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Liam's Mate

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by Roxanne Greening

  Friends turned their back on me when they learned of what I was. They hated me saying I altered their fate and every terrible thing that happened to them was my fault. I had no one and Lester enjoyed reminding me of this.

  Closing my eyes, I let the tears fall. Making a zigzag path on my face before landing on my filthy clothes. Life was a fable of twisted truths. Someday freedom will come, and the chains being gone was the first step to the end and finally be at peace.

  Chapter 6


  The faint scent of blood filled my nostrils. I was hiding in the tree line down wind of Lester’s house. I watch as he comes out of some underground bunker. The blood on his hand was not his own. Fuck, Lester, what have you done?

  Whoever that blood belonged to was not only female, but human. If this was the Alpha's mate there would be no stopping the destruction Liam will leave in his path. I couldn’t leave her there.

  Changing into my human form I slowly rush to the place Lester had just vacated. Opening the latch, the circle metal door slowly opened. Her scent was stronger here but filled with pain. Anger engulfed me. Quickly climbing down the ladder, I come face to face with a door.

  It looked thick enough to be a bank vault. Turning the metal wheel, I listen as the lock releases. I give the door a slight tug leaving it open. Just a crack enough for her to see she could escape. Turning I rush up the ladder and run into the tree line.

  Changing back, I watch the dark underground prison. She needed to hurry. The creature that climbed out of that hole had my heart clenching. She was filthy her clothes baggy and worn thin. Her body was covered in filth.

  I watch her look at Lester’s house and smile. The moment her bare feet touched the grass she was on the move. Her struggle to run faster was heartbreaking.

  Chapter 7


  Fear engulfed me. Whoever opened that door came down here silently. Air struggled in and out of my lungs. I waited in suspense. What was going to happen? Was someone out there? Waiting for me to run? Nothing, absolutely nothing happened.

  Slowly, I walk over to the door and peek out the little crack. Blackness greeted me. I could see nothing. Pushing on the door, I growl in frustration when it didn’t budge, not even an inch was gained. Backing up I run at the door slamming into it with enough impact to add to my already abused body.

  The sound of a rib cracking under the pressure had fresh tears springing into my eyes. Climbing the ladder, I remind myself each and every step I was closer to freedom closer to peace. The night air hit me first. The scent of dirt and grass drifted around me.

  Lightning bugs flickered above the grass. The stars twinkled in their beauty. Climbing to my feet I promise to take a moment to enjoy the site, but first I needed to get going. Lester will be coming for me. My feet tickled as the grass, slipped between my toes.

  The moment was beautiful, but that tickle quickly turned into shards of pain as my sensitive feet slammed into the ground over and over. It only hurt more as I crashed through the forest. The frigid air stung as it brushed against my skin.

  Pain was my new reality, freedom was not free. It will have its price. The sound of a wolf's howl had my body tensing. He knew I was gone and was coming for me. I knew how this played out so why was I still running?

  This was true freedom. The choice to make it difficult or easy. I know I was dead. Lester was going to kill me, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. Another wolf howl closer this time. Followed by a different wolf howl.

  There was more than one? This soon? Time was slipping through my fingers as easily as rain slipping into the cracks. I thought I had more time to enjoy the fresh air the beauty of the night. Something I fought to never forget.

  The world as it was bathed in the moonlight. Picking up speed I need more time, just a few more moments. The night was cold, but worth every stuttering breath. This was the most cardio I’ve had in over two years.

  My body shook as low blood sugar and weak muscles made themselves known. The world started to spin as my head became foggy. The ground rushed up to meet me as my feet slipped out from underneath me.

  Slamming head first into a rock I feel the blood well as it drifted off my temple and onto the forest floor below. Lester was upon me. Then he was gone. The second wolf with beautiful eyes slammed into Lester. Peace was coming for me finally I was free.

  The wolf looked at me with his green eyes full of concern. Another shifter, but his eyes were wrong, they weren’t blue. Sadness wanted to intrude on my new-found peace. Closing my eyes, I let the darkness swallow me as a triumphant smile spread over my dry cracked lips. I won, Lester, I won.

  Chapter 8


  Cage has yet to check in and desperation had my wolf ripping me apart. Pacing in front of my desk, I glare at both phones sitting uselessly on the surface. Sounds of shock reached my sensitive ears. Gasps spread through the night.

  Rushing from the office, I gladly accept the welcoming distraction. The screen door slammed against the houses exterior. My heart felt ripped from my body as Cage walked through the tree line. He wasn’t alone the creature he held lay lifeless in his arms.

  Her scent hit me hard and everything in me died. This creature was my mate. Cage stepped into the light of the moon's glow. Her hair was filthy she was covered in grime her stench mixed with the blood. Cage's grim face accompanied by the blood coating his skin had anger mixing with the devastation.

  I wanted to take her from him, but I couldn't move. My feet felt rooted to the forest floor. My cabin at my back. Cage reached me, his eyes sad. Cage was a cold bastard seeing the sadness had my heart fighting to beat.

  “She was in an underground cage.” He tells me.

  My wolf howled inside my head as our eyes roamed over our mate.

  “Lester?” I ask darkly.

  “I left him barely breathing in the forest, she took precedence over ending him.” Cage replies.

  I didn’t like him being out there, but I agreed with him. He brought my mate to me, fighting his instinct to kill.

  “Give her to me.” I demand my voice barely above a whisper.

  Slowly, he placed her in my arms. She weighed next to nothing. Her body skin and bone. She was beautiful, even cover in dirt and grime. Turning, I walk into my cabin and to my bed. A place I hoped to have her one day, just not like this.

  Slowly laying her down I felt the need to keep touching her. She needed to be attended to.

  “Bring Lisa here.” I growl.

  Without a word Cage left the room. Pulling a chair up to the bed, I stare at her. Taking her hand in mine, I slowly caress the top of it with my thumb. I needed to keep contact with her.

  “Alpha?” Lisa asks.

  “Lisa, I need you to clean her up and check her for injuries.” I tell her.

  Her look of confusion was met with my cold demand. She needed to look after my mate. That was her job.

  “Take good fucking care of her.” I tell her.

  Her eyes widened as the realization sunk deep. She knew who this was, she now knew what was at stake. I didn’t want to leave the room, but I needed to give my mate privacy. The last thing I need is for her to be upset with me for intruding.

  “Is it wise to let Lisa look after her?” Cage asks.

  “She's our healer.” I tell him.

  “She's also your lover.” He replies.

  “She knew when I found my mate, it was over.” I tell him.

  Shaking his head, he looks at the door. Cage was brooding.

  “Lisa will do her job, Cage.” I tell him firmly.

  “She's our female Alpha.” Cage replies.

  “I know you feel the bond. But remember she needs care.” I tell him quietly.

  I understood how he felt. His instincts are to protect her at all costs. She was the future of our pack. Her loss would signal the end for us. Without her we couldn't have children. She needed to be with child before the others cou
ld as well.

  It was nature’s way of insuring her survival. The pack will keep her safe at all costs. Looking at the door, it was the only thing separating me from her. I needed her, and I failed her. One of my wolves did this to her. How long was she down there? What did he do to her?

  Darkness rose from the pits of my insides. Why did he do this to her? So many questions and no answers. Waiting was not my forte, but it was something I had no choice but to do.

  Chapter 9


  Peace wasn’t as sweet as I thought it would be. I floated here in this dark abbess. Cold surrounded me, causing goose bumps to cover my sensitive skin. The cold hurt. Closing my eyes, I let the next wave of cold, dark air caress my flesh.

  Was this better? Yes, I will always say yes. Pain, darkness, emptiness is all a small price to pay for freedom.

  “How is she?” a man asks.

  The voice caresses my ear. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

  “She hasn’t awoken yet.” A woman replies.

  Why? Why does it have to be taken from me? The only thing of beauty I have heard in my life. It was a light in my darkness only to have it taken by whoever she is to him. I’m going crazy these voices don’t really exist.

  Has the abbess robbed me of what little sanity, I had left?

  “Fix her.” He demanded.

  His growl had the hair on nape of my neck standing. Images of blue eyes flash behind my closed lids.

  “Alpha?” she asks.

  I could feel it pour off her. He was hers and the thought he cared for another was unpleasant.

  “Fucking make her better.” He demands harshly.

  His cold voice rang through the air almost as cold as the dark I was currently in.

  Anger vibrated off her. I had a moment of concern for my wellbeing. It was laughable really, I was already gone. I suffered and earned this freedom, although crappy as it was.

  “She’s but a human what do you care?” she demands coldly.

  “Keep that fucking tongue in your mouth if you value its worth. I don’t answer to you.” He tells her fiercely.

  Her gasp made it clear he had her by the hair. The vision came with a clarity I hated. The blonde woman on my right and the tall man from my previous vision on my left. Her anger thick in the air almost suffocating.

  “My mate. Do you understand? She is my fucking mate, your alpha female. I do not need, nor want you anymore.” He tells her.

  I thought he was being cruel, but I could feel the regret pulsing from him. He didn’t want to have to say these things to her. Did he care? Was I the reason for this turmoil? Did I ruin them like I ruin everything else in this world and apparently the next?

  “Liam…” she starts.

  “Now look after my mate and tell me everything.” He tells her coldly.

  Liam places a finger on my cheek and gently caressed it. It was so real I could feel it on my very cheek this moment. Tingles followed in the wake of his touch. I wanted to grab him and beg him to never stop touching me.

  The woman whose eyes were both sad and full of hate glared at my prone body. I ruined everything for her, she seemed to say without words.

  Chapter 11


  “I want a rundown of all that ails her.” I tell her.

  “She has a wound to the head, possible concussion. She is very dehydrated and malnourished. Bruises cover eighty percent of her body.” Lisa replies.

  “Was she assaulted?” The words felt like acid as they passed my lips.

  “No, I see no signs of any sexual intercourse.” she replies quietly.

  Brushing my fingers against her forehead, I swallow the regret of not finding her sooner. She suffered because I failed to locate her. She was so close all this time.

  “Broken bones?” I ask.

  “No, but signs of previous breakage.” She responds.

  “When will she awaken?” I ask.

  “That is up to her, Alpha. I have done all I can do for now.” She tells me.

  Brushing my lips over my mate’s forehead before straightening.

  “Keep me updated. The very moment she awakens you call for me.” I tell her.

  I don’t wait for her response. Anger was riding me hard. I needed an outlet, but I couldn’t stray far from her. The very thought of being away had my insides shredding.

  Cage just happened to walk out of another cabin. Growling is all the warning I give him before my wolf exploded from my human body.

  His wolf exploded from his body and I was on him. Teeth nipping and body slamming. As much as I wanted to rip everything to shreds.

  I wanted blood and destruction. Reigning in my nature, so I don’t follow through with such desires. I slam into Cage again. Blood coated both of us.

  “The mud will be coated in red as blood flows freely. The field will be filled with sounds of battle as you mourn and suffer on your knees. Your treasure your everything before you in the red mud.” A woman’s voice rings out through the quiet.

  Turning I look at my mate as she crumpled to the porch. Her eyes vacant. Turning back into my human form I turn to Cage, who followed suit his eyes reflected exactly what I felt.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Chapter 12


  Her hands were ruff as she wiped the grime from my arms. She disliked me and that was a cause for concern. I wasn’t so sure I was safe here with this woman.

  Snarls and growls echoed throughout the room, pulling a vision to the front of my already hurting head. My body moved on its own pulling me from the soft comforts of the bed.

  Her gasp as I shoved her away was like music to my soul. The wood floor was smooth and cool under my feet as they slowly moved me where they wanted to go.

  I needed to tell someone what I was seeing, it was important. How I knew this was a mystery just like the visions and how they came to be.

  I’ve had them for as long as I can remember. At first, they were dreams that came to me in the night. Slowly they started to swallow my life until one day there was no warning when a vision would come.

  My mom and dad realized they weren’t just night terrors that there was something wrong with me. I was cast from my family unworthy of their love as I was evil.

  These people who have helped me will soon learn what I truly was and would put me down like a rabid animal or cast me from their homes to the cold and unforgiving world.

  The cool air met my bare skin as the door closed behind me. The wind howled as the words poured from my lips. Words that would seal my fate yet again.

  “The mud will be coated in red as blood flows freely. The field will be filled with the sounds of battle as you mourn and suffer on your knees. Your treasure your everything before you in the red mud.”

  As soon as I finished my knees gave out and as I crumpled to the cold wood the world spun showing me the treasure lying in the wake of destruction.

  It was me, I was the one lying in the cold bloody mud. Darkness pulled at me and I fought it back, I wasn’t ready to sleep I needed to know.

  What was my fate tonight? I have seen the future, but what of now?

  Chapter 13


  I wanted to let the darkness take me into its safe embrace. I wanted the world to cease to exist. I wanted anything, but to be face to face with a wolf.

  Another werewolf. I thought. Safe from the monster who kept me only to be tossed into a pack of them.

  “Nate back the fuck off my mate.” The angry snarl had my heart rate spiking.

  It was the voice I longed to hear. The wolf slowly backed away and I was too weak to add much needed space between us.

  Hunger cramped my body as I begged it to move. I needed food and water. The man was naked. He was naked and kneeling before me,

  Swallowing I beg for movement. For swift freedom. His hand cupped my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. The beautiful blue e
yes from my vision.

  “It’s you.” The whisper slipped past my dry lips barley loud enough to reach my ears, yet he heard it.

  “My names Liam.” He tells me.

  “Willow.” I reply.

  Words were hard to get out. My throat dry as a desert and just as rough as its sands.

  “What happened to you, Willow?” Liam asked.

  “Lester.” I reply.

  “Get her some fucking water.” His angry shout had the hair upon my body standing and goose bumps forming.

  Before I could respond there was a cup pressed to my lower lip.

  Parting my lips, I gulp greedily as the cool liquid slid down my throat. Washing away the desert sands. The cup was slowly pulling back.

  Reaching I grab the hand holding the cup and try to force it back to my lips, but the hand was like steel it wouldn’t budge not even a centimeter.

  “Slowly, Willow.” He demands gently.

  “No, please. I need more.” I beg.

  “You are going to hurt yourself, you need to take it slow.” He tells me firmly.

  Glaring at Liam, I slowly release his hand. The tingles from his touch didn’t dissipate not even after I put distance between us.

  “Why did Lester have you?” he asks.

  Turning I refuse to meet his eyes. I wasn’t sure I wanted to voice what I was. Could I survive out there this very moment?

  “Lester?” I ask instead of answering.

  “Gone.” Liam replies.

  “Dead?” I ask.

  “He may be by now.” He tells me coldly.

  “He may yet still live?” I ask.

  No. Please let him be rid of this world. If he’s still out there he was going to come for me and this time I was sure death was all he was going to offer.

  “Willow, you need to tell me everything.” He says firmly.


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