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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 27

by M K Drake

  “Are you sure Myrddin?” Elric is asking behind a closed door.

  “I assume so; if Kazmagus was truly banished to the Void, then what we did at the Battle of Aria could have dire consequences,” replies Myrddin, “If he ever finds a way out of the Void, we may have a threat greater than Razakel on our hands.”

  “Surely some good would remain?” says Elric.

  “Perhaps,” says Myrddin, “But, there is no way to be sure unless – or until − he returns.”

  “So if his body does not lie in the tomb, it is a good indication that he is still alive in the Void?” says Elric.

  “Precisely,” replies Myrddin.

  “And how are you so sure that Atticus will be able to access the tomb?” asks Elric.

  “His mark appears before the Entrance,” replies Myrddin, “Why it is there, I do not know. But, if what I suspect about the Void is true, then the answer will come to Atticus one day.”

  “You have not seen it?” asks Elric

  “No,” replies Myrddin, “I have not been that far ahead as yet; knowing too much of the future is a dangerous thing, which is why I am not able to tell you of the many hardships that lay ahead of you and the others my friend. Atticus will grow up very soon, and you need to be there when he does.”

  “What do you mean?” asks Elric.

  Myrddin looks at him, “You will know when the time is right,” he says, “Now, we must get to the tomb.”

  Atticus and Ju Long quickly run back to the Majjai Hall before being discovered eavesdropping, and when Elric and Myrddin return, they act as if they have heard nothing.

  “Come,” says Myrddin, “This way.”

  He leads them to the furthest room behind the Majjai Hall; behind it lies what appears to be just a solid wall. Myrddin counts up five stone bricks from the floor and seven stone bricks across, places his palm against it and pushes. The wall moves back and slides behind the adjacent stonework out of view. A spiral staircase is revealed, and they all follow Myrddin downwards until they get to a large stone door. Above the door is the mark of the Majjai, the same as Atticus’ birthmark. On the right hand side of the door is a palm impression.

  “Ahhh,” says Elric, “Now I see where you got that wonderful idea for the chest.”

  Myrddin winks at Elric and beckons Atticus forward to put his hand in the impression. As soon as he does so, the doors slide open. When the dust settles, all they see is darkness. Atticus begins to step in, but the words he overheard earlier are playing on his mind and he hesitates. What did Myrddin mean by Atticus growing up soon? Could he be talking about Joyce? He fears the worst − will she die? Are they already too late? Before Atticus can move forward he is stopped.

  “Careful now; we know not of what is inside, there could be traps,” says Myrddin, “Stick close to me.”

  The Majjai follow Myrddin further in; he lights a torch, which allows them to see most of the length of the tomb. There is a casket in the middle, and several tables and cupboards. It is cold and damp, with the air tasting stale; this room has not seen life for a very, very long time. Atticus looks at the slab walls with shelves jutting out of them holding vials and makeshift tubes made from wood and metals, and he thinks to himself that this place is more of a lab than a tomb.

  They soon reach an altar at the far end of the room. Above it is a flag bearing the Mark of the Majjai on a light blue background. Next to the flag is an engraving, a language that only Myrddin seems to understand. He begins to translate, reading aloud.

  “Here lies the tomb of Kazmagus. In his spirit we build this place, for his followers and knights to grieve. May our descendants return to avenge us, and strike at the heart of Asmodei and his demon realm. Our knowledge is yours, use it well. Long live the King, long live Kazmagus.”

  Myrddin and Elric exchange knowing glances. Atticus peers further into the darkness, and sees a thin track filled with fluid that looks like oil. He takes the torch from Myrddin and touches it to the upper part of the trough. The small flame soars across the oil’s surface, lighting another chamber. Within it are row upon row of scrolls and scriptures and another stairwell heading down.

  “I guess we have found the knowledge,” says Ju Long.

  “Yes, but it will take a lifetime to translate it all,” says Elric.

  “I guess I’d better get started then,” says Myrddin, “Remember to return to this chamber when you go back through the portal Elric. Now, let’s find that vial of Ogre blood.”

  “How did you know a vial would be here?” asks Olof.

  “They used the blood to build this chamber. It’s how I was able to locate it,” replies Myrddin, “It has a distinctive trace. When mixed with a specific oil, it solidifies, and is how they fused the stonework. They left the vials to enable future Majjai to locate it, but the knowledge of how to do so was lost until I returned from the Battle of Aria.”

  “The master Alchemist, as always,” jokes Elric.

  “Yes,” grins Myrddin, “I’ve learnt your shape-shifting trick as well.”

  “There are some vials over here,” says Mage Callan, who has found some shelving with different vases and containers. Myrddin walks over to verify the discovery.

  “Yes, yes, this is it here,” he says, “Come, we must return to my lab. This tomb requires much investigation, which I will complete later, but we have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.”

  Back in Myrddin’s lab, he carefully adds the blood of the Cantor Ogre to the cure and hands the vial containing it to Atticus.

  “Thank you,” says the young Majjai.

  “You’re welcome,” replies Myrddin, “Now come, the portal does not have much time left, you must all leave,” he looks towards Atticus, “Do not worry, dear boy. I’m sure we will meet again one day,” he says with another wink.

  They rush back to the Majjai training hall, and prepare to step back to their own time.

  “Remember, you must keep the Orb away from Razakel. If he wins, then everything is lost,” says Myrddin, “The time will come when you will need to decide what is more important, the Orb’s survival, or your own. Good luck my friends. Trust your feelings, they will guide you.”

  One by one the Majjai step through the portal, and wave back at Myrddin as it closes in a hiss and a fizz.

  Atticus wastes no time and uses his speed ability to rush to the medical ward. He hands the cure to Madam Healsey before waking Joyce’s parents.

  Khan is also now awake and sitting upright, his torso bandaged. He holds his left arm up, greeting Atticus. Safaya returns to the room with a glass of water for Khan.

  “Good, Atticus, you have returned,” she says, “And the cure?”

  Atticus nods toward Madam Healsey as she administers the contents of the vial to Joyce. She holds Joyce in her arms, and coaxes her to drink it. Slowly Joyce sips at the concoction presented to her. Madam Healsey then gently lays her back down and orders everyone out of the ward, apart from Khan who is still healing from his own injuries.

  They all wait patiently; seconds turn into minutes, and minutes turn into hours. Finally, the door opens and Madam Healsey calls Joyce’s parents back in the room. Atticus and the others try to peer through, to catch a glimpse of whether or not the cure has worked. A further few minutes pass before the Sparks' exit the room. Dr Wei turns towards Atticus.

  “She wants to see you,” she says, beaming. She ruffles Atticus’ hair, giving him the impression that things appear to be fine.

  Atticus bursts through the doors and sees Joyce sitting up. She looks at him and smiles.

  “I like the new hair, Pancake Boy,” she says.

  Atticus does not reply, he just hugs Joyce, tightly, “I missed you,” he whispers softly.

  “Thanks for saving me,” Joyce whispers softly.

  “It was more of a team effort,” replies Atticus, “Even Ju Long helped,” he says jokingly, making Joyce laugh.

  Khan walks over from his bed, also now fully healed, “I fancy some pizz
a,” he says.

  “You know what,” replies Atticus, “that’s not a bad idea.”

  Elric enters the medical ward and overhears their idea, “Good, we’ll all go,” he says, “I’ll call Spitfire. Tell him to be ready.”

  Before Elric can summon Spitfire, Professor Morgan returns and reports on Bradley’s whereabouts.

  “Sound asleep at home,” he says, “His parents thought he had been drinking or something along those lines, so sent him to bed with a pretty severe ticking-off last night. He hasn’t even left his room today.”

  “What happened?” asks Atticus.

  “Long story,” replies Elric, “Come, we’ll talk about it over food. The last few days have been taxing; I think we deserve a little enjoyment.”

  The Majjai reach the main entrance of the Manor, they use the time to inform Joyce of their adventures. They soon arrive to where Spitfire is waiting. He has morphed into a large van to carry them all, but as always, he has done it with some style and found it appropriate to add some 22” chrome alloys to his attire.

  Late afternoon turns into early evening, and after pizza, the Majjai Six decide to walk back, leaving Spitfire free to choose his more favoured sporty garb to take Elric, Mage Callan, Professor Morgan, and Professor Sprocking, back to the Manor.

  They wait for Spitfire to roar down the street before starting their journey back.

  “That was a close one,” says Joyce to Atticus, “Now you understand what we are up against; that was a rare second chance. And that year you guys had for training, it, well, it's changed you. A good change.”

  Atticus blushes, “Thank you,” replies Atticus, “But one other thing I learned was that together, as a team, we should not be afraid of anything.”

  “Well said, Atticus,” says Safaya, “Maybe you will turn out to be a great leader after all,” she continues, cheekily, playfully nudging Atticus.

  “Another compliment,” says Khan, “You sure you’re feeling ok?”

  Safaya aims a light kick towards Khan who deftly sidesteps out of the way. The young Majjai continue their journey back and decide to cut through the park near the manor. As they approach the main gates they notice some movement in the trees.

  Olof holds his hand out, indicating to the others to stop, “Who goes there?” he shouts, “Show yourself!”

  “Freaks!” screams out a voice.

  Joyce looks at Atticus, “Bradley,” she whispers with a concerned sigh.

  Bradley Burrows steps out of the treeline, “I know what you are!” he screams, “I’m going to tell everyone about you freaks!”

  “Bradley,” says Khan, “That would be foolish. Now please, calm down. Come with us to see Elric. He can explain everything.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you monsters!” replies Bradley, “I saw what you are.”

  “Bradley,” says Atticus, “You are making a mistake. Please, just come with us.”

  “You think I’ll trust you?” shouts Bradley, “I hate you, Jones, I wish you would just die, you piece of shit!”

  As Bradley finishes his sentence, a swirling wind builds up; then there is a bright red flash, which twists and turns into a portal.

  “Bradley!” screams Atticus, “Run!”

  Bradley turns around and peers into the darkness. Before he can react, Alvarez jumps out of the portal and grabs him.

  “Foolish Majjai, your end is near,” says the Demon, “We have our prize.”

  Alvarez transforms into his beast form and fires several fireballs in the direction of the Majjai before jumping back through the portal with Bradley tucked under his arm, screaming.

  The Majjai Six dodge the fireballs and try to reach the portal before it closes, but it is too late.

  “He’s gone,” says Safaya, puzzled, “Why do they want Bradley, of all people?”

  Khan shrugs his shoulders, “We better report this to Elric.”

  The Majjai Six hasten their journey and quickly head to Elric’s chamber to explain what has just happened.

  “Do not worry,” says Elric, “There was nothing you or anyone could have done. We have been betrayed.”

  “We have to rescue him,” says Atticus, “He may be an idiot, but he is still human.”

  “Agreed,” replies Elric, “But human for how long? Is the question we should really ask ourselves.”

  “If they turn him, that could be dangerous,” says Professor Sprocking, “He knows the Manor, and the other students.”

  “Yes,” replies Mage Callan, “But we do not have a clue where they have taken him.”

  Elric paces to his window overlooking the hills just before Echo Forest, visibly concerned over these new developments, but also realising of how futile a search would be right now; a rescue, although desired by every ounce of his being, would bring nothing; he turns back to his students and sighs solemnly, “Then there is nothing we can do apart from wait.”

  The Majjai Journals:

  Finally! The hammer is in my possession. I thank Odin and Thor for guiding me. Some augmentation has been required to even hope to harness the power of lightning and thunder, only Thor himself can harness these commands natively it seems.

  Leviathan and Nithhoggr were both formidable adversaries. It proves to me that Jörmungandr has influenced Leviathan. If this is true, then Thor will have more than one beast to battle, unless we destroy the serpent in a future encounter. I must ensure that Mjolnir is returned for Thor to use at the time of Ragnarok.

  I must make time for Alvar and Kalle. They have been good friends and deserve to be shown the hammer. I wonder how they go with the task I have set them.

  The other Norse Mages were always wary to allow me to join the Majjai Six. Their teachings are perhaps a little closed.

  Elric has taught me to broaden my thinking, and I have learnt much under his tutelage. I know his sadness. The years have taken their toll. Professor Sprocking told me of a woman that Elric once loved, but he vowed never to love again after he outlived her.

  The Professor himself has a story of his own and his hatred of Draconus is well-justified.

  These Swords of Power appear to be our only hope − not only for destroying the dragon, but also the Demon King, once and for all.

  My meditation has brought other things to the fore. Now that I now no longer seek the hammer, those visions have disappeared; but they have been replaced with visions of someone else, someone extremely powerful. A red mist, a fire around the demon realm surrounds this new being, and I fear that he may be even more powerful than Razakel, if that is possible.

  This task that Elric has given me plays on my mind. I trust his judgement, but the actions he has asked me to take on could mean his end. I hope this is not the case. I must return to my training, I sense something on the horizon. I also smell death, lots of it, I fear this war will not end without despair and loss, but we must be strong.

  Olof Gilmar

  Chapter 26

  The Turning

  The stench chokes him first, as he lies in a damp dark dungeon. The flesh-covered walls pulsate as if they have a heartbeat, the chains feeding through them chink against the stone as they move. He does not know why he is here; all he knows is that he is frightened.

  Bradley cowers in the corner, folding himself up into a little ball. He knows he is in a dungeon of sorts, but does not know how he got there. All he remembers is a flash of light and a man in a cloak grabbing him.

  He calms his breathing as he hears footsteps outside of his cell. All night, the only things he has heard are deathly screams, strange animal like noises, and roars from giant beasts that sound so terrifying, he dare not look out of a tiny hole acting as an excuse for a window.

  Then he remembers why is here, “Atticus!” the blame lies there. If it were not for his victim, he would not be here right now. The anger grows within him again, until he screams aloud the name that has caused him so much pain.

  “Atticus!” he doesn’t understand why his hatred has increased so m
uch, all he knows is that he would do anything to exact revenge… anything.

  A few levels higher, his screams are heard.

  “The boy seems to be ready,” says Razakel, as he looks towards Herensugue, “Is the potion complete?”

  Herensugue looks back at his master excitedly, “Yessssss, and ssso isss the room masssssster.”

  “Good,” replies the Demon King, “Take him there.”

  A group of Screamer demons march out of the throne room and make their way to the dungeon cell holding Bradley.

  Without words, they burst in. Bradley backs into the corner, but to no avail. One of the Screamers grabs his left leg, and drags him out of the dungeon. Another grabs an arm and they carry him to another room where there is what appears to be a makeshift crucifix.

  “Who are you?” Bradley whimpers, “Why are you doing this to me?”

  The Screamers tie their prisoner to the cross and step to the side, their heads bowed.

  Bradley can hear the sound of massive footsteps over his pounding heartbeat; as they get closer, they drown out any remnants of courage that remain. He squeezes his eyes closed trying to shut out the horror that is all around them, but out of morbid curiosity, he still peeks. Surely, if they wanted him dead, he would be so already. The realisation is all too clear to him, and in that moment, his fear lessens and anticipation increases.

  Razakel enters, with Alvarez and Herensugue behind him.

  Bradley’s eyes widen, straining his neck as high as he can to take in the size of the being in front of him, “What are you?” he groans.

  “My name is Razakel,” says the Demon King, trying to act as non-threatening as possible, “Do not fear us. We wish to help you.”

  “Help me?” asks Bradley, “How?”

  “We know you have been wronged. Humiliated even,” replies Razakel, “We merely wish to give you the opportunity for… revenge. We know how Atticus has treated you, laughed at you, made you look the fool in front of your friends. He has ruined you in the eyes of those around you.”

  Bradley remains silent.


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