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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10

Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

There’s just one of the Omnipotent Sun; to timelessly illuminate even the most lugubriously ribald crannies of the earth; blaze a ray of triumphantly unfettered light for times immemorial,

  There’s just one of the Vivacious Sky; to perpetually harbor organisms of

  every caste; creed; color and tribe; with unconquerably ardent compassion in

  its symbiotically blessed lap,

  There’s just one of the Everest Peak; to indomitably transcend over all heinously evil; stand as the lone infallibly undefeated warrior; amidst a boundless Universe of salaciously crippling corruption,

  There’s just one of the Iridescent Rainbow; to tirelessly mesmerize countless horrendously beleaguered souls; forever drift even the most infinitesimal of their misery towards the aisles of paradise divine,

  There’s just one of the Royal Oyster; to unbelievably enthrall the unceasingly undulating waves of the tangy ocean; never ever let a morbid moment sweep even a transient iota; across its invincible periphery,

  There’s just one of the Divinely Dewdrop; to inexhaustibly bless the limitless carpet of emerald green on this fantastically redolent Universe; profoundly reinvigorate every pore of the skin with ecstatically newborn freshness,

  There’s just one of the Insuperable Ocean; to unendingly stupefy every tangible and intangible source of life on this ever-pervading planet; ubiquitously disseminate spice and salt into even the most haplessly devastated of breaths,

  There’s just one of the Princely Lion; to endlessly rule even the most ethereal corner of the enchanting forest; irrefutably enshroud every open space on ebullient earth with inimitably unparalleled supremacy,

  There’s just one of the Omniscient Moon; to unflinchingly enlighten every staggeringly dwindling soul; even in the most diabolically pulverizing of hour; past the coffin of treacherous midnight,

  There’s just one of the Virile Seed; to timelessly fructify into a gorge of astoundingly vibrant newness; bless even the most tawdrily decrepit patch of soil on earth; with victoriously Omnipresent life,

  There’s just one of the Inscrutable Shadow; to wonderfully placate even the most disastrously frazzled of senses; cast a spell of unbreakable fantasy in every innocuously nimble mind alike,

  There’s just one of the Intrepid Fossil; to amazingly depict every conceivable form of life which blissfully thrived; an infinite centuries and moments ago,

  There’s just one of the Triumphant Woman; to unassailably evolve the most

  benign creation of life; sequestering it like an impregnable fortress inside her womb; from every devilish vagary of the parasitic world outside,

  There’s just one of the Impudent Bumble Bee; to ooze into unlimited cisterns of mellifluously gifted honey; permeate a heaven of sweetness into even the most venomously cacophonic of life,

  There’s just one of the Crimson Rose; to incredulously mollify every fetidly

  asphyxiated nostril; with the philanthropically unbridled scent of humanity and the Creator Divine,

  There’s just one of the Unshakable Conscience; to assimilate every iota of

  unchallangably priceless truth on the trajectory of this bountiful Universe;

  perennially treasure the ideals of undefeated righteousness,

  There’s just one of the Euphoric Breath; to magnificently perpetuate eternal

  life into even the most fecklessly obsolete entity without compassion and

  quintessential life,

  There’s just one of the Immortal Heart; to indefatigably unite every tangibly effulgent entity on the belly of the Universe; uninhibitedly ensure that there throbbed blessedly symbiotic life; even after life,

  And then there’s just one of Tiny “Me”; to intricately decipher every step that she alighted towards me; to everlastingly comprehend the very essence of her Godly breath; to be the most ardent and sole slave of her humanitarian radiations; of the golden sweat that dribbled from her unconquerably celestial feet .



  Just a single droplet of water; could never ever in its most eccentrically wildest of dream; envisage of filling up the entire fathomless ocean,

  But the limitlessly enthralling ocean whether disdainfully empty or full; could handsomely accommodate an infinite droplets of water; even when perpetually asleep and  without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single succulent fruit; could never ever in its most bizarrely evanescent of dream; perceive of filling up the entire gigantic tree,

  But the bountifully ebullient tree whether gruesomely empty or full; could majestically accommodate an infinite fruits; even when perpetually asleep and without

  the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single grain of brazen sand; could never ever in its most obliviously

  staggering of dream; conceive of filling up the entire boundless desert,

  But the endlessly sweltering desert whether tawdrily empty or full; could infallibly accommodate an infinite sand grains; even when perpetually asleep and without

  the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single virile seed; could never ever in its most obsoletely dilapidated of dream; visualize of filling up the entire inexhaustible meadow,

  But the bounteously fructifying meadow whether salaciously empty or full; could unflinchingly accommodate an infinite seeds; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single hillock of mud; could never ever in its most fugitively parsimonious of dream; anticipate of filling up the entire unfathomable mountain,

  But the indomitably gargantuan mountain whether hideously empty or full; could aristocratically accommodate an infinite hillocks of mud; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single ray of dazzling light; could never ever in its most obscurely extinguishing of dream; cognize of filling up the entire unconquerable Sun,

  But the triumphantly Omnipotent Sun whether bawdily empty or full; could

  uninhibitedly accommodate an infinite rays of light; even when perpetually

  asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single puff of air; could never ever in its most fecklessly disappearing of dream; contemplate of filling up the entire victorious atmosphere,

  But the effulgently unending Atmosphere whether treacherously empty or full;

  could jubilantly accommodate an infinite puffs of air; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single iridescent star; could never ever in its most forlornly vanishing of dream; imagine of filling up the entire unfettered cosmos,

  But the ever-pervadingly enigmatic cosmos whether sleazily empty or full; could symbiotically accommodate an infinite twinkling stars; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single speck of ice; could never ever in its most ethereally miserly of dream; envision of filling up the entire unassailable avalanche,

  But the inscrutably Herculean avalanche whether dastardly empty or full; could incredulously accommodate an infinite specks of pristine ice; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single comprehensible word; could never ever in its most transiently

  diminishing of dream; contemplate of filling up the entire unceasing dictionary,

  But the spectacularly sagacious dictionary whether ignominiously empty or full; could wonderfully accommodate an infinite prudent words; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single uncanny color; could never ever in its most preposterously deteriorating of dream; think of filling up the entire unbelievable rainbow,

  But the stupendously fantastic rainbow whether worthlessly empty or full; could magically accommodate an infinite tranquil colors; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single ferocious lion; could never ever  in his most remotely collaps
ing of dream; fathom of filling up the entire bewitching forest,

  But the endlessly bewildering forest whether inanely empty or full; could handsomely accommodate an infinite untamed lions; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single holistic second; could never ever in its most pathetically evaporating of dream; comprehend of filling up the entire eventful year,

  But the amazingly marathon year whether lividly empty or full; could blissfully accommodate an infinite punctilious seconds; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single breathing organism; could never ever in its most victimizingly flailing of dream; picture of filling up the entire enamoring earth,

  But the inimitably unparalleled earth whether punitively empty or full; could ebulliently accommodate an infinite living organisms; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  Just a single redolent root; could never ever in its most penuriously dwindling of dream; foresee of filling up the entire synergistic plant,

  But the compassionately effervescent plant whether deliriously empty or

  full; could easily accommodate an infinite fragrant roots; even when

  perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .

  But just a single beat of immortal love; was enough to enshroud the entire

  passionately throbbing heart with an unlimited cistern of companionship; companionship and only eternally blossoming companionship,

  Whereas the unceasingly palpitating heart; wholesomely and upfront refused

  to accommodate an infinite beats; as it was just that single beat of love that had spelt perpetual magic upon it; had enslaved it in Omnipotently invincible entirety;  not only for this birth; but for an infinite more lives and lifetimes yet to come .




  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me ; as for me she was the most beautifully emollient girl on this fathomless Universe; whose scent of philanthropic humanity transcended me to a level greater than the Gods,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me

  she was the most resplendently enamoring girl on this boundless Universe;

  whose infallibly unflinching optimism aroused me from even the most ghastliest of my corpse,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most sensuously inebriating girl on this limitless Universe; whose tantalizingly undefeated shadows put my soul to an eternal trance,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most mellifluously vivid girl on this timeless Universe; whose royally humanitarian voice; put an abrupt end to all my satanic miseries and sorrow,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most astoundingly eclectic girl on this ebullient Universe; whose divinely splendor metamorphosed me into an atmosphere of inimitable pricelessness,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most benevolently fragrant girl on this gigantic Universe; whose altruistic simplicity perpetuated me to dedicate my entire life to the service of all living kind,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most triumphantly truthful girl on this limitless Universe; whose essence of unparalleled righteousness granted me more and more strength to combat all parasitically evil; every unfurling minute of the day,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most endlessly enchanting girl on this unceasing Universe; whose spell bindingly innocuous eyes made me a grasshopper ardently hopping under the rain,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most artistically gifted girl on this effulgent Universe; whose unassailable virility engendered me to proliferate into infinite more of my synergistic kind,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most boisterously effervescent girl on this unconquerable Universe; whose perennially undying energy made me inexhaustibly surge forward towards the ultimate mission and epitome of my life,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most blessedly impeccable girl on this ever-pervading Universe; whose aristocratically rubicund lips wholesomely sealed every pathway of ruthless devastation in my life,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most indomitably ecstatic girl on this amazing Universe; whose one fugitive glance made me feel as if I was the richest entity on earth alive,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most inimitably enigmatic girl on this undaunted Universe; whose ravishingly nubile skin ignited tremors of unprecedented exhilaration in my mind; body and soul,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most brilliantly endowed girl on this inscrutable Universe; whose intrepidly tingling trails propelled me to adventure fearlessly bare-chested for the remainder of my life,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most pristinely unfettered girl on this iridescent Universe; whose insuperably venerated eyelashes tirelessly signaled to me to embrace the religion of egalitarian humanity,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most beautifully bountiful girl on this unbelievable Universe; whose singleton hiss of the throat made me feel as if the entire planet around; was my unshakable friend,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most indisputably faithful girl on this colossal Universe; whose Omnipotent sincerity forever made me envisage planet earth as a sky of united innovation,

  I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most fierily euphoric girl on this perspicacious Universe; whose articulately celestial fingers oozed a cistern of perennial nectar on even the most hopelessly barren path that I transgressed,

  And I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most immortally passionate girl on this unbridled Universe; whose every unconquerable heartbeat drew me more closer and closer to her divinely form; and without even me and her realizing the slightest; made us forever and ever and ever

  as “Husband & Wife” .



  It was a night for which we both had ardently waited; like the uncouthly sweltering deserts wait; for the first droplets of resplendently bountiful rain,

  It was a night for which we both had timelessly waited; like the unfathomably emaciated shark in the boundless oceans waits; for plentiful scores of succulently ravishing fish,

  It was a night for which we both had unlimitedly waited; like the disastrously Spartan stillness of the forests waits; for the first roars of the majestically parading

  and invincibly towering lion,

  It was a night for which we both had unceasingly waited; like the lugubriously decaying candle-wick waits; for the infallibly dancing flames to kiss its chapped periphery,

  It was a night for which we both had inexhaustibly waited; like the haplessly dying cow waits; for unsurpassably pristine meadows of bountifully unadulterated grass,

  It was a night for which we both had passionately waited; like the hopelessly asphyxiating blackness of the evening waits; for the optimistically enlightening twinkling of the impeccable stars,

  It was a night for which we both had limitlessly waited; like the dreadfully

  morbid corpse waits; for reinvigorating traces of spell bindingly perennial life,

  It was a night for which we both had u
nendingly waited; like the gruesomely

  barren sheets of lackadaisically sullen paper wait; for countless lines of exquisitely compassionate calligraphy,

  It was a night for which we both had eternally waited; like the sullenly solitary epitome of the Herculean mountain waits; for a compassionately unbridled and impregnable embrace,

  It was a night for which we both had untiringly waited; like the brutally parched buds of the tongue wait; for endless number of sips of gloriously Omnipotent water,

  It was a night for which we both had unstoppably waited; like the unflinchingly true martyr waits; for the moment when he could altruistically shed his life for his unassailably sacrosanct motherland,

  It was a night for which we both had frenetically waited; like the robustly seasoned cricket bat waits; for the first juicy full toss of the over to synergistically arrive,

  It was a night for which we both had fervently waited; like the first jubilantly nubile petal of the scarlet rose waits; to be insuperably embraced and ecstatically smelt,

  It was a night for which we both had indefinitely waited; like the traumatically bleeding feet wait; for being wholeheartedly welcomed by a pathway of poignant lotus’s and ebulliently traversing through the same,


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