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Cassandra- Magic's Hope

Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  Rori laughed in my mind, “Nope, I shared the memory with a few select people, and they spread it around. They all know they would die. Don’t worry, as long as they don’t leave the clan you have their respect, or at least enough of it to earn the rest.”

  I smiled his way, his voice in my mind was so intimate and I completely lost track of what I was doing. Right, no questions.

  “If you think of anything to ask, don’t be afraid to. You won’t learn everything in a day, it’s going to take a full crop cycle for you to learn all the different parts.”

  They all nodded in agreement, if not yet in understanding, and I started to teach them, even building the first field with my magic. Turning the soil, enrichment, how wet it should be, irrigation, and finally planting. Luckily they still had plenty of seed from when the humans jumped ship on them about a month ago now.

  Terlindris couldn’t duplicate my witch magic, so I taught him what magic world used. It wasn’t really a bad thing, the spells were less effective, but were still more than helpful enough for a normal field of crops. If I wanted to grow it in a few seconds and cheat that much I’d just do it myself.

  The point was, to be the example and show the other clans it could be done, and not with all that much hardship. And it wasn’t hard, who needs a plow to do furrows when a dragon can simply drag one of his claw tips across the ground, or even use magic. I did however cheat outrageously when it came to the fence, we could hardly have the cattle trampling the crops that would feed them.

  “Good job today,” I added at the end, “That’s about all. We just need to check the soil, and make sure herbivores don’t get at the crops. And by we, I really mean… you six. But if you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  All in all, it was really a surreal day. Teaching dragons to farm? Important and necessary, but I had to admit there was an amusing aspect to it all.

  When we got back up top, I spent some time trying to talk to them, but mostly they were just nervous by my attention. Rori set me straight on that, apparently I wasn’t supposed to be giving them consideration. Nope, I was just supposed to give orders, and my protection, followed by my life if necessary to safeguard theirs. Getting to know your underlings was completely not a dragon thing, just humans.

  Apparently the way they judged my worthiness as a sovereign, was simply if I gave stupid orders that got them killed unnecessarily, or was harmful to the clan. Then I would be challenged, or they would simply leave for a new clan. Turns out dragons were fairly low maintenance, just… scary when they disagreed.

  Chapter 19

  I felt pretty secure leaving Rori in charge, I’d know immediately if anything went wrong since I was living in the back of his mind these days. Besides, most of my orders went through him anyway as my second, so it worked out well even from off world I’d be able to assess and make a decision through our bond.

  Of course, being seen was important too, I’d need to spend time there, just not as much as I’d feared at first.

  I appeared right in my shower and turned on the hot water. It was good to be home, and I felt guilty thinking that, I had two now… right? It was just too new to feel it yet, but I did feel some of that toward Rori, if not the whole clan just yet. I was excited to see Tammy and Dina, but I’d miss him as much as I’d missed them.

  How much because of him, and how much because our magical mate bond? I didn’t try to unravel that, in the end it didn’t matter.

  When I turned off the water, I could swear I heard giggles that abruptly stopped. I wondered which of them were in my bedroom, but didn’t bother checking, I’d be out there in a minute or so anyway. I smiled hugely at the thought, I’d be just as happy with either, and I started to dry off.

  I froze when I reached the door. My mouth may have even been hanging open in surprise. I doubt that of course, but Tammy swears to it. Both Tammy and Dina were lounged back in my bed, posed sexily, and staring at me with huge smiles that seemed to be both seductive, and slightly amused at my reaction.

  They were… breathtaking. I felt my body respond to the vision before me, and it was suddenly very hot in here.

  Tammy had on sexy red silk lingerie, a half cup bra that seemed to struggle mightily to hold in generous D cups, her mouthwatering nipples were hard and apparent. Covering that was a sheer red silk negligee that added to the sexy ensemble but didn’t hide anything beneath it. Her panties were also red silk, but crotch less and her core was visibly damp in the low lighting. She was a sexy vision of voluptuous beauty.

  Dina had on a matching outfit, but it was all in white. She looked stunning in it. Her breasts were a cup size smaller than Tammy’s, but that didn’t matter one bit, because she had that tight little body at five foot two and looked heartbreakingly beautiful, and sexy.

  Scattered around their bodies artfully on the bed, were various sized toys including vibrators, dildos, anal beads, handcuffs, blindfolds, and a strap on. It was quite a sight. I was also confused, as Dina had given me that whole I don’t need or want that polyamory group thing just a few days ago. So…

  Tammy giggled, “I think we broke her, are you sure she’s a sex demon?”

  Dina sighed in mock sadness, “It must be me, I told her I had no interest in meeting her other lovers, yet here we are days later. It’s not my fault you totally seduced me last night.”

  Tammy snickered, “I don’t think so, you couldn’t stop looking at my breasts all night, and it was your idea to compare notes on what we liked about being with Cassie.”

  Dina turned to me, “More than that, Tam is incredibly sweet, we just hit it off. So we thought we’d surprise you. Are you going to stand there in the doorway all night?”

  I giggled and shook my head, still mostly speechless. My mind went in circles wondering at what this might mean in my life and future. Finally I just shook that off, it was time to enjoy it not analyze it.

  I dropped the towel off my body and walked to the bed. I loved the feeling of both their eyes on me at the same time, it was incredible and my body was humming with excitement, my core was quickly dampening, and I wasn’t even sure where to start with the two women I loved before me. Fortunately, they had their own plan in mind.

  They patted the bed in between them, and I crawled up the bed slowly. Tammy pulled me into a gentle kiss and I felt Dina running her hands up and down my body. They turned me over to lie on my back and started kissing and caressing the front of my body. I’d had threesomes before of course, but never with two women I’d been in love with before.

  I was in a sensual daze, it felt like the perfect dream and I wouldn’t change a thing. My mouth passing from one to the other, and then they started to use the things on the bed. I bit my lip sexily when they cuffed my arms to the headboard, and then blindfolded me. For the next few hours they teased, pleased, spanked and brought me, and each other, to pleasure in too many ways to count. Every toy on the bed was used, most of them more than once.

  It was a very special night in my life, not because of the sweet, or even the sometimes kinky sex, but because it was my first time with both of the women I loved at once. I would never forget it.

  Over breakfast the next morning, which I cooked, they grilled me about what happened over there on dragon world. When they found out about Rori, they drilled down for every sordid detail while exchanging smiles and naughty looks.

  “So, would you like to meet him sometime?” I asked innocently

  They shared suddenly nervous looks.

  Dina said softly looking a bit intimidated, “You mean the seven foot tall dragon man with the huge…”

  I nodded ingenuously. On the inside I was really turned on by the idea of petite Dina being taken by his large… Right, I needed some cold juice.

  I could tell Rori wanted to meet them, even if they wouldn’t be true mates, they were my lovers. Dragons are the ultimate as far as open relationships go. Plus, after last night which he probably shared living in the back of my mind, I wasn’t surprised
he wanted to. He didn’t tell me that straight out, but I could feel his approval at the idea.

  I shrugged, “Let me know, I can also show you both dragon world sometime.”

  Tammy asked, “Is that safe?”

  I considered that…

  “Safe enough I think, my clan wouldn’t attack you, and the bracelets would protect you long enough for me to get us out of there if anything bad happened.”

  Dina tilted her head, “Can’t he come here?”

  “Not right now. Things are sensitive at the moment. I think one of us needs to be over there to keep an eye on the clan in case something happens. Once things settle down… I hope so. There’s also the fact it hasn’t been all that long since the rampaging dragon attack. The world will be picking up the damage from that one for a long time. Rori wouldn’t do that, and definitely not now that he’s my mate. But I’m not sure I’m comfortable bringing my mate within the reach of the government right now.”

  Dina looked thoughtful. I couldn’t blame her for not jumping on the idea, she was human and the idea must have been intimidating.

  Neither of them answered just then, but wore considering looks as we finished our breakfast. Then it was time for class. I took a moment to package up all I’d done the last few days, minus my sex life and the breakthroughs in magic, and then I sent it to my family and Cat. I’d decided that Cat was much wiser than me, and to take her lead in things as it applied to sharing power that hadn’t been earned. I wanted to share my new magic, especially with my sisters, but a part of me realized it might not be the greatest of ideas.

  My science class was much better today, mostly because Jim finally got the hint and sat across the room from me when he sauntered in. I felt his eyes on me a few times, and felt regret from him that it was over, but nothing alarming. He wasn’t evil, just… a guy that turned out to be not as honest as I’d thought.

  The professor flagged me over at the end of class, and I wasn’t sure how this conversation was going to go.

  Professor Arnell asked, “Did you give any thoughts to my suggestion?”

  No, because my life was too busy. I was a sovereign on dragon world, had school, my own stuff, three lovers to spend time with, and research to plan. Most of which I couldn’t really share at all, but I didn’t want to appear lazy. Maybe I shouldn’t have cared what he thought, but I did. I respected the man.

  So I told part of the truth but gave no details.

  I smiled apologetically, “Sorry professor. I don’t think I have the time. Between the school work and my own research I did have spare time up until last week, but there are some family matters that have come up that I have to take care of, they… eat up all my spare time.”

  He didn’t look happy, and strangely I felt guilty. He was honestly trying to help me, he just didn’t have anything I needed, or could take.

  I wound up sitting with some of science group at lunch, the same bunch from the bar concert. Billy and Jill seemed to still be an item. Pete, Sam, and Danny were still entertaining with their off color humor.

  I could feel Rori in the back of my mind, things seemed to be going well there, but I found I did miss his physical presence. I still had math after lunch though, and I’d need to get my work done. After that I’d head back to dragon world. I considered how I should split my time between there and here, but a solid schedule seemed out of the question right now, maybe when everything calmed down a bit.

  Chapter 20

  When I hopped over to dragon world I was in a little bit of a funk. I’d gone from fun college girl to overwhelming responsibilities girl in what felt like overnight, and needed a break. Things weren’t about what I wanted to do anymore, it was about what I had to do. Outside of Rori, Tammy, and Dina of course, but even my classes were starting to feel that way thanks to the professor putting pressure on me.

  I needed a brain break. I also felt guilty about how I felt. Poor me, hot, young, rich, three lovers, and apparently very whiny, it felt selfish. But I was young, and twenty three seemed too youthful to have the fate of three worlds on my shoulders, although I definitely shared that responsibility with my family, it was still me out there dealing with the current threat right now.

  I felt Rori’s arms wrap around me from behind and he leaned over me and kissed my cheek. Despite how I felt I knew I wouldn’t trade Rori or the clan even if I could. I also had doubts, the dragons all showed me respect I wasn’t sure I earned. Just because I could kick ass didn’t mean I was the best qualified to lead a clan made up of a race so different from my own.

  “You are young Cass, but you’re more than handling it, I feel safe in your hands sovereign,” Rori whispered in my ear.

  “And… you are pretty hot,” he said while teasing my body with his hands.

  I melted back against him and closed my eyes, just enjoying the contact and tried to let it all go.

  He stopped suddenly and grabbed my hand, “Come with me, we have nothing pressing. Let’s sit on the ledge and watch the sunset. I can have our dinner brought out to us.”

  I had a large smile on my face at his pampering, content just to be with him as our magic intertwined and our minds settled into a deeper connection with a gentle caress of thought.

  Simply put, I felt safe and loved.

  The view when we arrived was just as breathtakingly picturesque as the first time I saw it. As the sun went down it just got better, the sky turning shades of pink, red, and lastly purple as the sun disappeared past the horizon. We shared a quiet intimate meal together and did nothing more than lightly kiss and share the moment. The clan respected our privacy and we weren’t interrupted. It hadn’t been a very long break, but I felt calm and refreshed.

  He led me back to our room, and we made love together.

  I sighed happily in his arms, and then got back to what I needed to be doing. We discussed the patrols, I wanted them expanded. I was probably just being paranoid, but this all felt a little too easy, I’d been expecting challenges and the idea that I’d already proved I was stronger was just too hard to swallow.

  Maybe I wasn’t giving my clan enough credit.

  My other thought was it would be good to get the dragons doing something. Now that the war and raiding was put on hold, there were dragons that had plenty of free time they didn’t have before.

  The fields looked good to me, although not much had changed in just one day, but I was satisfied Terlindris and the others took their new duties seriously.

  I also took the time to move some of my clothes here, and improve the room a little bit. I put a warming enchantment on the fountain sized bath, and did what I could to make it a little homier by adding bed pillows, and flowers on the nightstand.

  The whole time I could feel Rori’s eyes on me, and the flavor of his emotions in my mind almost made me blush. He adored me, and I was definitely feeling the same way. I wondered if his bond to me changed him or if dragons were always softer when alone with their mates. In the end did it really matter which it was?

  He grinned at me, hearing my thoughts.

  “A little of both,” he said after a moment, “dragons are very competitive, but we are always safe with our mates. But I think it’s our bond too, makes it even more…”

  He seemed to struggle to find the word but I thought I understood. His intellect was less affected by his instincts, because of my affect on him. We joined one more time that night before settling into bed to sleep. I set my phone alarm for four in the morning, It’d been a few days and I wanted to update Maggie on the current cease fire, and my hopes that when the council met in five days that the peace would become permanent…

  Maggie had been surprised to say the least. She was happy with the news of course, but she really didn’t think I’d get this far, much less pull it off. To be fair, I hadn’t really done that yet though, but I thought the chances were very good at this point.

  It was kind of interesting for me, since I didn’t have to hide my powers so much like the rest of the wit
ches. Demons and angels kind of travelled back and forth, so my mother, and grandmother, couldn’t really push the limits that way or the whole shadow witch philosophy would be blown.

  That wasn’t such a danger with magic and dragon world. When or if I did something outrageous, word wouldn’t leak back to the human government like it would with the other worlds. That was a good thing, since subtle didn’t work so well on dragon world.

  After talking to Maggie I surprised Dina by joining her in bed, and got a few hours more sleep cuddled up to her sexy body. I needed to go shopping for more clothes after splitting my wardrobe between worlds. I also wanted to pick up knick knacks and other things for my rooms on dragon world. I’d made it a bit nicer already, but it still looked like something out of a medieval castle. To be fair, it was that.

  So that Thursday morning after breakfast, we stole Tammy out from under the noses of her sisters, and went into Chicago for some serious shopping. After each store I’d send the stuff either to my apartment, or straight to my room on dragon world so we didn’t get bogged down with packages. It was just after twelve when I felt I’d probably done enough damage, so we stopped by a bar and grill for lunch.

  Tammy said tentatively but with a bright smile, “So, I may have a job lined up in a month when I get my MBA. Advertising and marketing firm. Right here in Chicago.”

  Dina asked, “That’s great, isn’t it?”

  Tammy nodded, “I just was wondering… if I should be looking for an apartment or… I don’t know, we haven’t really talked about the future.”

  I smiled and took her hand. I hadn’t really had time to think about that serious conversation we’d had a few days ago, I was too busy. But obviously it had been and was on her mind.

  “Well, I know I plan to stay in Chicago. My mother and sisters are here. Dina and I are in school another year, but… we could always go look for a house together?”

  My statement had turned into a question as I looked at Dina. It was a little awkward because we hadn’t talked about the future at all. But then, we had declared ourselves in love hadn’t we?


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