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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10

Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  It was a night for which we both had indefatigably waited; like the miserably flailing wind of undefeatable righteousness waits; for the celestially victorious mirror of truth,

  It was a night for which we both had intransigently waited; like the helplessly squeaking fledgling in the shattered nest waits; for its wings to ecstatically develop and wonderfully fly,

  It was a night for which we both had irretrievably waited; like the remorsefully shriveled veins in the body wait; for incessantly fructifying streams of blessedly crimson blood,

  It was a night for which we both had intractably waited; like the nostril ruthlessly buried an infinite feet beneath mundane earth waits; for unfathomable skies

  of rhapsodically fresh breath,

  It was a night for which we both had undyingly waited; like the indiscriminately pulverized heart and soul in the chest wait; for even the most diminutive innuendos and beats of immortal love,

  And It was a night for which we both had unimaginably waited to perpetually

  and wholesomely unite in mind; body; soul and breath; like every tangible organism on the planet waits for the Lord to enter its impoverished life; it was a night in which we were going to be forever bonded in the oceans of conjugal bliss; it was a night which was going to be our very first wedding night .


  You could take away all my fingers; mercilessly feeding them to the unfathomable horde of satanic wolves; immediately after,

  But I would still pray to you cupping my blissfully pudgy palms; unrelentingly admiring the astounding versatility of your enamoring creation; O! Almighty

  Lord .

  You could take away all my toes; barbarically evaporating them into the aisles of worthless nothingness,

  But I would still pray to you standing on the heel of my rudimentary feet; intransigently saluting the celestially panoramic silhouette of your insurmountably colossal Universe; O! Almighty Lord .


  You could take away both my pairs of lips; disastrously penalizing their poignant pink; with infinitesimal chunks of sordid mud,

  But I would still pray to you tenaciously mumbling with my rustically indigenous jaws; staring in profound adulation of your poignantly vivacious timelessness; O! Almighty Lord .

  You could take away every ingredient of my scarlet blood; sprinkling the same in torrential spurts over; nonchalantly lackadaisical globules of acrimoniously

  sweltering; desert soil,

  But I would still pray to you superbly synchronizing my profusely impoverished caricature; incessantly stopping down in due humility of your unconquerably Omnipotent power; O! Almighty Lord .

  You could take away all my voice; abominably blending each euphorically mesmerizing sound of mine; into the valley of despicably slandering nothingness,

  But I would still pray to you; unflinchingly meditating in my mind; marvelously kissing every rhapsodically ebullient element of your priceless creation; O! Almighty Lord .

  You could take away both my shoulders; wholesomely squelching them to inconspicuous sawdust; before hurling them towards the famished fleet

  of; menacingly growling crocodiles,

  But I would still pray to you; dexterously bending my feet in due obeisance of your; resplendently everlasting aura which united all mankind; O! Almighty Lord .

  You could take away both my eyes; gruesomely divesting me of even the most inconspicuously ethereal shade of light; for the remainder of my long life,

  But I would still pray to you; perceiving the mantra of holistic existence humbly in the corridors of my tiny brain; altruistically praising your Omniscient radiance to one and all on this fathomless planet; O! Almighty Lord .

  You could take away every iota of my breath; satanically thrusting me to boundless kilometers beneath my despondently ghastly corpse,

  But I would still pray to you; scrupulously reminiscing all my fantastically exuberant moments on mother earth; supremely idolizing your Omnipresent grace as the sole panacea to harmoniously survive; O! Almighty Lord .

  And you could take away whatever you wanted from this penuriously grotesque caricature of mine; metamorphosing me entirely into the exact color of dust that you wanted; O! Almighty Lord;  but I humbly request you to spare my passionately palpitating heart,

  As in its center existed the perennially vibrant melody of my immortal Beloved; whose invincible fragrance imparted me the fortitude to confront even a countless deaths in this single birth of mine; and for whose divinely form; I could relinquish this very moment; a countless more lifetimes .




  Every benign smile of yours is beautifully priceless; as it could trigger a wave of unparalleled euphoria in the morbidly sullen atmosphere; so please don’t forget

  to wholeheartedly smile,

  Every unflinching sound of yours is blazingly priceless; as it could instill astronomical courage in the inexplicably miserable camouflage of the ghastly night; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly talk,

  Every profound blush of yours is resplendently priceless; as it could perpetuate a wave of tantalizing sensuousness through the manipulatively commercial blanket of this planet; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly blush,

  Every patriotic stride of yours is triumphantly priceless; as it could prove indispensably vital in relieving your sacrosanct motherland from the clutches

  of tyrannical devils; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly march,

  Every mystical fantasy that you soliloquize is priceless; as it could enlighten a ray of blissful hope in the dolorously despondent life of the orphaned child; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly fantasize,

  Every innocuous word that you majestically embossed is priceless; as it could evoke an unsurpassable reservoir of empathy in the life of all those disastrously shattered; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly write,

  Every philanthropic seed that you sowed is unassailably priceless; as it could stupendously spawn a civilization of enthralling grace and togetherness; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly sow,

  Every scintillating truth that you spoke is irrefutably priceless; as it could vanquish the

  derogatory corpse of lies forever; impregnate fresh beams of optimism in ruthlessly tyrannized lives; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly bliss,

  Every enamoring shape that you evolved is unchallangably priceless; as it could ebulliently invade through the dungeon of monotonous depravation with fireballs of untamed enthusiasm; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly evolve,

  Every seductive whisper of yours is unequivocally priceless; as it could inundate the vindictively mutilated ambience around; with a sea of voluptuous softness; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly whisper,

  Every heartfelt blessing of yours is unfathomably priceless; as it could metamorphose the remorsefully pathetic complexion of this Universe; into a rainbow of everlastingly fulfilling righteousness; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly bless,

  Every royal yawn of yours is unbelievably priceless; as it could celestially impart eternal rejuvenation and reprieve to the satanically work deluged atmosphere; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly yawn,

  Every flirtatious wink of yours is gloriously priceless; as it could miraculously transit all those diabolically besieged with whirlwinds of abhorrent prejudice; right back into their impeccable childhood; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly wink,

  Every exuberant clap of yours is scintillatingly priceless; as it could handsomely permeate devastatingly sagging lives with the ecstatic river of flamboyant existence; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly clap,

  Every effusive expression of yours is aristocratically priceless; as it could sparkle an ocean of poignant belonging in gruesomely maimed lives; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly express,

  Every exhilarating adventure of yours is unimaginably priceless; as it could ravi
shingly proliferate a web of titillating discovery even in the heart of the disparagingly clinical laboratory; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly adventure,

  Every droplet of your golden sweat is impregnably priceless; as it could symbiotically incinerate the flame of timeless perseverance in all those languid bones decaying towards sordidness; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly sweat,

  Every redolent breath of yours is unconquerably priceless; as it could bestow vivacious cisterns of undefeated life; to even the most grotesquely distorted entities beneath the ominous coffins; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly breathe,

  And every passionate heartbeat of yours is Omnisciently priceless; as it could divinely unite the entire earth in the swirl of incomprehensible compassion and perpetual mankind; so please don’t forget to wholeheartedly love .


  The joy perpetuated due to water cascading from the heavens was temporary; as it extinguished as soon as it had come; with the light of the flamboyantly sweltering Sun; stringently fulminating all  seductive sensuousness,

  But the water effusively gushing from your impeccably sacrosanct eyes was rhapsodically eternal; handsomely bestowing upon my disastrously frazzled senses; a

  spell of immortal happiness .

  The joy triggered due to fragrance of the glorious lotus’s was transient; as it soon got wholesomely obfuscated; with whirlwinds of vicious dust pulverizing the stem forever,

  But the fragrance emanating from your immaculately diminutive chest was ebulliently enthralling; magnanimously bestowing upon my tyrannically manipulative conscience; a spell of immortal happiness .


  The joy incinerated due to vivacious rainbows in the cosmos was ethereal; as it soon got ominously massacred; by an unfathomable carpet of sullen clouds threateningly engulfing it from all sides,

  But the rainbows of beauty that formed on your freshly born crimson cheeks were timeless; stupendously bestowing upon my murderously sagging countenance; a

  spell of immortal happiness .

  The joy evoked due to the trail of the mischievous chimpanzee in the forests was short lived; as it soon got washed into miserable oblivion; with the uncouthly

  overwhelming floods turbulently besieging it from all over,

  But the trail of mesmerizing enigma on your innocuously budding palms was astoundingly divinely; bestowing upon my staggering beleaguered footsteps; a

  spell of immoral happiness .

  The joy radiating due to fascinating Sunlight filtering from the unsurpassable conglomerate of scarlet clouds was ephemeral; as it soon got diabolically encompassed by the dolorous winds of the ghastly night,

  But the light uninhibitedly diffusing from your blissfully godly eyes was perennially triumphant; bestowing upon my hideously faltering stride; a spell of immortal happiness .

  The joy stimulated due to the voice of the voluptuous nightingale was momentary; as it soon got brutally annihilated by the roar of the; ferociously marauding lions,

  But the voice singing from your celestially tiny throat; was unbelievably ecstatic; bestowing upon my commercially starved ears; a spell of immortal happiness .

  The joy aroused due to the ravishing fruits on the branches was evanescent; as it soon got disdainfully squelched; with the Herculean gale savagely uprooting the tree; with every single of its leaf,

  But the fruits of Godly creation merrily sprouting from each cranny of your delectably beautiful skin; were unsurpassably bountiful; bestowing upon my

  satanically traumatized demeanor; a spell of immortal happiness .

  The joy transpired due to the marvelously placid air in the atmosphere was fugitive; as it soon drifted in another direction altogether; with the tumultuously brute force of the stormy winds,

  But the air that you indefatigably disseminated from your melodious nostrils was unconquerable ingratiating; bestowing upon my scurrilously wailing soul; a spell of immortal happiness .

  And the joy generated due to the love of two blending seeds was fugacious; as it soon got barbarically demolished; with the plant spawning up and then eventually withering with the passing winds,

  But the ocean of unassailable love that you forever liberated from your Universally unprejudiced heart was supremely ever-pervading; bestowing upon my devastatingly diminishing life; a spell of immortal happiness .



  25. ONLY ONE 

  There were infinite of them which you adored; because of their vibrantly unending kaleidoscope of ingratiating forms; harboring an eternal compassion for all mankind,

  There were infinite of them which you saluted; because of their unflinchingly blazing patriotism; their untamed spirit to perennially surge forward in vivacious life,

  There were infinite of them which you cherished; because of their uninhibited entrenchment of empathy; which sequestered all those dithering miserably in

  inexplicable anguish,

  There were infinite of them which you revered; because of their astronomically aristocratic prowess of; enshrouding even the most dolorously insane cranny of

  this Universe; with unprecedented timelessness,

  There were infinite of them which you worshipped; because of their Omnipotent reservoir of humanity; their incessant fulmination into the most priceless river of symbiotic sharing,

  There were infinite of them which you patronized; because of their blissfully everlasting innocence; the untainted charisma that lingered in their dormitories

  of gregarious companionship; for times immemorial,

  There were infinite of them which you idolized; because of their supremacy over all other things on this boundless Universe; as they spread the scent of charismatic seduction; to every dwelling magnanimously wholehearted,

  There were infinite of them which you respected; because of their Omnipresent command over the lives of every organism on this fathomless planet; the unparalleled magnificence that they unleashed into every ticking instant of existence,

  There were infinite of them which you romanced; because of their unfathomably poignant ocean of effusive camaraderie; bonding even the most disgruntled of entities on this earth; in the spirit of impregnable togetherness,

  There were infinite of them which you adulated; because of their ravishingly frosty cloud of mysticism; wonderfully flooding each aspect of brutally tyrannized survival; with the fruits of regally princely mankind,

  There were infinite of them which you kissed; because of their gorgeously melodious gorge of bountiful beauty; inevitably enticing even the most horrendously alien of organism; in their intriguingly redolent swirl,

  There were infinite of them which you believed; because of their invincible swirl of immutable righteousness; the unsurpassable mountain of resplendent honesty; that they had incarcerated bloomingly within,

  There were infinite of them which you embraced; because of their celestially unbelievable innocence; their indefatigable tenacity to; forever stand for the cause of unshakable truth,

  There were infinite of them which you immortalized; because of their marvelously pristine ability to inundate even the most remorseful of corpses; with a valley

  of royally ebullient colors,

  There were infinite of them which you remembered; because of their tireless chapter of astounding procreation; the incredulously sparkling palpitations of newness that they instilled in every organism; worthy of priceless life,

  There were infinite of them which you followed; because of their Omnisciently unassailable aura of unity; bestowing fireballs of flamboyant hope upon all those; despicably devastated in the pages of existence,

  There were infinite of them which you fantasized; because of their fantastically silken grace; their miraculously healing touch which metamorphosed even the most crippling of weakness; into the island of rhapsodic paradise,

  There were infinite of them which you yearned; because of their fragrantly lovely sweetness; as their song of
heavenly companionship; put even the most savagely

  traumatizing of your worries; to an absolute rest,

  But there was only one of out of those infinite hearts; which allowed you to immortally bond with each of its passionately throbbing beats; there was just

  one heart which imprisoned your love invincibly and for infinite more births; yet to come .




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