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Page 12

by Jan Domagala

  He managed to get his body beneath her so he would hit first. The impact with the water was bone shattering and he felt Natasha go limp as the shock of the fall knocked the wind out of him.

  He was separated from her momentarily as the impact loosened his grip on her. As he rose through the water he looked around for any sign of her the second his head broke free of the surface and his keen hearing picked up the sound of something huge knifing through the water, heading towards them.

  RILEY SAW THE FORWARD section of the Pulsar engulfed in a huge explosion as the trio of Sabre missiles hit their target.

  Before the smoke had cleared the group of Outlaws who had stood in their way to the cave entrance were running towards the attack craft parked not far from where they were. Riley saw the four behind them suddenly spring into the air as their thruster packs lifted them off the ground.

  Riley got to his knees and looked around as the rest of the Outlaws entered the parked attack craft. The landing ramp raised into the body of the craft and it lifted off stopping just long enough to pick up the four wearing thruster packs then fired its after burners and disappeared into the clear sky.

  “What just happened, Cap?” Vance said as they all got to their feet.

  Before Riley could voice his opinion a feral roar reverberated around the canyon.

  They all turned to the direction of the sound and saw several large felines larger than the one that had chased Kurt.

  “Oh shit!” Cooper exclaimed.

  “This just gets better and better,” Riley said.


  General Sinclair was at his desk when he received the data transfer from the Pulsar’s AI.

  Sinclair would not leave his office at Col Sec HQ until the situation at Tartaran was dealt with to his satisfaction. There was so much going on, so much at stake that he didn’t dare leave things until he knew, was one hundred per cent certain, that everything would be okay.

  When the data transfer had been de-scrambled and assimilated by his brain he was stunned by the revelation about the Outlaws.

  “Just what the hell is going on out there?” he said to no one in particular, as he tried to make sense of what the message meant.

  He had to get to the bottom of this no matter what and what he really needed was someone who was adept at digging out details and investigative work. Using a secure com. channel via his NI he called Matt Hawk.

  “Matt, I need your particular talents, my office ASAP,” he said once the call was connected.

  “On my way, sir,” Matt replied. He was on the firing range getting some practise with the new Sig P999 when Sinclair called him. Replacing the weapon inside the shoulder holster he made his way to the door.

  “Seeing as how we’re on a secure channel, sir, can you fill me in with some details to save some time?” he asked as he left the armoury. Before Matt could ask anything else his brain was assailed by a data transfer of everything that Sinclair had been able to accumulate on the Tartaran mission.

  “Wow!” Matt said once he’d absorbed all the details and his brain had sorted it all out into a coherent message.

  “That’s some heavy duty shit,” he said and he ran for Sinclair’s office with a renewed purpose.

  As he entered the general’s office he said, “You’re joking, right?”

  “I’m afraid not, Matt.”

  “What do you need from me, sir?”

  “I’ve hit a brick wall. You know as much as I do by now, that last message from the Wildfire Team’s AI is worrying to say the least. Why has the Alliance sanctioned the use of Black Knights to pose as Outlaws? What the hell is the secret that all those lives were lost over and obviously some people are still adamant to keep hidden from everyone?”

  “Sir, what we need is a witness, someone who was actually there at the time of the original conflict,” Matt said.

  “Now you must be joking surely. The conflict was around fifty years ago, anyone who was there would be at least seventy now.”

  “You know as well as I do, sir, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are dead or even retired. Many old soldiers carry on in the service earning an illustrious career. Just give me a sec, and I’ll see what I can dig up.”

  Matt’s eyes glazed over while he accessed the Col Sec mainframe via his NI. He scrolled through personnel files as his brain formulated the lists as he looked for the details he required. All it took was a few seconds and his eyes refocused; he had what he needed.

  “Sir, you are not going to believe who I found,” Matt said.

  “Are you sure, of course you are,” Sinclair said after Matt had told him the name of the last survivor of the Tartaran conflict still in the service.

  “I can’t believe it, Admiral Garvey was there?” he said still trying to wrap his head around this new twist.

  “Yes, sir, and he’s in his office right now if you want to call him,” Matt said.

  “We’re going to need to send back up for the Wildfire Team, especially if those Outlaws are Black Knights. I’ve got a feeling that there may be more of them out there than we originally thought. We may have to confront the Alliance’s Ambassador as well otherwise there could be another incident over this. We have to let them know that we know what they’re doing out there so they can’t play the innocent party and claim we violated the Treaty,” Sinclair said as he mulled over the consequences of the actions he was about to take.

  “I’ll call Garvey in a minute but first I need to get things rolling,” Sinclair said using his NI to access a com. channel. “Colonel De Boer, assemble a platoon of Recon Delta marines and get them aboard the Odyssey, if I’m right she should be in space dock near to our orbiting platform. Make preparations for immediate transport to the Tartaran Battlefield. I’ll forward you your final orders once you and the platoon are on board and ready for departure,” he said before closing the connection.

  “That’s a bold move, sir, are you sure you want to go down that route?” Matt asked warily.

  “I don’t think we have much choice Matt. Now, let’s see what Admiral Garvey has to say about Tartaran.”

  COLONEL ANTON DE BOER was at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the largest military base on the planet and home to, among others, Recon Delta. When the call reached him from General Sinclair he immediately contacted ‘C’ Platoon who were stationed there. Within minutes they had assembled with full gear at the shuttle landing pads ready to depart for parts unknown.

  As they were loading the shuttles, Captain Mayfield was standing next to Colonel De Boer as his men paraded past into the shuttles.

  “Any idea where we’re shipping out to, sir?” asked one marine as he came level with them.

  “You’ll know as soon as we’re on board and we’ve received our orders, soldier,” Mayfield replied to which the marine gave a quick salute and joined his fellow marines on board the shuttle.

  “I know,” De Boer said as he saw the expression on Mayfield’s face, “I don’t like keeping important details from the men either, but in this case it’s not only necessary but prudent considering where we’re headed. We can’t allow details of our destination to reach other’s ears,” he added. The two men watched the pride of Recon Delta pass by them on their way to their seats on the shuttles. When the last man was on board they joined them informing the pilots that everyone who was going was on board and they could take off.

  The shuttles were soon airborne and heading up towards the Odyssey, which was, as Sinclair had instructed, waiting in space dock in orbit around Earth. Captain Tyler Biggs had been informed of the new instructions he would soon be receiving from Sinclair by the man himself and was just waiting for the arrival of the Recon Delta marines. He had no idea what had happened or what he was expected to do except that it was urgent. It had to be for General Sinclair to personally contact him via a secure channel and order him onto standby.

  The shuttle’s journey was short and they had soon docked with the huge starship in orbit. Captain Mayfield supervised his
men into their berths for the journey ahead whilst Colonel De Boer went straight to the bridge where he was met by Captain Tyler Biggs.

  “Welcome aboard Colonel, I hope your men will be comfortable in their quarters,” Biggs said as De Boer entered the bridge.

  “I’m sure they’ll be fine, sir. I must apologise for the intrusion but as you know, orders are orders,” replied the Colonel.

  “Indeed they are, Colonel,” Biggs replied. After a pause he said, “I suppose you’re in the dark as much as I am about this mission.”

  “I know where we’re going but as to what our orders will be I’m afraid I have as much knowledge as you Captain. I’m sure the General will inform us as and when the time is right. All we can do is be ready to move as soon as he gives us the green light.”

  “Colonel, we pride ourselves on being ready at all times, and this won’t be an exception.”

  De Boer looked at the tall man before him and said, “I’m sure you do, sir. I’ve a feeling that in this case it’ll prove to be of benefit because when you find out where we’re going you’ll be glad your men are the finest crew in the fleet.”

  I don’t like the sound of that. Where the hell are we going?” Biggs asked.

  “The Tartaran Battlefield.”


  General Sinclair and Matt walked the short distance down the corridor to Admiral Garvey’s office. Sinclair wanted to speak to him face to face rather than use a secure com. channel, this was too important to leave it to chance.

  As they entered the office unannounced, Garvey looked up in surprise.

  “Gentlemen, to what do I owe the pleasure of this unwarranted invasion?” Garvey asked as Sinclair and Matt walked up to his huge ornate mahogany desk. Garvey was still in good shape in spite of his advancing years. He was seventy-six years old but stayed trim and fit with daily workouts. His white hair was brushed straight back from a high forehead below which clear brown eyes sparked with a fierce intelligence. His thin lips extenuated his stern countenance.

  “We need to talk and I couldn’t wait to go through the proper channels,” Sinclair said, which got the attention of the man they’d come to see.

  “Intriguing,” Garvey said, then indicated the chair in front of his desk for him to use.

  As Sinclair sat down he said, “What I’m about to tell you is beyond top secret and must not leave this room.”

  “I’m all ears, General, what is this about?”

  “I understand that you were at the Tartaran Battlefield,” Sinclair said.

  Admiral Garvey sat back in his seat and looked at Sinclair wide eyed, “Wow, that’s something I thought I wouldn’t have to revisit ever again,” he said a little breathlessly.

  “What happened there? What didn’t make the official report?” Sinclair asked bluntly.

  “Nothing,” Garvey said.

  “Now see, you answered far too quickly for my taste there, Admiral. It makes me think you are hiding something and if that’s the case then there’s nothing I can do to save your daughter,” Sinclair replied.

  “What’s Natasha got to do with this?”

  “She’s out there right this minute and she’s in danger. That’s what she’s got to do with this and so far you’re the only one who can help us to help her.”

  “How, I don’t know what you mean?”

  “There’s a situation developing out in the Tartaran Battlefield and Natasha, Prince Aswan, Kurt Stryder and a rapid response rescue team are in the middle of it.”

  “You need to get them out of there and you need to do it now.”

  “I don’t think you understand the severity...”

  “You don’t understand Sinclair, they are in the worst danger possible and you need to get them out of there now, before it’s too late if it isn’t already.”

  “I’ve got another team ready for departure as we speak, I just need to know what we’re really up against.”

  “You’ll need more than a team, you’ll need a full blown battalion to handle what’s out there.”

  “Well, we’ve actually got a platoon of Recon Delta aboard the Odyssey waiting for the go, no go signal from me.”

  Garvey was on his feet and around his desk in a flash, “Come on General, we’ve not a moment to lose,” he said.

  “Where are you going?” Sinclair asked.

  “With you of course. Come on, you can ask whatever you want once we’re on board. If you’re planning on mounting an operation out there then I plan on being with you.”

  “If that’s what you want Admiral.”

  “If you want the answers to your questions Sinclair then you have no choice but to agree.”

  “I suppose so, let’s go then. Matt, call a shuttle for the three of us,” Sinclair said as he stood next to the Admiral.

  “You know Sinclair, I never thought I’d ever go back to that place, and when you hear what I have to say, you’ll know why,” Garvey said as he walked past the General towards the door.

  Not wanting to delay things, Sinclair simply followed Garvey.

  The Cessna C210, nicknamed the Silver Dart because of her swept back, fin-like wings and sleek silhouette, was waiting for them on the landing pad on the surface when they exited the elevator. They quickly walked across the plascrete to where the shuttle was perched on its landing struts waiting to pounce into the air like the sleek bird of prey it was.

  The hatchway was open and Lieutenant O’Neil, the flight attendant, was standing in the doorway waiting for them to come aboard.

  “Good evening gentlemen, we’re ready for takeoff as soon as you’re all aboard,” she said, her blue eyes shining in the evening sky.

  The three of them quickly took their seats as Captain Wright took the shuttle up into the air.

  Lieutenant O’Neil disappeared into the flight attendants area to allow the passengers some privacy.

  “Well Garvey, are you going to fill me in with what I need to know?” Sinclair asked.

  “When we’re on our way General, don’t worry you’ll know everything you need well in advance of our arrival, and believe me, you’ll wish you hadn’t asked,” Garvey replied.

  Matt looked across the aisle at the General whose expression was one of building anger and frustration at being kept in the dark by the Admiral’s enigmatic replies.

  “If you’re trying to scare me Garvey all you’re succeeding in doing is pissing me off,” replied Sinclair angrily.

  “Well you should be scared Sinclair because you have no idea what we’re heading into, no idea,” Garvey answered.

  Sinclair sat back and stared at Garvey, “Okay I’ll play along, but as soon as we’re on board the Odyssey and on our way you had better tell me all you know. If this is as bad as you say then I want to be as prepared as possible,” he said.

  The Silver Dart was soon swooping up through the atmosphere and up into outer space.

  Ahead of them in space dock was the large star ship called the Odyssey that would take them all to the Tartaran Battlefield and into seven kinds of hell they had no idea was waiting for them.

  Captain Wright docked the Silver Dart in the docking bay of the Odyssey and the passengers disembarked and made their way up to the bridge where Captain Tyler Biggs was waiting for them along with Colonel De Boer.

  “Good to see you again Colonel, you too Captain,” Sinclair said as he entered the bridge.

  “Good to see you too, sir. We’re all ready to go, just need the final say on our departure orders,” De Boer said.

  “Captain Biggs we leave now for the Tartaran Battlefield,” Sinclair said to Biggs.

  Biggs gave the order to the pilot and then asked, “Sir, is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “We need the use of your ready room,” Sinclair replied then turned to Garvey and said, “Now Garvey, you tell me what I want to know.”

  Without waiting for a reply Sinclair turned and headed for the exit followed by Matt and the Admiral.


  Whilst tr
eading water Kurt was doing two other things simultaneously, he was both looking for Natasha and watching out for the large aquatic predators that seemed to have come back almost the instant Natasha and he landed back in the pool.

  He knew that she had survived the fall as he’d allowed his own body to bear the brunt of the impact with the water. His own wounds from the gunshot had already healed and the bruises on his back from the impact were fading fast too.

  All he could think of was that Natasha was in for one hell of a surprise when she resurfaced.

  At the far end of the pool he saw a large fin emerge from the depths of the pool and slowly it began to come towards him where he floated in the centre of the pool directly beneath the hole in the domed ceiling of the cavern. It didn’t come straight towards him but rather chose a path that would take it around him. The aquatic predator obviously wanted to circle its prey before dining.

  Three more fins broke the surface, one after the other, and fell in line so that there were four of the huge beasts aiming to circle him.

  Suddenly a head broke the surface next to him startling him as he’d been concentrating on the beasts.

  Natasha began coughing and spluttering as she tried to regain her breath. Kurt reached out and grabbed her to steady her and she looked at him in total surprise.

  “I thought you were dead,” she managed to say in between coughs and sucking in great breaths of air.

  “Not yet I’m not, I’m pretty hard to get rid of,” Kurt replied with a smile. He was pleased she was all right. Her questions could be dealt with later; right now they had larger concerns, four of them heading their way.

  Where the hell did they come from?” she said when she saw the four fins circling them.

  I was just wondering the same thing myself,” Kurt replied.

  He watched as the beasts circled them and at the same time scanned the area for any sign of another exit to the cavern. Those beasts had to have come from somewhere but even his enhanced vision couldn’t pick anything out.


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