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The Staff of Power

Page 31

by D E Boske

  “Before… I was happy I guess. I had female companionship whenever I wanted. I could have my pick from hundreds of girls…”

  “So… Why’d you leave?” asked Asa. “That sounds like any man’s dream.”

  “Yeah. For a while it was, but… As with anything, after some time, I became bored. I wanted to travel, not be trapped inside the school forever."

  “Well Darian, I’m glad you’re here. If finding a way to be with my sister makes you happy, I hope you find it. If you’re content with the girl you have, then I’m happy for you as well. You’re a good friend, Darian and a good man. It would be an honor to have you as part of our family.”

  “Thank you, Asa,” replied Darian sincerely as he gripped the elf’s hand warmly.

  “What do you think of Kryndale? Do you think we can trust him and the others?”

  “Yes. A Gor Li’ Khan’s word is everything to him. Remember that they are still elves. They may be different from you, but they are still your people.”

  “Did they really work for The Order?”

  “Yes, on many occasions, though I do not remember their faces. I kept to myself much of the time. I was very busy.” He felt that tingling sensation in his brain that told him Aganor was trying to contact him again. Damn it! What’s he trying to do? He’s calling too much attention to us. I really must speak to him tonight, thought Darian.

  By noon, they had reached Al-Dan-Tir. The Knights were standing outside the city gates and bade them to stop.

  “State your business,” the Knight said.

  “I am Kyler Brighton of Kiri A’ Nouell and have traveled far. We are on our way to Thunder Peak, but are in need of rest and supplies.”

  “Glad I am to see you again Kyler,” said the Knight. “I am Firehawk, this is Gilliad,” introduced the elf.

  “Well met,” Kyler said, shaking their hands.

  “Tansher will probably want to speak with you. Will you be staying at your usual place?”

  “Yes, that is, if there’s room. The city looks full.”

  “It is, but the inn’s new owner, Zhanay, always reserves the top floor for kin and kind.” In elvish, he said, “Don’t know where you’ll put the Ni’ Kulana though?”

  “I was thinking of leaving him here with you.” Kyler chuckled. “This is good news. Tell Tansher we would bathe first and get a hot meal. Then we will be ready to meet with him.” The company made their way to the Vale inn. The sign on the outside was in elvish. It said Yoki Eli’ Washti, which meant, I will never leave you.

  Inside, it was warm and bright. There was a fire in the hearth and the smell of roasting meat permeated the air. At the sight of the company, Zhanay came from around the counter to embrace Kyler warmly.

  “It has been far too long, elven prince. How fares Kiri A’ Nouell?”

  “The elven homeland rests comfortably in Shenna’s hand,” he responded.

  “This is good. What may I do for you?”

  “We are in need of rooms. I would like the top floor, please.” She looked at each in turn, eyes resting briefly on Darian, as they roamed over his body and came to stop on Shaz.

  “Of course, how long will you be staying?”

  “Three nights, no more than four. We are in need of a hot meal as well.”

  “I will see to it personally. Please, I will show you to a table that will seat you all comfortably and afford you privacy.”

  “So, when did you take this place over?”

  “Not too long ago, three years? It seems like yesterday,” she said with a smile.

  “I like it much better now. It’s like a slice of home.” She beamed at his compliment. She took them to the back of the room and around a corner to a separate room with a huge oak table and chairs. She was right. It would seat them all and then some.

  “I will send Nereina to be your personal server.”

  “You are too kind,” responded Kyler. Zhanay left them to talk amongst themselves, and in a few moments, Nereina appeared.

  She was tall and shapely, her nut-brown skin glowed from the sun and her long black hair hung down her back. She wore a tight black skirt that barely reached mid-thigh, showing off her long, curvaceous legs. Her top, if it could be called such, only covered her breasts. Her green eyes looked at each of them, coming to rest on Darian.

  “Can I start you all off with a drink?” The elves and Darian ordered Nykessa, Shaz ordered ale. She returned shortly with the drinks and Darian paid her, her fingers lingering on his.

  When she was gone, all the men except Kyler let out a collective breath.

  “By the gods!” Kryndale murmured, and they all nodded their agreement.

  She returned a while later with a beef roast on a large platter. She then laid out platters of onions, potatoes, carrots and a crusty loaf of fresh baked bread with whipped butter. Kyler attempted to pay her, but she refused.

  “Your meal is on the house, Kyler and company.” She winked at Darian, then left once more. She returned shortly with more drinks, and again, Darian paid her. She blew him a kiss, her alluring red lips capturing the Mage’s interest.

  “Takasha, Darian! I think she likes you,” said Asa.

  “So it would seem,” he looked in Ty’s direction, but she was talking to Nephraete. She appeared as if she had not seen anything.

  The ladies finished first. Excusing themselves, they went to their rooms and took their packs to the bathhouse. Soon after, Shaz left in search of the brothel.

  “Can I get you anything else?” Nereina asked, looking only at Darian.

  “Actually, I think we’ll go to the bathhouse.” The Gor Li’ Khan left. Nereina put her tray down and sat in Darian’s lap. She smelled inviting and her breasts were right in his face. He stroked her thigh with his right hand, his left hand he rested on her back.

  She brushed his lips with hers. Then right in front of the others, she straddled him, undoing his shirt. They were so shocked, at first, they didn’t move. Kyler signaled them to leave and they, too, searched out the bathhouse.

  He cast a spell, searching her body and mind to make sure she was free of disease. He cast another to search her mind to see if she was a spy, she was not. When he was satisfied that she was just a beautiful woman who wanted him, he brought his lips to hers. He let his hands roam over her body. His right hand slid up her skirt, she was ripe, ready and he would take her, but first things first.

  “I have some business to see to first. What room is yours, Nereina?” he asked breathlessly. She pouted, licking her lips seductively.

  “Second floor, third door on the left.”

  “I won’t be long, I promise,” he whispered, kissing her softly.

  “Be sure that you’re not,” she said, stroking him. With great difficulty, he left and went to his room that he should be sharing with Kyler. Collecting his thoughts, he put Nereina out of his mind. He concentrated on his surroundings and focused in on where he was going.

  He opened a gate and stepped through into Aganor’s chambers. He was not alone. The girl atop him rode him hard, her breasts bouncing tantalizingly. He cleared his throat and she opened her eyes, but did not stop. He went to the sitting room to wait. He did not wait long.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Aganor asked angrily. Darian silently set the wards in place, then dropped his cowl.

  “By Delvishan! Darian!” he cried, as he rushed to embrace the young Mage. Darian wasted no time with pleasantries.

  “Why have you been trying to contact me? What you’re doing is very dangerous.” Aganor’s smile slowly faded.

  “I have so many questions, so much to tell you.”

  “I don’t have much time,” he replied shortly. “The enemy will no doubt sense my presence.”

  “Darian, why did you run? Is it because you have fallen in love with Gayla?”

  “Where did you get that absurd idea?” Darian scoffed.

  “It’s okay Darian. I will do what I can to protect you.”

  “Really. Where d
id you get that absurd idea?” Darian pressed.

  “The way you treat her. Then, you never kept your appointment with the Breeders.”

  “That is vile. There is no romance in it.”

  “I’ve always known you were different, Darian. So, you are not in love with Gayla. But you are in love?”

  “Do you think I would condemn an innocent woman to death so easily?”

  “I’ve been to the library. I’ve read the laws and rules. Nowhere does it say we are not allowed to fall in love.” Darian sat back, unable to believe his ears.

  “What does it say?”

  “It says not to spread our seed to a human host as most died in childbirth.”

  “Someone is after me and my staff. A Dark Mage.”

  “Now who’s being absurd? Dark Magic is forbidden.”

  “Do you think I do not know the difference?” Darian responded acidly. “I was his captive. I’m telling you, he’s somewhere within these walls. Someone we know and trust.”

  “There’s more I must tell you. The laws…”

  “Another time, friend. I have stayed too long already. Please, do not contact me again. He is powerful and might be able to overhear or even follow the communication. You put me at great risk every time you try to contact me. I must find out who he is and defeat him. Only then will I feel safe to return. I must go. Be well.” Darian opened a gate and was gone.

  Aganor smiled at the ease with which Darian accomplished the most difficult tasks. Tasks that most Mages struggled with. To open a gate like he did was a most difficult task that even some masters had yet to do. He was filled with pride as he thought of the young Mage and the things he had accomplished. He hoped that one day he would return and stay once more.

  Darian returned to the room in Al-Dan-Tir. Kyler had not come back yet. Maybe that was best. He cast a minor cantrip to clean himself and his clothes, then went downstairs in search of Nereina. He knocked on her door.

  “Come in,” she said. He bolted the door behind him as he entered. She came out of the adjoining room to stand before him, completely naked.

  “I told you I wouldn’t be long,” he murmured as he took her in his arms.

  He kissed her neck, his hands on her hips. She undid his breeches, letting them fall to the floor. She undid his shirt, stroking him as she kissed his chest.

  He eased her down to the bed, kissing her softly. She sighed as he made his way down her body, his lips coaxing soft moans from her.

  She’d never had a lover like him before. Only then did she realize she did not know his name. She guessed it didn’t really matter. He was not the type to commit. She knew it instinctively.

  He kissed her again and she eased him on his back. She put her hands on his chest to steady herself. She brought her hips down and she gasped. He put his hands to either side of her. He sat up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, hips rising and falling. How he excited her! He had amazing control.

  He flipped her on her back without missing a beat. She felt good to him, so relaxed. She denied him nothing. Everything he wanted, she gave. Hours later, she lay in his arms, her breathing not quite returned to normal. She snuggled closer to him, one leg over him.

  “How long will you be staying?” she asked.

  “Three nights at most,” he replied as he stroked her arm.

  “Will you stay with me until you leave?”

  “If you wish it,” he told her.

  “I do. I don’t know your name, though.”

  “This bothers you?”

  “Not so much. However, I do wonder what you are called.”

  “Just call me Loki Char,” he said. It was elvish for good lover, but he did not tell her this. She fell asleep soon after.

  In the morning, he went to the bathhouse, then went to find Kyler. They made their way to the Market Square to buy what they would need. The streets were crowded. Hundreds of people were out perusing the wares or trying to sell them. Of a sudden, Kyler took off running; his slim form easily dodging through the crowd. The Mage sighed, tagging him with a tracking spell. He caught up to him quickly enough.

  “Stryker!” Kyler called, spotting their booth.

  “Kyler, me boy! Where ye been? We almost headed home.”

  “I’m sorry. We ran into some complications.”

  “Conflagration! A Mage o’ The Order or I ain’t me mother’s son!”

  “This is Darian. He’s my friend and traveling companion. Is this a problem?”

  “O’ course not. Any friend o’ yours is a friend o’ mine,” replied Stryker.

  “Well met,” Darian said as he calmly approached. The day was cold and bright, their breath forming white clouds in the cold air.

  “Me king sent us to find out the elves position. We’ve been waitin’ fer ye since the message arrived. When there was no sign o’ ye, we set out fer the city to see if ye came through yet.” Kyler trusted Stryker, had known him longer than the Mage, but he would not risk telling exactly why they were late.

  “I’m sorry. We should have been here months ago.” That was the only explanation the elf gave.

  “Have supper with us tonight. Where ye stayin’?” asked Stryker.

  “The Vale. Would you like to meet us there?” asked Kyler.

  “’Tis gotta’ be better’n where we’re stayin’.” At the look Kyler gave him, he elaborated.

  “There be a man with dark calculatin’ eyes a watchin’ everyone n’ everything.” At the mention of the stranger, Darian became stiffly alert. Darian remembered the thief and the bard that he ran into just outside of Kiri A’ Nouell. What were the odds that it was those two? He was already calculating the probability in his head.

  “Though they pretend not to know each udder, me thinks the bard works with the thief.”

  “Interesting,” Kyler said. One look at the Mage and he knew his friend knew more than he let on. Very interesting, thought the elf.

  “We need to get some supplies, we’ll see you tonight,” Kyler said, grasping the dwarves’ hands. Darian nodded as he walked away. He followed his sense of smell to a baker’s table. He bought two sweet cakes and a loaf of fresh bread. He handed Kyler one of the cakes and they ate as they walked.

  “You did not return last night,” it was not a question.

  “No, I did not. I went to see Aganor.”

  “Are you out of your mind? Why would you risk something so foolish?”

  “Because, the alternative was so much worse. He kept trying to contact me and this is very dangerous. The Dark Mage could easily intercept or even track the communication.”

  “But… That would lead them here…” Kyler trailed off, understanding why Darian took the risk he did. They could not allow the enemy to know their location or their plans.

  “Did you spend the night with Nereina?” Kyler asked, no trace of resentment in his voice.

  “Yes. She is… very sweet.”

  “So what’s the difference between her and Ty? Why can you sleep with a stranger, but not with a woman who loves you?” asked Kyler accusingly.

  “Because I do not care what happens to this wench. I love your sister and cannot risk her life! The worst that will happen to me is a beating. It’s not as if it hasn’t happened before. Ty will get the death penalty.

  “Kyler, I must tell you something. When I left Kiri A’ Nouell, I ran into the thief and the bard. I said nothing before, but… They search for me. I don’t know how, but he followed my trail. He must possess some magical item… Then Morphindinaetlus came and they fled southwest.”

  “Darian, why did you not tell me? When will you trust in me?” Kyler looked disappointed.

  “I would have told you if I thought it mattered. You’re the only one I trust, my friend.” Darian said, as he put his hand on the elf’s shoulder.

  They spent the rest of the day walking through the market. It would take a couple days to gather what they would need. At one booth, Darian stopped to pick up a deep purple, fur lined cloak. He p
aid the merchant and added it to the haversack. At another, he found fine leather gloves lined with thick, soft fur. These went into the haversack as well. Kyler wondered why he purchased a woman’s cloak and gloves, but said nothing.

  The Mage stopped at a booth that sold perfumes. He smelled several before he found the one he wanted. He noticed a crystal rose so delicate and perfect it almost seemed real. He bought the rose as well and they walked on.

  It was approaching noon and the smell of roasting meat made them both hungry. They passed several food booths before finally stopping. For five coppers each, they bought kebabs. Thick chunks of grilled beef and chicken put on a stick with carrots, potatoes, and onions. The market was very busy so few took an interest in an elf and his companion.

  They needed to find a merchant that sold magical items. They needed more magical haversacks because their company had grown in size. They also needed healing potions and Delvishan only knew what else.

  “Do you think it wise that I allowed the Gor Li’ Khan to travel with us?”

  “If you did not, they would have followed us anyway. Besides, I think it a good thing. Kryndale seems sincere and the rest follow his lead without question. A Gor Li’ Khan’s word is everything to him. Remember, they are elves. They are welcome indeed.” Kyler nodded as he took the last bite of carrot. They tossed the refuse into a big wooden barrel and walked on.

  They purchased dried meat, cheese and fruit. They chose several bottles of the Al-Dan-Tir blue wine and several ale casks. Again, the Mage did something peculiar. He piled several casks of different juices along with the rest of their supplies. These they put in Kyler’s haversack. They were about to give up for the day when they spotted the booth with the magical items.

  This is where they would spend the most gold, which Darian seemed to have an endless supply of. They bought all the magic packs he had, four total. They purchased the healing potions, anti-poison and various other necessities. They headed back to The Vale as the sun was beginning to set. The merchants were all closing, packing up and counting their profit. Mordinian stepped in their path, arms crossed.

  “You’re a hard man to find, my friend.”

  “You are no friend of ours,” Darian responded.


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