Book Read Free


Page 2

by M J Spence

  Chris snuck a peek at Alex who gave him a nod and smile. The tall man still stood in front of him looking down. He reached for Chris’s chin lifting it so he was looking into his eyes as Chris trembled. “Calm down boy. No one’s going to hurt you. You’re going to be mine.” Owen smiled at the boy in an attempt to calm him, let go of his chin and pushed a lock of Chris’s hair behind his ear before making his way back to his seat.

  “You like that one Owen?” Ben asked, surprised.

  Owen smiled. “Yeah, I like that one.”


  Chris was put back into the cage and the auction began. He sat at the back of the cage again hoping that the man would actually bid on him. He had heard all of the remarks that were made about him as if he wasn’t there. It didn’t matter. He kept his eyes on the man with the gray eyes hoping he would keep his promise.

  All the other boys brought reasonably high prices from five hundred up into the thousands. Christopher was the last to be auctioned and was pulled from the cage again and made to kneel as he had before.

  “This one is a newbie so we start the bid low” said leather guy. “100 dollars”.

  Owen raised his hand and from the back he heard “200” From Sir Robert. Chris’ heart began to pound. “Three” said Owen. Only the two voices were heard as Owen and Robert each tried to outbid the other. A low murmuring was heard from the crowd as the bidding went on. I can’t go with that guy, please Sir, please. Chris was thinking but he kept his eyes on the floor as he had been instructed not wanting to be seen as a sub who couldn’t follow orders. He did sneak a peek at Owen with pleading eyes when the bid went to 1500 but when the man in back said 2000 Owen shrugged his shoulders and gave up.

  “Owen?” Ben said to him.

  “I don’t know anything about the boy. I don’t want to waste more than 2000 dollars on an unknown even for charity Ben” Owen said.

  Tears threatened Christopher’s eyes as Alex mouthed “I’m sorry.” and shrugged his shoulders.

  Sir Robert made his way to the front to claim Christopher and when the leash was put into his hand he raised it as if he had won a prize fight. He led Chris to his table still naked and had him kneel on the cushion he had waiting by his chair not even allowing him to retrieve his clothes.

  “I can’t wait to get you home boy.”

  Chris said nothing as he began to tremble again. He wasn’t afraid. He had been with worse men. He was just nervous about being naked in a room full of people and this was not who he expected to end up with.

  Socializing went on around Christopher. Everyone talked about how successful the auction was and congratulated the ones who had won the bids. Chris kept his eyes down not knowing what else to do and dreading the night ahead. Of course he could safe word and let them give the Dom back his money but this was for charity and he was determined to find out what it was like to be a sub even to this unpleasant man.

  He was getting bored and wishing the evening was over when he saw feet stop at the table close to him. He tried to keep his eyes down but snuck a peek to see that it was the same man who had spoken to him earlier and who he had hoped that he would be going home with. Robert stood as Owen approached still holding on to Christophers leash. They exchanged a few words which Chris couldn’t make out and after a few minutes Owen took his wallet from his pocket and handed Robert a large sum of money.

  Robert handed over the leash, looked down at Christopher and said “Get up boy. You’re an expensive toy.”

  Owen took the leash and went back to his table but before sitting down he said. “Go get your clothes boy.”

  “Th…thank you Sir.” Chris rushed off as soon as Owen let go of the leash. He turned to look back and Alex and Lucas both were giving him thumbs up signs and grinning.

  “What did you do Owen?” Ben asked seeing Owen return with the naked boy.

  “I offered Robert twice what he paid. The boy was terrified Ben.”

  “You paid 4000 dollars for a week with that boy? You liked him that much?”

  “He was looking like he was about to pass out and I promised I would get him Ben. And yeah It’s only for a week so don’t go thinking I’m in love. I just felt sorry for him is all. After a week I’ll throw him back into the pond.” He grinned.

  “Scrawny little thing but I guess you could put some weight on him.”

  “It’s only for a week Ben. Can’t beef him up in a week.”

  Chris was back and Owen pointed to the cushion he had had put beside him.

  He looked down at the boy and said “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “It was all I had Sir.”

  “Well, we’ll need to fix that.”

  “Yes Sir.” “And that hair too.”

  “Yes Sir. Whatever you want.”

  “It’s only for a week Owen?” Ben chuckled. Owen could feel his heart beat faster. Jesus, what had he done? The boys brown eyes were staring at him waiting for his next words.

  “Eyes down boy. Don’t look me in the eyes unless I tell you to. First lesson.”

  “Yes Sir. Sorry Sir” and he lowered his head.

  Leather guy is speaking again.

  “Gentlemen keep in mind that this auction is for charity but if the submissive that you bargained for is not what you expected you may have your money refunded. Submissives you too have an out. Your safe word is ‘Lair’, the name of this club. If something happens that you are not comfortable with all you need to do is say your safe word and you’re free of any obligations to the Dom that bid for you. However we do not refund if a sub uses a safe word so keep that in mind for the Doms who have purchased a sub. Subs please remember that you are in fact agreeing to be submissive and above all have fun gentlemen.

  You have paid for one week so the ending time is next Friday night at midnight at which time you may go back to your regular lives or you may, of course, agree to continue.

  Chris was so excited he could not contain himself. He had known he was meant to be sub for as long as he could remember and here he was and with the Dom that he wanted. Sure it was only for a week but he would do everything that he could to please Master Owen and maybe it would last longer. But first he had to calm himself. It wouldn’t do for him to look so overexcited.

  Owen began to yawn. He had tossed and turned all last night thinking about his conversation with Ben and it was catching up with him. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to at least give this a try if only for a week. This boy was nothing at all like Tristan and that was good. He didn’t need to be reminded of Tristan every day for the next week. Tristan was tall almost as tall as Owen himself was with dark brown curls and a smile like an angel except when being disciplined. Then he was subject to pouting, a habit which Owen was never able to break him of but Owen liked his subs with a little sass. Tristan was muscular from working out in the gym in the apartment building which Owen required him to do at least four times a week. And he was as masculine as this boy was feminine. Well not actually feminine but delicate looking. He looked as if a hard night of playing would break him. He still looked nervous but who wouldn’t be under the circumstances. The nerves would go away.


  It was time to take his new possession home and try to get some sleep. He said his goodnights returned the house collar and leash and ushered the boy out.

  “You’ll stay with me for the week boy. Anybody you need to let know?” He said on the way to the car.

  A cool breeze ruffled the boys hair as they made their way to the car. “No Sir. I’ll just need to pick up a few things from my apartment but it can wait until tomorow…or whenever you say Sir. I’m sorry” he said remembering his place.

  “Tomorrow will be fine and your name is?”

  “It’s Christopher Sir. But you can call me Chris. It’s what my friend Alex calls me” He turned red again. “You can call me anything you want Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “My friend Liam has a submissive named Alex. Is that who you mean?”

  “Yes Sir. Alex
is my best friend.”

  This could get complicated. Owen thought. They rode silently through the streets until they reached Owens apartment building and parked in the basement garage. Owen used his key in the elevator to take them to the top floor where they crossed the hall to his apartment.

  The apartment was huge with floor to ceiling windows in the living room and the bedroom revealing the dark star filled sky outside. The whole city of Chicago could be seen laid out below them.

  There was a small kitchenette but Owen usually had food brought in or ate out. He didn’t need a full sized kitchen. It was just a waste of space. What he did need was a large bedroom and a full sized office and he had both in this large space plus a second bedroom with its own bath.

  Chris couldn’t believe his luck to be staying here for even a week but the important thing was not the luxury of the apartment but the fact that he had a Dom. The apartment was just a secondary perk.

  Owen was tired but had a few questions he needed to ask the boy before bed. He called Chris and had him kneel on the carpet in front of him.

  “What can you do Christopher? What makes you special? Tell me why I should want to have you.”

  Chris thought for a moment took a breath and said. “I can suck cock Sir and-” Owen stopped him with a chuckle. “That’s not what I mean. Other than sexual things what can you do? Sexual things can be taught.”

  ”Ohhhh. Sorry Sir. I can cook. I work in a diner as a cook and I can clean if you need someone to keep the apartment clean and I can follow orders real well….Sir and…I guess that’s it.” He realized that it wasn’t much. And Owen did too but goddammit the boy was cute with that long blond hair and those light brown eyes flecked with gold and what made it better was that he probably didn’t even realize how beautiful he actually was. A little cleaning up and he would look good wearing Owens collar.

  Here he was thinking about what a collar would look like on the boy when this was just some crazy idea of Bens because he thought that all Owen needed was a sub to be happy. He had no intention of keeping this boy much less collaring him. This was just a plan to shut Ben up. He didn’t need a sub or a boyfriend to be happy.

  He gave up on any more questions that he had and sighed. “Its late boy. We need to get some sleep. Just so you know I sleep late on the weekends. I’m up at 9 and I expect you to have coffee and juice on the table. You can start breakfast after I’ve had coffee. I’ll tell you then what I want.”

  “Where will I sleep Sir?”

  “In the room with me. I’ll show you.” Owen went to the bedroom closet and pulled out a blanket and pillow and tossed them to a corner of the room. “You’ll sleep there and so you know I keep my boys bare ass in the house unless I have company. Understood?

  Chris’ face fell. “Yes Sir.” Not only did he have to sleep on the floor but the man wanted him naked all the time. He hoped this was all worth it.

  “Get some sleep boy. I’ll have a lot more questions for you tomorrow.”

  At nine the next morning Owen woke up and stretched anticipating a hot cup of coffee before starting his day. Unfortunately the boy was just waking also and rubbing sleep from his eyes. He had heard the movement from Owens bed.

  “Come here boy and stay to the floor.”

  Chris crawled to Owen and raised himself to kneel before him.

  “What time did I tell you I’m up on the weekend” Owen said in a low growl.

  “Nine Sir.” the boy responded still half asleep and not knowing what the problem was.

  “And what did I tell you I expect when I get up in the morning.”

  “C…coffee and juice on the table Sir” He said with a whimper realizing his error. “And how do you expect to have coffee and juice on the table if you wake up at the same time as I do boy?”

  “I’m sorry Sir. I’ll get it ready as soon as I get cleaned up….Sir.”

  ”One thing before you go boy.” Owen said. Chris turned back to see what Owen wanted. “Over my knee and make it quick”

  The boy cowered. Was Sir Owen really going to hit him this early in the game? Over an honest mistake?

  “It was a mistake Sir. I didn’t mean it.”

  It was a mistake that you could have avoided if you had thought it through. Over my knee and no more talk. And learn to think.” Owen was intent on teaching the boy what his expectations were right from the beginning.

  The boy lowered himself over Owens lap as he was told and found his cock caught between the big mans knees. “I want you to count and say thank you for each slap to your backside. Now tell me why you should say thank you.”

  ”For taking your valuable time to teach me Sir.”

  The first smack to his ass was jarring. He had never been spanked before. Beaten up by bullies but never ever had he had his ass spanked.

  ”One, thank you Sir.” Another stinging smack.

  “Two Sir, thank you Sir.” And another.

  It was only five sharp smacks to his backside but by the time it was finished the boy was choking back tears not only because it stung but because he was humiliated to be put across Owens lap like a child to be punished. When he stood his cock flopped against his belly causing even more humiliation. Owen did not fail to take notice. This was why he placed the boy so his cock would be trapped. He wanted to gauge whether humiliation or pain turned the boy on and it looked like both did the job. He filed that info away.

  Christopher said a last “Thank you Sir” and went to the bathroom to clean himself up before making Sir his morning coffee.

  “After you’ve made the coffee come and kneel by me so I can give you an idea of my expectations for this week”.

  Chris found everything that he needed to make the coffee and while it was brewing he placed fresh bread in the toaster and poured orange juice. He placed it all in front of Master Owen when he finished and asked him how he liked his coffee. “Just a shot of vanilla. No cream or sugar.” Chris found the vanilla, carried it to the table and carefully poured it into the coffee in front of Owen to make sure he got the amount right. He picked up the spoon stirred and waited for Owen to taste it.

  “Perfect Christopher.” After today Chris would remember exactly how his Sir wanted his coffee.

  ”I didn’t ask for the toast but you thought ahead this time. Good job.”

  “Thank you Sir.”

  The boy then knelt quietly next to Owens chair as ordered. Owen took a sip of coffee and began talking. “As you know the auction was intended to raise money for charity but for me it was also a convenient way to try out a new boy. My last unfortunately had to be released and I have been without for well over a year. I was very attached to him and it’s taken a lot for me to get over the loss.

  A few of my friends have suggested that maybe it’s time to take on another boy and while I don’t see the need they apparently do. I’m not saying that that person will be you but whoever that person is will need to prove to me that I need another submissive. It will take a lot of work to train someone to my needs and I can do without having to do that work unless someone makes themselves valuable to me. So this is not going to be just play time for me. Do you understand me so far?”

  “Yes Sir I do.”

  “So. This week will be spent not so much in training or playing but in getting to know each other. You will learn about me and equally as important I will learn about you. I know a week is not very long especially when we both have jobs but it should be enough time to learn if we even like each other and decide if we want to take it any further.”

  Owen continued. “During this week we will do a lot of talking. I want to know everything there is to know about you and I will answer any questions that you have about me. You will always answer with the truth Christopher. I do not accept lies. A lie will get you either discipline or if serious enough I will take you home and never see you again. That goes for now and also if we decide to continue this arrangement. There’s no room in this lifestyle for lying. Trust is very important betwe
en a Dom and a sub.”

  “I understand Sir.” Chris shifts uncomfortably. There are things about him that no one knows and he would prefer to keep it that way.

  His heart was pounding even though he tried to look calm. Sir Owen was actually giving him the chance to be a real submissive not just a play thing for a week. He would need to do everything that he could to make Sir Owen think he was worthy of keeping. This was more than he was hoping for.

  Owen went on,

  “After this week you will move back to your apartment and we will not see or talk to each other for two weeks while we think about this arrangement. After which I will call you and tell you if I’ve decided to continue with you and you of course will tell me the same. Your feelings are just as important as mine in this. I will expect you to say no to me if you feel the least bit uncomfortable with me as a person or as a Dom. You may also wish to give it more time if you have doubts as I will also. This is all of course assuming that we make it through the full week.”

  “Also there will be no sex or play of any kind during this week. I believe that sex is too intimate and may cloud either my feelings or yours.”

  “Yes Sir.” he was disappointed because he was looking forward to being taken by Owen, but he could live with it.

  Owen is already getting ahead of himself. Already planning three weeks out, This was only to be a weeks play and only to shut his friends up about Tris and here he was planning what to do with this boy after the week is over. What difference did it make if they liked each other after the week was over. What difference did it make if they went their own way after the week. This boy already was having an effect on Owen and he wasn’t sure if he liked or not. There was something about him that was getting to Owen already. Maybe it was time he replaced Tris.

  “Do you masturbate boy?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “How often?

  The boy smiled. “As often as I can Sir. Sometimes several times a day but sometimes I can go a couple days without it”

  “What do you think about when you masturbate? What gets you off?”

  Again he turned red. Why did he have to do this? “I think about a big sexy Dom beating my ass and then fucking me……Sir.”


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