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Page 7

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “You enter it Angel it’s 0806.” His voice holds a smile and my eyes dart to him as I sit stunned.

  “That’s my birthday.” My voice is soft, full of surprise.

  “It is Angel something important I won’t forget.” He retorts glancing at me then back to the road. I type the postcode into the map app then open his music app and pressing shuffle before setting the phone into the holder and leaning back in my seat turning slightly facing Matt.

  “Cornwall eh, are you going to teach me to surf?” The smirk on his lips makes me smile and I burst into laughter.

  “Can you really see me surfing?” He quickly glances across at me then back to the road.

  “Well, I can imagine you in a wet suit.” His eyes have darkened slightly, and I sit in silence feeling a little speechless.

  “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we would need to go somewhere a lot hotter with clear blue sea before you could get me in it.” His eyebrow raises.

  “Don’t give me ideas Angel. I like the idea of us being alone far too much I just may take you up on it.”

  The journey to Cornwall was longer than I had anticipated. We talked, laughed and sang, we even stopped at a quaint little pub for lunch. I was relaxed and happy, the happiest I had been for a long time. I only felt the butterflies again as we approached the hotel.

  The hotel stands on the cliff edge overlooking the Castle Beach and the sea. It is a beautiful Victorian looking building, painted white and it really does look idyllic. Matt pulls into the car park turning off the engine and sits looking at the building, the huge smile on his face gives me a warm feeling inside. He climbs swiftly out of the car his movements always seem to be graceful and effortless, he strides around the car pulling my door open taking my hand, helping me out. Pulling me to his body my palms resting against the firmness of his chest as he cups my face in his hands, his lips brush over mine kissing me softly as my hands slip around his neck. I smile against his lips and he pulls back slightly brushing the tip of his nose against mine.

  “This place is beautiful, in case I forget to tell you tomorrow I have had the best time ever.” He says grinning.

  “You’re welcome Matt, I really hope this weekend is perfect.” I say laughing as he steps back taking hold of my hands, he spins me around my arms cross in front of me, he presses his chest to my back as we stand looking across the bay. His lips kissing along my neck.

  “I could stand here with you all day, but how about we get checked in, freshen up, go out for a walk and find somewhere for dinner.” He says softly into my ear. I shiver as his lips brush the shell of my ear and his breath caresses my cheek.

  “Okay, I guess we should move.” I say reluctantly, but I step away from him as he chuckles walking to the boot. He slings his bag over his shoulder and picks up my case. I grab the holdall with the cake and presents in and Matt closes the boot, taking my hand in his we make our way along the path and into the reception.

  The receptionist is young, blonde and very pretty, according to her name badge she is called Cindy. She beams brightly up at Matt pushing her shoulders back and breasts out completely ignoring me.

  “Can I help you Sir.” She chirps in a sickly-sweet voice.

  “Angel?” Matt says as he turns to me his thumb drawing circles on my waist.

  “I have two rooms booked for tonight I have requested sea views and rooms next to each other, the name is Ryder R Y D E R.” I spell out. Cindy glances at me before fixing her smile back on her lips returning her gaze to Matt flashing him a wide smile before looking to the computer screen.

  “I’m sure I can help you with that Sir.”

  “I have a booking for one room.” Cindy replies not even looking at me. I reach into my handbag pulling out the reservation I have printed out and push it across the reception desk.

  “This is my confirmation of my booking.” I say calmly, but my head is spinning. One room! What are we going to do? Cindy glances at the paper and shrugs.

  “I see what it says, but we only have one room booked on the system.” She says her tone unapologetic.

  “Well I will take that room and I would like to book another if it’s not too much trouble.” I say beginning to lose my patience.

  “No can do, we are fully booked.” She presses some keys on the PC programming the key card before pushing it to me. “It’s this or nothing. Your room is 401, it’s on the fourth floor, the lift is in the corner and breakfast is from 7.00 am to 10.30 am.” She never takes her eyes off Matt other than to glance down at her name badge as she pushes her breasts out even further. “It’s Cindy if you need anything, anything at all don’t be afraid to ask for me.” My patience snaps, blowing out a breath I snatch the key off the desk leaving Matt to deal with Cindy. I spin around and stride to the stairs rushing up the stairs to the fourth floor, pushing the key card into the slot on the door I push it open and place the bag on the dressing table. I sit on the bed laying back, my legs dangling off the edge, what a great start to our perfect weekend.

  Chapter 12


  I look at the door that Anne raced off through and then look back to the receptionist stunned. I’m torn between chasing after Anne and speaking to the manager. I can’t believe that she was that disrespectful towards Anne, I pick the former and chase up the stairs to our floor and search for the door to our room. Reaching the room, I rap on the wood hoping that Anne will let me in. She pulls the door open and then turns away walking towards the bed.

  “I’m surprised you came up, I wasn’t expecting you back for a few hours.” She says as I walk into the room, my brows scrunch down in confusion.

  “What, why?” I ask. She lets out a huff of air and sits on the end of the bed turning the TV on. “What’s going on, what’s wrong?” I ask again. She lets out a bitter laugh.

  “You know, you and the receptionist.” She’s looking at me with raised eyebrows.

  “Anne, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, that receptionist was bang out of order.” I tell her, she looks a bit confused. I lift my bag on to the bed next to her and unzip it. “Where do you want to go for dinner?” I ask trying to break the tension in the room. Anne just continues to stare at me, I lean down and plant a soft kiss on her lips. “Dinner?” I ask again.

  “Ummm yeah, sure?” Anne replies in the form of a question. I pull out my phone and use the search engine to find restaurants close to our hotel.

  “What do you fancy. Italian or Mexican?” I ask as I type.

  “Anything?” She answers almost hesitantly.

  “There’s an Italian restaurant a short walk from here.” I tell her “I’ll call and see if they have any available tables for about an hour, does that give you enough time to get unpacked and ready?” I ask.

  “Maybe two hours.” She smiles at me, my Anne is back.

  I take her hand and lead her through the main foyer, just as we are reaching the door I notice a woman standing just left of the reception area I also notice that she is wearing a badge that says manager, so I take the opportunity presented to me. I pull Anne’s hand still clutched in mine in the opposite direction that we were going.

  “What’s wrong?” Anne asks.

  “Nothing just something I need to do.” I tell her as we approach the manager, Anne spots who we are approaching and pulls on my arm.

  “Matt you don’t need to.” She says.

  “Yes, I do.” I reply as I bring her hand up to my mouth laying a soft kiss upon it.

  “Hi, can I help you?” She asks with a polite and welcoming smile.

  “Hi yes.” I say letting go of Anne’s hand to reach out and shake her hand. “We are staying in room 401 and I would like to complain about the welcome we got.” I tell her.

  “I’m very sorry about that Mr…” She taps the iPad in her hand a couple of times. “Ryder, what issues did you have?” She asks I don’t correct her over the name.

  “The receptionist who checked us in.” I look over to Anne for he

  “Cindy.” She mutters next to me.

  “Cindy.” I repeat. “She was very disrespectful and when our booking got mixed up she basically told us tough luck and then pretty much propositioned me.” I inform her.

  “Mr Ryder I’m very sorry to hear this, what part of your booking got mixed up? I will do my best to fix any issues.” She says.

  “We had two rooms booked, but we understand that you're now fully booked so we are okay with the one room.”

  “I’m very sorry,” She says tapping the screen on her iPad again. “We are fully booked.” She says apologetically, “If any other rooms come available I will contact you immediately.”

  “That’s not necessary now, but thank you.” I inform her. I’m really looking forward to spending the whole night with Anne in my arms.

  “I hope everything with your room is acceptable for you?” She asks.

  “It is, thank you the view is amazing.” Anne says.

  “I’m glad to hear that please accept my apologies for all the issues you have experienced can I offer you an extra night stay as an apology?”

  Thank you, but we are unable to stay another night.” Anne says.

  “Please allow me to refund you for your stay here, I’ll also have a bottle of champagne sent up to your room.” She says.

  “Thank you, but we are on our way out to dinner.” Anne informs her.

  “No problem just let reception know when you are back, and they will send it to your room.”

  “Thank you that’s very kind of you.” Anne says.

  “Again, I’m very sorry. If you have any more issues, please don’t hesitate to bring them to my attention, I hope you both have a lovely dinner.” She says reaching out her hand to shake mine and then Anne’s. I take Anne’s hand in mine again as I lead us back to the entrance of the hotel.

  “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you.” She says.

  “Well, something needed saying and I’m glad you got a refund.” I tell her as the sea breeze hits us as we push through the door.

  “This was meant to be your birthday treat from me.” She says looking a little disappointed, I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips.

  “This birthday is already the best birthday ever because I get to spend it with you.” I watch a smile touch her lips.

  “You Matthew are the easiest person to please.” She faces forward and we continue to walk hand in hand.

  After dinner, I take Anne for a walk along the beach.

  “It’s so beautiful here.” Anne says.

  “Is that why you booked it?” I ask.

  “I thought it looked beautiful from the pictures I saw, and the reviews were good too, but the pictures I saw really don’t do all this justice.” She says looking up at me smiling.

  “It’s the perfect place to spend my birthday and with the best company.” I tell her as I lean down and kiss her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “If you were home how would you be spending your birthday?” She asks me.

  “My Mum would come around first thing, then depending on the day I would be at work or at the centre.” I shrug. “Nothing special.”

  “Your Mum comes around?” She asks.

  “I know it’s not cool, but yeah Mum’s all I’ve had through my life and I like to see her since she’s the reason I’m here.” I let out a little chuckle.

  “I like that you're so close to your Mum.” Anne says, a sad look passes over her face.

  “Do you miss your family?” I ask squeezing her hand a little tighter.

  “Everyday.” She says I can hear the pain in her voice. I’m glad we’re talking, but I feel like tonight is taking a negative turn before I can change the subject Anne does. “I’m sorry I took you away, you won’t see your Mum in the morning.”

  “Don’t ever be sorry this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I love that I get to spend this time away with you.”

  “Are you sure?” She asks.

  “Best birthday ever.” I tell her as I pull her body closer to mine and wrap my arm around her waist.

  Getting back to our hotel room Anne falls on the bed laughing, apparently I tell funny jokes, I think it’s more to do with the bottle of wine she drunk mostly to herself while we were at the restaurant. The knock on the door makes her jump and she stops laughing. I go to answer the door and find someone from room service standing there with an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it and two champagne flutes on a trolley.

  “Complements of the manager.” He says.

  “Thank you.” I say taking the ice bucket off his little trolley and grabbing the stems of the flutes. After I close the door Anne says.

  “I think you were meant to tip him.”

  “Oh well, I owe for a tip.” I tell her shrugging my shoulders.

  “Let’s get this open shall we.” I say taking the foil off the top of the bottle. I have to say I enjoy spending time with a tipsy Anne she relaxes more and doesn’t worry so much about what people think, that’s why at dinner I only had one glass of wine.

  I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist and leave the bathroom, as I look over at the bed Anne is fast asleep in my t shirt as she didn’t have any pyjamas with her, the television on the wall playing whatever she was watching before she fell asleep. I pick the remote up from next to her and push the standby button turning it off. Grabbing a pair of boxers from the top of my bag I slip them on and release the towel. After a minute of debating, I decide to leave my t shirt off so I can feel Anne closer to me with fewer barriers. I turn the light off and climb in the bed next to Anne. I lay facing her, she looks so peaceful her eyelashes brush against her pink cheeks I love this picture of her, I gently trace my finger across her cheek. I reach behind myself to where my phone is laying on the bedside table. I unlock it and press my camera, I take a single shot of her the moonlight lighting up her beautiful face. I smile and put my phone back.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I say, I know she’s sleeping, but I lean over and place a kiss on the tip of her nose softly. “I love you so much Angel.” I say before I close my eyes.

  Chapter 13


  I wake to sunlight streaming through the curtains and as I open my eyes I try to move. I am unable to as Matt’s arm tightens its grasp on my shoulder pulling me up against him and holding me to his chest. A smile crosses my lips as I blink to focus and my eyes fall on Matt, his chest is bare from the waist up as the sheet seems to have moved down his body during the night and I can just see the top of his boxers, my leg and arm are strewn across him and I attempt to move both before he wakes, but his other hand reaches down grabbing my thigh just above my knee and pulls my leg back over him, his thumb drawing circles on my bare leg as I stifle a moan. My eyes move to his thinking he is awake, but he looks sound asleep. I give a weak attempt to move again, but his grip tightens, so I settle my head on his shoulder and enjoy just being held close to him.

  I lay mentally checking things I have planned and need to take with me today. This day has been planned to give Matt a birthday to remember and I hope it’s remembered for the right reasons not for the incident yesterday. I push the memories away and focus on today nothing and no one is going to spoil it.

  I watch Matt sleep and he seems so happy with a smile playing on his lips. Then part of my dream hits me, I close my eyes to try and recall it all, but all I can hear is Matt’s voice ever so softly as the words I long to hear play on repeat in my head. “I love you so much Angel.”

  “I love you too.” I mouth against Matt’s chest.

  “Good Morning Angel. I will give you a penny for them.” I lift my head and my eyes fly open as I feel my cheeks heat.

  “Good Morning Birthday Boy.” Stretching my neck, I kiss his lips softly. “I couldn’t possibly tell you, don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

  “By the colour of your cheeks, I will pay more than a penny for those thoughts they must be good.” Matt says with a smile in hi
s voice giving me a wink. I gasp as I sit up jumping from the bed pulling Matt’s t-shirt down over my bum as I head to the bathroom.

  “I claim the bathroom first we need to get up if we want to make the most of today. I won’t be long then we can have breakfast.”

  “Okay Angel, take all the time you need.” Comes his reply as I close the door and push the bolt to lock it.

  Taking a moment to gather myself I sit on the edge of the bath and take a few deep breaths. He couldn’t have heard me I only said it under my breath. Standing I step closer to the sink and turn on the cold tap splashing my face with cool water to ease the heat in my cheeks before brushing my teeth. I quickly cleanse and use a moisturiser on my face, applying sun cream and light make up, checking my face in the mirror as I brush my long dark hair and fasten it in a high ponytail.

  Opening the door, I step back into the bedroom stopping in the doorway as I watch as Matt leans over his bag rummaging though it as he pulls out his clothes.

  “I don’t know what we are doing so I don’t know if I should dress up or not?” He says his brow furrowed. I walk past him and stand at the window overlooking the bay and the marina. Pulling the curtains open I turn smiling as I gesture to him to come here. He walks across the room his boxers snuggly moulded to his body and a shadow of stubble on his jaw. I turn back to the window and look out at the view as his body presses into my back, his hands resting on my hips. My mouth feels dry and I lick my lips hoping to form words.

  “We are going out there. I have hired a small yacht for the day, it will take us along the coast, we can have lunch on board before we have to return to go home.”

  “You hired a yacht…I don’t know what to say.” I feel his breath tickle my ear and I shiver before turning to face him, his arms slide around my waist tightening as he pulls me against him.

  “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just want you to have a memorable birthday.” His lips press to the centre of my forehead. His hands slide up my back, one of his hand resting as it cups the back of my neck. I rest my head on his bare shoulder and take in a deep breath filling my lungs with his scent.


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