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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 26

by M K Drake

  Elric returns to his seat and makes himself comfortable, then he taps the edge of the table and a set of crystals morph into view on the surface. He moves one of the crystals forward. A map appears, hovering above the centre of the table.

  “We need to go here,” says Elric, “Myrddin’s message states that the orb has been drained of all its power. It needs to be recharged.”

  “Recharged?” asks Atticus, “How?”

  “Ahhh, this is why we need to go here,” replies Elric, “There will be a storm, and we need lightening to strike the orb. Myrddin discharged all of its power to protect it.”

  “So the orb is useless?” asks Ju Long.

  “Only until it is hit by a bolt of lightning,” says Atticus, “Should be easy enough,” he finishes with a wry grin, “But why can’t we just get Safaya or Olof and his new toy to do it?”

  “Their control of the lightening weakens it,” replies Mage Callan as he walks into the room, “No doubt the lightening needs to be pure.”

  “Mage Callan will be joining you,” says Elric, “Safaya is busy tending to Khan. The quicker we find the cure the better. We need Joyce and her advanced healing skills. Our numbers are already running short here,” he pauses for a few seconds and then looks towards Atticus, “Yes, and because we miss her.”

  Elric waves his right hand in the air, creating a portal. The other Majjai see the storm raging on the other side.

  “Err, Elric,” says Ju Long, “You do realise that is in the middle of the sea, right?”

  “Ocean, actually,” replies Elric, “The Pacific Ocean, to be precise. Olof, we need a rather large plateau of ice, think you can manage that?”

  “Of course,” replies Olof, jumping through the portal, streaming ice from his hands onto the ocean’s surface. He soon creates a mass large enough for everyone to stand on safely. Mage Callan, Atticus, and Ju Long step through.

  “Good luck − and remember: keep the Orb between yourselves and the lightening,” says Elric as the portal closes.

  The sea itself is incredibly calm. As the Majjai peer upwards, they do not see a storm, only clear skies.

  “Aren’t storms supposed to be a bit more lively?” asks Ju Long.

  “We are in the eye,” replies Mage Callan, “Now, we just have to find a way to get the Orb up there.”

  “I’ll do it,” says Ju Long, “Only I can fly high enough. I can phase myself out so the lightening does not strike me.”

  Mage Callan nods, “We will wait for you on the ice plateau. I doubt we will remain within the eye of the storm for too long,” Mage Callan points out to the sea, where a massive wall of water and cloud betrays the façade of calmness belonging to the storm’s eye.

  Ju Long grabs the orb and begins his ascent, shooting into the air towards the edge of the storm. The others wait patiently.

  “Things are never this easy,” says Atticus, “We wait, while Ju Long risks his life on his own?”

  “Your flight ability still needs work, Atticus. You are fine in short bursts, but your concentration wanders,” replies Mage Callan.

  “I keep thinking of her,” says Atticus, “My mind wanders, thinking of saving her.”

  Olof puts his hand on Atticus’ shoulder, “We all feel her pain, Atticus, but we need to…”

  Olof stops his words mid-sentence, and looks around, “They have found us.”

  “Who?” asks Mage Callan frantically, “Who has found us?”

  Before Olof can answer, a giant, serpent-like head smashes upward through the centre of the ice plateau.

  “Leviathan!” shouts Olof.

  “He is not alone!” screams Mage Callan, as a massive jet of fire from the air, boiling the sea around them, “What the hell is that?” he says, pointing to the sky.

  Atticus looks up, “Nithhoggr!”

  “Norse demons!” shouts Mage Callan, “How did they find us?”

  “They can sense the Hammer!” replies Olof, “Quickly, we must divert them away from Ju Long.”

  “Looks like you will be getting your flying practice after all, Atticus,” says Mage Callan.

  Atticus closes his eyes and concentrates. He crouches ever so slightly, as if charging himself. Then, in a bright blue flash, Atticus shoots into the air, leaving just a puff of smoke behind him. Nithhoggr immediately follows.

  As he nears the edge of the eye of the storm, Atticus can see the massive waves in the distance and heads for them, the Norse dragon in tow.

  Mage Callan cuts out a circular section of the ice plateau and uses his powers to levitate it, then begins to surf the air, following Atticus and Nithhoggr.

  Olof stands alone against Leviathan, “Come beast, taste the hammer of Thor!”

  Leviathan screams and launches an attack towards Olof. The Norse warrior slides out of harm’s way before creating a path of ice in front of him. He builds momentum and shapes the path upwards, launching himself into the air. Hammer in hand, he smashes it against the head of Leviathan, dazing the massive sea serpent.

  Leviathan crashes into the water, sending a huge tidal wave in Olof’s direction. He leaps into the air again, creating another path of ice, trying to outrun the wave. Diving in and out of the undulations of the waves, he escapes it. Leviathan rises from the water again to give chase. Its massive body cuts a path through the ocean’s surface, snaking towards its prey at great speed.

  Olof turns and holds the hammer aloft. The eye of the storm has now passed; lightning strikes spring downward from the clouds, some are brave enough to strike the water. Olof waits for the moment he knows is coming, when the lightning will seek out its master. As a huge bolt strikes the hammer, Olof roars, “Be gone beast! Or the hammer will strike your very soul!!”

  Leviathan ignores the threat and launches another attack towards Olof, who throws the hammer with all his might towards the Norse beast. The hammer strikes Leviathan and a blanket of electricity cloaks it, sending the beast into spasms. Leviathan screams in agony, before sinking into the sea, its skin, searing hot from the blow, fizzes and hisses against the cold water.

  Olof holds his hand in the air once more and catches the hammer, as it returns to him, “May you rest until the days of your calling,” he says as Leviathan disappears from view. Olof then turns to seek out his allies who he sees in the distance.

  Atticus is moving as fast as he can with the dragon still close in pursuit. He dives and swoops, before heading to the clouds, like a glowing blue bullet, changing direction leaving sharp lines of light in his wake.

  Mage Callan shoots a series of fireballs in the dragon’s direction, trying to grab its attention. The dragon turns and throws a look of disdain towards the Majjai attempting to divert its focus.

  Olof is too far away to help, but in vain he tries to get to them, shooting streams of ice to aid his journey.

  Atticus turns and looks behind him, throwing as many attacks as possible towards the massive dragon. They barely slow Nithhoggr down as the beast swoops toward its next perceived meal. The beast closes in, closer and closer, chomping at Atticus with its gigantic jaws. Atticus can feel the heat of the dragon’s breath on the back of his neck. He looks back again and its jaws are nearly upon him.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, Atticus is pulled away, dragged from the dragon’s mouth.

  “Why do you guys keep getting into trouble without me?” says Ju Long, before reappearing, “Follow me.”

  Ju Long and Atticus head toward Mage Callan and Olof, who are already requesting a return portal from Elric.

  Nithhoggr turns and gives chase. The clouds spin with him, and fall away in the beasts wake.

  “Quickly!” screams Olof, who is already near the portal. He dives through, soon followed by the other Majjai who crash into the floor on the other side.

  Elric quickly closes the portal before Nithhoggr can get close enough to launch an attack, “Did you do it?” he asks excitedly.

  Ju Long opens his robes, revealing the Quantorbium. It is glowing a deep, violet colou
r. He hands it to Elric who gently holds the Orb for a moment before carefully placing it on a brass plinth. The Majjai follow Elric and the Orb to the Majjai Training Room.

  “Here, this room should be large enough,” says Elric, “Stand over there please. Time is literally of the essence,” Elric points to an area just in front of the doorway. He waves his hand over the orb.

  “Where are we going?” asks Atticus.

  “Where is not important, and funnily enough, when isn’t even as important as who we are going to see,” replies Elric.

  “What do you mean?” says Olof.

  “There is only one person I know of who is able to create the cure we need,” says Elric, who then bends, his face placed just above the glow from the orb as he softly chants. A giant portal opens up in front of the Majjai, with its circumference edged in flame. It lights up the room, reflecting off the stone brick walls.

  Atticus looks around, he knows he will soon save Joyce. But he is also worried. These missions are so dangerous, with so much at stake, how does one have time for love? Love without risk. Risk without danger. Joyce lies upstairs, suffering in agony, and after all the dangers they have faced, they still do not have a cure. His thoughts distract him for a moment as they have many times, before he is disturbed by Elric.

  “Follow me,” says the elder Majjai, "Professor Sprocking will remain here to guard the portal while we are away, we'll need to keep it open,” and with that, he steps through.

  Atticus follows straight away, eager to get on with this rescue mission. This portal feels very different than the teleportation portals. Atticus can feel his very soul being torn from the timelines. In brief flashes he sees his own memories, mixed in with glimpses of events with no context. The future perhaps? The past? Broken timelines? He does not know, but the chaotic voices add to his tension as he travels through time. And then in an instant it all stops.

  They all arrive on the other side in what appears to be the same chamber they just left.

  They all look at each other slightly puzzled, wondering if the orb has actually worked.

  “Welcome fellow Majjai,” says a voice from the shadows, “I have been expecting you.”

  Chapter 25

  The Cure

  “Myrddin, my friend, it is good to see you,” says Elric.

  Myrddin steps from the shadows into the faint glow of light from the portal.

  “As it is good to see you as well,” replies the wizard.

  Atticus, Mage Callan, Olof, and Ju Long are all doing the perfect impression of a goldfish, gob-smacked that they are in the presence of Merlin himself.

  “You know why we are here?” asks Elric.

  “Of course,” replies Myrddin, with a wry smile, “But, there is a problem. The cure you seek requires a special item: The blood of a Cantor Ogre.”

  “A Cantor Ogre?” questions Olof, “But they have not existed for thousands of years − since long before even the Battle of Aria.”

  “Can’t we just use the Orb to go back to that time?” asks Atticus.

  “Ahhhh, Atticus,” says Myrddin, looking towards him, “I wish it were that simple. Come, let us sit down and I will explain.”

  The Majjai all follow Myrddin to the room they know as Elric’s own chamber. The walls of the Manor are hardly any different than in their own time − a little colder, and with candles rather than electricity used to light the corridors, but otherwise identical.

  Myrddin sits at his desk and beckons everyone else to take a seat around him.

  “The Quantorbium is a powerful device,” he explains, “It can only be activated once within a year of its usage. Using it again would cause an irreparable rift in space and time, our own world, it would risk implosion.”

  “So we have failed, then?” asks Ju Long slumping in his seat.

  “Far from it,” replies Myrddin, “You can all still save Joyce. I know of the existence of a vial of the blood we need – in exactly the right amount.”

  “Where?” asks Atticus.

  “The Tomb of Kazmagus,” says Myrddin.

  Elric almost chokes with excitement, “You have found it?”

  “Yes, but I have been unable to enter,” Myrddin strokes his beard, in a very similar manner to Elric, and looks attentively towards Atticus, “But I suspect he can.”

  “Me?” asks the young Majjai, “Why me?”

  “I have my reasons, Atticus. Unfortunately, it is not my job to tell you why. Another will reveal these reasons to you one day, I’m sure, unless you figure it out for yourself,” replies Myrddin.

  “So, should we not hurry then?” asks Olof.

  “All in good time,” replies Myrddin, “the portal will remain open for some while yet, so you will just return at the point you left,” he turns to Elric, “How is Geoffrey?” he asks.

  “Still troubled, my friend. His abilities have grown immensely, but memories of Jennifer still haunt him,” answers Elric.

  Myrddin lets out a sigh, “As they will. The Sword of Al-Amir; he will need this before confronting Draconus.”

  “We have yet to find it,” replies Elric, “Although we have found something interesting on another sword, which has its own mystery,” he points to the Sword of Ages that Atticus carries, “If you will Atticus. Please show Myrddin the unique engraving.”

  Atticus unsheathes his sword and lays it on the table. The name Kazmagus glows from the blade. Myrddin grins.

  “What is it?” asks Atticus.

  “Let’s just say that my suspicions are now verified,” Myrddin looks to all of the Majjai in the room, his gaze is always one of observance, as if he is constantly analysing everything around him, “The Sword of Ages and the Sword of Al-Amir, they are two of the Swords of Power.”

  “So it is true, then,” says Elric, “The Swords of Power actually exist as they do in myth.”

  “Yes,” replies Myrddin, “And during my search for the Tomb of Kazmagus, I came across scriptures indicating a third. Kazmagus himself created them. The Sword of Al-Amir was gifted to Prince Khalif, leader of a secret group of Majjai who were agents for Kazmagus; he was also a Dragon Slayer, hence the need for it against Draconus. But the location and identity of both it and the third sword are locked away, there was an inkling in something I read that Kazmagus himself reclaimed the blade,” replies Myrddin, “The tomb will surely have more answers I hope.”

  “But I thought the Sword of Al-Amir belonged to Al-Amir himself?” quizzes Ju Long.

  Olof and Atticus dart surprised looks towards him.

  “I do study sometimes, guys.”

  “Yes,” replies Myrddin, “The swords timeline is confusing. Some even state that Kazmagus and Al Amir were one and the same, but we do not know this for sure.”

  “So let’s go then? Shall we head to the tomb?” says Atticus.

  “My dear boy, Atticus,” says Myrddin, “We do not have to go anywhere. Do you know where you sit? This is Kazmagus’ palace; his tomb is here.”

  “But how did it get here?” asks Elric, as surprised as the young Majjai.

  “That,” replies Myrddin, “is still a mystery I’m afraid. Now, Elric and I must chat. Please feel free to explore the building. It’s a little bare; I still have much to do to prepare it for your generation.”

  Elric and Myrddin leave the others in the room. Atticus turns to Mage Callan.

  “Who is Jennifer?” he asks

  Mage Callan looks at Atticus and smiles softly, “Jennifer Sprocking. Professor Sprocking’s late wife.”

  “What happened to her?” asks Ju Long.

  Mage Callan sighs, “It is time you were told, I guess. Elric actually asked me to do so some time ago; things have been quite busy, and I haven’t had a chance. Jennifer was known to be a sweet young lady. She and Geoffrey were Myrddin’s students, and very much in love. One day, the day after their wedding, actually, there was an intrusion. Geoffrey was sent to investigate. Jennifer, fearing for her husband’s safety, followed him. The intrusion was a ruse
, a trap. Both Geoffrey and Jennifer were captured by Razakel’s forces and taken back to the Demon Realm. Draconus tortured Jennifer in front of Geoffrey. Keeping her just alive enough so that her pain receptors were still feeling the agony. He burnt her, cut her, and beat her. Geoffrey begged Draconus to stop, but the beast ignored him. Razakel was still too weak at that time, but it was believed the orders for the torture still came from him.”

  The other Majjai sit quietly as they listen to the story. Atticus, in particular, can relate in a small way to the pain Geoffrey feels. He is at the edge of worry, to have gone through the trials that the professor has endured, he does not dare to think about. Mage Callen takes a sip from a goblet of water before continuing.

  “Finally a rescue party came, but it was too late for Jennifer, she died in Geoffrey’s arms. Enraged, Geoffrey battled with Draconus − he severely wounded him, and believed he had killed him. He then returned Jennifer’s body back to our realm, buried her, and asked Myrddin to make him sleep until the time came to battle Razakel once more. Elric woke him when he discovered this place, what you all know as Wysardian Manor.”

  “No wonder he hates Draconus so much,” says Olof.

  “Indeed,” replies Atticus.

  “Right. Now, enough stories of the past; let’s have a gander at this place shall we?” Mage Callan leads the way out, walking briskly as to instil some urgency in proceedings, he too appears eager to resolve the matters at hand and return to prepare for what could be a battle at any time.

  They exit the chamber and walk through the corridors. The layout is all too familiar, and they quickly reach what is now the Majjai Hall. Ju Long stands on the stage and attempts to make an impression of Elric giving one of his speeches.

  “Shh!” says Atticus, “Do you hear that?” he whispers.

  He pulls Ju Long from the stage. Olof and Mage Callan have wandered off in another direction. Atticus and Ju Long give up trying to get their attention, and follow the noise themselves. It soon becomes clear that they are overhearing the conversation between Myrddin and Elric.


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