The White King

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by Leanda de Lisle

  army collapse of, 144

  in Battle of Edgehill, 168–169

  military power of, 161

  Rupert challenged by, 165

  Estates General, 61

  executions, public

  of Charles I, 274–277

  of Charles I regicide collaborators, 287

  of Essex, Robert, 13

  of Holland, 284

  kingship and, 258

  of Laud, 200

  of Peter, 287

  of Strafford, 135

  Fairfax, Anne, 258, 261, 265

  Fairfax, Thomas, 145, 190, 197, 226–227, 272

  appearance of, 222

  The Case of the Army Truly Stated reaction of, 229

  Charles I trial expectations of, 258

  James captured by, 214–215

  Leveller concerns of, 231

  Levellers defeated by, 235

  New Model Army led by, 203–205

  Fanshawe, Ann, 179


  for Anglo-French war voted on by Parliament, 61–62

  for Anglo-Spanish war, 44–46, 53–54

  Charles I raising, for Anglo-French war, 58–59

  Charles II struggles with, 269

  Charles Louis troubles with, 154

  of Elizabeth I, 13

  for Elizabeth I from Charles I, 82–83

  Henrietta Maria raising, 186

  of Holland threatened by Parliament, 174

  James I raising, for military, 23

  James I woes with, 15

  James struggles with, 268

  Marie de’ Medici problems with, 130

  from Parliament for wars, 104–105

  Parliament tactics putting pressure on, 69–70

  Finch, John, 70, 117

  Fortun, Agnes, 5

  France, 23

  Buckingham arrival in, 29–30

  Fronde in, 268–269

  Henrietta Maria departing, 34

  Henrietta Maria forced to give up servants from, 55–56

  Henrietta Maria return to, 185–186

  Holland negotiating alliance with, 32

  Louis XIII signing treaty between Spain and, 53–54

  Scotland affairs and involvement of, 95

  taxes in, 186

  See also Anglo-French war

  Frederick Henry (Prince of Orange), 155

  Frederick V (King), 7

  coronation of, 16

  death of, 82

  exile of, 17

  Fronde, 268–269


  of Buckingham, 66

  Charles I burial, 280–282

  of Essex, Robin, 216

  of James I, 26, 28–29

  Garter feast, annual, 157

  Gauden, John, 251

  Germany, 7

  Golden Rose, in Catholicism, 35

  Gowrie, 3rd Earl of. See Ruthven, John

  Graham, James. See Montrose

  Grand Remonstrance, 141–143

  Gregory XV (Pope), 35

  Groom of the Stool, Carlisle, J., as, 81

  Gunpowder Plot, 5

  Habsburgs, 16–17, 82

  Charles I policy against, 22–23

  See also Anglo-Spanish war

  halcyon days, 84

  Hammond, Robert, 234

  Hampden, John, 90

  Hampton Court Conference, 13

  Harvey, William, 170

  Hay, James. See Carlisle, James

  Hay, Lucy. See Carlisle, Lucy

  Heads of Proposals, of New Model Army, 224–226, 231

  Henrietta (Princess), 215, 290

  Henrietta Maria (Queen), 19

  Anne of Austria loan for, 184

  Buckingham murder reaction of, 65

  Carlisle, L., betrayal of, 147–148

  Carlisle, L., falling out with, 79–80

  Carlisle, L., relationship with, 56–57, 67

  Catholicism promises of, 35

  Charles I marriage quarrels with, 46–47

  Charles I meeting, 37–38

  Charles I punished by Catholic priests of, 54

  Charles I reunion with, 177

  Charles I saying goodbye to, 153

  Charles I war with Parliament supported by, 163

  childbirth of, 76–77, 83

  children of, 87

  civil war pregnancy of, 183–184

  Clotworthy destroying art of, 175

  coronation refused by, 49

  on Cromwell death, 286–287

  dance of, 38–39

  death of, 290

  deteriorating health of, 239

  as dowager, 288–289

  dowry of, 23

  Elizabeth I relationship with, 155–156

  England return of, 287–288

  English public disapproval of, 26–27

  finances raised by, 186

  France departure of, 34

  French return of, 185–186

  French servants forced to leave, 55–56

  height of, 38

  Hudson, J., portraits with, 63

  Irish rebellion impact on, 142–143

  jewelry sold for arms by, 156

  Junto attacks against, 138, 146–147

  The King’s Cabinet Opened publishing letters to, 206–207

  on kingship and happiness, 131

  legacy of, 290

  London fled by, 149–150

  Marie de’ Medici final instruction for, 36

  masques hosted by, 97, 106

  miscarriages of, 75, 104

  in mourning, 278

  nobility of, 27

  Parliament impeachment accusations against, 176

  Protestants judging, 36, 44–45

  Puritan distrust of, 92

  religious freedom concerns of, 44, 49, 55

  second civil war leadership of, 239–240

  sexual education of, 38

  Strafford defended by, 126

  Van Dyck family portraits of, 87–88, 102

  Warwick attacking, 173–174, 184–185

  wedding of, 27–28

  Henry (Duke of Gloucester), 172, 224, 258, 268

  Charles I final advice to, 271

  death of, 288

  in mourning, 277

  Henry VI (King of England), 36

  Henry VII (King of England), 262n

  Henry VIII (King of England), 11

  mausoleum of, 281

  Royal Supremacy claimed by, 9–10

  Scottish rebellion against, 102–103

  Herbert, Thomas, 269, 277, 282

  hereditary-right kingship, 262, 262n

  Hesilrige, Arthur, 125

  hierarchy, meritocracy compared to, 291–292

  High Commission, Court of, 119

  High Court of Justice

  Charles I trial in, 257–265

  establishment of, 257

  House of Commons ordinance for, 256

  judges in, 259

  Holdenby House, 219–221

  Holland, Henry (Earl), 43, 96, 154–155, 171

  appearance of, 32

  artwork in home of, 141

  Buckingham death as opportunity for, 67

  Charles I deserted by, 149

  de Chevreuse relationship with, 32–33

  demotion of, 106

  execution of, 284

  fashion and debt of, 80

  fleeting influence of, 183

  French alliance negotiated by, 32

  Junto aligning with, 141

  loyalty of, 180–181

  Parliament threatening finances of, 174

  peace-party grandees rejecting, 180–181

  Puritans supported by, 98

  second civil war efforts of, 241–243

  Strafford detested by, 107–108

  trial and conviction of, 283

  war party grandees attacking, 179–180

  Holles, Denzil, 70

  Hotham, John, 158

  House of Commons, 41–42, 122

  chamber of, 70

  Charles I refusal to accept po
wer of, 264–265

  High Court of Justice ordinance of, 256

  See also Parliament

  House of Lords, 41–42, 122

  The Agreement of the People attack on, 230

  High Court of Justice ordinance rejected by, 256

  See also Parliament

  Hudson, Jeffrey, 63, 76, 132

  imprisonment and death of, 185n

  Hudson, Michael, 211, 239


  surrender of, 66–67

  Hundred Years War, 36

  Hurst Castle, 252–253


  of Buckingham, 52–53

  of Henrietta Maria by Parliament impeachment, 176

  of Junto attempted by Charles I, 146

  of Laud, 118

  in Parliament, 19

  Strafford trial on charges of, 122–125

  Impositions, 53

  Independent party

  Charles I as Scottish prisoner concerns of, 212

  Committee for the Revenue and, 225

  Cromwell and, 196

  goals of, 197

  New Model Army allegiance to, 209, 222

  Presbyterian party power struggle with, 197

  infanta Maria of Spain, 21–22

  Ireland, 25

  Catholic genocide fears in, 139

  ceasefire in, 182–183

  Commonwealth losses of, 286

  Confederation formed in, 160n

  English civil war negotiations for troops from, 201

  Henrietta Maria and rebellion in, 142–143

  Junto response to rebels in, 139–141

  New Model Army feared by, 228

  Strafford impeachment trial lobbying of, 123–124

  Strafford rule in, 107

  Ireton, Henry, 223

  The Agreement of the People fears of, 230

  Isle of Wight, 234–238

  James II (Duke of York), 87, 157–158, 164, 224, 279

  at Battle of Edgehill, 168–170

  escape to Holland, 237–238

  Fairfax, T., capture of, 214–215

  financial struggles of, 268

  living on half rations, 211

  mistresses of, 289

  portrait of, 227

  James I and VI (King of Britain)

  Buckingham supported by, 19

  Charles marriage plans of, 17

  Church of England reforms of, 13

  court of, 40

  on episcopacy, 10

  financial woes of, 15

  funeral of, 26, 28–29

  illness and death of, 24

  kidnapping attempt on, 4

  legacy of, 25

  military finances raised by, 23

  mistress concerns of, 14

  parental affection from, 6

  ‘A Pattern for a King’s Inaugeration’ by, 266

  ruling expectations of, 9

  Jermyn, Henry, 129, 185

  jewelry sold for arms, by Henrietta Maria, 156

  Jones, Inigo, 88–89, 141, 208–209, 267

  Jonson, Ben, 52, 89, 97

  Joyce, George, 220–221

  Judaism/Jews, 116, 143


  Act of Parliament against Strafford by, 125–126

  Carlisle, L., openly supporting, 149

  Carlisle, L., warning, 147–148

  Catholic persecution by, 137–138, 160–161

  Charles I ‘Answer’ victory against, 159

  Charles I impeachment attempt against, 146

  Charles I opposed by, 120–121

  Charles I pushing back against, 143–144

  Church of England threatened by, 136–137

  civil war prospects dividing, 174

  Council of War in, 195–196

  Henrietta Maria attacked by, 138, 146–147

  Holland aligning with, 141

  Irish rebels response of, 139–141

  ‘king’s two bodies’ theory used by, 160

  military draft plan of, 144

  military fundraising of, 159–160

  Strafford impeachment plans of, 122, 124

  See also Roundheads

  Juxon, William, 269, 272, 275–276

  King James Bible, 13

  The King’s Cabinet Opened, 206–207


  Charles I Church of England changes promoting, 68–69

  Charles I ideals of, 48

  court and, 40

  divine-right, 262n

  execution and, 258

  Henrietta Maria on happiness and, 131

  hereditary-right, 262, 262n

  High Court of Justice ordinance trying, 256, 257

  meritocracy compared to, 291–292

  Parliament attacking, 70–71

  Parliament legitimizing, 41

  trial of, 257–258

  ‘two bodies’ theory of, 160

  The Lady of Pleasure (Shirley), 85

  Lambe, John, 63

  Langport, Battle of, 206

  Laud, William, 90–91, 98, 104, 117

  death of, 199

  execution of, 200

  impeachment of, 118

  lynch mob chasing, 111–112

  trial of, 199–200

  lawful recreations, Puritans disapproval of, 91

  Leicester, Battle of, 201–203, 265

  Lely, Peter, 227


  The Case of the Army Truly Stated published by, 229

  Charles I assassination plot of, 231–232

  Cromwell and Fairfax, T., concerns with, 231

  Cromwell and Fairfax, T., defeating, 235

  Parliament goals of, 227

  Lindsey, Robert (Earl), 166, 170

  Lisle, George, 249

  Long Parliament, 115, 188–189

  Lostwithiel, Battle of, 193

  Louis XIII (King of France), 6, 27–28, 59

  death of, 184

  Franco-Spanish peace signed by, 53–54

  Huguenots surrender and, 66–67

  Louis XIV (King of France), 184, 269, 290


  Charles I and, 60, 227–228

  Charles Louis betrayal of family, 228

  of Holland, 180–181

  New Model Army demands for, 230–231

  Lucas, Charles, 249

  Luke, Samuel, 203

  Lutzen, Battle of, 82

  lynch mob, Laud and Strafford chased by, 111–112

  Manchester, Edward Montagu (Earl of), 187, 189–191, 195

  Presbyterian party and, 196–197

  Marches of Wales, Council of the, 119

  Margaret of Anjou (Queen), 36, 174

  Maria of Spain, infanta, 21–22

  Marie de’ Medici, 28, 30, 63–65

  appearance of, 100

  Counter-Reformation supported by, 98

  death of, 137

  health and finance problems of, 130

  Henrietta Maria final instruction from, 36

  Rubens portraits of, 30

  welcomed to England, 98–100

  Marston Moor, Battle of, 187–188, 190

  Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots), 14

  Mary Henrietta Stuart (Princess of England, Scotland and Ireland), 87

  birth of, 83

  death of, 288

  marriage consummation of, 131–132

  marriage plan for, 118–119, 126–127

  William marriage troubles with, 217–218

  William wedding to, 128–132

  masques, 97, 106, 211

  Maurice (Prince of the Rhine), 164

  meritocracy, hierarchy compared to, 291–292

  ‘Milady de Winter,’ 295–296

  See also Carlisle, Lucy; The Three Musketeers

  miscarriages, of Henrietta Maria, 75, 104


  of Charles I, 247–251, 289–290

  of Charles II, 289

  of James (Duke of York), 289

  James I concerns with, 14

  mixed monarchy, 119–121, 219

ue, Richard, 51–52

  promotion of, 67

  Montrose, James Graham (Marquess of), 193–194, 203

  Morray, Will, 9

  Morris, Mowbray, 204n

  de Motteville, Mme, 240–241

  Murray, William, 140

  Mytens, Daniel, 43, 61

  National Covenant, of Scotland, 95

  New Model Army

  The Agreement of the People debated by, 230

  capture of Charles I, 219–221

  The Case of the Army Truly Stated reaction of, 229

  Charles I escaping, 232–234

  Charles I negotiations with, 226–228, 250–252

  in civil war, 203–205, 209

  crumbling unity of, 229

  declaration of, 223

  Heads of Proposals of, 224–226, 231

  Independent Party allegiance of, 209, 222

  Irish and Scots fearing, 228

  loyalty pledge demanded by, 230–231

  Presbyterian party announcing disbandment of, 220

  Presbyterian party driven out of, 222

  Royalist women slaughtered by, 205

  Scottish army defeated by, in second civil war, 249–250

  second civil war uprising against, 238–241

  Newbury, Battle of, 192, 195

  Newcastle, William Cavendish (Marquess of), 187–188, 190–191

  Nicholas, Edward, 178

  North, Council of the, 119

  Northumberland, Algernon Percy (Earl of), 98, 112, 171, 183, 197, 227

  Oglander, John, 235

  Order of the Garter, 6, 268

  chivalry and values of, 8

  tapestries celebrating, 89

  Ormonde, James (Marquess), 240, 250–251, 262

  Oxford, 177–179

  surrender of, 214–215

  Palatine, Prince. See Charles Louis


  Anglo-French war finances voted on by, 61–62

  Anglo-Spanish war voted on by, 42

  Book of Common Prayer abolished by, 200

  Buckingham Remonstrance from, 62–63

  Charles I challenges with, 42–43, 47, 109, 119

  Charles I dissolving, 47, 53, 70–71, 110

  Charles I failed arrest attempts in, 147–149

  Charles I friends in, 115

  Charles I questioning trial authority of, 261–262

  Charles I Remonstrance from, 251

  Charles I war with, 163–164

  Committee for the Revenue in, 225

  Committee of Both Kingdoms in, 197

  Council of War in, 195–196

  Eleven Years’ Tyranny of rule without, 111

  finances of Holland threatened by, 174

  financial pressure tactics of, 69–70

  Grand Remonstrance against Charles I by, 141–143

  Henrietta Maria impeachment accusations of, 176

  impeachment in, 19

  The King’s Cabinet Opened propaganda of, 206–207

  kingship attacked by, 70–71

  kingship legitimized through, 41

  Levellers goals for, 227

  Long, 115, 188–189

  mixed monarchy rules for, 119–121, 219

  political parties emerging in, 196–197

  power within, 41–42

  Presbyterian party gains in, 216–217


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