Book Read Free


Page 6

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Didn’t you get some a couple of months ago?” I ask.

  “Yes, I did, but I need a change, you know me Matthew.” She smiles over at me. I nod.

  “So, do you want me to drive to Ikea then? We could have lunch there too.” I suggest.

  “That’s a good idea and if we’re going there maybe we could have a look for some other bits I was thinking of getting, I have a list.” She pulls her list book out of her apron pocket and drops it onto the table. My Mum is the queen of lists, she even writes lists for her lists they are all kept in one book, her list book.

  “And we’re going to Tesco as well yeah?” I ask since I need to do some shopping too.

  “Yes Matthew, will you get my bags out of the cupboard under the stairs, so they are ready to go?” She asks me.

  “Sure, I can.” I stand taking my plate into the kitchen to the sink, I rinse it off before putting it into the dishwasher, walking over to the cupboard under the stairs that Mum keeps her bags in I pull out a load.

  We walk around Ikea while Mum finds things that she wants she even gets somethings for me that I really don’t need, but I’ve learned not to argue with her, sometimes she just needs to do things for me.

  “So how are things at work?” Mum asks.

  “Same old.” I shrug.

  “And the centre?” She adds.

  “Things there are good, they’re talking about the possibility of opening some jobs when they manage to get more funding next year, they are looking for some new donors that will be regularly donating and talking about doing some fundraising events.” She smiles knowingly, she knows my passion and that the centre is very close to my heart since I grew up like a lot of the kids there.

  My Mum is a single Mum, she has been most of my life. Just after I was born my sperm donor decided he didn’t want to be a father and took off leaving my Mum alone with a newborn baby, even to this day I don’t understand how someone can walk away from a part of themselves, their blood. She struggled a lot and lived off government handouts until I was in school. As soon as I started school she started work, she hated sitting at home not working and as soon as she could she took steps to change that. She worked her arse off to give me a life she believed I deserved and a decent education, I always tried my hardest I didn’t want to wreck the chance she had worked so hard to give me. In the early days it was hard, I got into a lot of trouble and got in with the wrong crowd, but sometimes getting to that point helps you see the road you must take, that is how I found the centre, it was recommended to my Mum by a police officer that caught me shoplifting when I was ten. The guy who started it was such an amazing man. Harrison Scott took me into that centre and showed me what I could achieve, showed me the road my life could take if I continued the way I was going and showed me the way it could go if I straightened myself out and I never looked back. As soon as I was old enough to volunteer, I did. I wanted to help give kids the same chance he gave me, I still do now. I give up my time most weekends to give back to the kids around here. When he died a few years back his grandson Neil took over and kept the centre alive and even though he’s only twenty one he knows what the centre means to this community and even started getting teachers from the local schools involved.

  “How about this?” Mum asks as we pass a bedroom display, she points to the curtains hanging in the pretend window.

  “If you like it go for it Mum.” I tell her.

  “Hmmm, I’m not too sure.” She says continuing to walk. “Maybe I should get some new bedding as well.” She mutters to herself. My Mum is so funny, she is always changing something and if it’s not at her house it’s at mine. Last month she sent me home with a new washing up bowl and drainer, I’d only had the other ones for a couple of months.

  “Do you want me to take you to Next after lunch?” I ask her.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind, we could go before Tesco.” She says

  “I don’t mind Mum.” I smile down at her, my Mum comes just below my shoulder her hair is dyed brown to hide her greys, she has it in a short bob, she doesn’t look old enough to have me as a son.

  We wander around Ikea for another hour, Mum buying a new coffee table and sideboard for her hall. I load the flat pack boxes into my car and go back in to meet Mum in the restaurant they have inside.

  My Mum and I both order the meatballs I have chips with mine and Mum has mash.

  “So how are things with the girl from work Anne I think you said her name was?” Mum asks as we eat.

  “Good I guess.”

  “You guess? What’s making you unsure?”

  “It’s a bit weird talking to you about this Mum.” I admit.

  “Oh hush, it’s not like I’m asking about your sex life.” She pulls a face as she says it, I cringe too at the thought of talking about that.

  “She’s looking for a new place to live and I don’t know.”

  “Don’t know what?” She asks.

  “The places she’s looking at are really expensive.” I say picking up a chip with my fingers and pushing it into my mouth.

  “So, whys that an issue?” She asks.

  “One of the apartments she was looking at was for sale in the millions,” I tell her.

  “Well clearly she has done well for herself.” Mum says shrugging her shoulders.

  “I just think it’s a bit…” I freeze while I rethink my words “I’m the man, it’s my job to look after her.” Mum shakes her head at me.

  “Matthew, I didn’t need a man I did fine without one.”

  “Yes, you did, you did amazing, but I want to take care of Anne she’s special and a total angel, I just think I should be the one to take care of her.” I say.

  “Just because she has money doesn’t mean you can’t take care of her, money isn’t important I thought I taught you that Matthew. Money isn’t important people are.”

  “I know you did, but I just feel inadequate like I’m not giving her what she needs.”

  “I swear Matthew sometimes I want to give you a clip round the back of the head, does she like you? Do you like her?”

  “I think she does.” I tell her.

  “And you?” She asks again.

  “Yes, I think…” I look down at my plate.

  “Are you falling in love Matthew?” Mum asks I cringe this is such an odd conversation to be having with my Mum.

  “I don’t know maybe.” I shrug, knowing full well that I fell the moment I met her.

  “I look forward to meeting her then.” Mum smiles before she tucks into the rest of her lunch.

  Chapter 10

  I haven’t spoken to Anne since I left her house on Friday night. When I got back from Mum’s last night I totally forgot I had left my phone at the centre yesterday when I hooked it up to the charger in the office, so I had to go get it this morning. As soon as I walked in the door I was collared by a group of the boys that come in they needed a ref for a game of footie, it had high stakes a whole bag of mixed bite size chocolate bars.

  “Okay boys I’ve got to go and have dinner with my Mum.” I tell them. I have to listen to all the moans and groans. The game is tied.

  “But Matt we won’t know who the winner is.” One of the boys Lenny says to me.

  “Where’s the chocolate bars?” I ask, another of the boys Adam passes me the bag of sweets and I empty them on the floor in front of us.

  “What are you doing?” Adam asks. As I sort them into two different piles.

  “I split them, because the game was tied we can split the bag then you all get some.” I tell them, all six boys look at me like they never thought of splitting them.

  “Thanks Matt.” They each say as they all lean down and get their share of the treats.

  “Got to go guys, I’ll see you on Wednesday night if you’re here.” I tell them as I walk back towards the entrance of the building, so I can grab my phone and head off to Mum’s.

  I power up my phone and wait while it loads, a text message comes through saying tha
t Anne had tried to call me yesterday morning, but that’s it no other calls from her and no text messages. I place my phone in my door and drive to Mum’s.

  Leaving Mum’s, I dial Anne’s number again. I had tried to call her a couple of times while I was at Mum’s. She still doesn’t answer. I decide to stop trying to call her and just drive to her place.

  Pulling into the parking spot outside her place, I climb from the car and start up the pathway that leads to her place. Someone must have left the main door on the latch, so I push it open and climb the stairs to her apartment, I raise my hand and knock on the door three times. I hear her shuffling about then the latch unlocking on the door.

  “Matthew, what are you doing here?” She asks as she opens the door, her eyes are red and puffy.

  “What’s wrong, you’ve been crying.” I say taking a step closer to her.

  “No shit Sherlock.” She says rolling her puffy eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask again.

  “What are you doing here Matt?” She asks.

  “Have I done something wrong?” I ask confused by her hostility, I walk in the apartment. She closes the door and turns towards me a look of anger on her face.

  “I don’t believe I invited you in.” She bites at me angrily.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on here.” I say.

  “Let’s see shall we, you upped and left without so much as a word and no calls or texts. I called you a day and a half ago only to get your bloody voicemail.” She snaps.

  “My phone died.” I say in my defence.

  “Your phone died and what you didn’t have a charger?” She’s standing in front of me now poking her finger into my chest with every word she speaks.

  “I was at the centre and left my phone there.”

  “I thought you said your phone died?” She raises her arms in frustration and I can see her fists are clenched. “If you didn’t want to be with me you could have just told me and not left in the middle of the night like a coward.” She’s talking through gritted teeth now. Wow, she is so pissed off, but I don’t get why she thinks this.

  “I left you a note, didn’t you see it?” I ask I’m so confused and don’t understand what has happened.

  “What note there was no note when I woke up alone.” She shouts the word alone.

  “I put it on top of those books.” I point to the books sat on her coffee table. “I wanted it to be the first thing you saw when you woke up.” I tell her. She goes over to the table and starts picking up the books and shaking them dramatically.

  “Well there’s no note here.” She says dropping the books back on the table one by one. As each book hits the table I hear a flapping sound I get on my hands and knees and look under her sofa, there lays my note.

  “This note.” I say pulling the paper out and raising it in the air as if it’s the winning lottery ticket. I hand it to Anne and watch as she takes in the words I wrote for her.

  “Oh!” She says as a blush fills her cheeks.

  “You really thought that little of me?” I ask her feeling a little hurt by all this.

  “I…well you were gone and you…you never answered your phone.” She says sitting herself on the sofa.

  “I left because I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful sleeping.” I tell her cupping her cheek and making her eyes meet mine. “My phone was dead, and I had to go and set up the centre yesterday morning. I put my phone on charge in the office then got distracted when one of the lads that helps out came in. I didn’t realise I’d left my phone behind until later, but the centre was already closed so I picked it up this morning.” I explain.

  “I thought you had had enough of me.” She tells me.

  “As if I could ever have enough of you.” I tell her as my thumb brushes away tears that are falling from her eyes.

  “Are you sure?” She asks.

  “I’m one hundred percent sure.” I tell her as I lean in and softly touch my lips to hers. I lay there on her sofa with her until she falls asleep in my arms. I carry her to her bed and lay her on it. Taking off my jeans, I leave my t shirt on and climb in the bed next to her pulling her into my arms.

  “I’ll never leave you Angel, I love you.” I whisper to her as she sleeps in my arms.


  Stirring I feel arms tighten around me, my eyes fly open in confusion only I see Matt. My heart steadies itself and I relax back into my pillow watching Matt sleep.

  After he came back last night I felt so foolish, I know I overreacted, but everyone I care about leaves me and the pain of Matt walking away scared me a little. These last two months have been a dream, he is so sweet, gentle and thoughtful I know I’m falling in love with him and I don’t want to ruin it. A smile crosses his lip as he sleeps and I wonder what he is dreaming about. ‘I’ll never leave you Angel, I love you.’ Runs through my head and I smile at my own dream as I lean and kiss his lips softly. His arms tighten around me bringing my chest flush to his and his eyes meet mine and a grin erupts on his lips.

  “Good morning, see still here. I could get used to this.” He says with a wink.

  “So, could I.” I manage before his lips meet mine, his hand sliding up my back and into my hair. Music blasts out from my phone as the 6.30 am alarm plays, Matt’s forehead rests against mine.

  “I really don’t want to get up now, but I need to go home to get changed for work.” He says reluctantly, kissing me softly before his arms loosen around me.

  “We best get moving then, do you want me to make breakfast?” I ask as I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom.

  “You get ready I will make us some toast, then I can take you with me to work.” Stopping I turn to look at Matt as he pulls on his Jeans.

  “You can stay more often if you make breakfast too.” I add laughing before closing the bathroom door. I can’t quite make out what he mutters as I quickly wash and do my hair and face. I never realised I could get ready so quickly, but twenty minutes later we are heading out of my apartment to Matt’s place for him to change before work.

  Chapter 11


  I wake up at 6.30 am and despite the early hour on a Saturday morning, I throw the quilt off me and jump out of bed, the excitement for the weekend ahead making me a little jittery. I walk barefoot into the lounge, the bright red polish from yesterday’s pedicure shining up at me making me smile. I’m usually more reserved, but I love the colour. Turning on my music speaker I set my music on my iPhone to shuffle and connect it to the speaker before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Standing under the hot stream of water I scrub my skin with my salt scrub before shampooing the hair mask I had slept in from my hair. My mind wanders as it often does to Matt. It’s his birthday on Sunday and I have a whole weekend planned to celebrate it with him including a night away. I have deliberated overbooking one room or two, I originally booked one, but I chickened out and changed the booking to two. I don’t want him to think I’m pushing him or expecting anything from this weekend I just want him to have fun, relax and for us to spend some quality time together.

  After showering I smoother myself from top to toe in body cream breathing in the zesty white lotus and lime aroma before dressing casually in cropped fitted white jeans, a navy-blue t-shirt and ballet flats. I double check I have packed everything I will need in my small weekend case. Day outfits, a couple of nice dresses for the evenings and toiletries. The cake, card and present are in a holdall which is sat by the door. Happy I have everything I pull the case to the door and stand it by the holdall. I read through the reservation one last time to double check, two rooms for one night and smile as I push it into my handbag.

  I’m so nervous I can’t sit still, so I pace the floor glancing out of the window looking for his car, seeing it pull around the corner my heart skips a beat, quickly grabbing my case, bags and jacket, I head to the door. Pulling my door closed behind me I lock it dropping the keys into my handbag before turning, I rush downst
airs as fast as I can with my arms full. Reaching the main door, I swing it open just as Matt’s arm is mid-air about to press the buzzer. His startled expression breaks into a huge smile when his eyes fall on me.

  “Well hello Angel, you’re eager to get going.” He says as he places a hand on either side of my face and kisses me softly. He’s dressed in jeans, a white polo neck t shirt that fits snuggly across his shoulders and upper body.

  “I am Birthday Boy, are you all ready?” I ask smiling against his lips.

  “I get to spend over twenty four hours with you, no one else, no interruptions just us. I was born ready.” His hands leave my cheek’s, he takes the case and bag I’m holding. I instantly miss his touch. My eyes follow him down the path to the car where he places my bags on the ground as he opens the boot.

  “Be careful the holdall has a cake in it.” I shout after him. The butterflies start up again. This is a first for me, going away with a boyfriend for the weekend, I close the main door and follow him down the path watching as he puts the case and bag in the boot and walks to open the door for me kissing me quickly as I climb in. He quickly strides around the car sliding into the driver’s seat, starting the engine before turning to look at me a grin on his lips.

  “Are you going to tell me where we are going now? I do need a clue as to where I am driving.” His voice is playful, he has been trying to find out what I have planned for two weeks, but I have remained silent I wanted this to be a surprise.

  “Cornwall.” I watch him grin.

  “Really?” Nodding I hold my hand out for his phone.

  “Yep. If you let me have your phone I can put the hotel postcode onto your maps for directions.” He places the phone in my hand his thumb brushes over my palm making me shiver. He pulls out and heads towards the M25. Glancing down at the phone I look back to him. “It’s locked you didn’t enter your passcode.” Holding the phone up so he can enter the code.


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