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The Staff of Power

Page 30

by D E Boske

“No, you go. I cannot leave them.”

  “Go brother. Make sure she is alright. We will be fine,” said Asa.


  “Go! Take care of her. Chamlen’s found something. We will be okay! Return to us in the morning.” Kyler gripped his brother’s hand warmly. Reluctantly, he stepped into the gate the Mage opened.

  It was warm and dry here. Thick, fur rugs covered the floor. He removed his cloak and hung it on a peg to dry. He then took off his boots so he would not track water through this place.

  Darian entered seconds later. He carried the T Ama’ Ro to the fireplace, laying her down gently. Kyler began to remove her clothing and boots.

  “I’ll bring you a towel and some blankets. When she’s warm, I’ll run a bath.”

  “Thank you, Darian.” Kyler held her close. She was so cold! He removed his weapons belt and lay next to her, holding her tightly, lending his warmth. Darian re-turned with the towel and blankets. Kyler gently dried her hair and body, covering them with the blankets. He began to feel her skin warm against his and she snuggled closer to him. He kissed her softly, warmly, running his left hand along the smooth skin of her thighs. Her skin was so soft! He brought his lips to her breasts and she sighed contentedly.

  “Sorry to interrupt, the bath is ready.”

  “Darian, you have poor timing my friend.” Kyler wrapped her in the towel, retrieved clean clothes from their packs and followed the Mage.

  After the bath, when they were dressed and presentable, Darian took them to the dining hall to meet Gayla.

  “Gayla, this is Kyler, and Nephraete,” he said, gesturing to them both. Gayla rose and came to meet them.

  “It’s so nice to be able to meet you under better conditions, Kyler. When last we met, things were very different. Nephraete, I’m so glad to meet you. Darian did not exaggerate your beauty.”

  “Thank you, Gayla. You look lovely,” said Nephraete. “I love your dress, it’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. My birthday gift from Darian.” The seer’s eyebrows rose, as she looked at the Mage, who merely shrugged.

  “Darian, you have a beautiful place,” Nephraete remarked, as she sat next to Kyler.

  “Thank you,” Darian said, as he held the chair for Gayla.

  “So, how did you two meet?” asked Nephraete.

  “Um, it’s a long and complicated story,” responded Gayla.

  “I’m afraid that it doesn’t make good dinner conversation,” said Darian firmly. Clearly, he did not want them to hear the whole story.

  When dinner was over, Nephraete offered to help Gayla clean up. Darian took Gayla in his arms and kissed her passionately, putting his hands on her bottom.

  The two girls cleared the table and did the dishes, leaving the elf and the Mage to retire to the sitting room.

  “So, this is where you go every night. I can’t blame you. Why sleep on the ground when you can rest on a soft bed? She’s beautiful Darian. She really loves you.” Kyler suddenly felt sorry for Gayla. He wondered if she knew about Darian’s love for Tynuviel. It would crush her. He never thought about her feelings when he asked Darian to make it right with his sister. He wondered about his friend’s reasoning when he asked them here to meet her.

  “I know. I do care for her, but I do not love her. She knows of course, but all she cares about is that I’m home every night.”

  “She’s younger than what I thought.”

  “She has not yet seen twenty-two winters.”

  “She’s barely past adolescence Darian!” Kyler said angrily.

  “I did not bring her into this life. I saved her from a worse fate. At least I am good to her. I show her appreciation. I buy her things and I take care of her.”

  “I was not accusing you. It’s just not right. There are plenty of women who are more than willing, why take children?”

  “Because they are more malleable and will bend to the will of The Order.” Kyler appeared disgusted by the Mage’s words.

  “She’s lucky she’s got you. You’re a good man, Darian. I can see that you take care of her and that she wants for nothing.”

  “This is true. I have a tendency to spoil my women. It sometimes makes them emboldened to do things that under normal circumstances, they would never even consider.”

  “Like telling you they love you.”

  “Exactly. It is my duty to kill her. Order law demands it of me, but I cannot. No, I will not. I find it foolish. I understand that it would severely compromise us to fall in love, but to kill because of it…”

  “How would it compromise you?”

  “We are in a death struggle every day of our lives. Someone is always trying to kill us. Whether it’s another Mage or an enemy, the result is the same. Entering love into the equation could be our demise. Imagine the enemy holding Tynuviel, it would corrupt my thinking and hamper me in my spellcasting.”

  “I thought The Order trained you to maintain your concentration at all times.”

  “They do. Not for this purpose, however.”

  “How do they train you?” Kyler could not help himself.

  “By making us cast spells under arduous circumstances. Some, you would probably never think of.”

  “Like…?” Kyler prompted. Darian seemed unusually talkative of his past and the elf was taking advantage of it. Of course, the Nykessa he’d brought along helped to loosen the tongue as well.

  “My instructors used to cast spells at me, trying to break my concentration. They would throw axes, come at me with a sword… You name it. There were more pleasurable ways as well.”


  “A lot of students did not pass these first tests. Some could not concentrate during the disruption. Many died. They were unable to cast the spell and dodge the weapons at the same time.” Kyler could not believe his ears.

  “Do you believe you’re the only one who’s fallen in love?” asked the elf.

  “That, I have no way of confirming, for who would admit to such an offense?” Kyler nodded, his growing understanding of Darian’s world leaving him speechless.

  “I hope everyone is alright. I feel guilty for being here when they are all out there in the storm.”

  “You want to check on them?” asked the Mage, motioning him to follow.

  He took the elf to his study. It was a large room with a big desk of dark wood. Bookshelves lined the right wall. The elf could see that there were many books that appeared to be journals. Maybe these were Darian’s own notes. On what, the elf could not guess. The left wall had shelves that held orbs and crystals of many shapes and sizes. He went to a rather large one, touched it, and whispered something softly. An image appeared in the crystal. Their companions had built a shelter out of snow and fir tree branches and had a fire to keep them warm. They were laughing and joking as they ate.

  “You see? They are fine. Stop worrying and enjoy the privacy with Nephraete. I’ve already prepared your room,” said Darian with a smirk.

  “Thank you, Darian, you’re a good friend.”

  “And not to worry, each bedroom is warded for silence.” Darian said with a knowing smile. He waved his left index finger over the smooth, glossy surface and the image disappeared.

  When they went back to the sitting room, the ladies were waiting for them.

  Nephraete thought Darian looked like a totally different person without his Shryvven. He wore a dark blue silk shirt with the first three buttons undone. It showed off his tan chest. His loose-fitting black breeches hid his well-muscled frame. He really was good looking and he knew it.

  Gayla sat in his lap, his arm encircling her slender waist. They sat and talked for some time, until finally, it became apparent that they really wanted to be alone. Darian showed them to their room.

  The room was huge and beautifully done. There was a large, four-poster bed just inside the room to the right. A dresser of dark wood lined the wall opposite the bed. A tall vase held fresh flowers. A long table of the same dark wood stood to the r
ight of the bed.

  “Now, if there’s anything you want that I’ve neglected to think of, just say the name and it will appear before you,” he said, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Kyler closed the door and crossed the room to Nephraete.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, admiring her shape. The dark blue dress fit her well and showed off her shapely curves. He kissed her tenderly as he held her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. She changed into soft pants and a shirt and climbed into the bed. He could only nod as he watched her. He removed his weapons belt and hung it by the bed. He took his shirt off, started to lay it on the table, and stopped. He decided to see if what Darian said was true.

  “What are you doing?” she asked curiously.

  “Clean shirt,” he said softly. His shirt vanished from his hand, only to reappear folded neat and clean upon the heavy table. “Darian told me if there was anything he forgot about, to just ask for it and it would appear. I decided to test that out. Works well too.” He cleaned the rest of their clothes in this manner. A hot flush raced through him when he pulled out her under things. He went through their haversacks, sorting out what they would need in the morning.

  Then he went to her. For some time, they kissed and touched, becoming familiar with each other. She tried hard not to tremble at his touch. She did not know why, but she was terrified. He seemed to sense this. He knew she was not yet ready. Maybe when they got back home…

  He brought his lips to hers, his strong arms pulling her atop him. She tossed her lustrous hair out of her face as she kissed him, running her hands along his tan, muscular chest. She leaned forward, brushing his lips with hers.

  “Kyler,” she said breathlessly.

  “Mmm?” he asked dreamily.

  “How are the others?” she asked, kissing his chest.

  “They’re fine. Chamlen found them shelter. Do not worry. I must admit, I felt guilty at

  first for leaving them.”

  “Not anymore?” she asked slyly.

  “No. Takasha, Nephraete! I’ve wanted you from the first time we met. I couldn’t come to terms with it at first. I didn’t understand what I was feeling and why. I felt childish for moving so fast with Destiny. I would have married her when I found out about our child. I would have stood by her regardless of my feelings for you.”

  “I know. That’s the kind of elf you are.”

  “You told me then that sometimes things happen for a reason, no matter how terrible. Do you think that was Shenna’s way of correcting my mistake?”

  “Kyler, Takasha! Don’t say such things!”

  “I’m really sorry about all the pain I’ve caused you. All that time, I’d no idea your feelings for me. I dragged you all the way to Limmin… That must have been really hard on you.”

  “You’ve no idea,” she said quietly.

  “You’re a good friend. I will do my best to make you happy always, to give you everything you desire.”

  “You can start right now by kissing me.”

  “As you wish, lady,” said Kyler, kissing her as he put his hand on her belly.

  Darian closed the door, kicking off his boots. He crossed the room to Gayla. She stood in front of the mirror as she removed her jewelry. He stood behind her, his hands on her waist. He kissed her neck, undoing her dress and letting it fall to the floor. She wore nothing underneath.

  She turned to face him and he kissed her. She unbuttoned his shirt, running her hands along his chest. He tossed the shirt on the back of a chair. She went to her knees, taking his breeches with her.

  A sudden rush of emotion coursed through him. He could feel Nephraete and everything she felt. She still had not learned how to block off her emotion. This could be interesting, he mused to himself.

  He picked up Gayla and carried her to the bed. He wasted no time in giving her what she wanted.

  As they made love, the flood from Nephraete was so intense, it was as if he made love to her instead. The idea did not displease him. It excited him and he hated himself for it, but only momentarily. He could sense her curvaceous body, but could not see it. Closing himself off once more, he concentrated on the woman with him right now.


  Mordinian and Torgyn Ro caught up to Rohn outside of the Serpent’s Kiss. “Have you seen the Mage yet, elf?” asked the thief.

  “No,” was all Rohn would say.

  “Interesting. What keeps him, do you think, Rohn?”

  “How would I know? I’m standing here with you,” the elf’s sardonic rejoinder came quick.

  “Yes, so you are. Who was the dead woman they found?” Mordinian asked, switching tactics.

  “She was an informant, a spy. We still do not know all the details.”

  “I see.”

  “Why would this interest you and how do you know about it?”

  “We happened to be walking by when they were removing the body. Just concerned citizens,” answered the thief.

  “Yeah right, and I’m a goblin.”

  “You do look a little green, Rohn. Are you getting enough rest and eating right?”

  “I think it’s my close proximity to trash,” the elf said in a cutting tone.

  “Do you want to know what I think?” asked the thief.

  “Not really, no. But I bet you’re gonna tell me anyway.”

  “I think the Mage went to see her. I think they shared more than wine and I think he killed her ‘ere he left.”

  “A Mage of The Order cannot sleep with common whores. Their entertainment is provided.”

  “Interesting,” the thief mused. This piece of information he had not known, he felt it click into place inside his head.

  “I have a job to do. If you’ll excuse me,” said Rohn. Without waiting for a reply, he walked away. Torgyn moved to stop him, but Mordinian waved him away.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Thelarki was growing restless. Months had passed since the Gor Li’ Khan crossed Blavven Krill. He wondered if they made it through alive or if they’d been killed. He knew they would not return so soon, but he was anxious.

  After they left, he began to think on what he would say to his daughter when Kryndale brought her back. There was never a doubt that he would succeed. They never failed in a mission.

  She had better have a good reason for running off like that. He would have to punish her so she would not do it again. He wondered where she was and what she was doing. He wondered whom she was with. He knew he had not been the same since his wife’s death. He withdrew from everyone and everything. His relationship with Nephraete had suffered greatly. She kept to herself more and more.

  That she ran from Kryndale perplexed him. They had been close friends since they were elflings. They were perfect for each other. He knew there was much his daughter had not told him. She would not confide in him anymore, nor tell of her visions. This troubled him. He must know what she saw! He walked to the window, looking out at the crystal blue water. He could see dolphins and fish as they swam below the waves.

  He missed swimming in the Bay. The Lira Tu’ Malay were as much a part of the water as they were the land. He had not returned to the water since Mishtari’s death. He did not know what to do without Kryndale here. He relied heavily on his advice and now he was not here to give it.

  He thought he might know where Nephraete had gone. Only one place came to mind… Kiri A’ Nouell. He knew Galavad had a young son around Nephraete’s age. The rumors said that he was blessed by the Goddess. He wondered if they would fall in love. How would he feel about that? As long as she’s happy, that’s all that really matters, he thought. First, his wife was killed, then, his son, months later. Nephraete was all he had left. He did not want to lose her too.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  In the morning, Darian, Kyler, and Nephraete returned to the camp. Nephraete linked her arm with Kyler’s as they walked. Darian walked beside them and they chatted informally. Asa came to join them after a while.

I join you?” he asked.

  “Of course, brother,” replied Kyler.

  “I told you we would be alright,” he chided, winking at Nephraete, and she laughed. “You look much better today, Nephraete. I trust my brother took good care of you?” asked Asa with a knowing smile.

  “Yes. Yes, he did.” The look she gave Kyler was all the answer Asa needed. He smiled, she was good for Kyler and helped him to recover from the tragic events.

  He saw the way the Mage discreetly watched his sister. Asa honestly felt sorry for Darian. He couldn’t imagine what his life must be like. The more he got to know him, the more he liked him. He had a unique sense of humor and sometimes his sarcastic wit came out, which amused Asa to no end.

  Darian felt the communication from Aganor, but refused to listen. Now was not the time. He would need to speak to him soon. Aganor was risking everything by repeatedly trying to contact him. Later, he would go speak to him personally.

  He let his mind drift as he watched Ty. He was so used to as many women as he wanted that he wondered if he were capable of being happy with just one.

  “Darian, are you alright?” asked Asa. He was obviously not listening to what was said. His mind was elsewhere.

  “Darian?” repeated Asa.

  “Hmmm?” replied the Mage distractedly.

  “They look good together, don’t they?” the elf repeated for the third time.

  “They do. It’s like they were meant for each other.”

  “You okay?”

  “Not a care in the world,” he responded glibly.

  “Hey, I know all this is really hard on you. I can’t imagine how you must feel. How do you handle it?” asked Asa curiously.

  “All my life I’ve been taught how to control my emotions.”

  “Yeah, that seems to be working well for you.” Darian looked over at him and chuckled.

  “You’re right Asa. It is hard on me. But what choice do I have? I cannot risk her life.” Asa nodded his understanding.

  “What was it like for you back in Mogan Dar?”


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