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Dark Haven

Page 5

by Leigh Allen

  I AWOKE HOURS LATER my eyes hazy and my vision disoriented. A stinging ache throbbed through my body as I still felt the tight restraints holding my body against the bed.

  “She’s awake,” Ally’s voice registered in my mind.

  I slowly turned my head in the direction of her soft voice and spotted her kneeling down beside my bed. Behind her, Brad sat in the reclining chair, his face distressed with worry.

  “What happened?” I asked as my words came out in a hoarse whisper.

  Everything hurt in me and I felt like I was truly dying. The last thing I remembered for I passed out was hearing Brad say I was wanted. What was I wanted for? Why was I wanted? No one had ever really wanted me. Sure, guys wanted me for sex and my friends wanted me for what I could do for them in terms of glamour and prestige, but to be truly wanted- I had never experienced such a thing.

  “How do you feel?” Brad asked, as he rushed out of the chair and over to the bed. He placed a hand on my forehead and whipped away some of the loose strands of hair that were matted down. His touch was so gentle and caring I almost forgot that he had restrained me on the bed and created this madness.

  I opened my mouth but instead of words, a loud growl escaped. Blood splattered on the white sheets and as I noticed the crimson stains, I cried out again.

  “Calm down,” Brad said calmly. “This is normal. Your body is rejecting the last bit of blood in your system. We need to feed you soon,” he said, as he looked over at Ally.

  Nodding, she ran out of the room to where I assumed was the freezer where they kept their supply of animal meat. Raw meat.

  “I don’t want raw meat,” I cried.

  My head shook as I said the words. I couldn’t eat raw meat. Just the thought alone made my stomach drop. But, I was hungry. So desperately hungry, that my head pulsed with the desire to feed my craving.

  “You will eat it. Your body needs nourishment. You won’t make it through the change without fueling your system,” Brad said as he slowly caressed my arm.

  “Why are you being nice to me?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what was more troubling; his act of turning me or his pleasantries right now.

  “I am trying to help you,” Brad stated, as he tore his eyes away from me.

  Before I could ask him why, Ally stormed back into the room, a jar of red liquid in her hands. “I have it,” she announced as she looked at me with a slight smile.

  Taking the jar from her hands, Brad opened the lid and held it up to my mouth. I tightly closed my lips and turned my head away from him. The smell of the blood invaded my senses and as much as I wanted to vomit at the thought, my body turned against me. Instead of being revolted from the warm, crimson liquid, I was suddenly very much attracted to it. My body fought against me as my lips began to open against my will.

  “Take a sip,” Brad urged as he placed a hand on my face and turned me so that I was looking at him again.

  Our eyes met and I couldn’t help myself anymore. He placed the glass against my lips and poured a small amount of raw meat into my mouth. The warm liquid soothed as it washed down my throat and into my system. Just the small amount had the stinging discomfort I had just been experiencing too numb to nothing at all. Helping me raise my head, Brad turned the jar up again and poured more into my mouth. I began to drink it, gulping down the liquid as fast as I possibly could. Once the jar was empty, I took my tongue and lapped up the remaining drops in the jar.

  Brad removed the jar from my mouth and I suddenly felt an energy I had never experienced before. I was no longer hurt, but instead, I was rejuvenated. For the first time in my life, I felt alive and free.

  Slowly, Brad and Ally untied my restraints and helped me to sit up. Smiling, I began to inspect my body as I was healed.

  “How do you feel now?” Ally asked brightly.

  The energy in the room had also transitioned. Before, it was fearful and tense. Now, it was calm and magical.

  “I feel...alive,” I stated.

  “Good, your body changed nicely,” Ally added.

  As I inspected my body, I noticed my clothes were now torn and there was dried blood on my hands and face. I needed a shower and a new pair of clothes to wear.

  “Um, Ally will take you and help you shower,” Brad said as he too noticed my disheveled state.

  Ally helped me out of the bed and took me back to the room Brad had given me. She led me to the bathroom and turned on the shower for me. As she helped me disrobe, she began to walk into the closet for which I was sure she was going to select an outfit for me to wear.

  I stepped into the large, tile shower and allowed the warm water to wash over me. I stood under the shower for what felt like forever. As the water cascaded over my body, I watched as the water turned red than pink than finally clear again. I was washing away the blood, the pain, and my old life. A sense of gratitude overwhelmed me as I realized that once I stepped out of the shower, I would be cleansed of my past life and would emerge a new person, or werewolf.

  I felt invigorated by that thought and quickly washed my hair with the feminine soaps that were already in the shower. Maybe Ally had put them there.

  “Ally?” I called out as the silence suddenly struck me as odd.

  “Yes, I am still here,” she called close by.

  “Ok,” I accepted.

  For some reason, her presence and company settled me.

  “I’m glad you came,” Ally said, her voice full of cheer.

  “Well, I am not sure I had a choice,” I said as I lathered my hair with soap smelling of green apple.

  “Sure you did,” Ally laughed. “None of us turn people unless they want it. Especially Brad,” she added, her voice dipping lower than before.

  As I washed the soap out of my hair, I thought about that. “What do you mean, especially Brad?”

  There was a moment of silence where I thought maybe Ally had left. Finally, I heard a sigh and knew she was still in the bathroom with me. “Brad has only turned one other person. It was difficult, but she made it through,” Ally said.

  The thought of Brad changing another female suddenly made me feel jealous. I knew it was absurd, I wasn’t even sure I liked Brad or not, so why the idea of another female would make me feel so enraged, baffled me.

  “Why do you all turn people? I mean, I understand you all were turned to have another chance at life but is that the only reason?” I asked.

  “Well, some turn for revenge. Some turn for love and some like us turn for second chances,” Ally stated.

  Another pain flitted through me. So Brad had turned me only for a second chance. “That makes sense,” I said, my voice revealing my sadness. I hated that I had just given that away, hopefully, Ally didn’t notice.

  “Amelia, there is something about Brad you need to know. He turned the other girl to save her but she was ungrateful. With you, I believe it was for something entirely different,” she hinted.

  I lathered my body up with lavender soap and began caressing the suds into my skin. The water washed over me one last time and I didn’t know what to say to Ally’s confession.

  It didn’t matter anyway, we were rudely interrupted by Will barging into the room. “Ladies, hurry up. We have a house meeting in ten minutes,” he yelled.

  “Get out,” Ally and I screamed at the same time.

  Laughing, Will closed the door behind him as he muttered a few curse words.

  I stepped out of the shower and Ally handed me a towel. Smiling, she pointed to the vanity where she had left me a black sundress and a pair of flat, black shoes. “I will meet you in ten minutes,” she said with a wink.

  Ally had left me with an ache in my heart and a spark of curiosity as I wanted to know the real reason why Brad had turned me.


  The next few hours flew by in a blur. With Ally’s help, I dressed and had time to heal. While my body was still reeling from the pain from my change, I was quickly healing. Once I felt steady enough to walk and keep myself balanced, I
made my way downstairs. Change or no change, I had a role here at Dark Haven and I was ready to begin this life as a werewolf.

  I stepped down the spiral staircase and voices echoed all around me.

  Not wanting to be late to the meeting, I pulled my long, dark hair into a tight bun and quickly dressed. I didn’t bother with makeup, I wasn’t even sure if there was anything to match my complexion. I guess I would check on that later.

  As I walked into the den, I spotted everyone lounging on the couches, chattering amongst themselves.

  “She arrives,” Davis clapped as he smiled my way.

  Rushing up to me, Nelly threw her arms around my neck and embraced me in a large hug. “We are glad you got through the change ok,” she whispered into my ear.

  These people, these werewolves, were treating me with more love and compassion than anyone in my former life ever had. I was reveling in their kindness as Brad came into view.

  He was watching me, his eyes drinking me in. His look of lust and longing wasn’t lost on me.

  “Let’s start the meeting,” Will announced.

  Everyone sat back down and Will stood in front of the couches. “As Brad noted yesterday, we have a group of hunters coming early this weekend to dove hunt. This group is a little more rugged than most. They have asked for campfires the two nights they are here and want tons of booze. They may get a little wild, so we all need to be prepared,” Will spoke.

  I looked around at the faces, unsure of what he was referring to. “We are all werewolves, why would we need to worry about some drunk hicks?” I asked.

  I saw Davis hide a smirk and John and Sarah stared at me like I was a child.

  “When guests get rowdy and drunk, they get brave. Some want to explore the grounds without permission. Some get handsy with the girls. We all need to be watchful,” Brad stated as he came to my rescue.

  Nodding, I acted like I understood. Hell, if someone got out of hand, we could just bite them. I think.

  Will went on to read the menu prepared and the checklist of everything that needed to get accomplished. Finally, he turned to me. “I understand that Amelia will be in charge of planning events while the guests are here and updating our rooms,” he sneered.

  “Yes,” Brad said to me. “I think we could use some more activities to keep guests occupied. Maybe even a pool. Or we could plan corporate events and weddings,” he added.

  I smiled as he spoke. He was talking about my ideas and adding some more that I loved too. Nodding, Will looked pleased. “Nice. I think those might be good additions. We will discuss those in more depth after this round of guests departs. Until then, our focus is getting everything ready,” Will finished.

  They went over a weekly budget, numbers, and names I didn’t understand and then everyone dispersed.

  “What do I do now?” I asked Ally as I was unprepared for how to handle myself.

  “Let me take her,” Brad cut in. “There are some perks to being a werewolf and it’s time you get to handle them,” he added as he grabbed my hand and led me to the back porch.

  The sun was starting to set in the distance and the sky was a beautiful array of oranges and reds. I took in a deep breath. Even after all of the exhausting and frankly traumatizing events from the last day, I somehow found beauty and peace in the tranquility of the oncoming of night.

  “Why do you want to show me the perks of being a werewolf?” I asked as I continued to stare out at the horizon. I held onto the wooden railing of the large patio for support.

  “Who else would you expect to show you?” he asked, stunned by my question. “Besides, you have only experienced the painful side of being a werewolf. Let me show you what it’s really like to live this way. Unless, you had someone else in mind to show you,” he said, his face looking pained.

  “I don’t know, maybe someone who seems to like me more than you do,” I shot back.

  This made Brad settle a little. He walked over and stood next to me. He was so close I could smell the sweet vanilla hint of his cologne and feel his body move as he inhaled a breath. “Do I make you feel unwanted here?” he asked.

  I almost laughed, but as I turned to look at him, I saw he was being serious. He almost seemed hurt by the thought alone.

  Should I lie to him or be brutally honest? I guess lying wouldn’t do either of us any good, due to the fact I was somehow stuck with Brad, and everyone else in this clan for forever.

  “Honestly,” I began as I settled with honesty. “I assumed you would want anyone else here to help me. You don’t really act like you like or want me here. I get you turned me because you felt sorry for me or something like that, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like I am some fungus or disease,” I stated.

  “Is that what you really believe I think of you?” Brad asked darkly. His features tensed and even with the setting sun and darkness overtaking, I could still see his jaw clench and his eyes smolder.

  Nodding my head, I responded. “Yes.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Brad began.

  Stopping him, I placed my hand on his shoulder. I really hadn’t meant to upset him. This was getting awkward and just plain weird. “Brad, you don’t have to say anything. If I am in the way or a pain, I understand. Trust me, I know the feeling,” I said as I had a short memory of my childhood where my parents were never around because children were not fun companions at their lavish parties.

  Shaking his head, Brad looked at my hand on his shoulder. I quickly retreated my arm and placed it at my side.

  “Amelia,” he began as he reached down and grabbed my hand and placed it on his. Surprise registered with me as our fingers interlaced. Electricity coursed through me and I knew he must feel the same too. “I do not view you as a disease or a pain. I turned you at my own will. Yes, I saw you about to kill yourself, but I could have just as easily walked away. But, I didn’t. I wanted to change you,” he finished.

  I gawked at his admission. He wanted to change me.

  “Why?” I asked as I looked down at our joined hands.

  “Because, you are beautiful and I saw something in you that needed to live. You deserve to be happy, even if it is as a werewolf,” he said.

  His eyes met mine and a small smile crept over his features. I lifted my other hand that wasn’t in his, and placed it on the stubble of his chin. I allowed my eyes to roam over his strong features that were glowing in the moonlight. The sun was completely gone now and the moon was bright in the sky tonight. It reminded me of the other night when Brad had found me. I was moonstruck by him then and again now.

  “Brad, you are very confusing, but sweet too,” I said as I stared deep into his golden eyes. I continued to massage the stubble on his jaw and I couldn’t help but realize he was the first man I had ever been attracted to that had facial hair. All my other boyfriends were clean shaven and looked like Polo models.

  “I want you to be happy here,” he grinned.

  “I think I might be,” I admitted.

  WE STOOD THERE A FEW minutes longer before Brad led me down the steep steps of the patio and onto the soft grass below.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, as our hands were still joined.

  “I am going to show you how much fun it is to be a werewolf,” he said, with a grin.

  “Ok,” I agreed.

  Starting to run, Brad began to move at lightning speed. He jumped in the air and I was beyond mesmerized as his body transformed into a large wolf in mid-air. His dark black fur looked like silk as the wind flew through it. I had seen movies where werewolves had incredible agility, but I always thought that was just made up fun. Apparently, I was wrong.

  Looking back at me over his shoulder, Brad called out for me. “Come on princess, catch up,” he kidded.

  “Princess?” I mused, as I began to run too.

  My legs shot out and I couldn’t believe the speed I was creating. The wind blew through my hair and I felt like I was flying. I jumped just like Brad had done and I
felt a strange sensation courses through my body. Within seconds, my hands and legs turned into paws and I was running on all fours like the werewolf I was.

  Laughing, Brad continued to run at full speed while he answered. “Yeah, you were like royalty right? I read up on you and I learned your family was high society. You were featured in magazines and social columns,” he added.

  I stopped running and stood frozen in my tracks. Noticing I wasn’t behind him anymore, Brad stopped too and jogged back to where I stood. “What is wrong?” he asked, catching his breath.

  “Don’t call me princess,” I deadpanned.

  If becoming a werewolf meant leaving my old life behind, I wanted all of it left in the past. As far as I was concerned, that girl didn’t exist.

  Lowering his eyes, Brad nodded. “I’m sorry, I just thought it was a cute nickname.”

  “Well, it’s not. It reminds me of that life,” I said, as I looked away. I folded my arms across my chest and I knew I must look like a spoiled brat but I didn’t care.

  Walking over to me, Brad placed his hand under my chin and forced me to look up at him. “Your old life is gone now. If you are a princess, it is because that is what I see you as. Someone special and worthy of respect,” he stated.

  My heart skipped a beat as his words suffocated me. Somehow Brad had the raw ability to infuriate me one minute and then make me weak in the knees the next.

  “Oh, I didn’t think of it like that,” I said.

  His head dipped and he looked at me with a predatory gaze. I couldn’t help but lick my lips as want and need consumed me. “No, I guess I sort of like that nickname now,” I mused.

  Leaning in close, Brad tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His lips hovered just above mine and for an instant, I thought he might kiss me. As I went to close my eyes and prepare my body and mind for the kiss, Brad moved away.

  My body suddenly ached from his absence near me. “Come on, I have something to show you,” Brad said before he sped away.


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