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by M J Spence


  Book one -Christopher


  MJ Spence

  My Sir

  Copyright © 2013 by MJ Spence

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em-bodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For information contact :

  Book and Cover design by MJ Spence

  Second Edition: August 2018

  ISBN 9781720018537

  The Doms

  Sir Owen Morgan - 32 corporate attorney

  Sir Ben Taylor 30 - Best friend of Owen and corporate attorney at same law firm

  Master Liam Ward - 32 owner of upscale gentlemens clothing store and friend of both Sir Owen and Sir Ben

  Sir Robert 45 - N/A

  The subs

  Christopher Carter - 20 former street kid and short order cook at Sylvias Diner

  Alex - 20 former street kid and counter boy at drive thru coffee shop

  Lucas 24 - sub to Master Liam Ward.

  Aaron 28 - sub and boyfriend to Sir Ben Taylor

  Tristan 28 - former sub to Sir Owen Morgan



  O ne

  “Owen it’s time you stopped spending time with these players and get yourself a real submissive, someone you can train to your own likes and someone who wants to be yours. Aren’t you tired of these players and part timers?”

  Sir Owen and Master Ben have just finished lunch and are having coffee at Andres an upscale restaurant in downtown Chicago. Ben is lightly tapping the side of his coffee cup with his spoon and trying to make up his mind whether he needs to return to the office and get some work done or hang out here with his best friend Owen and see if he can talk some sense into him They’re having a disagreement on an ongoing and overworked subject. It’s either return to the office or hash out this discussion that they have had way to many times. They’re not in the mood for the office.

  Owen took a sip of his coffee and sighed. He’s tired of this subject and barely paying attention to the conversation, if it could be called that. Ben seemed to bring it up every time they’re together. He appreciated his friends concern but damn couldn’t he just give it a rest? All this did was keep his mind on Tris even more than it already is.

  “They’ll do for now Ben. I don’t have time to train anyone and you saw what happened with Tristan. I’m not interested in doing that again.”

  “I know how you felt about Tristan but that wasn’t your fault. He was a good fit for you but he’s gone now. Are you going to pine away for him the rest of your life?

  “For the last time I am not pining Ben. I’m taking my time deciding what I want to do. Tris was more to me than a sub just like Aaron is more to you so I’m just trying to figure out if I even want another sub.

  “Then maybe you just need a boyfriend. Maybe it’s not a sub that you need at all.”

  “Nope. Don’t want to open up that can of worms. Boyfriends don’t normally take well to being told what to do.” He chuckled.

  A year ago Tristans mother had taken ill and he had asked to be released so he could move to California and help take care of her. When she passed away Owen traveled out west for the funeral intending to bring Tristan back with him but to his surprise Tristan had decided to stay, wanting to be with his family. Owen agreed to release him sure that Tristan would miss the lifestyle and miss him in particular and come back to him at some point.

  It hadn’t happened. It’s now a year later and Owen is still refusing to replace him.

  Owen was lost in thought when he realized that Ben was still talking to him. “I’m sorry what were you saying Ben?”

  “Keep up Owen” Ben said with a chuckle “I said Lair is having its annual sub auction to raise money next week and maybe someone there will pique your interest. And if nothing else it should be a good time. I think Liam said he’s going. Not that he needs another sub. He has his hands full with the two he has.”

  Ben worried about his friend. Owen seemed to be ok but Ben knew how happy he had been with Tris. But Tristan wasn’t coming back and it was time Owen replaced him and moved on with his life. His D/s life. Tris was not the only good sub in the world.


  Lair is the private and very exclusive BDSM club upstairs from Andres. Its members are doctors and lawyers, bankers and other upscale moneyed dominants and their submissives. A substantial yearly membership fee is required for the Doms while subs merely had to be sponsored by a member. Women were not restricted from joining the club but the members were mostly men. A discreet private entrance is available at the back of the building as well as an entrance from the back of Andres. Both entrances had a doorman available to check membership. Submissives were expected to be shirtless inside the club and if owned they were required to be collared and leashed.

  Every year Lair held a sub auction to raise money for charity. The only rules being that the submissives on auction had to be sponsored by a member of the club either Dom or sub. It was good way for submissives to gain entry into the lifestyle and for Doms to try out fresh meat.

  “So how about it Owen? Are you in? It’ll be a fun night.”

  “I’ll give it some thought Ben. Right now I need to get back to the office. I’ll let you and Liam know.


  While Ben and Owen lunched at Andres Christopher Carter was in the middle of his shift as a cook in a small neighborhood restaurant across town. He was looking forward to spending some time after work with his best friend Alex. He and Alex had been friends since they were 15 and were like brothers.

  It’s a sunny day out so they decided to meet at a coffee shop near where Christopher worked and sit on an outside patio. They grew up in this neighborhood and were comfortable here. Christopher still lives close by but Alex is now living in a house across town with Master Liam and his sub Lucas.

  Their coffee is already finished and Alex is now tearing his styrofoam cup into small pieces and making a pile on the table while they talk. The conversation drifted as it always did to Alex’ life as submissive to Master Liam.

  “It’s not as easy as you would think Chris but the feeling I get when I please him is worth it. All I need is for him to say “good boy” and it makes me happy. I wonder what makes us need someone to just say that and pat us on the head Chris, like we’re pets or something?”

  “Cause we never had that. It’s a small thing but we never had it. We’ve never had someone tell us that we’re good at anything. I wish I could have it. I know I can make someone happy.” Chris said the longing obvious in his eyes.

  Alex was lucky to have been found by Master Liam. He happened to be in the right place at the right time. There was no chance that a Dom would walk into the seedy restaurant where Chris worked looking for a sub. The thought was laughable. He’d never have the life that Alex had so he satisfied himself living second hand through Alex’ stories.

  His life wasn’t really so bad considering where he’d come from. He had an apartment now which was a step up from the room he shared with Alex back in the day and certainly a step up from living on the streets. And he had a job which paid for the apartment and the few other things that he needed in life.

  Things were easier when Alex shared the apartment and the expenses but now Alex had moved in with his Dom leaving Chris to shoulder the burden alone. He didn’t begrudg
e Alex his life but things are just harder with him gone. He works ten hours a day, six days a week as a cook just to make ends meet. It helps that he can have his meals at the restaurant but most of the time he has to wolf them down in between keeping up with orders.


  Liam discussed the sub auction with his submissives, Alex and Lucas, explaining what he expected of them. They both have been to Lair before but Liam wanted them to be on their best behavior for the auction. After giving them instructions he turned to Alex.

  “Alex I understand your friend Christopher is interested in finding a Dom. Do you think he would want to be in the auction? It would be a good chance for him to get some experience even if it’s only for a week.”

  Lair wanted as many subs to auction off as possible so they were encouraging their members to recruit submissives. The more subs the more money they would make for charity.

  “I can ask him Sir.”

  He was excited to tell Chris not realizing how hard it would be to talk him into it. They had agreed to meet on Thursday and the auction was on Friday so he only had the one day to convince him. Alex could sponsor him as Liam had suggested.

  “This might be your only chance to find a Dom Chris. You have to do it.”

  “I don’t think so Alex. I wouldn’t know what to do or how to act and what if someone I didn’t like bid on me. What if nobody bid on me at all?”

  “Stop it Chris. Someone will bid on you and you only have to be with them for a week. It’ll be a chance for you to be seen. All you have to do is look good and act submissive and someone will want you. You know how to do that. I’ve seen you do it dozens of times. And they give you a safe word in case you want to stop. You’ve subbed before, you know what it’s like and how else are you going to find somebody?”

  “When I subbed before it was just for a night at a time and those were not real Doms. I don’t know how I would do for a whole week with a real Dom.”

  “You won’t know until you try. Some of the Doms have collared boys that they got at these auctions. And I’ll be right there.”

  Christopher gave in and agreed to go but he worried all night about what to wear, how to act etc. All he owned were jeans and tees and he wanted to look his best so someone would bid on him. He didn’t think anything looked good on his smallish 5’10’ frame. He had a delicate build and if not careful he could come off looking like a girl especially with the long golden blonde hair that he wore hanging over his shoulders. He had no idea why he continued to wear his hair long since he hated the fact that he already looked like a girl with his high cheekbones and full lips. He never seemed to have the time or the desire to get it cut.


  He had barely enough time after his shift the next day to rush home, shower and dress in jeans, an oversized t-shirt and his chucks. At the last minute he put his baseball cap backwards on his head. He had no dress up clothes so this would have to do.

  At 7:30 Master Liam arrived in a black late model suv and Christopher climbed into the back with Alex. Liam was dressed in a perfectly fitted dark suit and a tie and Lucas sat beside him in black dress pants and a black fitted tee shirt to match. The tee would be discarded once they entered the club as would Alex’ matching one. Lucas wore a wide collar around his neck with a W etched into it and Alex wore a thinner unadorned temporary collar. A leash would be attached to the collars once they entered the club.

  Liam chuckled when Christopher climbed into the car. “What in the world are you wearing boy? You could have borrowed something from Alex.” Lucas turned dark eyes to look disdainfully at Christopher then shook his head and turned back to face front. Christopher turned beet red and said. “This is all I had Sir. Alex’s clothes don’t fit me.”

  “Well, at least lose the hat. We’re not going to a baseball game.”

  Now he was even more stressed out. He laid his cap on the seat and brushed his hair back from his eyes.

  “Believe me Chris. It doesn’t matter”. Alex said to him.

  When they got to Lair Liam showed membership cards at the door for himself and both of his boys, signed them in and then moved to the side so Alex could sign as Christophers sponsor. Chris followed signs to a back room saying ‘auction subs’ while Liam, Alex and Lucas made a quick trip to the dressing rooms to leave the boys shirts and found a table. Liam attached leashes to their collars and sent Lucas and Alex off for coffee and soft drinks. Alcoholic drinks were of course not allowed at a bdsm function. Lucas prepared Liams coffee and returned to the table setting it in front of him and waiting to make sure it was to Liam’s liking.

  This was the part Alex hated. Lucas took care of most of Master Liams needs leaving Alex to his own devices. How long would it be before Liam realized he didn’t need him at all and released him. He wanted to eventually be collared by Liam but he was worried about how long he would last in Master Liams household.

  Liam nodded at Lucas after taking a sip of the coffee and both Lucas and Alex settled themselves on the cushions beside him on the floor.


  Chris was the youngest of the boys in the room and also the skinniest and apparently the most inexperienced. The oldest appeared to be about 27 and seemed to have the most experience since he was perfectly at ease. There were mirrors in the room that some of the boys were preening in front of and a couple of couches but other than that the room was pretty much empty.

  An older man in black leather pants and a harness came in and handed each of them a generic collar and said “Almost show time boys. Time to get out of those clothes and show everyone what you’ve got. And remember eyes down always.”

  “Wait. What?” Christopher said. But the man was gone.

  One of the men chuckled and said. “You thought you got to keep your clothes on? This is a fucking sub auction. Get a clue. We go out bare ass. The Doms want to know what we’ve got going for us.” No wonder Alex said that it didn’t matter what he wore.

  By now everyone was in various stages of undress. Shit, shit, shit. Now what? Alex never told me I had to be naked. Chris thought. The man in leather was back for them before he could think about it any further. “Let’s move it boys.”

  Chris sighed and undressed quickly thinking about how many ways he could kill Alex for not at least warning him. He would never have agreed to parade himself naked in front of a room full of people. Not even to find a Dom. He could still get dressed and leave but Alex was trying to help him and maybe this would work. So he decided to suck it up and with his whole body exploding red again he got in line with the other boys. At least he wouldn’t be the only one bare-assed.

  Every head in the room turned toward them as they headed across the stage at the front of the room to...what the fucking hell? Six Large cages sat on the stage. One for each boy. Each one was large enough to sit in but not large enough to stand. They were playing up this auction for all it was worth. He supposed this was better than standing naked in front of everyone for the whole auction. The only problem he had was that in order to enter the cages he had to turn, get on all fours and crawl in displaying his backside to the room. Each boy was put into a cage and a sign with a starting bid was attached to the front of each.


  Owen and Ben sat at one of the front tables and they both turned when the boys crossed the room and were put into the cages. Owen had let Ben talk him into coming here but he held out no hope of finding anything and even if he did he knew it would just be a temporary fix. The bids were for a week only and might not even last that long.

  Bens boy knelt quietly beside him his ass on his heels and every once in a while Ben would reach and ruffle his hair eliciting a smile from him. Liam sat at the next table over with both of his boys. Owen thought about the times Tristan had knelt beside him in the same position and frowned.

  “You need to replace Tristan, Owen. This is a good place to start.” Ben was saying for the thousandth time.

  “Give it a rest Ben.” Owen chuckled before turning and lo
oking at the selection of boys in the cages. Some of the men had begun making their way to the cages and Ben urged Owen to get up and take a closer look. The first cage held Nolan, the 27 year old, who Owen had played with before but they were not a good fit so he passed him by. He continued down the line seeing two more that he had had but were nothing special.

  Christopher sat as far back in his cage as he could trying to cover as much of himself as he could thinking that he should not have let Alex talk him into this. The walk to the cages and kneeling to crawl inside was humiliating as hell. He knew everyone was looking at his naked ass as he crawled inside. And to make things worse now no one gave him a second look as they passed by the cages to decide which of the boys they wanted to bid on.

  Too small, too effeminate, too something, not enough something. No one was interested in Chris until a tall man with dark hair and cold gray eyes stopped in front of his cage. Jesus Christ this was him. This was who Chris wanted. He bolted to the front of the cage his hands on the wire bars looking up at the man. “Eyes down boy.” yelled leather man. At the same time the man said “Can we get this one out?”

  No, no, no. I can’t. Chris thought. I can’t stand naked in front of all these people, bad enough I called attention to myself by scrambling to the front of the cage.

  “Of course Sir.” said leather man. He opened the cage and attached a leash to Christophers collar and pulled him from the cage. A heavy set bear of a man walked up to stand next to Owen.

  “Ahhh. Cute little thing. He said “I like them skinny. I wonder how trainable he is. “On your knees boy.” He said to Christopher.

  Chris dropped to his knees, legs apart, open hands resting on his thighs, eyes down as Alex had shown him. “Well he certainly is responsive.” the man he would later know as Sir Robert said.


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