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Page 11

by Jan Domagala

  “Oh this just keeps getting better and better,” Kurt said.


  Tarkovic contacted Marko on the complex via a battle com. channel. “Things are bad down here, sir, we need reinforcements. We’re being attacked from the rear which is hampering our advance to the target,” he said.

  Marko, who was monitoring the mission from his Command Centre, had already seen the arrival of Saladar and had sent out two attack craft to intercept. “Things are heating up around here too. I’ll send another team down to your location right now, hold on as best you can until they arrive.”

  THE AI ON THE PULSAR contacted Riley on the ground. It used the battle com. channel and said, “Sir, I have a positive ID on one of the Outlaws.”

  “Go ahead Artie,” Riley replied from his prone position on the floor.

  “The leader of the group near you is Barak Tarkovic, a Lieutenant in the Special Forces unit in the Elysium Alliance known as the Black Knights. At present he is listed as ‘Killed In Action’,” Artie said.

  “KIA? What does that mean Artie?” Riley asked.

  “It definitely adds another dimension to this mission, sir,” Artie replied.

  “That is an understatement to say the least. Artie, contact General Sinclair on a secure channel and relay all the data you’ve gathered about what’s going on here and Artie, do it now,” Riley said urgently.

  KURT LOOKED AROUND him for a place to swim to where they would all be safe. They had to get out of the water and fast. Judging by the size of the fins, whatever species of fish these were, they were huge and undoubtedly powerful. They would not be able to evade them for long and he was not planning to see how he would regenerate if part of him was eaten by one of those things.

  “Quick, get to the side, we need to get out of the water,” Kurt shouted.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Natasha said as she set off. Aswan was already swimming with powerful strokes towards the edge of the water. He’d set off the moment he saw the fins.

  Kurt soon caught up with Natasha and remained with her as she swam towards the edge.

  He felt a disturbance in the water behind him, a pressure wave as the first of the aquatic creatures knifed through the water towards them. Turning to glance over his shoulder, he saw the head of the beast. As broad as a ground car, the beasts head had a row of eyes across the sloping top underneath which was the gaping maw that was the mouth, filled with row after row of razor sharp teeth. Each tooth was as long as an average person’s hand and he did not dare think of the damage they could do to human flesh and bone.

  As fast as he could he brought his Sig P996 from his shoulder holster where he’d replaced it during their run from the rodents, and fired at the huge beast. The pulsed plasma bolt blew a huge hole in the massive beast’s head. Blood and tissue flew in every direction and the creature slowed and immediately began to sink. Unlike sharks on Earth, these aquatic predators swam straight around the corpse of the fallen beast ignoring the feast its remains would offer them in preference to chasing down its killer.

  “Oh crap!” exclaimed Kurt when he saw his plan to buy them some time fail miserably.

  Aswan reached the edge of the water and began to climb out onto the narrow ledge that ran around the pool.

  “Hurry,” he shouted as he knelt down and reached a hand out to Natasha who was quite literally swimming for her life.

  Kurt fired repeatedly at the onrushing beasts hoping to stop them before they reached him and then the others.

  The pulsed plasma bolts tore apart the two creatures from the deep and before long the water was stained a deep red from all the blood.

  Still treading water Kurt checked the area around and in front of him for any sign of any more of these aquatic nightmares. When he was certain there were no more lurking anywhere he turned around to see Natasha being helped out of the water by the prince.

  With strong, easy strokes he swam after them and pulled himself out of the water too.

  “That was a close one,” Kurt said as he got to his feet. “Are you two okay?” he added.

  “What the hell were those things?” Aswan asked, panting as he struggled to regain his breath.

  A roar echoed around their chamber. Up above them, lining the ridge they had tumbled over was the rodent pack.

  “And just what, exactly are those things?” Aswan added.

  “Well, for a start, whatever they are, they don’t follow normal behaviour patterns for any predator that I know of, at least those fish don’t. They should’ve stopped and eaten the one I killed if they were anything like sharks from Earth,” Kurt said.

  “Well, obviously they aren’t like sharks and most animals we know aren’t cannibals anyway, sharks are the only species I know of that are pure eating machines, but I’m no expert,” Natasha said breathlessly.

  “Me neither, we’re clearly into uncharted waters here, no pun intended,” Kurt said. “I thought that only big cats such as lions and tigers could roar, something about their vocal chords and it was something that denoted them being called ‘big cats’.”

  “What are you saying?” asked Natasha.

  “I’m not sure, just that those rat things shouldn’t be able to roar like they did.”

  “Are you just going to talk or are you actually going to think of a way to get us out of here?” interrupted Aswan. “And what about this so-called help that was supposed to be arriving anytime soon, where the hell are they?” he added, anger and frustration showing in the tone of his voice.

  Kurt looked at him, thought about saying something then instead held up a hand, saying, “I’m on it.”

  Turning away from them, he accessed a battle com. channel and called Riley.

  “Captain Riley, we’ve had to move deeper into the tunnel to evade live fire from the Outlaws. If you make it into here be warned, there is a pack of lion-sized rodents near our location. They are vicious so tread carefully. How soon before you reach us?” he said.

  Outside the tunnel, Riley and the team had taken out two more of the Outlaws with their assault rifles from their prone positions on the floor.

  “Our progress has stalled for the moment, we’ll get to you as soon as we can. Keep your heads down, Kurt,” Riley answered.

  “They can’t get to us just yet. We’ll have to find a way out of here ourselves,” Kurt said to his two companions and before they could comment he began to scan the walls of the chamber they were in using the torch. His enhanced vision could see three or four times better than a normal twenty twenty eyesight, which meant he could pick out details in the rock walls around them that were invisible to the other two.

  “This way guys, it looks like there may be a trail of some sort going up towards that hole in the ceiling,” he said indicating the barely seen path. It was a narrow ledge that wound its way along the bottom of this chamber and up the wall in a snake-like undulating path until it reached the hole in the roof.

  “You can see that?” Natasha asked incredulously as she shone her torch onto where Kurt had indicated.

  “And what, we’re supposed to walk up that to the roof?” asked the prince, not liking where the conversation was heading.

  Taking a deep breath to stop himself from saying the first thing that came to mind, Kurt replied, “Look, I know this isn’t going to be easy but I don’t see us having much of a choice. That path looks pretty secure, it looks like it was cut out of the rock so it’ll support us if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “And how do you suggest we get to that hole in the roof? The walls of this place curve inwards towards the top. We’d be hanging upside down if we even got that far,” complained Aswan. “And what about that pack of giant rats, how do you suggest we get past them?” he added.

  Kurt spun around to face him, his anger flaring, “Look, I’m not going to say this again Prince, we have no choice but to go up there. If you think it’s a bad idea, fine. If you think it’s dangerous, that’s fine too, but instead of bitchi
ng about it why don’t you come up with a better idea because I’m all ears,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Aswan stared back at Kurt, he hated how he talked to him and if it had happened at home he would have had him flogged, but he knew where Kurt’s anger towards him stemmed from and although he hated to admit it, he had every right to be. This whole situation would not have happened, all those people who had died would still be alive, if he had not used his influence to persuade the captain to alter course and bring him here. The guilt he was feeling helped to fuel his fear. He stepped back from Kurt who was standing almost toe-to-toe with him and he looked away. His shoulders slumped as he took a relaxing breath and said, “Okay I get it, this is all my fault. I caused all of this and everyone died because of me, I get it. I also get that you hate me because of it, and that’s fine.”

  “Hate, is a strong word, sir.”

  Aswan looked up from his feet and said, “That’s the first time you’ve shown any deference to my title, why?”

  “It takes a man to own up and face his responsibilities, that I respect.”

  “Are we going to die?”

  “Not if I can help it, sir.”

  “What are our chances?”

  “I won’t lie to you, this whole situation, this planet, the life forms, the Outlaws, the odds are stacked against us. In our favour though is the fact that we have help trying to get to us, which means General Sinclair knows of our predicament and is working on the larger problem of the treaty violation. All we have to do is work as a team to stay alive and reach our help, of course that does mean evading these strange animals who seem determined to attack us for invading their territory. Oh and the Outlaws who... well you both know the score there too,” Kurt sighed. “I just don’t know. I want to get off this planet as much as you do and I’ll do everything I can to make sure we all reach safety.”

  “Thank you for that,” Aswan said. “If we, no when we, get away from here I promise to use whatever diplomatic powers I have to smooth things out over the treaty violation. I will take full responsibility for what happened here,” he added.

  “Sir, you do realise what that could mean, don’t you?” Natasha said concerned.

  “I do, I cannot do anything for those who died but I can ensure no one else dies because of what I did here.”

  “That makes it more important you get us out of here then, Kurt,” Natasha said. “Millions of lives depend on it.”

  “No pressure then,” Kurt said sardonically.

  “Thought I’d add that just to keep you on your toes,” Natasha said with a smile.

  Kurt couldn’t help but smile as well, then he said, “Come on we’d better make a start.”


  “Jared those attack craft are state of the art, how is that possible? I thought these guys were supposed to only use old and worn out craft that they repaired,” Danovic said as he read the scans.

  “I don’t know Mikal, I’m as much in the dark as you are over this but it does make me wonder what the hell we have got ourselves into here,” Jared replied.

  “What other surprises have they in store for us do you think?” Danovic said.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  “So we’re going ahead with this then?”

  “We have a contract, you know we never break a contract. We’ll just have to be that much more careful, that’s all.”

  “How did I know you were going to say that,” said Danovic with a sigh. “Okay guys, charge up the weapons, raise shields and get ready for trouble. We’re going to war,” he added.

  THE REINFORCEMENTS from Marko came down to the planet fast. The pilot of the attack craft brought her in a swooping arc just behind where the Wildfire Team lay. Without touching down, four Outlaws jumped out of the small craft wearing thruster packs, short-range flight packs that enabled the wearer to make short-range flights or jumps. They were cumbersome so were rarely ever used, but they did have their uses such as being able to drop a man behind enemy lines with precision and fast deployment of weapons en route, ideal in this case.

  Jumping out of a flying vehicle at a few hundred feet would be suicide without the thruster packs, a parachute just wouldn’t be able to slow the descent quickly enough.

  The four Outlaws used their thruster packs to descend rapidly yet in a controlled fashion to land behind and close to the Wildfire Team. As soon as they touched down they began firing on the Wildfire Team’s position with their assault rifles.

  Having dropped off the first four members of the new team the attack craft swooped away towards the top of the cliff opposite.

  Riley and his team were caught between two firing angles, both front and back. As luck would have it they were able to minimise their target profiles by lying as flat on the floor as they could before the newcomers opened fire. The Pulsar’s AI had seen the four newcomers and had warned Riley of what was about to happen.

  Riley contacted Kurt via the battle com., “Kurt, reinforcements have arrived for the Outlaws, we’re pinned down at the moment. It’s gonna take us longer than we thought to reach you. I’m sorry man, just hold on as best you can,” he said and he hated having to admit it. Failure was something he had never got used to and he was not about to start now.

  “This sucks!” he said and turned his head sideways to look at his teammates. He could see in their eyes the same emotions that were running through him. Determination and anger were at the forefront followed closely by frustration and fear – fear of failure, fear of letting down his teammates and Kurt, the prince and mostly, Natasha. His feelings for her had not changed since the first time he met her and he doubted they ever would. To even consider letting her down was painful.

  He had to do something.

  “Artie, we need some help here, take out those Outlaws behind us,” he told the AI.

  Before the AI could respond to the command the departing attack craft opened fire with its aft pulse cannons. The forward section of the Pulsar glowed as her shields absorbed the energy being thrown at her.

  A salvo of Sabre missiles was launched as the attack craft headed off towards the top of the cliff face. Three missiles in total streaked through the clear air towards the forward section of the Pulsar, closing the gap rapidly.

  Within seconds of them being released, the missiles had locked onto their target and were about to strike.

  Riley managed to turn his head slightly to be able to watch the action between the two craft. He saw the pulse cannon strikes to the Pulsar’s shields and when he saw the missiles released his heart sank.

  “Oh shit!” he said as the three Sabres exploded.

  KURT WAS THE FIRST to reach the top of the wall. The climb had been easier than they had at first thought, handholds had been plentiful and easy to locate. The incline towards the hole wasn’t as severe as it had looked from the ground below and the hole itself had proved to be wider making it easier to access.

  The path they took helped them to evade the pack of angry rodents who were stuck on the edge of a ledge overlooking the inland lake. Snarling and snapping their fangs at them the rodents were relegated to the position of powerless bystanders as Kurt and his party climbed past them, out of range.

  “I don’t believe this,” Kurt said allowing himself to hope for the first time since realising they had wandered into the Tartaran Battlefield, “I think we may actually make this,” he added with a smile.

  Reaching up above his head Kurt grabbed hold of the edge of the hole and pulled himself up. He threw a leg over the edge and hoisted himself up and through the hole. Above him was a clear, cloudless sky. Around him was the forest with its myriad of colours, breathtaking in their intensity.

  Suddenly remembering the others he turned over to lie on his stomach and reached through the hole to help them up. First he helped Natasha through the hole to lie next to him and then she helped to bring up the prince. Not that Kurt couldn’t have done it alone; he was strong enough since his enhancements to lift him with pr
obably just one hand.

  Just as the three of them were taking a well deserved, relaxing breather, a loud roar filled the air as a huge shadow fell across them.

  “What now?” Kurt asked recognising the sound of attack craft engines.

  Four figures fell from the craft, dropping like stones then suddenly slowed as their thruster packs reduced the speed of their descent.

  They came down fast yet in a controlled descent so that they landed lightly less than two metres from the trio’s position.

  “You’re quite well equipped for Outlaws, aren’t you?” Kurt said as he noticed the weapons they were carrying seemed relatively new and obviously well looked after.

  One of the quartet stepped forward, aimed his assault rifle at the group and said, “Prince Aswan, you’re to come with us.”

  “Over my dead body,” Natasha said and she stepped forward a pace, she was alongside Kurt when the Outlaw replied.

  “If you insist,” he said and fired his rifle.

  Kurt saw the action, heard the words and knew what must come next.

  He threw himself in front of Natasha just as the assault rifle was fired. The pulsed plasma bolt struck him in the centre of his chest sending him crashing into Natasha and knocking them both over the edge back into the chamber with nothing between them and the water over thirty yards below.

  Natasha screamed as she realised what had happened and what was going to happen next.

  The Outlaw grabbed hold of Aswan and fired his thruster pack lifting the two of them back up towards the hovering attack craft.

  As Kurt fell, he held onto Natasha and twisted his body in mid air. Blood trailed from his wound tracing his path through the air but even as he fell he could feel the skin and damaged organs start to regenerate. He would live, but what of the life of the young woman with him.


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