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Cassandra- Magic's Hope

Page 12

by D. R. Rosier

  “You presume to dictate to us?” asked one of the older dragons.

  “Dictate no. But as I understand it, unless you challenge and vanquish me, the war may not be over, but there is a ceasefire until the dissenting vote…”

  I paused and I looked around at all of them meaningfully, “Or votes… are resolved. Let me make it clear, I am willing to fight for peace, and if need be, die.”

  The same old one bowed his head once in respect and said, “I suggest we take a week to consider this matter, decide for ourselves what step to take and how much we will risk for it, and give our newest sovereign time to bring her new holdings under control, and enjoy her future mate.”

  Caph seconded, and that was it. They were all headed toward the exits. I steeled myself and turned with a nervous smile.

  He said stiffly, “Sovereign, my name is…”

  He shook his and relaxed a little, returning my smile, “Rorilindris. This is… awkward. I’m not sure how the others will react to this when we return to the clan.”

  “Any advice Rori? You can call me Cass, or Cassie.” I asked, my eyes seemed to roam up and down his body with their own will.

  At least his weren’t doing any better at behaving themselves. Before I forgot, I pulled my phone out and sent a message to Tammy and Dina, that I’d be back tomorrow morning at the earliest. Of course, then I found myself answering questions about what a phone was and who I was talking to.

  He grinned, “Actually, I do. Have advice I mean, we should… take advantage of the rooms here.”

  I smiled and tilted my head cutely, it was embarrassing, as I couldn’t not flirt with him.

  “How is that advice? Seems like a conflict of interest,” my voice came out more sultry than accusing however.

  He shook his head ruefully, “I admit I can’t wait to bed you, make you mine. Not only are you beautiful, but I’ve never seen anyone quite so… powerful. But there is more to my suggestion than that. You are sovereign by right of combat, but there will be suspicion that you are merely here to infiltrate, to destroy us from within.

  “With a mate by your side, with the bond completed, that suspicion would be much less likely, if not alleviated completely. They trust me after all, I was already second in command, and I would know at that point if you were an infiltrator.”

  I’d just met him; did I really want to mate with him right now, in this mini-coliseum? Yes, yes I did, goddess help me I yearned for it. I was so wet, and I couldn’t help but notice his bulge was rather large, very large, much like the rest of him. How did Dawn wait so long? I could hardly wait to get inside and wished he’d tear my clothes off already.

  I fluttered my eyelashes at him, goddess help me, I really did. My only consolation was his eyes were as glassy as mine felt, and I could feel his need, desire, and lust mix with my own. There was all this sexually charged intensity between us, and all while my succubus was tightly chained inside me. Wise or not, it was going to happen.

  I nodded and breathed out, “Okay, lead the way,” assuming it would be bad to touch him. I had a feeling the results would be… rather public.

  I’d have felt bad about not saying goodbye to my sister, but at the time I forgot she was even around. He led me into the building, where there were identical sized rooms to the left and right before the archway leading out onto the plains. I didn’t peek inside them though, because I was too enamored with his ass to look away.

  He led me into one of the side rooms that had doors. There was no bed, but there was a very comfortable looking couch.

  “Are you sure your ready, I know we just…”

  I stepped into him and shut him up with a fierce kiss that I quickly got lost in as it turned even more passionately demanding. There was no thought after that. No planning, no tentative explorations. We tore at each other’s clothes while noises of desperate need passed through our lips. Our kiss broke and he looked me up and down once greedily, heat and desire burned in his eyes as they roved my naked flesh.

  He took me in his strong arms, lifted me by my ass cheeks, and pushed me hard against the wall. This wasn’t play time, and my demon strength was laughable next to his dragon strength, but at that moment I didn’t want to be anywhere else but in his arms, and under his control. I wrapped my legs around his body as he dropped me and thrust up at the same time.

  I gasped and held on tight as his very generous thick and wide manhood speared up into me. He was fully buried in one stroke, and my core tightened and loosened, fluttering up and down his considerable length as I got used to his invader. It didn’t take long, I was a succubus after all, with full control over my body, especially my sex, but I’d never felt so full in my life, and I was lost in the pleasure of him stretching me out.

  “Oh goddess,” I cried out, because after his physical invasion his magic followed suit.

  I lost control of my own succubus magic and started trembling in ecstasy between the hard wall and his sculpted chest. I mewled in pleasure as the heat of his magic suffused my body and mind, as they mixed together and started to bond. It was one of the strongest orgasms of my life, and he hadn’t even started to move in me yet, we were simply joined.

  He growled out possessively, “Mine.”

  I tried to verbalize agreement, but he started to drill up into me hard and fast, my breasts started to bounce violently from his chest up to his face, which he was clearly enjoying. Yet, his eyes never once left mine as he took me against the wall. It was a rut, an animalistic fuck, pure and simple, as our magics, minds, and bodies joined for the first time and the mate bond was set.

  There would be tenderness in the future, time to explore each other leisurely, I was looking forward to that, but right now none of that mattered. I was his in that moment, and a part of me would never stop being his as long as we both lived. Independent woman or not, I found that to be a wonderful thing.

  The intense bliss took my body over and over as I felt his pleasure build, and the intimacy of the magical connection grew at the same time. By the time he was close, I was rolling from one orgasm to another, and I cried out when I felt his already huge girth expand within me, stretching me even further. He grunted and pulled me tightly against his body in a protective possessiveness that took my breath away, as he started to fill me with his seed and claim me as his.

  My own orgasm reached a record height at that point, when the most potent and strong life energy I’d ever tasted flowed into me as I fed from his orgasm. My shield cut in and drained it off almost immediately as I started to overload with magic. It was all too much. When we came down he lifted me off of him and slipped an arm under my jelly legs and carried me over to the couch, and sat me on his lap.

  He said in my mind, “My Cassie, you are so precious and beautiful my mate.”

  It wasn’t the possessiveness that surprised me, it was the gentle caring flavor to that possessiveness that undid me. I didn’t even know him yet, but we were connected so intimately, we were one. I kissed him softly on the lips, and then teasingly nipped his lips.

  “I had no idea it would be so… intense.”

  I felt his smile as he replied in my mind as we kissed, “You are mine, and I am yours. We should return to the clan soon. It will be hard for me to watch if someone challenges you. You are both my mate and sovereign, to be obeyed and to be protected. It will be an interesting challenge for me.”

  I reached down between his legs and wrapped a hand around his girth and slowly stroked him back to hardness.

  I spoke sultrily aloud, “Soon, but it’s my turn now.”

  I straddled him slowly lowered myself, sheathing his length deep into my body a little at a time.

  He groaned softly in my ear as I kissed his neck, and started to work my hips and arch my back. I rode him slowly but with passion, using my succubus muscles to stroke and milk him to completion with delicious silken friction as he stretched me out and hit all the right spots. I wanted to make love… and fuck him, for days. But we didn’t ha
ve time for that, not right now anyway.

  I joined him in ecstatic rapture as I claimed his seed. I didn’t want to cut this short, it seemed horribly unfair.

  He looked at me in amusement and caressed my cheek, “We will have our whole lives to enjoy each other Cassie, but right now you need to be sovereign and stake your claim in front of the clan.”

  I decided against pouting, and simply nodded, “Good advice Rori.”

  We got dressed, and with our minds permanently connected I had no trouble pulling a location from his mind. I opened a portal and we walked through.

  Chapter 18

  It was beautiful beyond belief. My new clan was settled by a mountain lake. Facing the front of the clan structures, it was much like Caph’s, except maybe a little bigger. Large mountains rose up behind it, capped with snow at the peaks and a lot of trees below them. To the right was the lake, nestled between two peeks.

  It really was beautiful, but what took my breath away is the clan was situated up in the mountains, so when I turned around there was a hell of a view of a valley far down below. I guessed the brownish white dots below were the herds for my clan. I heard a roar from above, and looked up. There were fifteen dragons flying up in the sky, twice that were looking over from the lake.

  Rorilindris took us up in the air, and after keying me for the wards, took me into the courtyard where we waited as more and more dragons showed up. I waited patiently, knowing Rori would tell me when they were all present. All told there were sixty in human form that came from the keep, which made over a hundred with the forty five in dragon form.

  Great, I’d managed to snag one of the largest clans on the planet. I felt Rori’s amusement at my sarcastic thoughts and for some reason that calmed me.

  Rori spoke in a loud commanding voice, “Our late sovereign was foolish enough to challenge this woman, Cassie, to a duel. She killed him in mere seconds, and has claimed not only his hoard, but the clan as well. In addition, we were potential mates, and after the council broke up, we bonded. I cannot order it, but I urge you to accept her leadership now, if you challenge you will not live to regret it.”

  Rori suppressed a smile, I knew why of course. I wanted to tear his clothes off again, and was having trouble resisting. Simply hearing his voice was like a lover’s caress, and I hoped I’d get used to it soon or I’d be walking around wet with a dreamy smile all the time.

  The courtyard itself was silent and I wondered what they were all doing. Coming to terms with it? Already plotting? Weighing their chances against me? I wasn’t sure, but so far none where challenging.

  “Cassie, you need to say something.”

  Oh shit, really? What though? I had no idea, so I just went with bald honesty. Dragons seemed like pretty blunt creatures anyway.

  “I’m your new sovereign and don’t take that responsibility lightly. The war is now on hold, and I am pushing for peace but won’t hesitate to protect any of you. Over the next few days I will review the state of our clan and rely on my second and mate to get a good handle on it. We will work out what, if any, changes need to be made. If there are any scheduled raids or attacks planned, cancel them.”

  No challenges were made and they all broke up. I wasn’t foolish enough to think they all loved me, they were simply being cautious. I already killed their sovereign, so any challengers would be testing the waters first.

  I embraced a small bit of magic to expand my mind and while everything else was going on I started to pull names, clan standings, jobs, and all other clan related things I could find in Rori’s mind. The magic made it easy to multitask and keep up with the conversations around me.

  He led me inside the holding to an office of sorts, where there was a somewhat gaudy throne like chair. I hated it immediately and refused to sit there, and sat on one of the couches instead. He sent for food and we ate as I went over the information.

  There were a hundred and fifteen clan members. There were fourteen gold dragons, eighteen silver, twenty red, twenty two blue, twenty one black, and twenty green. A little over two thirds of them were male. The herds I saw in the valley were ours, but there was no farming at all going on, which would have to change almost immediately.

  There was enough grain to last about six months, as my predecessor had been behind a lot of the raiding runs as opposed to the war effort itself. Asshole. Still, it should be doable. Right now all the clan was doing was eating, protecting the clan buildings, training for battle, running patrols to catch sight of any coming attacks, swimming, lazing about, and fucking.

  I had no doubt they wouldn’t be happy, but it shouldn’t be that hard to set up a crop rotation and get things going before the six months were up, especially if I led by example and got it all started by creating the fields and giving our first crop a helping hand. Believe it or not, that’s about all there was on clan business. I spent some time learning about the dragons in my clan through Rori’s experiences.

  Oh, and not that it mattered, but I was now rich beyond reason from my new hoard. It was of limited use though, as I couldn’t flood Earth’s economy with gold and treasure from here, but it certainly didn’t hurt.

  After our meal, Rori and I quite eagerly retired to the sovereign’s chambers. It was spacious with a very large bed, and a large tub right there in the same room. It actually was less a tub, than the size of a large fountain. The water flowed in from underground, and on the other end there was a second wall not as high as the edge wall that led to a drain.

  There were a few wardrobes as well as two chests full of clothes that I would have to replace with my own. But that first night I hardly noticed any of it, Rori and I stripped down and left a trail of clothes from the door to the bed without saying a word. It was a very good night, and we even managed to get a little sleep…

  Tuesday morning I woke up getting nailed, but it was just a quickie before we started the day with a large breakfast. Unfortunately I had to head back that night, I missed Tammy and Dina, plus I had class tomorrow morning. We also had a lot to get done today. Until Rori had pointed it out last night, I hadn’t realized after all this time the dragons simply had no idea how to farm. So, sadly we couldn’t spend all day in bed like we wanted.

  I let my lovers know I’d be home later that night, and then I called a gathering out in the courtyard.

  “Ok, at first I was just going to make shifts for the farming we are going to have to start doing for ourselves. But that won’t work, it’s not quite as simple as you’d think, so I’m asking for six volunteers in hope someone will do this without being ordered to.”

  Luckily the library I read on magic world had a lot of information about farming. Of course, on top of that as a witch I knew how plants grew, so I thought I could teach a class.

  “Farming is for the humans,” someone in the back said.

  Great, I have a peanut gallery. Fortunately I knew each and every one of these dragons, they just didn’t know it yet.

  “I heard my first volunteer, Geralindris, thank you for volunteering like that. I’m sure the clan will appreciate your efforts. Anyone else?”

  Probably a bit too glib for dragons, but I was trying to stay positive.

  There was a silence, followed by Geralindlis, “I didn’t volunteer, I said we don’t farm.”

  I shook my head and my nice tone was far gone, “Listen up. The war, the raiding, it is over for this clan. We need to support ourselves, or is ensuring we eat too much trouble? You didn’t used to farm. But we do now. Some of you are going to do it. Six of you can step up now, or I’ll choose.”

  I didn’t think this was going to be easy but… the silence grew lengthy.

  “Fine, orders it is. Seralindria, Stellindria, Nellindria, Terlindis, Darlindis, and Zellindris.”

  I had to admit I was a little nervous, not if they challenged, but that still left two options. Follow my orders, or leave the clan. To be honest, if they were too prideful to farm maybe I was wasting my time here.

  The rest rel
eased a great sigh of relief, and I admit I got a little angry, but Rori took my hand and squeezed it. I was probably… no definitely being much too impatient. I had to expect some hiccups along the way. No fighting yet, so it was positively going well.

  Terlindris, the only silver dragon on the list cleared his throat, “Are you sure you need me for that?”

  At least he hadn’t sounded confrontational, only… reluctant.

  I looked around, “The rest of you can get back to your day.”

  I turned to those six, “Meet me in the valley, I’ll explain why you were chosen there Terlindris.”

  The six I chose, and Rori followed me up into the air, and then we flew almost straight down into the valley, landing a good mile away from the herds. There was no way we could farm up on the mountain, there just wasn’t enough soil.

  I looked up at them, “There will be a lot of manual labor involved, but we also want to be smart about it. No sense in working harder than we have to. That of course, means cheating with magic. That Terlindris is why you are here. I want to see what if any of my enchantments for growing healthy and large crops you can duplicate.

  “If you can’t copy mine, I know the ones used on magic world, and I know you can copy those, because it’s the same system of enchantment used to protect the clan structures.”

  Terlindris looked offended, “We use human magic?”

  I shook my head, “Actually no. Both you and the humans on the other world use fae magic when you do the inscribing magic. The spells you cast are dragon magic. The spells I cast are witch magic. Any other questions?”

  They shook their heads, at least they looked kind of interested. I was pleasantly surprised, I’d thought I’d have to kill one of them for sure this morning.


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