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The King and Jai (Royal & Reckless Book 1)

Page 8

by Isla Olsen

  “Fuck me, Lukas,” I say with a groan, finally breaking our kiss. “God, I want your cock in me so bad.”

  The pupils of those gorgeous sea-green eyes blow wide with lust and his entire demeanor changes at my words. “Over here,” he orders, his voice a husky growl as he tugs me over to the bathroom counter. “Turn around. Hands against the counter.”

  I immediately do as he asks, turning to face the mirror, my hands braced on the edge of the counter. And I have to say, this bossy, domineering side of him is a total turn on. Eh, who am I kidding—everything about Lukas is a turn on. But I’ve never seen this side of him before, at least not in the bedroom—or the bathroom as the case may be—and I’m loving the change up. I’ve always been vers, but I’ve never been with a versatile partner so this is a totally new experience for me.

  He’s rough and hasty with the preparation, but I don’t care. I can feel his hard cock pressing against my hip and I’m so fucking desperate to have it inside me.

  I let out a shuddering breath as he pierces my hole, my body taking a moment to adjust to the burn. But as he slides in farther the bite of pain mingles with the incredible sensation of fullness that comes from taking this big, beautiful cock inside me.

  He pauses for a moment once he’s bottomed out, but I don’t give him long. I need to feel him. I need him to move.

  “Fuck me, Lukas.”

  And, boy, does he ever…

  He doesn’t hold anything back as he takes me hard and deep, pulling groan after groan from my lips.

  He hoists up my leg, prompting me to rest it on the vanity counter, and the change of angle lets him get even deeper. And Oh. My. God.

  “Yes! Fuck…so good!”

  I’m mildly aware that this room isn’t sound proof, but do you think I care right now? Nope. Not when Lukas’s grip on my hips is hard enough to bruise and his teeth are digging into my neck as he thrusts his thick cock in and out of me in this punishing rhythm.

  I feel him tense up and he groans into my neck as hot cum pours out of him and fills my ass. He pauses to gather himself, his breath hot against my neck, and then he pulls out of me and tugs my leg back to the ground. He spins me around and a moment later he’s on his knees, his mouth bobbing down to close around the head of my cock.

  I thread my hands through his hair, gripping tight as I thrust farther into his mouth. He groans around my cock and that’s all it takes for me to come in a rush down his throat.

  Completely unsteady on my feet, I fall to my knees before him, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my temple to his. That was…yeah.

  “I’ve never had cum in my ass before.” It’s the first thing that comes into my head after my brain starts functioning again. “It feels…interesting. Kind of squishy.”

  Lukas shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I should have checked with you first, made sure you were okay with it.”

  I pull back a little and offer a soft smile. “It’s fine. And I’m on PrEP, just in case you were worried.”

  “I wasn’t worried. And I’m negative, too. It’s been a while since I was tested but I haven’t been with anyone in about ten years, so…”

  My eyes bug out in disbelief. “Ten years? How is that even possible? Have you seen you?”

  “You know what it’s been like for me,” he says softly. “Besides, even without that factor, I’d have to be extremely careful around the palace. It’s never seemed worth it before.”

  Warmth fills me as I realize this must mean he thinks I’m worth it. But then something occurs to me. “But, wait a second…Katya’s only seven…?”

  Lukas lets out a soft sigh and sits his bare ass down on the tiled floor, tugging me down to sit between his legs. He wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my temple before admitting, “Lesia and I never…”

  My mind whirs as I process the implication of his admission. “So, the kids, they’re not…?”

  He lets out a wry chuckle. “No, they’re mine, you can be sure of that. They just weren’t conceived in the traditional way. We used artificial insemination.”

  Mind. Fucking. Blown.


  “Lesia was asexual. She had no desire for physical intimacy but she yearned to be a mother. I have no desire for physical intimacy with women but I needed a wife and heirs. In a strange way, we were a perfect match. And we really did love each other.” I can hear the emotion in his voice and don’t doubt the truth of his words. “I wish you could have met her.”

  “I’m sorry I never had the chance,” I say honestly. “She sounds very special.”

  I rest my head back against Lukas’s neck and he wraps his arms even tighter around me. We’re silent for a long moment until Lukas breaks it, murmuring so softly I almost don’t hear it, “She would have liked you.”



  With how much of my time has been spent on, well…other pursuits lately, I haven’t had much time for tinkering in my garage. But I finally get an opportunity on a day where I have no meetings or events scheduled and Jai is busy with the children.

  I head down to the garage with Boyd at my side as usual, the eagerness to be working on my cars churning inside me. But when I get there I’m brought up short by a sight that makes me want to pour bleach into my eyes. No brother should ever have to see this. Alik is pressed up against the driver’s door of my Zagato, his trousers pulled down to reveal his bare arse. And behind him, cock out and ready to go, is Lennox.

  “Ah, Christ.” I swing my head away, my hand coming up to shield my vision. That was not something I needed to witness.

  I notice Boyd’s usually stoic expression has been replaced with wide eyes and parted lips, his surprise telegraphed in every feature. He quickly masters himself, though, and turns away from the garage, his eyes focused on the hedges that line the lawn as if they’re the most fascinating things in the world.

  At my interruption, Lennox seems to have snapped to attention and with a quickly uttered, “Your Majesty,” he rushes past me out of the garage.

  I glance toward my brother, who thankfully now has his trousers up and is lazing back against the side of my Zagato with a sour expression on his face.

  I turn back to Boyd, who’s still determinedly studying the hedges. “I need a few moments please, Boyd.”

  He gives a single nod. “Of course, sir.”

  I watch him wander off, well out of earshot, and then I turn back to my brother.

  “Well, your timing could have been better,” Alik grumbles.

  I level him with a stern look. “What are you doing, Aleksandr?”

  He rubs his fingers over his lightly stubbled jaw. “I thought that would have been obvious. Especially with all the first hand experience you’ve been getting recently.”

  My back stiffens as tendrils of alarm start coursing through my body. In a tight voice, I ask, “What are you talking about?”

  Alik rolls his eyes. “Come on, Luka. It’s me. You think I haven’t noticed the way you’re always looking at him? And you’ve been way more relaxed lately.”

  “I’m always relaxed,” I say defensively.

  Alik lets out a bark of laughter. “No, brother, you’re usually an uptight prick. With everyone except the children, at least.”

  I decide to get back to the matter at hand. “I meant what are you doing with Lennox?”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Why do you sound so appalled? I hope this isn’t about his skin color.”

  “I’m not appalled. And I have no problem whatsoever with his skin color. Why do you always assume the worst of me?” No doubt recalling another conversation where he jumped to conclusions, Alik blushes and glances away. “I’m merely surprised. I thought…you and Boyd?”

  Returning his gaze to mine, Alik’s face breaks into a sly grin. “Who says I can’t have both?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh, my fingers coming up to squeeze the bridge of my nose. “Christ, Aleksandr. Can you please try not to do anyth
ing too foolish? I don’t want to lose my two best guards because you have no self-control.”

  He offers a dry smirk. “Are you really in a position to talk about control, Luka? Mr. Banging-The-Children’s-Tutor?”

  “That’s different.”

  Alik scoffs. “How?”

  “It just is.”

  He stares at me for a moment, before his eyes widen with something that looks an awful lot like dawning comprehension. “Oh my god. You have feelings for him!”

  I give a sharp shake of my head. “No, I don’t.”

  Alik nods eagerly, his features morphing into a teasing smile. “You do. Big feelings.”

  “I don’t know what—”

  “Have you told him about Lesia yet?” Alik asks, cutting me off.

  I bite my lips together, reluctant to answer. “I might have done.”

  He lets out a dry chuckle. “Oh, you’ve got it bad, brother.”

  “Will you just shut up and get the fuck away from my car so I can start disinfecting it,” I say with a harsh growl.

  He holds up his hands in surrender and takes a few steps away from my precious baby, but the grin never leaves his face.

  “Did you know Alik is involved with Boyd and Lennox?” I ask Jai that night while we’re playing Scrabble. One would think that now we’ve added sex to the equation all the little hobbies we developed during our time being ‘just friends’ would have fallen by the wayside. But they haven’t, and I’m glad. I like being able to just be with Jai. Obviously the sex is amazing, and I won’t be giving that up in a hurry, but I love just being in his company. And there’s also the fact I’m still yet to beat him at Scrabble, so until I achieve that feat we won’t be giving up this pastime.

  Jai’s features form into a thoughtful frown as he considers my statement. “Actually, I think they’re all kind of involved with each other. Sort of like a three-way situation.”

  “How on earth does that work?”

  Jai shrugs. “I guess it does for them.”

  I consider Boyd’s reaction from earlier today. He didn’t seem hurt or upset, just surprised. And possibly a little confused. That doesn’t convince me that whatever this is is working, but I suppose it’s up to the three of them to figure out. “I just worry it will all blow up in everyone’s faces,” I say with a sigh. “Boyd and Lennox are good men. And Alik…”

  “Is also a good man, Lukas. You raised him well.” He offers a soft smile and returns his attention to the board, where he manages to rack up another sixteen points with ‘zek’. Damn it.

  “How did you find out about Aleksandr and Lennox anyway?”

  My face screws up at the memory. “I saw them. They were having sex—or about to, anyway—up against my Zagato!”

  Jai lets out a sputtering laugh. “Oh wow. Well if you’re going to do it, may as well do it in style.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “It’s not funny. I’ll have to order some custom polish just to get Alik’s dick print off the finish.”

  Jai laughs again, his entire face lit up with his amusement. “Are you sure there’s really a dick print, babe? That garage isn’t exactly a furnace, and it’s December. My money’s on at least one layer between his dick and the car.”

  I merely grumble in response and use the Z on the board to make the word ‘doze’, getting rid of some of the vowels that just keep repopulating in my collection every time I put a word down.

  “Double word score,” Jai says. “Nice.”

  “Uh huh.”


  I arch a skeptical brow at him. “You just happened to use up a Z on a single point three letter word? And it just happened to be hanging out there right next to a double word score?”

  He holds his hands up in a gesture of innocence. “I was distracted by your talk of dick prints.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “So, did I tell you my friend Owen and his boyfriend are coming to visit?” Jai says, conveniently changing the subject.

  I nod. “When will they be here?”

  “Next week—Tuesday, I think.”

  “Oh, it’s a shame they’ll miss the tree-lighting.”

  Jai lets out a regretful sigh. “I know; they would have loved to see that. Owen needs to work this weekend, though, and with their trip being so last minute he couldn’t get out of it.”

  I nod. “Maybe they can be here for it next year.” The words slip out of my mouth before I even really have a chance to think about them. But once I’ve said them, I realize I don’t want to take them back. I want Jai to still be here with us—with me—this time next year.

  He offers a hopeful smile. “Yeah. Maybe.”

  The lighting of the Christmas tree in Vlalens’s main square is a big deal, and it’s something tourists flock to see. It always happens the first Saturday of December and marks the official start of the Christmas season in the city. And it’s tradition for the royal family to preside over the event and for the king to light the tree.

  Last year we flouted tradition just a little, having Tomas light the tree instead of myself. And this year it’s Katya’s turn. She’s been counting down the days to the event since September, and today she’s been whizzing around the palace in a non-stop blur of excitement.

  “What are the odds she crashes and falls asleep before the tree-lighting even starts?” Jai asks wryly.

  “Don’t even think it,” I say with a sharp shake of my head. “She’d be heartbroken.”

  Fortunately, Jai—who seems to have become my daughter’s favorite person in the world—is able to convince Katya that an afternoon nap will help her to light the tree better, so by the time we leave for the event she’s wide awake and buzzing with excitement again.

  The children, Alik, and I all pile into one of the palace town cars to be driven the short distance to the square where the tree has been erected. We could have easily walked, but this is more efficient and easier for security purposes.

  When we get out of the car, we’re immediately met by Boyd, Lennox, and two other guards from my security team—Evans and Dorev—and ushered over to the secure area directly in front of the tree that’s separated from the public by temporary metal barriers.

  I feel a small hand tugging mine and bend down to hear what Katya is asking me. “Papa, is Jai coming with us?”

  I smile at her, my head shaking. “Jai and Penny are watching from the crowd. They’re going to take some pictures of you lighting the tree.”

  As the clock tower behind us chimes seven o’clock, I take the few steps to the temporary stage that’s been set up for this occasion and peer out over the crowd. There’s a microphone waiting for me, and I take the opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

  “And now, I’d like to invite my daughter, Princess Katerina, to come up and light this beautiful tree.”

  Katya steps up onto the stage, smiling and waving at the crowd who are all clapping and cheering for her. An attendant hands me the control for the lights, which has been set up on a smartphone device, and I kneel down next to Katya and walk her through it. When she touches the button on the screen and the tree lights up behind us, the crowd goes wild, and the pure joy I see on my daughter’s face makes my heart explode. I pull her close to me and press a kiss to her temple, then get to my feet as Alik and Tomas join us on the stage for some pictures.

  After all the formalities are over, we pile back into the car for the trip home, and it’s on this short journey that I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I fish it out and glance at the screen, a smile spreading across my face as I see it’s a photo message from Jai. It’s a picture of me hugging Katya and kissing her temple.

  Jai Winters: seriously the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen *heart eyes emoji*

  “Look, sweetheart, I told you Jai would take some photos.” I hold the phone out to Katya so she can see the picture.

  Jai Winters: want to fuck you so bad right now

  “Oh Jesus! Fuck!” I fumble with my phone
in my desperation to get it away from Katya, and in the effort in ends up flying across the car and landing at Alik’s feet.

  He picks it up, and with one glance at the screen, he tosses it back to me, his lips twitching with barely contained amusement.



  A few days after the tree-lighting, I finally take Professor Zolanskov up on his offer to watch one of his lectures. I’m driven over to St. Vladimir’s University, which is on the outer edge of Vlalens’s Old Town, by one of the palace cars, saving me the walk in the freezing conditions.

  It’s a reasonably small campus by American standards, but is nonetheless one of the most prestigious—and oldest—colleges in this part of Europe, so it is really no wonder the esteemed Nikolai Zolanskov is based here.

  Professor Zolanskov nods in greeting when he sees me arrive for the lecture; I return the gesture, taking an empty seat about halfway up the hall, settling in for a fascinating lecture discussing the concept of an Eastern European ‘identity’ in the post-Communist world.

  When the lecture is over I let all of the students file out, lingering so I can speak with Professor Zolanskov. “That was amazing, thank you for the invitation.”

  He smiles warmly. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve been thinking, you mentioned at the banquet you intend to pursue a doctorate—perhaps you would consider continuing your studies here, at St. Vladimir’s? It would be my honor to advise you.”

  My mouth falls open in shock and I once again have to beg myself not to start fanboying all over the place. “That would be amazing. I’m not a hundred percent sure what the logistics would be, but it’s definitely something I’m keen to consider.”

  The professor gives a satisfied nod, before checking his watch. “Very good. I must get to my next class but I’m sure we will speak again soon.”

  “Yes, absolutely. Thank you again.”


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