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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 20

by V. Domino

  “Nicky…” I sighed.

  “It’s just a movie, Dom. You can guard me better in my room.”

  Cazzoooo. When she said my name like that, when she was soft and inviting like that, when she was willingly touching me like that, when she wanted me like that, how the fuck could I say no?

  I leaned even closer, her tits brushing my chest, my erection poking her hip, our mouths one breath apart. “You’re right. I’ll guard you better in your room.”

  She licked her lips, and her fingers worked the top button of my shirt. I let her finish all the buttons and free the shirt from the belt, and then I grabbed her hands, pulling her into my kiss.

  I sucked her gasps as I devoured her sweet lips. Her taste without lipstick was much better, hotter, rawer. Perfection. I could kiss Nicky Baldi forever.

  “Dom…I…” She drew back abruptly, her lips red and swollen, her nipples hard through the silk of her pajamas. “I can’t… I’m not gonna sleep with you. Not tonight. I wanna take things slow if that’s okay with you.”

  “Si, certo. Si, si. Anything you need.”


  It angered me that she was even asking. Who did she think I was? “Yes, Nicky.” I took her hands put them on my scorching chest. I wanted her to feel the pounding of my heart and the burning of my skin she induced with one kiss. “Tell me what you want, even if it is just watching a lame porno with you until you fall asleep.”

  “It might be lame, but if it wasn’t for that hot dude, I wouldn’t…”

  My eyes narrowed. “Watch it, little kitten. Don’t talk about how much you’re hot for someone else if you want them to live.”

  She stared at me in disbelief. I didn’t care what she’d think. If she did as much as fantasized about another fucker from now on, he was dead.

  Then she just smiled. “Noted. Please don’t start killing hot guys. There aren’t so many of them out there. We need the man candy.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” I carried her over my shoulder again, gave her a nice spanking and enjoyed the yelps from her naughty mouth. “I’m all the man candy you need and can get, understood?”

  “God, how jealous can you get?”

  I laid her on the bed and looked her in the eye. “More than you can imagine. Don’t even think about teasing me there, kitten. You won’t like it.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you’re mine. I’ll be more than happy to serve every single one of your fantasies, the ones you know you like and the ones you’ll find out you’ll like even more with me. But if you ever, ever, think about someone else or some fuck tries to take you from me, it’ll end in blood.”

  She swallowed. “What if we broke up? What if I decide after getting to know you that we’re not a match or if I can’t handle the Mob life?”

  “Nicky, you can’t start something, thinking like that, and expect it to work. You need to open up your mind and go full in…” I leaned back. “Hold on a sec. Merda. That’s your sister’s suggestion, isn’t it? To try things out, to get over your…issues and then break up with me, to plain use me so you’d be ready for someone else. Someone that isn’t my kind.”

  “No, Dom. It’s not…” She cursed, shaking her head. “It’s not exactly like that.”

  I chuckled bitterly. “Say no more, signorina Baldi.”

  To be continued…

  N. J. Adel, the author of The Italians, All the Teacher’s Pets, Her Royal Harem and I Hate You then I Love You series, is a cross genre author. From chocolate to books and book boyfriends, she likes it DARK and SPICY.

  Bikers, mobs, rock stars, dirty Hollywood heartthrobs, smexy guards and men who serve. She loves it all.

  She is a loather of cats and thinks they are Satan’s pets. She used to teach English by day and write fun smut by night with her German Shepherd, Leo. Now, she only writes the fun smut.

  Read More from N.J. Adel and Follow everywhere

  Dom and Nicky’s story will be extended into The Italian Dom, a full length mid-2021. Preorder here

  Wanna read Tino and Angel’s story now?

  Get your copy of The Italian Obsession now

  For another dark mafia book, read Enzio and Bianca’s story

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  “What the fuck is going on?” I look over my shoulder as Vlad approaches. He is going to be pissed and with good reason. I live by the code, I was tasked with always protecting Vlad and I will do so, not just because I was tasked with it, but because he is also my best friend. When there is a threat, any kind of threat we make sure to investigate it.

  “That tip we got about the Sicilians coming after us, it seems like it is true.” I mutter

  “Fuck” Vlad mutters as he lifts his hand and strokes his fingers through his hair. “Do you know what they are planning?” he asks

  “It seems like they have been planning at kidnapping one of ours, they want to bend Alexei’s hand on the weapons deal.” I see the fury flash in his eyes, the same fury that I am feeling.

  “We are all going to Alexei’s beach house for Christmas, we are not changing that because of some fucking threat, but I want to make sure that everyone gets there safe.”

  Everyone already has their orders; I have gone through everything with Dimitri and made sure that we had everything covered. “I need you to accompany Paige to the beach house.” At Vlad’s statement I tense, Paige is Hayley’s sister and when Vlad first got together with Hayley, I was responsible for keeping an eye on Paige.

  At the time she was the most irritating teenager and for the last five years I have tried to keep away from her as much as I can as she has a knack of rubbing me up the wrong way, not only that, but when I’m close to her all I think about is kissing her, taking her. I have seen her around sometimes but have always made sure to keep away. Fuck, I know this is going to be a fucking bad idea.

  “I need to be at your back,” I state as I pour Vlad and myself Vodka

  “And you will be Andrei, but I need to make sure that Paige gets to the beach house safe. So, take Paige with you.” I tense, but nod.

  “I have to go and talk to Alexei, has Dimitri got all the info?” I nod at his question, Alexei as the Bratva Fury boss is updated about everything that happens no matter how minor. Vlad as his brother is usually the one to keep him updated. I pull my phone out of my pocket looking at the message I just heard coming through.

  “We have one of the Sicilians downstairs.” I update Vlad knowing that he might want to be present when we question the son of a bitch.

  “Fine, go down and get started I will come down after informing Alexei.” Vlad orders as he makes his way towards the door. “If you have any problems call Nik.” With that he walks out.

  In difficult situations there is no one to get information out of someone like Nik can, but he is also in charge of keeping the Boss’s family safe and I would rather he concentrate on that at the moment then having to call him to come and interrogate this asshole. At thirty-six I have seen a lot of fucked up shit throughout my life, but that is part and parcel of being one of the Bratva Fury.

  Sliding my jacket back on I adjust the gun on the back of my trousers before heading out of my apartment and towards the lifts. I will go and have a word with Paige before heading towards the interrogation room. I feel my stomach tightening at the thought alone, fuck, the thought of her has me on edge. I hope that after all this time she has calmed down. I’m sure that at twenty-two she will be more sensible and listen to what others say.

  Lifting my hand, I slide my fingers through my longish dark brown hair pulling it out of my eyes just as I enter the laundry area. Paige should be working here today; I know that she sometimes works at the restaurant and other times at the Laundry. I never come down here and always get my stuff delivered, like that I have no chance of running into her.

“Andre?” Greta, the wife of one of our men greets me. She is behind the counter writing on a book when I walk in. “Now this is a surprise, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m looking for Paige, is she here?” I see Greta’s look of surprise, but she nods, then she is walking towards the door that separates the front from the back.

  “Paige, there is someone here for you.” Greta shouts to be heard above the noise of the machines at the back. She stands there for a minute before she smiles just as Paige walks through the door and into the reception area. Fuck, I knew this was going to be a mistake. The first thing I see is how her tank top molds her perky perfect breasts, tapering down to a tiny waist. Snapping my eyes up to her face I tense, Paige has changed, her honey blond hair is much longer. She has it tied back in a ponytail, but strands have escaped and are framing her face. A face that is beautiful, her expressive eyes widen when she sees me.

  The last time I spoke to her was to tell her to behave, fuck, if she were not so much younger than me, I would be more than pleased for her to be as bad as she liked, but with me. “Has something happened to Haley?” she asks in concern.

  “No, your sister is fine.” I look towards Greta, raise a brow, and then incline my head towards the back. Being a wife of a man that is part of the Bratva teaches these women to be secretive and discreet. I would rather no one hear about our plans except those that need to know about them.

  “Well then, what could possibly have you come and talk to me?” Paige asks as she places her hands on her hips, the action has her breasts thrusting up, distracting me.

  “I want you ready by eight tomorrow morning and downstairs, we are driving up together.” I can see that my news has not been received well by the way her features tense. She walks around the counter and closer to me, her eyes flashing in anger.

  “No” I should have known that she would still be stubborn, guess the inside has not changed like the outside has.

  I ignore her reply, “Yes, so make sure you are ready.” I’m about to turn away when she comes to stand right before me, her body vibrating in anger.

  “I said no, I’m not going to be locked in a car with a limp sock like you the whole way.” Her statement has me tensing and my own anger rising. My arm rises and before I know what I am doing my hand is around her waist and I have pulled her tight against my body. I’ll show her, a limp sock indeed.

  My mouth crushes down on hers just as she is about to start ranting which allows for perfect access. She is so sweet, sweeter than I would ever have been able to imagine. At first, she tries to push away, but as I hold her tight and kiss the breath out of her I feel her start to quieten. My body is reacting to her softness, her passion.

  When I finally raise my head there is a surprised look on her face, “make sure that you are downstairs and ready by eight little girl.” I mutter angry at myself for letting her provoke me in doing something that I normally would not. Pulling away I turn and start making my way to the door when I hear her next words.

  “What if I’m not?” her voice is breathless but there is still resistance in it,

  Without turning I answer, “don’t provoke me little girl or you won’t like the consequences.” I don’t wait for a reply but continue making my way out of the Laundry and towards where we are holding the Sicilian. My body is vibrating with tension, with passion, fuck she is too young, too innocent for someone like me. I like my woman experienced, like them to know what they are getting into when they are in my bed.

  Stopping in the center of the corridor I squeeze my eyes shut, what the fuck am I thinking? I am never going to touch Paige again, not only is it madness, but she is just a little girl compared to me. There is a fourteen-year gap between us. Not to mention that Vlad would kill me for playing with his wife’s sister. Grunting I walk the rest of the way to the interrogation room, angry at myself for letting my baser instincts take charge.

  Opening the door I see Salvatore is sitting on a chair facing the door, the room is bare of everything except the chair and a drain hole in the center of the room where the blood is usually washed into after an interrogation. A bruise is showing on his right cheek, and his suite jacket has been torn on the shoulder which indicates that there was a struggle in bringing him in.

  “Are you crazy, why would you bring a Sicilian here?” he asks when I enter.

  “I need to ask you some questions.” My answer has him huffing in anger

  “What makes you think that I will answer anything just because you have brought me here?” he asks angrily, “You think I fear this? Scared of a fucking Bratva pig?” how is it possible that this asshole before me doesn’t get my blood boiling, but that little girl just a couple of minutes ago had me erupting.

  I shrug, “you know how this goes, you give me the answer and the pain will be less. You refuse to answer, and you will be eating those words.” I see him swallow in nervousness, but he doesn’t respond.

  “We know that there is a plan to kidnap one of our own, who are they planning on kidnapping?” I see surprise register on his face at my question, but he doesn’t answer. I approach slowly, building on his fear, “Who Salvatore?” he just glares at me which has me shrugging before I throw a punch to his midsection. There is a gasp as the air is punched out of him, he bends over gasping, trying to regain his breath.

  “Fu. . .ck you.” He says breathlessly as he sits up just in time to receive my next punch. Once again, he is bent over gasping.

  “We can do this the whole day, and if you don’t answer I can always call the Reaper.” Everyone knows Nik as the Reaper; everyone fears him and with good reason. We continue this for another half hour, me questioning then punching until finally he breaks.

  “Okay, okay” he mutters, blood running down his cheek from a gash there. His left eye swelling, which will soon be closed. “It’s one of the women.” His statement has me tensing,

  “Impossible, there are too many guards at all times with the woman.” Is there something that we missed? Can’t be, we have gone through protection thoroughly and made sure that everyone is protected at all times. “Which one?” I backhand him across the face, the pain has him in and out of consciousness. His nose is broken, the bone has torn through the skin

  “Don. . .don’t know.” he whispers, and I believe him, fuck, the men are not going to like this.

  Who the hell does he think he is? No one tells me what to do unless I want them to. I lift my hand feeling my lips, asshole thinks he can just kiss me when he wants. The problem is that I think I liked it, I liked it way too much, not that I would ever tell him. I had the biggest crush on him when he first brought me here, but that is now gone, and I hate him.

  For weeks after coming to live here that I would take any opportunity to see him, but he avoided me like the plague. Then one day I was at Haley and Vlad’s when I heard him tell Vlad what a brat I was. Now he has the audacity to kiss me, well if he tries it again, he will reap the consequences, he will have a new walk for Christmas.

  I throw my pillow against the wall in frustration, I was really looking forward to this Christmas with Haley, and yes, all the others but especially with my sister. Haley has always done everything she could for me, and I wasn’t always the best of sisters growing up. That has changed, I realize the sacrifices she had to go through to raise me, and even though at first I didn’t like the fact that she was with Vlad, I now realize that he loves her and would do anything for my sister, even put up with me.

  Looking towards the door I see my traveling bag, and next to it is a couple of parcels and bags with the Christmas presents I bought. After all, what is Christmas without presents, and even though these men are hard to their core they do anything for their families, and I am one of those by association.

  I look towards my bedside clock, ten minutes past eight. If he thought that I was going to march to his orders, then he has another thing coming. I am about to pick up the pillow when there is a banging on my door which has me jumping in surprise, as it
clearly professes to the anger of the person on the other side of the door.

  “Paige” Andre’s voice is a low rumble which has the hair on my arms rising in reaction, “Open the door” I tense my shoulders, take in a deep breath and make my way towards the door just as he bangs on it again.

  “Okay, okay”

  “Why weren’t you downstairs?” his words are clipped as his eyes travel over my body when I open the door. I am wearing a black silk blouse that shows off my breasts and light blue slacks that mold my ass perfectly.

  “I don’t take orders from you.” No sooner are the words out of my mouth then his hands are at my waist as he maneuvers me against the wall next to the door, his body flush against mine, I see a muscle twitching near his temple as he glares down at me.

  “Don’t play games with me, I have more important things to do then put up with your tantrums.” His words have every muscle in my body tensing.

  “Oh, the audacity. You order me around and then. . .” my words are cut off as his mouth swoops down taking my lips in a blistering kiss that has me gasping. My hands rise as I fist them punching him in the chest, but he soon takes hold of my wrists and pulls them over my head as he continues to kiss me. His body is flush with mine not leaving me any opportunity for movement.

  Damn, why the hell is he such a good kisser. I want to fight him but his body moving against mine and his kiss overwhelm my determination to fight. I know he’s not unaffected as I can feel his hardness against me. Suddenly he is letting go of me and stepping back, his features tense, his eyes smoldering with passion.

  “Now stop fighting me and let’s get on the road, or I will throw you over my shoulder and take you down.” At his gruff words I gasp.

  “You wouldn’t dare.” He takes a purposeful step back towards me which has me quickly moving out of his reach. “Fine, but I need to take my luggage.” I mutter pointing towards my bedroom door, which has him glancing over his shoulder and then grunt.


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