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Page 5

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Well it’s true you are, your Mum and Dad would be so proud of the young women you have become.” Gesturing to me to take a seat at his desk, he sits in his chair opposite me.

  “Thank you and Thank you again for the flowers you sent for my birthday they were beautiful.”

  “Your welcome sweetheart, Lisa chose them. Twenty five years old and now this.” He pats the file on his desk. “This is all yours.”

  “Please thank Lisa for me.” I look at the file and sigh. “It is a little daunting.” Chewing my lip nervously.

  “I will be here. This doesn’t mean you are alone; it just means it’s your signature required now not mine. I know you are keen to have your own home.” Opening one of the files he pushes some brochures across the desk to me. “I took the liberty of having a look at the property market for you and after having had a look at the available properties, I have shortlisted these for you. These are all available at a fair price, in nice areas of London, easy for commuting into the city centre and more important to me they are all secure blocks with concierge and security.” Picking up the brochures I thumb through them.

  “Thank you, you didn’t need to do that. They are expensive though.”

  “Anne this is London and besides you can easily afford any of them you are a very wealthy woman now. Plus, you can’t put a price on your safety living alone in this city.” He looks at me and I know he’s right. “I would advise you moving forward, to buy your own home, to place a set amount in a savings account for accessible cash and leave the rest invested, the interest on that alone is a substantial salary for you.”

  “That sounds good to me. Thank you, I appreciate all of this it’s above and beyond.”

  “Your welcome, besides Sam and Grace would have it in for me if I didn’t take care of their only daughter. Now all you need to do is sign where the red tabs are.” I sign turning page after page until I have signed every red tab before passing him back the papers, I let out a breath.

  “Is it really as simple as that?” I ask. Harry shuffles the papers into a pile.

  “Yes, it is, Anne just remember I’m only a phone call away and when you find your home we can handle the purchase for you.” I stand walking around his desk, I lean in and kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you for everything I appreciate you and all you have done for me; I will be in touch soon, I promise.” Placing the brochures in my bag, I say goodbye and leave heading out into the sunshine. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can finally find a place to call home and settle down.

  With my sunglasses back in place, I quickly text Matt.

  Anne: Hi how is your day going? Do you fancy a takeaway and DVD at mine tonight? A xxx

  His reply is almost instant.

  Matt: My day is good thanks. I have to drop by the centre, but I shouldn’t be too long if you are Okay with a late takeaway I can collect it on my way to yours. M x

  Anne: That’s fine with me I will see you later. A xxx

  Matt: I can’t wait, don’t work too hard. M x

  Walking with a spring in my step I stop at the nice deli buying two club sandwiches and two large coffees before I head back to the office.

  Dropping my bag into my desk drawer, I take out my lunch setting it on my desk I notice a gold foil wrapper opening it up I see a Rolo, smiling, but puzzled I wrap it up and walk into Brad’s office.

  “Your lunch and a coffee.”

  “You weren’t long is everything okay?” Nodding not wanting to go into detail.

  “Yes, thanks it’s all fine.” I hand him the brown paper bag and coffee before turning to leave. “Did you leave a chocolate on my desk?” His expression when he looks up at me tells me he didn’t.

  “Chocolate, nope not me.” His eyes catch mine as recognition flash across them. “But the douche from HR was up here sniffing around looking for you.” He frowns as I grin.

  “Matt?” He grunts and nods as he sips his coffee.

  “If that’s what you want to call him, douche suits him better.” Shaking my head, I walk back to my desk.

  “You know it costs nothing to be nice to people.” Brad totally ignores my comment.

  “You know you could come and have lunch with me, I’m much better company.” I sit in my chair looking at him through the gap in the open door.

  “Thank you, Mr Mathias, but I have taken long enough off already, and I really need to catch up on my emails and get the contract ready for the meeting you have tomorrow.” His hand flies to his chest dramatically.

  “You break my heart with this constant rejection you know a man can only take so much, the least you can do is drop the Mr and call me Brad.” Rolling my eyes, I look at the grin on his face.

  “I’m sure your heart will be fine I can always get Mindy on the line if you need consoling?” I lift the phone receiver to make a point. Brad quickly holds his hands up.

  “Okay, okay you win, have it your own way I will behave and let you work. For the time being anyway.” He mutters. “You know you used to be so quiet this feisty side of you I’m not so sure I like it.” I laugh and poke my tongue out.

  “You know you love it really.”

  “See this is what I have to contend with now.” Shaking his head, he goes back to reading the report and eating his sandwich.

  Chapter 8

  Arriving at home after a really busy afternoon at work I pull the brochures from my bag and tuck them under my arm before dropping it by the doorway and kick off my heels. I pad barefoot to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I head to the lounge and sit on the sofa, tucking my feet under me I pull the brochures from under my arm and sit back sipping my water. I flick through the brochures for the apartments that Harry had suggested to me earlier in the day. They do look lovely, expensive, but really nice. I guess Harry is right I can afford it and it would be an investment in the long term. Looking through the details, all the apartments are in secure blocks with security in reception, so I would be safe and have peace of mind. My favourite is an apartment at Canary Wharf overlooking the river, it has a balcony and I can imagine sitting out on it drinking wine on a summers evening with Matt. I reach for the necklace again I don’t want to presume anything, but I am hoping he will help make this decision and he will be spending a lot of time there in the future.

  My phone rings and I smile as soon as I pull it from my pocket and see Matt’s name light up the screen. Swiping my thumb over the screen I answer the call.

  “Hi, Matt.” The smile in my voice is obvious.

  “Hi Anne, I’m leaving the centre now do you fancy Chinese?” Dropping the brochures on the coffee table as I stand and make my way to the bedroom to change thinking I quite fancy him. A smile spreads across my lips and I feel relieved he can’t actually see me.

  “That sounds great you can choose the film to just nothing too scary.” I hear him laugh a little.

  “What are you smiling at I can hear it in your voice.” I stop in my tracks standing still as I laugh softly.

  “You know me too well Matthew Richardson. I’m smiling because I get to have dinner with you.”

  “You say just the right things. As for a scary movie, you know that could be fun if it makes you cuddle up close.” His voice sounds more distant as his phone connects to the hands free.

  “You don’t need a scary movie to make me do that, I can do that anytime, so nothing scary or I won’t be able to sleep.”

  “That had better be a promise. I won’t be long, see you soon.”

  “It is.” Grinning to myself. “Bye Matt.” Ending the call I fasten my hair up in a messy bun and jump in the shower, washing quickly I get dry and pull some leggings on and grab a baggy oversized top out of my drawer. Pulling the top over my head as the buzzer goes off, I glance in the mirror as I walk to the door and shrug, no time to apply makeup now. Pressing the buzzer to the intercom Matt’s voice cuts over the crackle.

  “It’s your knight in shining armour I bring Chinese a
nd a movie.” Pressing the button to release the door.

  “The door is open, come on up.” Hanging up I unlock my door as I hear Matt’s footsteps coming upstairs taking them two at a time a huge smile lighting up his face as he comes into sight. I open the door fully for him and he kisses me pressing his lips against mine letting them linger a few moments before pulling back he kisses me once more quickly before walking to the kitchen.

  “Hello, Beautiful.”

  “Hello yourself.” I follow him smiling, my tongue running over my lips. I love how he always kisses me twice like once isn’t enough. Opening and closing doors and drawers as I gather plates and cutlery before I start opening the Chinese takeout containers. The food smells so good, I didn’t realise how hungry I was until my belly rumbles. Matt stands behind me sliding his arms around my waist, dropping kisses down my neck and onto my bare shoulder. I shiver as goosebumps prick my skin and I lean against him and heat shoots through me.

  “Someone is hungry. I’m sorry I’m so late I thought I would only be thirty minutes, an hour at the most.”

  It…it’s fine the centre is important. What movie did you get?” Blushing at being so flustered from his touch I can’t even get my words out.

  “You are important to me too.” He steps back slightly his hands still holding onto my hips. “Fast and Furious box set. I remembered you said you liked it. We can start it tonight and then I have an excuse to come around another night.” Smiling I turn to him touched he remembered something so trivial.

  “You’re too good to me you know that, but you never need an excuse to come around here.” Kissing him softly. “In fact, I…” Looking at the keys I had cut last week laying in the dish in the windowsill I reach over and pick them up. “I had these cut so you don’t need an invite, this is to the main door and this one is for my door.” The room is silent, and he doesn’t move or speak. My heart is hammering inside my chest, I knew I shouldn’t have given him them. Panic fills me, and I look up to meet his eyes they are soft and smiling he takes the keys in one hand before slipping it around my waist cupping my face with the other hand, kissing me so softly it’s like a whisper. His tongue teases my lips and they part on a sigh, he seizes the moment and caresses my tongue with his as the kiss deepens I feel like my body is turning to liquid and I wonder if this is what they mean when women say men make them melt. I stand pressed against him slightly breathless as I wrap my arms around his neck. We stand there for what seems an eternity lost in each other until he pulls back resting his forehead against mine.

  “Thank you for this, it means more than you will know.” Kissing me softly he smiles against my lips. “But maybe we should eat before the food gets too cold.” I grin blushing as right on cue my belly rumbles again.

  “We should. Do you fancy wine or beer?”

  “Beer please, but I will get them.” I watch him walk to the fridge pushing the keys into his trouser pocket my eyes drift across his shoulders and down his back to his bum. I bite my lip and jump a little as Matt clears his throat pulling me from my thoughts. I spin around my cheeks burning and I grab the plates.

  “We can eat in the lounge if you like?”

  “That’s fine.” He says with a smile in his voice. “I’m right behind you.” I sit on the sofa and hold out his plate to him, he sets our drinks on the coffee table and takes his plate from me and sets that down next to his drink before he loads the DVD into the DVD player. The film starts, and he sits next to me and we eat in a comfortable silence watching the movie.

  When we have finished eating I take our plates out to the kitchen leaving them by the sink for later, grabbing Matt another beer I settle back down beside him. He empties his phone and keys from his pockets, setting them on the coffee table before he slides his arm around my shoulders as he pulls me up against him. My head settles on his chest and I watch the film trying not to let a moan of pleasure escape my lips as this thumb brushes up and down my exposed neck.

  I open my eyes and the flat is dark, cold and quiet. I’m laying on the sofa with a blanket over me, blinking trying to focus I rub my eyes as I sit up and look around there is no sign of Matt the flat is silent I guess he must have just left. Reaching for my phone to check the time, it’s 5.30 am which is too early to call him. Then I see the keys I gave him that there is a message in itself. I look around frantically for a note anything, but there is nothing. I can’t believe he just left without saying goodbye, I thought over the last two months we had grown close and I liked him, really really liked him. In need of a drink, I shuffle to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of apple juice draining the glass as I look around the kitchen, all the plates from yesterday are gone he must have washed them and put them away before he left. Remembering he sometimes leaves me a note on the fridge I turn around and check, but nothing, I check by the phone in the lounge again nothing, sighing I walk into the bedroom and flop on the bed I press the heel of my hand to my eyes as I feel tears forming. I had fallen for him and I hadn’t realised how much until now. Taking a deep breath, I have a shower to pass some time until we reach a civilised hour to call Matt. After two attempts and both going straight to voicemail, I decide the best thing to do is keep busy. I search the internet checking apartments and the moment the agents are open I call around them and make some viewings for today. I have five appointments in total so with my heart not really in it I set off to catch the tube and see if I can find myself a home.

  Unlocking the door, I close it behind me and lean against it exhausted, it has been a long day of walking around and viewing apartments I have three favourites and honestly, I don’t know which is the best option. The joy at finding an apartment is overshadowed by the uneasy feeling growing inside of me. I still haven’t heard from Matt, not even a text message which is unlike him, he generally texts a few times every day at the very least I get a good morning and goodnight.

  Having changed into my pyjamas I lay on my bed and look through the brochures again hoping one will speak to me. I miss my Nana today she would never tell me what to do, but she would have talked it over with me helping me come to the right option for me. This is a huge decision and involves a lot of money; I was hoping Matt would look around them and talk it over with me, but now I don’t know. Rolling over I place the brochures on the bedside table and curl up hugging the pillow to myself feeling more alone than I have ever felt before.

  I eventually fall asleep, but I toss and turn all night waking up more times than I care to remember and today I feel exhausted. Not in the mood for anything, but I force myself to get up and eat some toast as I skipped all meals yesterday. I lay on the sofa scrolling thought the TV channels not really paying attention to the movie I select I just lay there staring into space.

  Chapter 9


  I arrive at the centre early. I fell asleep on the sofa with Anne last night while watching a film. She looked so peaceful when I left I didn’t want to wake her. I unlock the back door and walk into the kitchen, I fill the coffee pot with water and then pour it into the coffee machine and switch it on. I stop in the office and plug my phone into the charger since my phone died last night. Just as I unlock the front doors I notice a car pulling up outside, Zach climbs out. Zach is a local kid that helps out some weekends, his Mum Claire is a teacher at one of the local primary schools. I wave at Claire as she drives off and push the door to open it.

  “Morning.” Zach says passing me. He doesn’t look too happy this morning.

  “That good huh?” I ask him on a chuckle.

  “It’s just too early.” He says as he moves past me and towards the kitchen.

  “Coffee pots already on, Neil should be here soon.” I tell him.

  “You not staying today?” He asks.

  “No, monthly shopping with my Mum.” I tell him. Once a month I take my Mum shopping and do any jobs she needs doing. She doesn’t like to take up all my time on our weekly dinners.

  “Cool, what’s on the schedule for today?” He asks.
  “I’ve put the list up in the kitchen.” I tell him as he walks off in that direction.

  “Morning Matt.” Neil says as he comes striding through the door. “Thanks for opening up for me this morning.”

  “It wasn’t a problem, Zach is here already.” I tell him as we both head in the direction of the kitchen.

  “Great, it’s so handy having him come and help.” He says. I finish everything I need before I say my goodbyes, Mum normally has a fry up waiting for me at this time so if I want a warm breakfast I best get a move on to hers.

  I turn the key in the lock and push the door open. As soon as I walk in all I can smell is bacon, I close the door behind me and walk straight into the living room which is on the right as you walk in the front door. I walk through the living room and into the adjoining kitchen and see my Mum standing in front of the cooker. She turns her head to look over her shoulder at me.

  “You're just in time breakfast is ready.” She says to me before turning her attention back to the bacon she is frying.

  “Morning Mum.” I say leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “Go sit at the table in the other room so you can eat up we have a busy day planned.” She tells me. I walk back into the living room and sit at the table and slide my jacket off, hanging it on the back of my chair. Mum places my breakfast in front of me.

  “Thanks Ma.” I tell her as I start to tuck in. she sits on the seat opposite me at the small round table and places her cup of tea on her table mat.

  “I have some extra errands to run today I hope that’s okay with you?” I look up from my plate and nod.

  “Of cause.”

  “Good.” She replies. “I need to get some new curtains for my bedroom.” She tells me.


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