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The King and Jai (Royal & Reckless Book 1)

Page 9

by Isla Olsen

  As I walk across the main courtyard of the university, I’m completely lost in thoughts of potentially continuing my studies here. The opportunity to complete my PhD with Professor Zolanskov as my advisor is seriously like an incredible dream come to life. And, of course, there’s the financial perk. Tuition at St. Vladimir’s wouldn’t be even close to matching the expense of any American college offering a doctorate in my field.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the vibration of my cell in the back pocket of my jeans. I pull it out and tug off one of my gloves so I can unlock the screen.

  Owen Kelly: Guess what??

  Owen Kelly: [Photo]

  Oh good lord. What the hell? Why is he sending me this?


  Owen Kelly: Why are you shouting at me?

  Me: Because that’s what you deserve when you send UNSOLICITED DICK PICS!!!

  Owen Kelly: what???

  Owen Kelly: oh shit…sorry!

  Owen Kelly: Here this is what I meant to send

  Owen Kelly: [Photo]

  I cover the screen with my hand in case there’s another mishap.

  Me: No! I don’t want to see it! I’m never looking at another photo you send me ever again!

  Owen Kelly: oh come on! It’s not like it was a bad dick!

  Owen Kelly: It was a GOOD dick!

  Owen Kelly: Are you saying there’s something WRONG with my boyfriend’s dick???

  Me: I’m not arguing about the QUALITY of the dick. I just don’t want to see it

  The only dick I want to see is attached to a six foot three Korovan king, thank you very much.

  My phone starts blaring with an incoming call from Owen and I answer, putting it to my ear.

  “I’m sorry about the mix-up,” he says. “I was trying to tell you we’ve arrived in Korova. It was supposed to be a picture of the main square in Vlalens.”

  “You confused your boyfriend’s dick with the Vlalens main square? That’s a bit alarming, O. I thought nurses were supposed to have good eyesight.”

  “Shut up, I’m jet lagged. The pictures were right next to each other in my camera roll. It could happen to anyone!”

  “Whatever. Just be glad it was me and not your mother,” I tell him.

  “Oh, god,” Owen groans. “Blake would never forgive me. He wouldn’t be able to look my mom in the eye again!”

  “So, you’re in Vlalens now?”

  “Yep. Got in a few hours ago.”

  “Awesome. I’m not at the palace right now, but why don’t you guys come by tonight for dinner? I’ll give you a tour of the place as well.”

  “Wait—seriously?” The genuine shock in Owen’s tone brings a smile to my lips.

  “Yeah, seriously. Let’s make it about six. That should give you a little time to explore the town first.”

  After I’ve ended the call with Owen, I slip my glove back on my now frozen hand and make my way toward the front gates of the university and over to where a palace car is waiting to take me home.

  “Really? You could study here?”

  Of course the first place I went to after I returned to the palace was Lukas’s office, practically bursting with the need to tell him what Professor Zolanskov suggested.

  “Yup!” I offer a broad grin. “I’m not exactly sure how it would work yet with visas and all that, but I have someone on the inside so I think I’ll be okay.”

  He lets out a soft chuckle; stepping closer to me, he links his arms around my waist and presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “I’m sure it can be fast-tracked.”

  “There’s not really any particular rush just yet,” I tell him. “There’s a whole process I’d need to go through first before I get accepted, and we’d have to figure out what to do about the kids’ lessons. I mean, I guess the best thing is to probably wait until Tomas is off at school, but Katya will still need a tutor.”

  He kisses me again. “We’ll sort all that out, don’t worry.”

  A little before six p.m. I head down to the entrance hall to wait for Owen and Blake. They’re right on time, rugged up in thick coats and hats and red-faced from the cold.

  I guide them farther into the warmth of the palace and direct them to where they can leave their outerwear.

  “I’m so glad you’re here!” I cry, giving them both fierce hugs. “I can’t wait to show you the palace.”

  “It looks amazing,” Owen says, swiveling his head around in all directions, his eyes wide. “I can’t believe this is where you’ve been living.”

  “It’s really not as crazy as you might think. The residential suites are actually pretty homey. And this public area is just where everyone works. There are offices and meeting rooms and stuff.”

  “And ballrooms?” Blake asks wryly.

  I let out a soft chuckle. “Okay, yes. There are ballrooms, and a library, and a portrait gallery. But for the most part the palace is much more functional than decorative.”

  They both nod and we set off on our tour, beginning with one of my favorite parts of the palace—the portrait gallery.

  Blake is about five years older than Lukas, making his and Owen’s age gap even bigger than the one between me and Lukas; but anyone who sees them together and who knows them as a couple can tell you that age is merely a number when it comes to those two—I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a couple more perfectly matched. Of course, they’ve had their difficulties; in fact, just before I left for Korova they were broken up. But they’ve worked through it and I can tell they’re both definitely in it for the long haul now. They’ve even started talking about children.

  Even while I’m glad to see them so happy again, I can’t deny there’s a pang of envy in my chest as I watch them walk hand in hand around the palace as I give the tour. What I wouldn’t give to be able to walk around with Lukas like that…

  “You okay?” Owen asks, mouth turned down as he scrutinizes me.

  I paste on a smile. “Totally fine. Come on, I’ll show you the king’s garage—Blake, I think you’ll really love this.”

  Blake’s absolutely obsessed with the James Bond movies, especially the Sean Connery ones, so it doesn’t surprise me when he goes nuts over the Aston Martins and the Bentley. They’re not the exact models featured in the movies—according to Lukas his ones are better, and I’m not about to argue with him on that—but they are very sweet cars and definitely Bond-worthy.

  After I wrap up the tour, I lead Owen and Blake into the family dining room, which Lukas has offered me the use of.

  “Menus?” Owen asks, picking up the card from the table in front of him. “Wow. Talk about living the high life.”

  I roll my eyes. “You are literally dating a billionaire.”

  “He’s got you there, sweetheart,” Blake says as he peruses the menu.

  Lukas is able to join us for dinner, and I can barely contain my excitement at the thought of my friends having this chance to meet him. It takes all of my concentration to remember to address him correctly and not reach for his hand under the table, though.

  After some initial nerves on Owen’s part, he manages to adjust to Lukas’s presence and the conversation flows freely, resulting in what turns out to be quite a late night.

  Eventually, Owen and Blake decide to make their exit, and while I’m sorry to see them go, I also can’t deny how eager I am for the opportunity to finally be alone with Lukas.

  While I’m saying my goodbyes to Owen, I notice Blake and Lukas talking in hushed tones from the corner of my eye. When Owen and I turn to look at them, they rush to break apart, both looking rather guilty. Hmmm.

  Blake hurries over to us and gives me a quick hug goodbye before steering Owen out.

  “What was that about?” I ask once I’m sure Owen and Blake are well out of earshot.

  A broad grin stretches across Lukas’s face. “It seems we’ve been invited to a wedding tomorrow. But don’t tell Owen—it’s going to be a surprise.”


nbsp; LUKAS

  “I like them. Owen and Blake, I mean,” I tell Jai once we’re alone in his room. It feels like we’ve waited an eternity to be alone together tonight, but it was worth it to be able to meet people important to Jai. “They seem very well matched, despite the difference in their ages. And very happy.”

  Jai nods, a fond smile in place. “Yes. They’ve had their problems, that’s for sure, but they’re perfect for each other. I’m excited for tomorrow.” He steps toward me and links his arms around my waist, his gaze locking on mine. “Thank you for agreeing to officiate.”

  I lift my hand to run through his soft, dark waves. “I was honored to be asked.”

  His lips find mine and all talk of Owen and Blake and their upcoming nuptials is pushed aside as we devour each other’s mouths.

  I guide him back a few steps until he’s pressed up against the bedroom wall, groaning against his lips as our cocks grind together.

  Jai tugs at my clothes, breaking our kiss to demand, “Off. Off. Everything off!”

  I let out a soft chuckle. “So impatient.” I nonetheless comply with his order, stripping out of my clothes as quickly as I can and watching as he does the same. Once we’re both completely naked, I waste no time in pushing him back against the wall, molding my naked skin to his.

  I swallow his groan with a kiss, our tongues battling fiercely as our cocks slide against each other. I close my hand around both of us, using our precum as I stroke back and forth.

  God, this feels so fucking good. The closeness. The intimacy. Everything with Jai feels amazing. I want all of it.

  “Fuck, Lukas…you’re going to make me come.”

  His words are a jolt to my brain and I immediately drop my hand and step away from him, prompting him to let out a whimper at the loss. “Not yet. Get on the bed. Hands and knees,” I order. There’s something I’ve been dying to do ever since I caught sight of that tight, round arse of his; I just haven’t been able to get the fantasy out of my head.

  He offers a sly smirk. “I love it when you get all bossy…Your Majesty.”

  A thrill runs through me at his words, but it’s nothing compared to the anticipation coiling in my stomach as I watch him stroll across the room and take up position on his hands and knees on the bed, his tight arse just waiting for me to have a taste.

  I move right up behind him and spread his legs wider, positioning his arse down a touch. And then I sink to my knees. I part his cheeks and bend forward, sliding my tongue into his crease and swirling it around the edge of his tight little hole.

  He lets out a groan, which only encourages me. I lick and suck and nibble at his arse before flattening my tongue and pushing inside, fucking his hole.

  “Jesus Christ…fuck,” he pants, as he rocks his arse against my mouth, as if seeking out more of my ministrations.

  “Do you like that, kotya?” I ask as I pull my tongue away and replace it with two of my fingers, pushing them deep inside him and using them to fuck his hole.

  “Yes…yes…fuck yes.”

  I bend forward to slide my tongue along his taint and he lets out a groan so loud I wouldn’t be surprised if they heard it out in the town square.

  I withdraw my fingers and return my tongue to his hole, and this time he can’t seem to stop himself from rutting back against me.

  His next groan is muffled, and when I pull away again I see he’s buried his head in the blankets. I stroke a hand down his side and over the curve of his hip. “Okay, kotya?”

  “Yes…so good,” he manages to pant out. “Don’t stop, baby. So good.”

  I continue teasing him, alternating between my fingers and my tongue, loving every second of making him come completely undone.

  “Ah, fuck, Lukas…need your dick in me, baby.”

  My cock is hard as stone and fucking leaking with precum, and giving in to his request is an easy call.

  I stand and lay a light slap on his arse. “Turn over.”

  He doesn’t hesitate to obey and, Christ, the sight of him before me—his flushed face, his straining cock, red and leaking with need—it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  I reach toward the nightstand but Jai shakes his head. “Forget the lube—just get in me!”

  I bend forward, throwing his legs over my biceps and pushing inside his waiting hole. It only takes a few hard thrusts for him to reach his climax, and then he’s spurting all over his stomach, without even having touched his cock. I pull out of his body and start rubbing my cock, my hand working furiously until I feel my climax rushing through me.

  I lean over Jai as I come, adding my own cream to the mess on his stomach. And I’ve changed my mind. This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Well, that was awesome,” he says in a lazy drawl.

  He starts to move but I stop him. “Perhaps you should stay there while I find something to clean you up.”

  He offers me a sexy smirk. “Or you could just clean me up.” He glides his fingers through the mess on his stomach and then reaches out toward me, his intention clear. I hesitate for a moment, prompting his left eyebrow to arch in challenge. “What’s the matter, Your Majesty? Never tasted your own cum before?”

  Well, no, actually. I haven’t…

  Once again, I find myself unable to back away from that challenging gaze. I link my fingers around his wrist and draw his hand closer to my mouth, leaning down to lick away the mess he’s collected there. The taste of both of us combined is intoxicating and before I even know what I’m doing, I’m leaning over his body and licking up every drop of cum from his tan skin.

  He chuckles at my eagerness, but that soon morphs into a deep groan as I claim his mouth for a deep kiss, my tongue swirling with his and sharing the taste of us.

  His hands glide through my hair, his legs cling to my waist, and even though I’m arched all the way over the bed with my feet still on the floor I don’t feel any discomfort, I just want to be as close as I can get. This is usually the part where I get dressed, say goodbye, and sneak off back to my suite. But I don’t want that tonight.

  I break the kiss. “Can I stay tonight?”

  Jai’s eyes widen. “Here? In my room? In my bed?”

  “Well, I’m king and this is my palace, so technically it’s my bed,” I tease.

  Jai’s face breaks into a grin. “Well, if we’re really splitting hairs, technically it’s the Korovan tax payers’ bed.”

  The next morning, I wake to the unfamiliar sensation of a man’s body wrapped around me.


  A smile touches my lips and I revel in the closeness. How have I managed to make it thirty-eight years without experiencing this kind of connection? Lesia was amazing; I’ll always be grateful to her, I’ll always love her, and I’ll always miss her. But we never had this. We had a platonic love: best friends, confidantes, partners, co-parents. Nothing like this.

  There’s a familiar stinging in my backside and my smile grows wider as I recall waking in the early hours of the morning for another round of sex, this time with Jai taking me in a heated frenzy. The recollection is another foreign sensation for me. I’ve never spent the night with a lover before now, so I’ve never experienced middle-of-the-night sex. It’s something I’ll definitely be wanting a lot more of from now on.

  I watch as Jai’s eyes flutter open, his mouth tilting up in a soft smile as his gaze finds me. “I love waking up next to you,” I murmur.

  “I can tell.”

  I let out a soft groan as his hand closes around my hard cock. I let him stroke me for a few moments before finally gathering the willpower to pull his hand away. “We can’t.”

  “Sure we can.”

  I shake my head dejectedly. “It’s getting light. I have to get back to my suite before the servants start moving around.”

  He rolls away from me and onto his back, his hands coming up to cover his face. “Fuck, you’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I press a kiss to his shoulder. “I don’t want to leav

  He lets his hands fall away from his face, his eyes finding mine. “I know.”

  Somehow, I manage to tear myself away from him and crawl off the bed, quickly dressing in the clothes I’d discarded on the floor the previous night. “I’ll have to bring some more appropriate morning clothes…if this is going to become a regular thing.”

  “Is it?” One dark brow quirks up in question.

  I offer a soft smile. “I hope so.”



  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you…”


  Since the night Lukas first stayed over in my room about a week ago, every morning has been like this: lying in bed, tangled up together and talking. And also not talking, if you get my drift. There’s still a bit of sneaking in and out that can’t really be helped, although I’m pretty sure most of the palace staff are clued into the situation, even if they haven’t spread any gossip just yet.

  “Why has my daughter been running around the palace singing about deer and sewing for the past three days?”

  I arch a brow. “You want to talk about the kids now? While we’re naked?”

  He offers a sexy smirk. “We’re pretty much always naked.”

  “Well, that’s true…” I bolt upright, staring at him in shock as something occurs to me. “Wait—are you telling me you don’t recognize that song?” Ever since I watched The Sound of Music with Tomas and Katya the other day, the princess has been marching around the palace singing “Do-Re-Mi” completely adorably and rather off-key.

  Lukas’s features morph into a frown. “Should I? I thought it was an American thing. From that show with the puppets and the big yellow bird?”

  “Sesame Street? You thought that song was from Sesame Street?”

  “I take it it’s not?” His brows are almost to his hairline, clearly perturbed about my reaction.

  “No, it’s not. It’s from The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer…the hills are alive and all that. Please, tell me you’ve seen it.”


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