts and panties, now naked and waiting for him. The expression on her face was one of want and desire. She smiled and beckoned him seductively with one finger.

  Dropping his boxers, his manhood stood proudly erect when unleashed. Dan strode to the bed and covered her. Kissing her deeply, he built them to a fevered pitch, only pausing to use his teeth to rip open the foil packet.

  Anastasia took the condom from him, rolling it down his ample shaft, eagerly anticipating joining with an Adonis. Offering herself willingly as he drove in, need took over them as their bodies did what nature designed them to do, give and receive pleasure.

  Dan propelled them to a pinnacle. Neither overly fast nor lovingly slow, he sought to restore a piece of him which had been brutally stripped from him by sadistic bastards. Months of torture and rehab left him questioning his self-worth. He disconnected both emotionally and physically to survive, numbing himself to avoid associations with his trauma. Existing but not fully living. This basic, primal function reconnected his body and mind to pleasant emotions he didn’t think existed anymore.

  As Dan groaned out his release, he shuddered with the force of his orgasm. Chains holding him captive broke and fell away, liberating him from the darkness which relentlessly pursued him. Unshackled, he collapsed and rolled to his side taking Anastasia with him as a few burdens he carried disappeared in the light of day.

  Anastasia panted attempting to regain her breath after the shattering climax. Dan took her to heights she rarely experienced. He hit the right spot and ensured she stayed with him all the way, making sure she crested the summit as he did. Breathtaking.

  She peered into beautiful sapphire eyes which held a smoky note with after sex haze. Anastasia kissed him and snuggled into the crook of his shoulder. She reached out and brought the sheet over their sweaty bodies.

  Dan gently stroked her back and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Anastasia responded with a light kiss on his chest as her hand languidly traced his scars.

  Both fell into a sated and exhausted sle
ep within minutes with Dan wearing nothing but a small, lopsided grin.

  Your Gene Pool Needs Bleach


  May 27

  General Broderick’s Office – 1330 Hours

  William left the door to his office open. Merrill came in and out so many times today he developed an extreme dislike for the squeaking hinge. He told Merrill to leave the damned thing open until maintenance fixed it. Currently attempting to read a detailed threat assessment from his analysts, he had difficulty staying focused on his on task. Distracted by thoughts of Daniel and the mission, he gave up and turned his chair to gaze out the window.

  Sighing, he hated holding back information, but Dom needed his head in the game and revealing the intel would throw his friend for a loop. Bad enough Dom worried his daughters would be killed, but there were fates far worse than death for innocent little girls. Kinder and better to keep him in the dark because his friend would go in guns blazing if he became aware of specific details. Dom and the girls might end up dead … but duplicity by omission is still lying and did not sit well with William.

  Cognizant of Mike’s association with Maks, and the years spent in his inner circle of friends, William hoped Galloway would tell Daniel things which might help him impersonate Maks. Evidently, limited intel existed on the man besides what tabloids published and a scandalous videotape shot by the paparazzi. Having inside knowledge would help his son pull off the impersonation, improving the chance of rescuing Dom’s daughters.

  Part of him wished to make Mike reveal portions of his past to Daniel for this mission. Though, his conscience wouldn’t allow him to request or order his security lead to dredge up desolate and painful aspects of his ill-spent youth. However, he could and did assign Galloway to the mission on purpose. He had a few pilots to choose from, but William anticipated that being an integral member of this op, Mike would assist if required.

  Both he and Mike were aware of Savelievich’s real business. He found out when he searched for and rescued Mike Galloway fifteen years ago. Details he uncovered regarding Savelievich flooded back in when Dom shared his intel stating he tracked his daughters to the Cherry Club.

  Savelievich’s private club, or more aptly his bordello, fronted a more nefarious business. One which scared William the most. Dom’s sweet girls were in peril of being sold to the highest bidder. If they didn’t rescue them in time, he worried for his dear friend’s sanity should the unthinkable happen.

  His sanity niggled at him too. Emotions swirled in his head having to send Daniel. Fear and doubt coupled and conflicted with pride and confidence, but ultimately left him wishing there had been another operative he could’ve assigned. Although Daniel continued to be the pre-eminent choice, being the only Guardian with both the appearance of Gennadiyevich and right skill set.

  So much rested on his son’s shoulders. He hoped Daniel’s first mission after rising like a phoenix from the ashes of his brutal captivity would help solidify in Daniel’s mind he was fully capable again. Assuaging his concerns with the knowledge of Daniel’s smooth charm with ladies, he told himself all Daniel needed to do was flash a Broderick winning smile to obtain the crucial details required to rescue Nicolette and Anna-Marie.

  Daniel employed the smile much better than he ever did. He recalled Bella telling Yvonne how their son was inundated with girls when he smiled. Bella also shared with Yvonne that it was sweet Daniel seemed to be unaware of how many girls he attracted.

  The Broderick smile worked wonders, many times drawing women to Broderick males. He remembered his achievement … he won over Yvonne with his lopsided grin. I need to go home to visit Yvonne soon. Perhaps after this mission. I can regale her with how well Daniel did … without actual details.

  His mind quickly shifted back to Daniel. William hoped he was not asking too much. Enjoying spending time and flirting with women was one thing yet being ordered as part of a mission to go into a brothel and possibly sleep with whores to acquire intel, quite another. Broderick men possessed deep-seated respect for women. Such denigration would not be stomached easily.

  He wished for an alternative way to gain entrance to Savelievich’s place. One which didn’t require Daniel do something so distasteful. Perhaps Daniel will find a different solution. Daniel’s natural charm, smooth talking, and bright smile might be all he needs to gather intel.

  Two women speaking outside his office pulled him from his ruminations. One he recognized as Master Corporal Karla Weeks, but the unfamiliar voice sounded distraught. Not usually one to eavesdrop he rose from his seat when she said, “Oh gawd, it was so horrible. You will never guess what happened to me.”

  General Broderick’s Office – Outer Office – 1335 Hours

  Karla refrained from rolling her eyes. “Why don’t you tell me?”

  “Gawd, makes me queasy now to think about last night.” Corporal Julie Pinchas visibly shivered and rubbed her stomach.

  “What? Someone wear the same dress?” Karla teased, aware Julie tended to be vain, shallow, and prone to over-dramatization.

  Julie shuddered. “No, I’m disgusted. I met this guy. Handsome face, the whole package … blond hair, blue eyes, muscular, and Special Forces. When we met in the bar, he was so shy, he barely talked to me and introduced himself twice. Said his name is Dan. Sherry tried to butt in, but I stopped her with one glare. I could tell she wanted him too. Gawd damn, I wish I let her take him to her place. But no, no such luck.”

  Intrigued and concerned by Julie’s statements she asked, “Was he a brute? Did he hurt you? If he did the general will ensure he is dealt with appropriately. General Broderick will not allow any of his men to abuse women.”

  “Brutes I can handle. No, he is an abomination, revolting, and pathetic!” Julie’s face scrunched in disgust.

  “What?” Not the response Karla expected.

  As she shook her head, Julie began the tale she told several friends who all commiserated with her. “He came across timid and glanced over at his unit’s table for support. I thought I hit the jackpot, a virgin Special Forces guy. He appeared so young looking … younger than most. He even blushed when he spoke to us which made me think he was virginal.

  “I suggested we go to my room. I wanted to be his teacher. So gawd damned handsome in his t-shirt and jeans. When we arrived, he became flustered and nervous.” Julie snorted. “All he chatted about is guns. Gawd, he didn’t have a clue how to seduce a woman. He made no moves. So, I went into the bathroom and stripped down to my camisole and undies.”

  Her face took on an appearance of scorn. “He freaked out and bolted off the sofa to grab beers from my fridge. He ran like a scared rabbit. I was sure I had me a virgin boy to initiate and make a man. When he sat back down, I made my move. He was so damned hot I wasn’t letting him get away.

  “He tensed up when I kissed him, but eventually he kissed me back. I ran my hands over his abs and chest, and he tried to pull away, but I held him. I wanted a gander at him. From his rippled muscles I was so sure he would be in my top five. I pulled his shirt up to appreciate his chest.”

  Julie shuddered, her face contorted in repugnance. “Disgusting. Utterly revolting. No way in hell he will ever come close to being on my list. His nauseating chest is littered with scars. It is fugly. No woman will want to touch him unless he pays them.”

  She wiped her hands on her thighs as if she touched something foul recalling the sight. “On the verge of tears when I pulled away from his revolting chest, he jumped up and backed away from me like I did something wrong. Then he became frightening. His eyes glazed over, becoming so furious. One glimpse of his chilling blue eyes scared the hell out of me. I thought he might kill me, but his unit buddy knocked, and he left without saying a word.”

  Her words dripped with disdain as Julie continued, “He fell into his buddy’s arms. I swear he cried like a baby. What a wuss. His black-haired buddy had the nerve to glare at me like I was shit. Gawd only knows why? Maybe he is gay and wanted the disgusting creature
for himself. I mean he hugged him close as he led him away. He can take him for all I care.”

  A sneer contorted Julie’s face. “So odious, I can’t believe I ever kissed him. His chest is hideous. No handsome face can ever make up for that repulsive part of him. Ewww. Gives me the heebie-jeebies knowing I kissed someone as gross as him. So, yeah, I had a horrifying night.”

  Karla stared dumbfounded. She did the injury reports for Special Forces. She recognized precisely who Julie described in her rant. She swallowed hard trying to contain her anger.

  It didn’t work, Karla stood and said loudly and harshly, “Get out, Julie! Don’t ever contact me and never show your face in this office again. I cannot be friends with someone so uncaring and despicable as you. That young man you think is so disgusting is a billion times better than you. Dan suffered injuries in service to his country. Those scars are badges of honor, sacrifice, courage, and survival.”

  Julie’s expression changed to one of astonishment. Karla did not understand how nauseated his scarred chest made her. She defended her actions. “Why are you yelling at me? Gawd, it was horrible. It shocked me. I did nothing wrong! He is the disgusting one.”

  Glaring at Julie, Karla channeled her inner General Badass. She witnessed General Broderick dressing down men who deserved it. He had a way with words that stung. Karla spoke firmly and with contempt, “You know, you’re not pretty enough to be this stupid, Julie. You’re as bright as a black hole and twice as dense. I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.

  “The fact you hurt Dan and mocked him makes you the lowest of the low. You’re not fit to be pond scum. In fact, your gene pool needs bleach. You are a loathsome creature, you disgust me, and you bring dishonor to the uniform you are wearing.”

  Karla’s voice shook with unbridled fury as she pointed at the door. “Go, you disgusting witch. You’re lucky the general didn’t overhear you bashing one of his injured soldiers. He doesn’t take kindly to that sort of thing. If he did, you might be assigned to cleaning the latrines with your tongue.”


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