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Liam's Mate

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by Roxanne Greening


  Liam’s Mate is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2018 by Roxanne Greening

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by Michelle Areaux

  Cover design by KP Designs

  Published by Kingston Publishing Company

  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  To my family for all your love and support. I couldn’t have done it without you.

  Table of Contents



  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1


  Clutching at my throat, I fight for air as my body jerks into a sitting position. This dream kept coming for me. I knew it would need to take place. That it was in my future and there was no changing the course I destined to follow.

  I could see things before they happened, it was a curse. Something I would have to live with until the day I die. Relationships elude me. Always has. When you can see the outcome and know what they are going to do. How they are going to break your heart, staying clear is the only reasonable option.

  I know changing the future is impossible, so all I do is put off the inevitable. They were going to hurt me just in an unusual way. I thought I played it smart by keeping to myself. Never sharing who I truly was with anyone. The chain on my ankle tugged.

  I've been here for two years trapped in this little room. My captor never touched me, at least not in any sexual way. He would get angry when the visions didn’t come when he wanted or when they didn’t pan out the way he wished.

  His constant taunts and horrible words cut deep. I tried to fight the pain that came with his nasty, hurtful cursing. His favorite was; no one was looking for you. Thats because no one wants you. No one loves you enough to come. You are a waste of space. Unworthy of love, unworthy of human decency.

  About six months into captivity his words became like gospel. I couldn’t help but believe them. I mean there really was no one out there looking for me.

  My parents threw me out when they learned of my visions. I was the devil’s child they told me. I was not a child of good. I was a poison in this world. I wished for death like I wished for freedom, but truthfully, both are one and the same. I was a prisoner in my own mind and a prisoner to Lester, my captor.

  I haven’t bathed in over two years, if the lines on the walls were anything to go by. The little rock I used to count the days was the only possession I had. The concrete walls were littered with them. I haven’t seen daylight in so long. I’ve lost track of night and day.

  Lester is different than most people if you could call him a person at all. He wasn’t just a human, but also a wolf. I was sure it was him in my dreams chasing me to my death or not. Knowing how it all ended didn’t change the need for my freedom.

  At least this way I was truly free; no one owned me, no one would hurt me again. I could finally be rid of this world. I was a mistake and I shouldn't exist. No one would ever love me or want me. Looking at my hands, I watched as tears dripped onto them before sliding down and landing on the filthy mattress I call my bed.

  My once chestnut hair was matted to my head in a tangled mess of knots. The color was almost black. My skin was pale and yet crusted in brown dirt. I was thankful for the working toilet in the corner. There were moments I almost sunk to a new low. Using that toilet to remove the grime.

  There was a water source. A source to free myself of the filth. Disgust filled me each time I thought of going through with those thoughts. I was still human enough.

  Closing my eyes, I try to remember what it felt like to feel the sun heating my skin. The wind brushing against my body. The sounds of birds chirping and rain falling. I didn’t want to forget. We take so much for granted in this life. I didn’t appreciate the beauty until it was taken from me.

  I was underground somewhere. I could smell the damp earth through the encasing concrete walls. This cement cube was six feet by six feet. That was the allotted amount of space I was given to roam. He was coming, I could hear his feet connect with the metal ladder just outside the door.

  At first, I thought it was stairs and this was a room in a basement, but after months of sitting here the different sounds you would expect to hear if you were in a house were absent. It was terrifying to realize he built this place, this underground prison just for me.

  “What have you seen?” Lester’s gruff voice echoed off the empty walls around me. Once again, he was going to be angry with my response.


  I couldn’t tell him about the dreams it would alert him to my freedom someday even if it’s short lived.

  “Fucking bitch.” He spit out.

  The feel of his fist as it slammed into the side of my face had a cry leaving my lips. Wetness coated my skin in a continuous stream. The smell of old pennies filled the air. He hit me so hard he cut the inside of my cheek. My face throbbed as his angry snarl became eye level.

  “You’re worthless, you fucking waste of space. Why do I even bother keeping you alive? Why am I wasting my time with a piece of shit like you?” His words hit like a physical blow to my gut.

  I could feel my insides bleed as his words bounced around in there. Other things he said to me joined in. Pain engulfed me both physically and mentally. Please kill me, I want to beg.

  I don’t want to face my fate. If he ended me now I would be spared being torn apart alive as the wolf devoured me.

  “Please.” My tone was pathetic in its desperation. I was begging for peace.

  “You would like that, wouldn’t you, whore?” he tells me.

  Another tear fell as his words penetrated my skin like a shard of glass.

  “You have until dinner. So, you better fucking see something.” He tells me harshly.

  Nodding, I lay my head on my mattress. Blood dripped onto it mixing with the other stains. Taking more of me. Hunger cramps had my knees pressing into my chest. My bones stark against my skin. I was used to going hungry. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I ate.

  The slamming of the vault like door had my body cringing. No matter what I do, I was still a scared little girl begging for freedom. The type of freedom changed over the last two years. Before it was the freedom to live my life, now it was freedom to end it.

  When will it be my time? When will I f
inally have the choice to let the darkness take me?

  The dream came for me, sucking me back in.

  My feet impacted the cold, damp leaves as I ran through the woods. It was chasing me. This terrifying wolf was chasing me like I was his next meal. Fear has became a constant rush. Was I going to survive this creature? The very thought of his teeth sinking into my flesh as he tore into the muscle terrified me.

  My heart beats like a motor on its maiden journey. The rush as it sped around the track in the hundreds. My life was flashing in quick pictures too fast for me to glimpse what it was showing me. My dark chestnut hair flowing in the crisp air as my legs moved in such a fast movement I was clueless on how I was able to move this fast.

  I guess when your life is almost taken from you your brain kicks into overdrive. I don’t remember how I got here and that was another terrifying factor in this shit storm. Worse, I was going to die a virgin. I hated my twenty-three-old self.

  I waited for Mr. right; aka air sucked from my lugs butterflies deep inside my body the man who was meant for me, my soulmate. Something I missed out on experiencing all these years. Something I heard was the most beautiful thing in the world. The meeting of two souls meant to be together.

  His teeth were nipping at my heels. Not literally, but close enough, I started praying for help. Close enough that I begged for my life. It may not be perfect, but it was my life and I was happy with it to a point. The ground was coming closer as my feet slipped out from under me.

  Crumpling to the ground, my head slammed into a rock. The world spun as the wolf ate up what little distance we had between us. His yellowish eyes were hungry as he got closer I could see it, he was going to enjoy this. I didn’t know much about them, but this seemed more human than wolf. His grey and black fur giving him the appearance of hells shadows. Those yellowish eyes stared me down as he closed the space between us.

  Blackness edged my vision. At least I wouldn’t see my own death. The world was slowly fading. I accepted this as my fate, I tried to change it, but I failed. One moment the wolf was standing over me and the next he wasn’t.

  Another wolf slammed into him from the side, growls and whimpers filled the air as my eyes closed. This had to be a dream my subconscious grasping at straws. There was no way this was really happening another wolf attacking a pack mate?

  Protecting a source of food? Beautiful blue eyes met mine before the world went dark. He was breathtaking.

  Chapter 2


  There have been whispers that Lester has been dabbling in things he shouldn’t. The wood sagged as my booted foot connected with it. Lester didn’t let me get passed the first step before he was in front of me.

  “Alpha?” Lester, asked.

  “Lester, I haven’t seen you in a while.” I tell him.

  His smile widened showing off yellowing teeth as it stretched across his face.

  “I've been a little busy.” He replies.

  Looking around I see nothing has changed. Well, the grass was a few feet longer, but no real repairs. Opening my mouth, words fail me as the wind shifts. A faint wisp of her was on the air. The one I’ve been waiting for. My mate.

  Lester’s, eyes darken as his lips press into a thin line.

  “Like I said, I’m busy, Alpha. I need to get back to it.” Lester, says.

  “Who's here with you, Lester?” I ask.

  “No one, Alpha.” He replies evasively.

  Every instinct in me had me wanting to wrap my fingers around his throat and demand the location of her. She was here. I could fucking smell her. He was hiding something, and I couldn’t prove shit. Attacking one of my wolves over a suspicion wasn’t enough.

  Her scent was faint so looking for her wasn’t an option. Anger coursed through me. My fucking mate was here hiding from me. Lester’s glare was answer enough, I needed to leave or there would be some big fucking problems. Problems I didn’t need right now.

  There has been an increase in lone wolves wandering around my property. Attacking Lester would open me up for the Alpha challenge. I didn’t fucking have time for that bullshit. I needed to confer with Cage, my second. Turning, I walk back the way I came, my motorcycle waiting for me. I needed speed. No, I needed to rip his fucking head off. Until then, I needed some clarity.

  Chapter 3


  The vision hit with painful intensity. A man in a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans had his back to me. His muscular body drawn tight as he spoke with Lester. Drifting closer I reach for him. This man who dares to stand up to my tormenter.

  Lester feared whoever this was. I needed to see his face, his short dark hair had me begging to see his eyes. Just as I was close enough to see his face I was sucked back into the here and now. The vision evaporated, leaving me panting.

  Whoever he was, I needed him. I’m not sure why I needed him, but my whole body called out to him. Every molecule burned with their need to touch him. Safety is what he represented. My heart hurt as the truth crushed me.

  Whoever he was, he wouldn’t want me, I’m useless, a whore, a waste of space. I didn’t deserve love. Tears overflowed as the first real connection I’ve had was taken from me. It felt like flaming knives pierced my skin cauterizing the wound as they entered and exited.

  The vision wasn’t one Lester will want and honestly, I’m glad maybe today will be the day death comes for me. My weak body shook as the adrenaline from another vision faded. Sleep called for me and I fought it.

  The dream was waiting for me as my eyes closed. My hell was skirting my consciousness. Blackness swallowed me, and I was back in the forest running. Yes, I wanted death but not like this.

  Chapter 4


  Pacing in front of Cage, I fight the urge to rip into the walls. Destruction was calling to me. My wolf begged for freedom. Begged for her. Begged for Lester’s blood.

  “Something's not right, Cage.” I tell him.

  “Fuck. Liam, we can’t just go to the man’s house and tear him apart.” He replies harshly.

  I fucking hated him. He was right and that pissed me off. I needed him to back me. Give me the permission to tear Lester’s fucking world apart and collect what’s mine.

  “We need to be smart about this shit. Are you sure it was her?” he asks.

  “It was her.” I growl the words.

  The growl was more wolf than human.

  “She may be family, Liam.” He says.

  I hated the logic. I know he’s right, but it still didn’t sit right with me. Something was off I could feel it. My mate needed me, and I was fucking helpless to make a move without proof.

  “What the fuck do I do, Cage? Sit here with my thumb up my ass?” I ask.

  “Although, that would be fucking hilarious. No, we scout, watch and wait.” He says.

  “I don’t have time for that. I’m the pack Alpha and they need me to be here hunting down the lone wolves.”

  “Let me do this. Let me watch Lester. If he has our Alpha female…” he starts.

  “You’re the only person I trust with this. No one can know, Cage.” I cut him off.

  Cage nods before leaving the room. I know he was going straight there. He was going where I needed to go. Fuck! My wolf was tearing at my insides, snarling. It wanted out it. It wanted to rip Lester apart. Sitting heavily into my chair I fight the need to follow him.

  Chapter 5


  Lester’s heavy feet made an echoing sound as they connected with the metal ladder. The visions I had were not something I was willing to share with him. I knew how angry this was going to make him and how much pain that would follow.

  I was so hungry, and I was letting dinner slip away with my silence.

  “Well, whore, did you see anything?” he spits.

  Shaking my head, I swallow the words that want to escape.

  “Fucking stupid bitch, why am I keeping you around? You haven’t had a vision in mon
ths.” He shouts.

  He was right, and he was wrong. I’ve had visions, just nothing I wanted to share. His fist slammed into my cheek. Pain erupted as my head whipped to the left. Blood spraying as it left my mouth. He didn’t give me time to recover.

  His fist slammed into my right cheek again. One of my molars dislodged and landed on the mattress. Pain erupted inside my head as I was sucked into a vision.

  “Death and blood will follow you. Your screams will warm him. The trees will rejoice as you breathe your last breath. For it has been seen so it shall be.” I say quietly.

  Coming back into the here and now I look at Lester’s pale face. I witnessed his death. I’ve seen my own at his hands and now I’ve seen his by the man I had a vision of earlier. Lester will suffer, and the thought warmed my body.

  I may die, but so will he.

  “Take it back.” He demands.

  “You know I can’t, Lester.” I tell him.

  The happiness I felt at his soon-to-be demise had slipped into my voice. Anger darkened his eyes to near black.

  “Fucking stupid bitch, if I die you will be left here to wither and die slowly. No one cares about you. No one is looking for you.” His laughter was cruel the words hit their mark.

  It hurt, but I already knew my fate. The chain attached to my ankle was bleeding.

  “Will you please remove this?” I ask giving my ankle a slight shake.

  “It's not like I can go anywhere. Your wolf will catch me.”

  His chest puffs out as if he were a male peacock. Without a word, he removed the chain. For the first time in years my leg was free.

  “Thank you, master.” I was playing to his ego maybe if I kept spewing bullshit he will bring me food.

  “That’s more like it.” He tells me.

  His retreating back was a relief. Cupping my sore cheek, I let the tears fall, I was fighting so hard to keep at bay. He was right. No one was looking for me. My mother threw me out saying I was the devil's spawn and had no place in this world. Why would anyone else want me?


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