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Liam's Mate

Page 3

by Roxanne Greening

  Looking at my hands, I ring them together painfully.

  “Willow, I promise no one will harm you. You’re safe here.” He gentles his tone.

  Was I? He had no idea at what evil he was offering safety. Glancing into his eyes, I let the resolve coat me. I wasn’t going to jeopardize him.

  For some reason, he meant more to me than my own life. He felt imperative, like he was a part of me. That was not possible, such stuff was fairytale nonsense.

  My evil side was grasping at straws.

  “Lester locked me away in that hole for two years, nine months and fourteen days.” I tell him.

  His eyes darken in anger and the lump in my throat became a stone lodged deep into the flesh refusing to budge.

  “He used me for information.”

  “What kind of information?” he asks.

  I knew what he was thinking I was human and Lester was not. So, what could he possibly need information from me for?

  “He wanted to know the future.” I reply quietly,

  Honestly, it looked like I was going to need to spell it out for him.

  “He wanted my visions.” My voice was barely a whisper.

  “You can see the future?” he asked sounding shocked.

  “Yes.” I reply.

  And now there were three possible outcomes to the information I just so trustingly shared with a stranger.

  One, he locks me away like Lester.

  Two, he forces me out into the night to die alone.

  Three, he allows me to stay.

  Honestly, I have no hope for the third option. Why would he want something so tainted by darkness to be close to his family? His pack?

  “So, what you said earlier….” He starts.

  “All of it true. You will be in a field of mud coated in blood. Your heart, your treasure lying in front of you covered in the red tainted mud.” I answer quietly.

  Me, I was talking about me somehow, some way I become important to him and I’m not sure how or why I get there. Maybe I place myself in such a place hoping to be one of the loved in this world.

  Something I was not. I couldn’t remember what it felt like to be loved. Tears slowly slid down my cheeks. Was it wrong to want to be cared for even for a moment?

  “Mate…” Liam’s large warm hands cup my wet cheeks. His gentle touch one of care and concern something I was unworthy of.

  “I understand. Just give me a moment and I will be gone and no longer a darkness in your home.” Taking a deep breath, I pull my face from his hands. It hurt more than I could or would admit. He was important to me, I didn’t know how, but it felt like a knife was cutting me in half.

  “Willow...” he starts.

  “No, it’s ok, please just stop.” I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. It already hurt enough. Pulling my weak body into a standing position I try and make my first step only to have my hip fail me.

  A sharp pain pierced my side as my leg gave out. Grabbing onto Liam, I try to catch myself. I regretted touching him immediately.

  He felt good under my fingers. His smooth skin covering his muscular arm. The heat soaking deep into my pores. replacing the cold that has become so much a part of me.

  Pulling my hand from him was like ripping leaves from a tree so easy and yet so cruel. The pain I was so accustomed to pierced my heart.

  I was once again cast to the dark. Not welcome and not wanted. I was unworthy of love and consideration. Holding my head high I quickly swallow the scream of pain that wanted to escape as I put one foot in front of the other.

  Putting much needed space between myself and my last chance at life. It was forfeit the moment I was born, and no one knew it.

  Maybe if they knew what I was I would have suffered a fatal accident in my youth. I would never have lived the life I have. Would that be better?

  To never know love? To not know what kind of thing you really, truly are? Closing my eyes, I let Liam’s blue one’s flash behind them.

  No, I would live it all again, even if I knew how it ended to just look into those eyes just once. If I wasn’t evil I could have been what he needed.

  I could have been who he wanted. It was time I let all those childish fantasies die and meet my fate like the woman I was. I was going to face my death with the serenity I hope awaits me on the other side.

  Chapter 14


  She wasn’t leaving me. Her tears cut into my flesh like a hot blade cutting into butter. She really thought I would let her go? My mate, my human mate was an oracle.

  “Willow?” I watch as she slowly made her way down the steps of the porch. She was leaving.

  “Where are you going?” I ask her in confusion.

  “Where I belong.” Her voice held a note of sadness. It hurt to hear it.

  “You belong here.” I tell her.

  “I belong nowhere.” She replies sadly.

  “Mate...” I start.

  “No! Liam, please stop,” she tells me firmly. Her voice filled with sadness and something else. Resignation.

  “I can’t, and I won’t. You belong here with me,” I tell her truthfully.

  “You don’t know who or what I am.” She asks me.

  “I do,” I tell her.

  “No, I’m evil. I don’t belong in this world,” she says harshly.

  She really believed that shit? Grabbing her arm, I gently pull her to a stop. Her face cast to the shadows, her eyes transfixed on the dirt in front of her.

  “No sweetheart, you’re not evil. You’re an oracle,” I growl both anger and sadness warring within.

  Her shoulders shook as a gasp filled with sorrow escaped her lips.

  “But most importantly, you’re my mate.” I whisper.

  “Mate?” she asks.

  “Wolves mate for life, sweetheart. We have one out there meant solely for us, and once we find each other. No one else will do.” I tell her quietly.

  “Forever?” Her voice was shocked and concerned. Fuck this shit was easier with other wolves, they knew everything, and humans didn’t.

  This could be a real fucking problem.

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I would be yours forever, as you would be mine.” I tell her my voice filled with possession.

  She still hasn’t lifted her head. Fear swamped me as the realization I may lose her came rushing back. What if she doesn’t feel the same way I do?

  Chapter 15


  Mate? His forever? He would be mine? I could have a life, a real life. A life where I wasn’t evil. He seemed to know what I was, maybe he could tell me more about, well me?

  I wanted him. The thought of being separated was unbearable. I could feel the concern vibrating off him. My silence has him nervous and on edge.

  Hunger cramped my stomach in such intensity I was hunched over clutching at it.

  “Willow?” I loved my name on his lips.

  “I need food, please.” What little strength and willpower I had holding me up fled my body. I watched as the hard dirt rushed to meet my flesh. Warm strong arms saved me from a painful landing.

  Before I could blink I was up in his arms. Liam smelled like the forest.

  “Get her some fucking food. Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you settled.” He shouts.

  Closing my eyes, I let the comfort he offered, so foreign from what I was accustomed to soak into my skin to my very soul. For the first time, I felt safe, I felt like I was home.

  The world was a blur as he moved through the house. He was moving fast and yet took extreme caution not to jostle me. His care had tears once again filling my eyes.

  The bed surrounded me as he slowly lowered me to the surface. Comfort for the first time in what felt like forever.

  His warm arms slowly released me. I wanted to latch onto him and beg him not to go, beg him to stay with me. The woman was back in the room holding a tray.

  Steam wafted from the bowl resting in the mid
dle of it. I couldn’t take my eyes from the bowl, honestly, I didn’t want to see her face.

  I knew she disliked me, hated me even. I didn’t blame her. I was taking him from her, but for the first time, I had something solely mine and I was ready to battle for it.

  She couldn’t have him weak or not, I wouldn’t let her take him from me. I only just met him and yet I was ready to kill a lady over him.

  “Willow?” Redirecting my attention, I look at Liam who was now holding the bowl that only a few moments ago held my attention.

  “Lisa, leave us.” His voice was strong holding a hint of cold threaded through it. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Lisa’s face crumpled into a sullen expression.

  Her back was to me as she made her way out of the room, but I could feel the hatred pouring off her.

  “Mate.” His tone had my eyes snapping back to his.

  “Eat. Please.” He tells me.

  Grabbing the bowl, I press the rim to my lips greedily sucking the beef broth into my mouth. It burned, but it’s delicious contents slowly filled my empty stomach.

  My eyes became heavy as the bowl became empty. I didn’t want to close my eyes, I didn’t want to lose him. I feared this was a dream that was about to vanish like a wisp of smoke on the wind.

  I feared my freedom a trick of my over exhausted mind. I didn’t want to be back there in that cement prison.

  “Willow rest. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.” Liam’s hands cupped my cheeks as he spoke then his lips were pressed against my forehead. Pleasure had my eyes closing too heavy to lift as darkness swallowed me.

  Chapter 16


  I was once again in the forest, but it wasn’t the same as last time. I wasn’t running or being chased I was walking. Voices whispered in the night.

  “We have located another mate of the Valious pack.” A voice announced.

  “Did you collect her?” another voice asked.

  “No, but...” Lester started. It was Lester.

  “You lost the last one Lester. Get this one and keep her from them.” The other voice cut him off.

  “She’s not human,” Lester, tells him.

  “It’s been foretold all will be human. Liam’s mate was an anomaly.” The other voice says.

  “She smelled odd.” Lester tells him.

  “Just fucking collect her.” The voice demanded.

  Without another word Lester wandered off like a chastised child. I tried to see who he was talking to, but I couldn’t make out the face.

  The cloaks hood covered the person well. I couldn’t even tell if it was a male or female the voice was distorted.

  “Cage will never have what he seeks.” The voice says coldly a slight joy in his voice.

  They found Cages mate? Was Cage important to Liam? To the pack? Moving closer I try to get an understanding as to when and where I was, but I was pulled from my vision as someone shook my body.

  “Willow!” Liam’s desperate voice had my eyes opening even though I wanted to keep them closed to try to force my way back to the vision.

  Whoever she was, she needed help I couldn’t let her suffer the same fate I did.

  “She needs us.” I tell him.

  “Willow, who needs us?” Liam asks.

  “Cages mate needs us. Lester is going to get her.” I reply.

  A growl erupted through the room as soon as the words left my lips. The hair on my body stood as fear skirted down my spine.

  “Cage rain it the fuck in NOW!” Liam’s shout had my body jerking and my face pressing into his chest. He would protect me.

  “What happened, Willow?” Liam asked.

  “I was in the forest and they were there talking. Lester said he found another mate to the Valous pack. The person demanded he collect her.” I tell him.

  Taking a deep breath, I forage on.

  “She’s not human he said.”

  “Fuck. Cage we will find her, but my mate needs rest.” Liam shouts.

  “And what of my mate?” Cage demanded.

  Liam’s face contorts in both sorrow and anger.

  “Our only hope is Willow and she needs rest.”

  Looking at the man Liam called Cage, I wanted to force the visions. I know it was him who saved me, and I was helpless to return the favor. His eyes met mine and I could see the acceptance there.

  He was going to back off. He was going to fight his need to find her for me.

  “I’m so, so sorry, Cage.” Tears clogged my throat, I wanted to make this better for him, I wanted to keep her from Lester.

  “Rest, Willow.” His voice sounded hollow and dead. Giving him a nod, I beg the visions to come.

  “Don’t do that to me again mate.” Liam, whispers.

  Looking at Liam, I try to make sense of what he just said.

  “You almost stopped breathing.” He tells me.

  I did? I felt fine, better than fine even.

  “I’m okay, Liam.” Maybe it was normal. When I had a vision maybe being close to death was the cost?

  “We need to find her.”

  “Willow, I will not let the cost be you.”

  “I will not let her suffer my fate.”

  He wasn’t going to change me from my course. The other person there felt familiar, almost like we’ve met. He looked ready to argue.

  “I need to protect her, Liam. It feels vital to me.”

  His smile was warm.

  “That’s the alpha in you, darlin.”

  I couldn’t help, but let the smile spread over my face. “Will you hold me?”

  Liam’s eyes darken, and I feared he may turn me down. I was still filthy. Without a word, he stood, and I felt the tears of rejection fill my eyes. “Forget I asked. I’m sorry.”

  He turns and looks at me. I expected relief to be reflected at me instead I found both anger and excitement. He slowly made his way to the top of the bed.

  Then he was beside me, pulling me close. My face pressed into his chest and his fingers sifting through my hair.

  “When you feel rested we can get you a bath. How does that sound, darlin?” Liam, asked.

  Heaven, it sounded like heaven. I wasn’t so sure I could wait another moment.

  “Not now we don’t want you falling asleep in there and drowning.” He tells me.

  He was right. The likelihood of me staying awake was slim to none.

  Chapter 17


  Dreams of flames and dark creatures swirled around me. The beasts in the sky rained fire on the earth. Their desolation a feeling that almost brought me to my knees.

  I understood their pain. The loneliness was soul punching. It was devastating. It was a physical pain that had my heart crying. It hurt to feel what they felt.

  The ground was covered in red. Blood pulsing from the bodies scattered on the ground. Dark figures attacked the wolves as they fought to protect me?

  I was there in the tree line watching as they fought and died for me. Each time one fell it felt like a stab to the heart. They were dying, and for what? So, I could live?

  Why was this happening? Why was I standing here watching? It wasn’t a horror movie on the big screen, it was real life and real lives and I stood here doing nothing.

  I let them sacrifice as I cowered like a child.

  Chapter 18


  I’ve been here for over two weeks and I have come close to gaining my previous weight. They kept stuffing me full of the best peanut butter cookies I’ve ever had.

  I mean, I knew gaining weight was way easier than losing it, but wow. The door closing had my head turning and my breath catching.

  Liam left this morning and I had hoped it was him. But it wasn’t. The man pulsed with volatile emotions. Fear had my throat closing.

  His eyes a bright green locked on mine as he made slow steps in my direction. Almost like he was trying to prevent a spooked animal from r

  His anger beat at me and yet his actions confused me. I knew he was here for me, I felt it in the air. The more time I spent here with Liam, the more my abilities changed.

  It was like I was a lock and he was my key.

  “You need to leave here.” He tells me.

  “Why?” I ask him.

  “You know why you’ve seen what will happen if you stay.” He tells me.

  I look at him at a loss for words. He was right, I had seen what will happen, I have seen a great many things. The pack will suffer fire will rent the sky as winged beasts circled.

  “Will it stop them from coming?” I ask.

  Hoping he had the answers I failed to for see.

  “No, but it will change the outcome. You need to go and find him, bring him here to her.” He wanted me to hunt the beasts of the night and bring home a woman’s mate. A woman who has yet to make it here.

  “She isn’t here yet.” I say.

  “She will be when you return.” He tells me.

  “Are you like me?” I ask slightly hopeful.

  “No.” he says.

  “Then how?” I ask my voice filled with confusion.

  “It started when you arrived I would see what you did, but different like a bystander stuck in a loop watching. I could see what you had not.” He replies.

  “Who are you?” I ask him.

  “Mathis.” He says.

  “You need to talk to Liam.” I tell him.

  “No. You need to do this without him.” He replies firmly.

  I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t leave him behind. My heart clenched as pain radiated out. He wanted me to sacrifice this, sacrifice him, and for what the same outcome?

  “I don’t think I can do this, Mathis.” I tell him.

  “Please Willow, you need to save us.” He begs.

  “How will I know where he is and who he is?” I ask.

  “Get him to Greenville and she will be there.” He tells me.

  “How do I get him there? I don’t even know who he is.” I ask.

  His eyes brightened like a light bulb turned on behind his eyes. “You will see it.”

  Closing my eyes, I let the frustration mount inside me, I really didn’t want to yell at him, but he was talking me into circles. “I don’t understand any of this.”


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