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Dark Haven

Page 6

by Leigh Allen

  Grunting, I ran after him as I found my speed. We raced through the land, past the guest house and the pond until we were far into the depths of the forest. It looked much more ominous and eerie at night without the light to showcase all of the creatures that inhabit the area. I guess, in theory, Brad and I were the only monsters to be afraid of out here.

  We began to slow as we came to an opening in the forest. “I want you to try something,” Brad said as he once again moved closer to me.

  We stood silently in the space, neither of us moving. “What am I trying?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

  Leaning in, Brad whispered into my ear. “I want you to listen. As werewolves, we are very in tune with our senses. We can hear even the slightest rustlings in the woods or sounds far, far away. If you look, you will be able to see through the darkness just as you can in the daylight. The slightest breeze will make your arms tingle and you can smell an animal lurking miles away,” he said as he watched me for understanding. “Just stand here and see if you can sense something,” he finished.

  I stood still, almost frozen in time. Closing my eyes, I allowed my body to become one with nature. I listened and waited. Tiny movements sparked my attention and the wild scent of an animal close by had my nose sniffing and perking up.

  “You sense something don’t you?” Brad asked as his voice became excited with possibility.

  “Yes, there is something moving about two miles to the left,” I said as my eyes were still shut tight.

  I could hear the footsteps of tiny paws as they moved through the underbrush. It must be a rabbit or a fox.

  “Yes, I sense it too,” Brad agreed. “Let’s go on your first hunt,” he said.

  My eyes shot open quickly. Hunt. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that or not. “Maybe I should watch,” I said.

  “Come on, you just need to watch. It will come naturally,” Brad said as he began running.

  Following close behind, the scent and movements of the animal grew stronger. My hunger attacked me as I suddenly craved to eat the meat of whatever animals were out there lurking. We were fast approaching the animal and just as I felt like we were on top of it, a large white rabbit scurried out of some bushes and twigs. Leaping through the air, I grabbed for the animal as Brad followed suit.

  Lunging again, I made contact and grabbed the rabbit in one scoop. Holding the animal in the air, I smiled at Brad. I did it! I had hunted.

  “What do I do now?” I asked as I looked at the fluffy creature in my hands. Suddenly, the excitement began to fade as I realized this was an adorable little animal that some have as pets.

  “You bite it, kill it,” Brad said as he licked his lips.

  I could feel the pulse of the rabbit thumping loudly beneath my hands and the smell of its blood made my mouth water.

  “I don’t know if I can,” I argued, as the pain from my hunger began to take over. It was difficult to resist the urge to just tear into its neck.

  “You can. It’s how we survive,” Brad argued.

  Taking the animal from me, Brad quickly snapped the animal’s neck in one swift movement. I gasped, tears welling in my eyes at the sudden loss of life I had just witnessed.

  Ignoring my gasp, Brad bit into the animal and began ravenously sucking the blood from the large wound he had created. He glanced up at me, his eyes wide and smoldering and blood dripping from his fangs.

  Hunger took over and I couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. Handing me the lifeless body, I too sank my teeth into the warm flesh of the animal and began to suck the warm liquid from its veins. The blood traveled through my mouth and created a pleasure I hadn’t known existed. Each suck of blood had me growing more powerful and alive. It was as though the life of the animal was now traveling with me.

  Once the animal was fully drained, I dropped the body on the ground. Taking a step back, I wiped the blood off my face with my hands and looked at Brad for guidance.

  “You were amazing,” he said as he too wiped away the excess blood from his face.

  “We killed that poor animal,” I said.

  “Yes, but that is the circle of life. You can’t feel guilty. I know it is difficult, but don’t you feel wonderful now?” he asked.

  I couldn’t deny the pleasure coursing through me. Of course, I felt wonderful, but at what expense.

  “Yes, I feel powerful,” I admitted.

  Grinning, Brad took a step closer to me. “I knew you would be perfect at this,” he said breathlessly.

  “Perfect at what?” I asked, my breaths coming out ragged.

  We were so close again and I wanted his hands on me. I wanted to feel his body next to mine.

  “Being here with me,” he said with an enticing smile.

  If I weren’t already dead, I would have died at those words.

  “You want me here?” I asked taking a step closer to eliminate any space between us now.

  Reaching out, Brad placed his hands on my hips and it felt like they belonged there, like his hands were finally home. “Yes. Can I tell you a secret?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I said, watching his golden eyes carefully.

  “I wanted to turn you. I want to keep you,” he said as his eyes bore into mine.

  Something inside my body snapped. While part of me wanted to lean forward and kiss him until we both couldn’t breathe anymore, the other part of me wanted to slap him across his face. He had wanted to turn me. Before he had even asked me. This was all too much for me to handle.

  I took a step back and Brad’s hands fell away from my hips. His eyes filled with sadness and puzzlement.

  “You did this to me on purpose?” I stated.

  “Amelia, let me explain,” he began.

  Holding up my hands, I stopped him from getting any closer. I needed to keep the distance between us. “No, you found me and took advantage of my vulnerability. I like you Brad, but this isn’t right,” I said.

  Before he could say anything else, I turned and ran away back to the house. I never turned to see if he was following behind. I wanted to be alone. I wanted to cry and allow myself the clarity to discover if what Brad had done was good or bad.


  I had somehow managed to escape to my room and sleep the entire night without anyone bothering me.

  I knew that would only last so long. We had guests coming in a few days and there was so much I needed to do and learn.

  As I sat up in bed, I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” I called as I pulled the covers over me. I was only wearing panties and a bra.

  Ally and Sarah walked into the room, smiles beaming on their faces.

  “How was last night?” Ally asked.

  “Fine,” I grumbled.

  Both girls gave each other strange glances.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Sarah noted.

  “What happened?” Ally asked.

  Sighing, I realized they were the closest thing I would have to friends or sisters or even a mother so I might as well spill my emotions now. “Brad took me out last night and we ran and hunted. It was incredible. But, then he told me he wanted to turn me into a werewolf. He admitted he sought me out,” I pouted.

  Sarah patted my shoulder while Ally sat down next to me on the bed.

  “I am sorry Amelia, but maybe there is something we should tell you,” Ally started as she glanced at Sarah.

  Sarah gave her a warning glance and I noticed the exchange between them.

  “What is going on?” I asked, not wanting any more secrets.

  Taking a deep breath, Ally began. “Brad did want to change you. The night you met him, wasn’t the first time he had seen you,” she said.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t be telling her this,” Sarah stepped in and said. “I mean, maybe this is for Brad to share. I don’t want to upset him or lose his trust in us,” she added.

  I understood her need to protect Brad and show her loyalty, but now was not the time. I neede
d to know more. This was about me after all.

  “No, if this has something to do with me, I deserve to know,” I demanded.

  Ally agreed. “Look, you need to talk to Brad too, but you are right. You deserve to know this. About four months ago, Brad saw you walking through the park. He said you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, but the saddest too. He had wanted to change you the first time he laid eyes on you, but we all told him that wasn’t right. We had made a pack as a clan and as a family that we wouldn’t hurt a human unless we absolutely had to. We couldn’t let him turn you out of desire and selfishness.”

  She paused to make sure I was following. My mouth was hanging wide open as I listened. I was mystified at how Brad could have been stalking me and I had no idea.

  Continuing, Ally sighed and looked at Sarah for help. “We both wanted Brad to find someone and be happy, especially after what happened with Lorelei,” she said with a huff.

  “Lorelei?” I questioned.

  “Now, that really isn’t our place to share,” Sarah interrupted. “Ask Brad about her, but I will tell you she was a disaster. Brad never loved her and... well, he can tell you the rest,” she said.

  I made a mental note to ask Brad about Lorelei later, well, when I was ready to talk to him again I would.

  “Fine, but I will tell her about Brad. He went each night to the park to see if he could find you. He looked you up after taking your picture one night using his cell phone. He was too afraid to talk to you until he caught you trying to kill yourself one night. Look, I know this sounds fifty shades of messed up, but Brad has a good heart. You are the first woman he has ever wanted. When he first turned he was wild. He had lots of hookups, but he never desired to change a human or settle down with the werewolves he was sleeping with. It was just sex. But, with you, he wants more. You might just be the one,” she said with an alluring smile.

  “Wow,” I exhaled. “That is way more than I expected to hear,” I added.

  They both smiled at me. “Please don’t be upset, what has happened was for the best. You deserve to live,” Sarah said.

  I smiled at her and began to settle a little. As much as I wanted to be angry with Brad, I just couldn’t be. His stalking me was somehow very sweet and endearing. It was the most absurd and sweet thing anyone had ever done for me.

  “I will find Brad and talk with him later,” I said as I began to stand.

  The covers fell off of me and both girls turned their heads away. Laughing, Ally moved toward the door. “We will give you some privacy to get ready. We will meet at ten this morning for a short meeting before everyone gets to work,” she added.

  They left me alone to get ready and to contemplate my move with Brad.


  Damn, guys could be so elusive.

  After my complicated night with Brad and even more confusing morning with Ally and Sarah, Brad had somehow managed to escape seeing me the rest of the week.

  Each time I looked for him I would discover that he was either hunting, locked in his office working, or in town gathering supplies needed around the lodge. His absence around Dark Haven made me sad and while I was jealous he got to go to town and shop, a hobby I was desperately missing, I wanted more than anything to just sit down and talk to him. I needed to hear his side of the story, but I just couldn’t wrangle him.

  By Friday, I had given up on talking to Brad. We had guests coming and I knew there was no way Brad would take time to talk to me while they were here.

  All preparations had been made and we were all standing outside on the long driveway anticipating the guests. Brad was the last to show up and we made eye contact for a brief moment before he quickly looked away.

  A roar of an engine could be heard just over the hill and we all stood alert. A large SUV roared into view and turned into the driveway. Four large men stepped out of the vehicle and smiled our way. They all wore flannel shirts and jeans with boots even though it was mid-September and still warm.

  We all greeted the men and Ally and I showed them to the guest house. It was early in the morning and I knew they were probably anxious to get started on their hunt. As we took the men to the guest house, Brad and John began gathering the guns and supplies and loading them into the Ford Truck.

  “Is there anything else you all need?” I asked as Ally and I prepared to leave the men to unpack in their rooms.

  One of the men stepped up close to me and I felt a strange and creepy sensation flows through me.

  “Well, aren’t you mighty pretty,” he said as he traced a finger down my arm. “Maybe you could stop by tonight and tuck me in,” he joked.

  The other men began to laugh and I tried to hide my disgust. I didn’t think that would be good for business.

  Leaving, I shuddered as Ally and I made our way back to the lodge. I spent the rest of the day and into the evening watching television and working in my new office. I had hoped I would have time to go to town and get some personal touches for my space but I knew I would have to wait for that too.

  Finally, around sunset, all of the men arrived at the house. Davis was just setting the large family style table for dinner when the men came bursting through the back door. I made sure to stay away from them while they ate. Something about these guys didn’t sit well with me. I knew it wasn’t my place to say anything, since I was new and all, but I just didn’t want to be around them.

  Finally, after dinner had been served and the men were stuffed, Davis cleaned the kitchen and I was happy to see darkness. Maybe they would get drunk and go to bed.

  “Hey girls, the men want some beer and chips to eat around the campfire tonight,” John said as he found all of us in the living room.

  “Sure,” Sarah noted.

  Nelly and I went to the kitchen as John and Will were busy building the campfire. As Ally, Nelly, and I stepped outside and to the campfire, we served the men their beer and chips and we had even brought out a cooler stocked with a nights worth of beer.

  Just as I was about to walk away, the same creep who had hit on me earlier grabbed me around my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. He was sitting on one of the bench seats that was stationed around the large fire.

  “Look who just fell into my lap,” the man purred.

  The other men laughed as they too looked at Ally and Nelly, their eyes drinking them in.

  I could smell the alcohol on his breath and his erection growing in his jeans. I had the urge to vomit and punch him both at the same time. “We are not supposed to flirt with the guests,” I teased as I tried to stand.

  I somehow crawled out of his lap as John and Will appeared. They were watching us closely and I wasn’t sure if they were upset with me or not.

  The orange and yellow flames danced around us and crackled into the air like a magical show. I wanted to get lost in the flames and disappear from this moment.

  Slapping my ass, the man laughed. “Don’t touch me,” I yelled.

  Another man called out to him from across the fire. “Jim looks like you found something else to catch tonight,” he bellowed.

  Just as I was about to remove his hand from my ass, I heard a loud commotion beside me.

  Brad grabbed Jim’s arm and jerked it behind the man’s head. “She said don’t touch her,” he growled, his fangs protruding through.

  Jumping in, Will grabbed Brad as John grabbed Jim.

  “We don’t like our guests harassing the staff. If that is a problem, you are welcome to leave with no reimbursement,” John stated in a threatening tone.

  All the men stared, fear dripping from their glazed expressions. A third man spoke up. “No, we understand. No more problems,” he said as he took another sip of his beer.

  “Wonderful. I think you men need to finish your beers and then head to the guest house. We have a very early morning ahead of us tomorrow,” John said.

  While his words were friendly, his tone was full of warning.

  The men all nodded and became silent.
  Sarah motioned for me to head back to the house and I quickly made my way. I didn’t want to be out here any longer and I was terrified of what could have happened if Brad hadn’t arrived.

  I had just stepped onto the back porch, when I felt a hand grab my arm and spin me around. Fearing it was Jim, I prepared myself to fight.

  As I looked, it was Brad and not Jim.

  I sighed, relieved that I didn’t need to be worried.

  “Are you alright?” Brad asked, as he looked at me carefully.

  “Yes,” I nodded as my voice broke.

  Pulling me to him, Brad hugged me close to his body. I allowed his arms to hold me tight and for mine to hold on to him for support.

  “I’m sorry about the other night,” Brad spoke softly.

  “Don’t be, Ally and Sarah told me everything,” I said as I pulled back and looked at his face.

  Apprehension washed over him. “How much did they tell you?” he asked.

  “Enough. They told me you have been stalking me for months. That you did, in fact, select me to turn,” I said as I kept my gaze focused on him.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asked.

  “I was. But, I’m not anymore. While I wish you had been more honest with me, you might have just done the best thing for me.”

  Relief soared over his features. “I am so happy to hear you say that,” Brad beamed as he pulled me back to him.

  Hugging him back, I allowed my body to relax into him. “I am glad you turned me, I just want you to promise to be more honest with me,” I began. “And, when the time comes, I want to know about Lorelei,” I stated.

  Brad’s eyes grew wide at the mention of her name. While I could see he was internally battling over whether or not to say anything, he silently agreed to later.

  We stood there for what felt like forever, our arms holding the other in a loving embrace. Finally, Brad leaned in and looked at me with wild eyes. “Can I keep you,” he asked again, this time knowing the outcome would be better.

  Lust and warmth took over as I looked up at Brad. “Yes,” I whispered back.


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