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Love Drunk

Page 5

by T. L Smith

  “Oh, you will. You have to, Everly.”

  I roll my eyes at his words. For years he’s been telling me I will be getting married, and that day never comes. I’m not in a relationship. Well, I don’t know what I have with Gunner, and I sure as shit don’t want to scare him with the word ‘marriage.’ Fuck! That word even scares the shit out of me. I’m not sure I ever want to get married, let alone to Gunner, who’s so hot and cold it’s going to make my head explode.

  Plus, my father’s views on marriage are not something I want to go into.

  “Your father recently purchased a massive land block...”

  My food is placed in front of me, and I try hard to listen to what they’re talking about, but I don’t care and tune out. My father’s business is just that, his. He’s always said he wants me to have it when the time comes, but the things I’ve heard and seen, I’m not sure I want it.

  “It’s a massive piece. They’re going to build a whole new gated community, just like Evergreen,” my mother carries on and on.

  “I guess you plan to hustle them, too?” I spit out, not meaning to, but somehow the words escaped from my mouth.

  My mother chokes on her drink, and the table goes deadly silent.

  “Excuse you?” my father bites back at me.

  I bite the piece of chicken off my fork, chewing it, and watching him closely.

  Then I decide, fuck it! I’m going to say my piece. “You make them sell you their land. I’ve heard it spoken about. Seen it, Papa. Do you care to lie about it to my face?”

  His fork and knife clang as they’re placed on either side of his plate quite hard. His hands fold in prayer position in front of him as he studies me. “You have a problem now, with how I make a living? Because you didn’t when you took the money for your café. My hard-earned money from the business you now have a problem with.”

  “That’s different.”

  “Tell me how so, daughter?”

  “I plan to pay you back, every damn cent.”

  “Good. And now I want it back with interest. But don’t be so quick to judge, young lady, because one day this will all be yours.” His hands wave around this massive house that I grew up in. The house that feels cold, bland, and lifeless.

  “I don’t want it. Give it to Alec.”

  Alec closes his eyes softly and looks down at his food knowing all hell is going to break loose.

  “He doesn’t want it. It goes to the firstborn. You are my daughter, Everly. This will be yours. And you will be married when you take it.”


  “Why, what?”

  A glass falls to the floor as my mother begins to speak, “Oh, would you look at that…” She looks at the floor where the red wine is spattered all over the marble, looking a lot like bloodstains. “Come on now, let’s eat our food, it’s getting cold.”

  My father looks at her and covers her hand with his. Despite everything that’s fucked up with this family, one thing I do know for sure, is how much he loves her. Even if he doesn’t treat her the way I expect a woman to be treated.

  Alec smiles at me and goes back to eating. My father ignores me, and they start talking about work. I tune them out again as my mother makes small talk about the last gala she hosted.

  When it’s finally time to go, Alec’s the one to walk me out. His hand goes to my back as we reach the car. He pauses, and I know there’s something on the tip of his tongue.

  “Just say it, Alec.” I throw my hands up in the air.

  “I know you don’t understand all of our traditions, but you will. One day.”

  “You want it all. I have no problem with that. Why can’t you have at it?” I ask him honestly. If anyone deserves the business, it’s him.

  He brushes my chin with his fingers. “Because it’s yours. It’s been groomed to be yours since before you were born. And soon, squirt, you will understand it all. But I’ll see you next week, okay?”

  I nod my head, leaning in to cuddle him again before I leave, having no idea what he means and I’m honestly too tired to care.


  His number stares at me from my phone, and I watch it as if it will ring any second. It’s been hours since I last saw him, and I can’t help but crave him. He confuses me so much. Never have I been like this with a man before. Never have I wanted to see another human being as badly as I do him. My soul calls desperately to his. It’s like he’s burrowed his way in and, somehow, despite my protests, he’s stuck and won’t let go.

  Moaning, I throw my phone next to me on the bed and fall back staring up at the ceiling. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if Gunner were an ordinary man. Not one who’s hot—too hot for words—one minute, and then cold—too frigid to mention—the next.

  My phone starts ringing, and I answer it without even looking. “Hello.”


  Boom, hot.

  All over me.

  Every part of me comes alive with just the one word.

  This is how I know I’m in trouble, and I should cancel whatever this is between us right now. It’s like the Monopoly game—Do not pass go. Do not collect $200—just stop.

  “Gunner,” I breathe into the phone, hoping he can’t hear how flustered he’s made me, but my guess is that he can.

  “I’m at your front door. Will you let me in?”

  Instantly I sit up, looking at my door. “I don’t know.”

  But we all know what I’m really going to do. There’s no question here, I’m going to let him in because my body desperately wants its next fix of Gunner Reid.

  “I want to take you out on a date.”

  “A date?” I squeak.

  “Door, Everly.”

  I nod as if he can see me and step over to it. When I pull it open, he has his phone to his ear, watching me. He knew I wouldn’t say no to letting him in. His curls, which were unruly this morning, are now tamed, brushed back and out of sight. He slides his phone into his pocket and waits for me to move, or to say something.

  “Is that what you’ll be wearing?”

  I look down at my white dress, which I’m still in, not having taken it off since I arrived home. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a date, Everly. I plan to wine and dine you. Do you accept?”

  “I don’t know, should I? Which Gunner will I get tonight?”

  He leans in close, his breath tickling my ear. “That depends on which one you want.”

  “I’m wearing this.”

  He nods, offering me his hand. “You won’t need anything.”

  “Not even shoes?” I ask.

  “Not even shoes. I’ll carry you to and from the car.”

  A smile I didn’t know I was hiding pops up, and he takes notice. I reach for my keys, which he takes from me and places in his pocket as I step outside and shut the door.

  He swoops down, picks me up bridal style, and proceeds to carry me to the front of my building where his car is waiting.

  “I can get in by myself.”

  Gunner doesn’t listen and places me into the car and shuts the door. I sit silently as he slides in and the driver takes off.

  He moves his hand over to mine and covers it. “I apologize again for this morning.”

  I nod my head. “So you’ve said.”

  “You don’t believe me,” he states the obvious.

  “I believe that’s what you want me to believe.”

  His lips lift just a fraction before they fall again. “You’re right. I don’t apologize. Ever. This is a first. Maybe I haven’t had enough practice to make it sound sincere enough for you.”

  “Maybe,” I say, turning to face him fully, and noticing his dark eyes are already on me.

  “How were your parents?”

  “Great! What did you do today?”

  “I waited for you all day.”

  Pitta-patta. My heart goes pitta-patta.

  “You did not,” I reply while shaking my head.

  “Oh, but I
did. You didn’t call as I asked.”

  “Demanded,” I state.

  “You like to criticize me, don’t you? Is that father issues, or just you?”

  “I love my father, so I would say just me.” I pull my leg up on the seat. His hand covers the top of my knee and he starts to make lazy circles with his thumb.

  “Have you loved many men?”

  “No…” I pause, thinking about what to say next. “Have you?”

  “Men? Only my father.”

  I laugh.

  “No women?”

  “No. And I never intend to. Loving is not something someone should do lightly. Love is a contract, and it should only be broken by those who sign it.”

  “You don’t believe in love?”

  His thumb stops circling on my skin as he looks down. “No. Only a fool does.”

  “So, what do you call someone who can’t live without the other person?”

  “An idiot,” he says with a smile. “Having to be reliant on someone… that part is just plain stupid. No person should ever put that much pressure on themselves. It’s bound to get you hurt.”

  “So, where do you see this going?”

  Gunner leans in, his lips touch mine with a soft kiss, feather-like, before he speaks. “We have fun. I like you. Let’s roll with that and not put high expectations on ourselves.”

  “And what happens when you fall in love with me, Gunner?”

  He pulls back, removing his hand. “That won’t happen, Everly. I’m sorry.”

  We stay quiet until the car comes to a stop.

  “I guess we could have fun,” I say before he gets out, but there’s a sadness to the tone of my voice I hope he can’t hear.

  “Fun, yes…” Gunner pauses, his hand on the door, “… among other things.” He walks around to let me out. I go to grab his hand, but he reaches in and lifts me bridal-style again. My hands cling to him, afraid he may drop me, but his breathing isn’t deep, it’s natural as he carries me. I’m so intrigued watching him that I don’t look around to where we are until we come to a stop.

  “A boat?” And this isn’t a normal boat. Oh, hell no. This is a yacht. This gorgeous yacht would be worth far more than my apartment, that’s for sure. Actually, that’s a crazy analogy—it’s probably worth the same as my father’s house. And that’s a lot.

  “Do you own this?”

  He places me down on my feet and turns me to face him. My body pushes up against his. “Yes. And this is our date.”

  “I like it.”

  A waiter comes out with a tray with two glasses. I take one and Gunner doesn’t. He grabs me on my ass and pushes me toward the back of the yacht where a candlelit table is set for two. I smile at the thought as he pulls a seat out for me and then takes his own directly across from me. It doesn’t take long for our meals to be served, and when they are, my stomach grumbles remembering how little I ate at my parents because I lost my appetite.

  “How many women have you dated?” I say, breaking our silence.


  I lift the glass of champagne and drink the whole thing in one go. He’s a man of so few words at times.

  “That’s pressure,” I say jokingly.

  “How about you?”

  “A few. I started dating the minute I could. Rebelling and all that.”

  “Your father was strict?”

  I shrug. “Yes. He has expectations for me.”

  “Would I meet those expectations?”

  I look him over. “Yes. You’re Greek and you have money. But that doesn’t mean he would choose you for me.”

  “He gets to choose?”

  “In our family, for generations our father chooses who we marry. They must approve, or else it doesn’t happen.”

  “Have you met this person he has chosen?”

  I shrug. “I’m still hoping his rules won’t apply to me. I’m not even sure I want to get married.”

  He goes silent and looks away. I go back to eating until our plates are cleared.

  “You don’t want to get married? What kind of life do you want?”

  “I don’t know, just a life where I’m happy. And so far, I’m doing pretty okay with that part.” Pausing, I take another sip of my drink and ask him, “What about your family?”

  “My father died a few years ago. I am set to be married. One day.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  He shrugs. “It’s up to me, really. I can choose to marry who he chooses for me or not.”

  “And what of the woman?”

  He leans in close, his breath tickling my face. “She doesn’t have a choice.”

  “Ouch, must suck to be her. Is that why you only want to have fun, and not settle down?”

  He taps his fingers on the table. “No. As I said… I’m not even sure I want that. Now I’m the head of my household, the choice belongs solely to me.”

  “Were you close… to your father?”


  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Ignoring my condolences, he waves over the waiter who brings us dessert and tops up my champagne.

  “I’m sure this isn’t a normal first date discussion. So how about we change the subject?”

  “Sure, what do you want to know?”

  His elbows go on the table, and it’s then I realize he isn’t having dessert. “I plan to fuck you again, to watch you come undone as you do for me. That will be my dessert. It’s something I want to see more of.”

  His words make my cheeks instantly flush red. I feel flustered, and my panties are already wet. I put a full spoon of chocolate in my mouth and hope that covers what words might slip out. Words such as me begging him to take me right now.

  He watches me eating, waiting for my answer.

  “I’m sure that isn’t first date talk either.”

  He chuckles. “No, I guess it’s not. But let’s face it, I want to fuck you again. Over the back of my yacht while you scream my name for all the world to hear. Don’t you want that, Everly? Don’t you want my hands ‘round your neck, my cock in your pussy, and your bare tits for the ocean to see?” Oh Jesus! My leg starts moving up and down. “Do I have you flustered, Everly? If I reached between your legs right now, would I find you wet?”

  I don’t bother lying, I simply nod my head.

  “This is going to be a good fucking first date, wouldn’t you say?”

  Oh, hell, yes. He hasn’t even touched me yet, and I am ready for him.

  Lord fucking help me.


  He gets up as a predator would, coming for their prey, ready to capture it, devour it. But instead of fear, excitement sits ready and waiting inside of me for what he’ll give me. Before he touches me, he shrugs off his coat jacket, followed by kicking off his shoes. Looking around, I notice the yacht isn’t docked anymore, but I can still see the city lights.

  “Your staff.”

  He smirks offering me his hand. “Wouldn’t worry about them, bunny. It should be you you’re worried about.”

  But I’m not. I’m excited about the possibilities this night can bring.

  Placing my hand in his is probably the stupidest—or could it be the smartest—thing I’ll ever do. I’m ready to take that risk, though, so I do just that, standing up and bringing my body flush with his.

  He takes one deep breath, breathing me in. “I’ve never been so vanilla. You make me like the taste of vanilla, bunny.” I don’t understand his words, so I say nothing.

  He reaches for my shoulder and turns me around, so my back is to him. Then he unzips my dress and it drops to the floor, leaving me in a white bra and panties.

  “You look like heaven. But I want to sin.” His hand threads through mine and he pulls me to the front of the yacht where all we can see is blackness. There’s no one else, just us. I can hear his breathing, hear my own heavy breaths as he slides his hand up my naked back, over my bra strap until he reaches my throat.

  “We shouldn’t.” Bu
t my words are a lie.

  His mouth comes to the back of my neck, and I can feel his lips move into a smile. “Do you want to play that game, or should I take it from you, bunny?”

  My instincts tell me to shake my head, but I do no such thing.

  Gunner’s hand comes down to my ass, and he slaps it. “Tell me, bunny, do you want me to take it?” His rough hand slides between my legs and he cups me. His hand applies pressure and I feel it everywhere, but he makes no move to shift it. “If you don’t speak, bunny, I’ll have to move away. Is that what you want?”

  “Is this all we will be? Sex?”

  “That isn’t the answer I want, bunny.” His voice is hard, and I know I’m making him angry.

  “Fuck me, Gunner. Fuck me now.”

  He makes me bad.

  Oh, so fucking bad.

  And when he pushes my panties aside and slides one finger into my wet and pulsating pussy, I know this is what we are.


  He is sex.

  He reeks of it.

  It’s part of the reason May chose him in the first place, because he was hot. It could have gone the other way. Let’s face it, she could have chosen someone I wasn’t attracted to. But May wants me to be happy, and that’s part of the reason I love her.

  “Your wish is my command.” He bites my ear. Hard.

  If this is all our relationship will be, I think I can handle it. For now, anyway. I’ve never been so dominated, and never once have I gotten this turned on by a man. He makes me want things I shouldn’t—sex, a whole lot of naughty, unforgivable great sex.

  Leaning back, I turn to face him, but he holds me still, unable to move as I feel him against me. Looking down, I can see his pants are still on, but his cock’s out.

  “Tell me you want me, bunny.”

  I breathe desperately as I feel him there. His finger sliding out of me, replacing them with something thicker, longer, harder. “I want you.”

  He nips at my neck. “And?”

  “And only you.”

  Gunner pushes inside of me. His hand that was holding me is now sneaking around to my breast which he grabs roughly, pulling at my nipples as he pushes farther inside me.

  “Good girl.” He says it with no emotion. I can’t ever seem to hear any emotion from him, unless it’s anger. That emotion is dished out in droves. He confuses the shit out of me.


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