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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 21

by V. Domino

  “You not moving in, this is just one week.” He mutters as he turns and walks towards the doorway to my room. I see him looking around the room before he bends down and picks up my traveling bag and two of the big parcels. “Can you bring the others?” he asks with a raised brow still taking up the whole bedroom doorway.

  “Yes, If you move.” His eyes travel over my body leisurely, provocatively but then he steps away allowing just enough space for me to enter. Irritating man, he is doing this on purpose, but I won’t shied away. I approach and then turn slightly not to touch him as I bend down to pick up the other parcels, my back to him. I hear his intake of breath but when I turn, he is walking away towards the door. Following him I close the door behind me as we make our way towards the lift.

  We are nearly by the lift when I see Maxim walking towards us, he lives in an apartment over from mine and likes to stop and talk whenever he sees me. He has tried to ask me out before but there is something about him that just doesn’t do it for me, “Paige, are you leaving already?” he asks looking at Andre carrying my bag and the parcels in my hands.

  “Hi Maxim, yes we are going a little earlier than expected.”

  “Paige, we need to go.” Andre snaps which has me tensing in irritation, but I say goodbye and follow the morose, presumptuous, rude ass to the lift, glaring at his back. When the parcels and bag are in the boot we finally make our way out of the underground parking, Andre looks over at me a scowl on his face.

  “Have you slept with Maxim?” the sudden question has me tensing as I snap around to glare at him.


  “You heard me,” he says in a dangerous tone.

  “If I have or haven’t it is none of your damn business.” I will not tell him that since coming to live with the Bratva that I don’t have much time between working at the laundry or at the restaurant, my time is practically all taken up. It isn’t because I haven’t had offers, because I have, but none of the men that have pursued me have interested me in the least. Besides I owe Vlad money, and I promised myself that I would pay him back every cent before the time, I will not have him think less of Hayley because of me.

  Therefore, I don’t have time for men in my life, men that think they can order me around. “Don’t play with me little girl, answer the question.” There is a dangerous undertone to his voice that has me tensing. Why is he so angry?

  “No, I have never slept with Maxim.” I mutter looking out of the window at the passing scenery, I don’t get out much therefore this trip is a real treat for me, it’s a shame that it has to be with him. He grunts at my reply but doesn’t say anything else for a long time, and when he does I wish he hadn’t as he suddenly swears, and then he is ringing someone on his car phone. “What’s wrong?” I ask seeing his eyes snap up to the review mirror, I glance over my shoulder to see what he is looking at. There is a car with a woman driving behind us and then another car behind her with an older couple, behind the couple is a SUV that because of the distance I can’t see clearly who is driving that. Nothing seems suspicious to me but by the way he has tensed it seems like there might be danger.

  “Da” I recognize Dimitri’s voice

  “We are being followed.” I have picked up enough Russian in the five years that I have been living with the Bratva to understand what Andre is saying. My heart starts to race as I look at Andre, he is giving Dimitri our coordinates. Is he expecting problems, should I be worried?

  “Andre?” I can hear the panic in my voice, I don’t want to be a scaredy-cat, but I have never been in a situation like this. He glances towards me and then back towards the road, but his hand leaves the steering wheel and takes my fisted one that is on my lap squeezing it gently in comfort, before he pulls his hand back and places it on the steering wheel.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.” There is such conviction in his voice that it appeases me somewhat, that is until he suddenly turns right without any indication and then starts speeding. I hear a screech of tires, looking back I see the SUV has also turned and is now speeding after us.

  “What do they want?” I ask feeling my heart racing in fear.

  Andre doesn’t answer for a minute but then when he does, I wish he hadn’t, “You.” Why the hell would they want me? I am a nobody, there is no reason for them to want me. Andre takes one hand off the steering wheel and slides it behind his back pulling out his gun. “When I stop the car, I want you to duck down and stay down until I call you, do you understand?” his voice brooks no argument, I’m about to argue with him on stopping the car when we should clearly be trying to get away when he shouts, “hang on.” And then the car is skidding as he slams on the breaks and turns the car to face the direction we were coming from.

  He is out of the car before I can even take a calming breath, my heart is thundering in my ears or is that the sound of the bullets being shot from his gun as he crouches behind the car door as he shoots at the oncoming SUV. I hear what sounds like a loud popping sound which has my head jutting up just in time to see the SUV crashing into a light post. I would have thought that Andre would now get back into the car and race away, but no. He closes the door as he walks towards the other vehicle, his stride reminds me of a feral animal on the prowl.

  When he arrives at the crashed SUV I see him aiming his gun at the guy that is slumped over the steering wheel, and then he pulls the trigger, this has me gasping when I see blood splatter on the windshield.

  “Oh, oh” I gasp feeling nauseous, I’m going to have the image of that for the rest of my life. I know these men are dangerous, but this is the first time that I see someone being killed so gruesomely. I close my eyes taking in deep breaths trying to block out what I just saw. The car door opens and Andre slides into the car, I flinch when he lifts his hand to stroke my hair. Seeing me flinch he tenses, “You. . .you killed him.” I whisper

  “They would have killed you.” With those words he starts the car and then we are again on our way.

  “You don’t know that.” My ears are still ringing, and the image of that guys brain splattering on the windscreen is still flashing through my mind.

  “Actually, I do.” Suddenly his hand is snapping towards me as he grips my chin turning my head towards him. “I would never let them touch you.” There is such conviction in his voice, in the fury in his eyes that I have no doubt of his words.

  He lets go of my chin just as a call comes in, I hear Vlad’s angry voice and Andre replies in a calmer tone but I can see the anger in the way he holds himself and the way his knuckles show white where he is gripping the steering wheel. “Paige?” I hear Haley call and I close my eyes at this small sign of familiarity.

  “Yeah” I reply, trying to sound composed but my stomach is so tightly knotted that I feel nauseous.

  “Are you okay?” I hear the worry in her voice, I glance at Andre’s set features, his eyes promising murder to anyone that tries to hurt me again.

  “Yes” positive that no matter what, Andre will make sure that I am okay.

  “Because of what happened we will only be arriving later or tomorrow, but Vlad says that there are enough guards at the Villa to keep you safe, and Andre is with you.” I’m going to be alone with Andre. I don’t look at him again still weary at the vengeance I saw him display. I have always known that he was dangerous, maybe that is what has always attracted me about him.

  “I will be okay, don’t worry.” I murmur feeling like an insect caught in a web. The call goes dead and I know that Vlad must have disconnected. “Will there be more?” I can hear the uncertainty in my voice, the fear. I jump suddenly when he snaps something in Russian which I’m sure is a swearword, then his hand is covering my fisted hands that are lying on my lap.

  “No, I think that is it.” He continues holding my fisted hand his thumb stroking mine gently, betraying the anger that I am sure is still coursing through his body. “Look at me,” he says more gently, I raise my eyes to his.

  “No one will hurt
you; no one will get close enough to touch you or they will be dead.” Those words are said like a pledge, and I know that he means every one of them.

  Someone told them that we were coming, and I think I know just who it was. What I told Paige I meant; I will not allow anyone to hurt her. I was responsible for her safety once before, and I am responsible for her once again. In the car when I saw the fear in her eyes and the way her hands trembled, I wanted to go and kill those motherfuckers all over again.

  Dimitri and his woman Ruby were already at the beach house when we arrived, but the others will only be traveling tomorrow once we have secured the property and made other arrangements for their transport, just in case. Ruby and Paige are inside placing the presents that Paige brought under the tree. I think it’s a good thing to try and get her mind off what happened. I know that only Dimitri’s most trusted men are at the beach house at the moment, therefore I didn’t need to go and check inside before Paige went in, but it was nice to see her reluctance to leave me when Ruby suggested they go inside.

  “Are you sure about it being him?” Dimitri asks as he pulls out his phone, his features tense as he looks at it. I have just told him that I suspected Maxim of being the one to inform the Sicilians that we were on our way. I might be wrong but we made sure not to tell a lot of people about when or where we were going, and then when we were leaving I noticed how curious he was, too curious for my liking. I also didn’t like the way he was looking at Paige.

  “Not one hundred percent but my gut tells me I’m right.” Dimitri being responsible for all security of the Bratva Fury will dig up all the information he can about Maxim and if he finds out that I am right then he is mine. I know that I shouldn’t be feeling so possessive about Paige, that she is too young for me, but when I think of what could have happened to her if she was caught, my instincts take over and all I want to do is throw her over my shoulder and carry her to safety, killing anyone that gets in our way.

  “Did you send anyone to do damage control?” I mutter as I start making my way inside, I want to make sure that Paige is holding up.

  “Da” Dimitri replies as he follows me, we come to a stop at the entrance to the sitting room. There is a huge Christmas tree in a corner, I see that all the Christmas presents have been placed under the tree, both woman are sitting on one of the couches talking earnestly but when Ruby sees us she stops then smiles at Dimitri as she strokes her very pregnant stomach.

  “Are you men finished with all the work talk and ready to relax here with us?” Dimitri walks towards his wife, mother of his child. I see the smile on his face as he looks at her and I wonder not for the first time how him and the others do it. How do they sit calmly, so relaxed by their women when there is danger just outside the door? The thought that there is someone out there trying to hurt Paige has me wanting to go out and kill every suspicious motherfucker around.

  I see Paige glance over her shoulder at me, her face is still pale, but she doesn’t seem so tense and that haunted look has left her eyes. “Why don’t you come and sit-down Andre?” Ruby asks with a smile

  I should go and do the rounds, make sure that everyone is in their position, but I know that Dimitri would have made sure of that already, having his wife here. Nodding I approach, I can sit on the couch opposite everyone, but I want to be close to Paige just in case something happens, and I need to defend her. Taking the seat next to her I notice she turns so her back isn’t towards me which has her leg rubbing against mine.

  Shit, this is a bad idea, ever since kissing her at the Laundry that my mind and body hasn’t been able to forget her taste, her feel. Just sitting next to her I can feel myself hardening, my shaft thickening. If she only knew how much I want her, she would be running to her bedroom and locking herself there.

  “You are looking tired” Dimitri says as he strokes Ruby’s hair, his arm is around her shoulder as she leans her back against him.

  “It was a long drive, but I’m fine.” She murmurs but it’s clear that she’s ready to fall asleep.

  “Well I think my girls are ready to go to bed.” With those words Dimitri stands up, and then pulls Ruby into his arms, Ruby gasps in surprise but then she smiles tenderly up at him.

  “I’m sorry, we hardly spent any time together.” Ruby murmurs just before a yawn breaks through which has me smiling.

  “It’s fine, don’t worry we will see you tomorrow. Have a goodnight.” I state.

  “Yes, go and rest” Paige murmurs just before Dimitri carries Ruby to their room. “Maybe I should also go to bed.” Paige’s words are tense now that we are alone, and I don’t like it. She starts to stand but my hand shoots out to grab her upper arm and pull her back. “What…?”

  “Why are you scared of me?” I told her I would protect her, with my life if I have to, so why is she scared?

  “I am not scared of anyone.” She mutters shaking my hand off her arm and standing, she is half way across the lounge to the door before I catch up to her, I grab her upper arms my hands sliding down to her wrists as I pull them behind her back. “What are you doing?” she mutters angrily as she tries to pull her hands away. Instead of answering I lower my head, taking her lips in a scorching kiss that has her leaning her head further back to give me better access to her lips.

  My free hand slides around her waist, my fingers move up until they are cupping one of her perfect perky breasts, I squeeze hearing her groan against my lips. My cock is so hard it hurts, I take a step forward then another one and another forcing her to also move forward until we are before the dinning table, and then I bite her bottom lip just enough for her to know who’s in charge before I let go.

  “What are you doing?” she whispers in a thick passion filled voice.

  “I’m making you mine, you will have no doubt after tonight who you belong to and that I will always protect you.” I state as I kiss down her neck, her head slants giving me greater access as she murmurs in pleasure. My fingers pinching her nipple over the fabric of her silky shirt.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this” she murmurs but she doesn’t try to pull away. I lift my head looking into the mirror on the opposite side, our eyes clash in the mirror. I take a step back still holding her wrists behind her with my one hand. With the other I slide my fingers into the waist band of her trousers and yank hearing the button pop. She gasps, her passion filed eyes widen as she stares at me in the mirror. The trousers slide down her legs, I look down seeing the long sexy legs, my fingers fold into her panties and I yank them down.

  She tries to turn around, but I stop her, bringing my palm flat on her ass. “Ohh” shock evident on her face as her head snaps back. I spank her again seeing my handprint on her beautiful ass.

  “You are beautiful” my voice is low, intense, as I lower my head kissing her neck again as my hand slides around, sliding over her smooth pussy. My fingers stroke her heat hearing her breathing quicken, I bite her neck gently not taking my eyes off the picture of both of us in the mirror. Her nipples clearly defined through her silk shirt. “Say you want me.”

  She murmurs closing her eyes, but she doesn’t repeat my words, dipping one of my fingers into her wet heat, I stop. Her eyes snap open when I don’t move them, “Say you want me.”

  “I want you” she murmurs, that’s all I wanted to hear before I push her torso down against the table, my hand moves to my trousers. Pulling down the zip I free myself, stroking myself once, twice my wetness smearing on her perfect ass cheeks.

  Leaning forward I slide myself against her wet folds, and then I am thrusting deep. Both of us gasping, damn, she feels so good. Letting go of her arms my hand slides around her waist pulling her tight against me which has both of us gasping again at the movement. My other hand slides up her torso to her pebbled nipples that I can feel under some kind of lacy bra. Sliding my cock slowly out I feel her muscles tightening around me, her heat engulfing me like a scorching flame. “Fuck, you so hot” I mutter as I thrust again into her.

she whispers as I retreat and then thrust again, her hands now folded next to her head, her hands fisted in pleasure as I quicken my thrusts. Deep, hard, hearing her gasp with each thrust, knowing that I am giving her pleasure, her smooth silky skin warm under my touch, her gasps of pleasure driving me faster.

  “You are mine now,” I grunt feeling my balls tightening

  “Yes, oh, yes.” She gasps her body tensing, my thrusts urgent, long and fast. “Yes, Andre” she gasps as I feel her pussy tightening around me, squeezing like a vice. One, two more thrusts and I am filling her with my essence. We are both breathing heavily, her hands are now flat against the top of the table, her head turned, laying on the table as she tries to catch her breath.

  Pulling out I step back as I adjust my trousers and then I am pulling Paige up straight and turning her around to face me. Her beautiful hair is disheveled, and her eyes are still heavy with passion, her cheeks rosy from our lovemaking. “You are mine now.” I state as I slide my hand around the back of her neck pulling her closer.

  “You can’t just decide from one moment to the other that I’m yours,” she murmurs, “I have a say in it too.” I tense at her words, there is no way another fucker is going to touch her.

  “No little girl, you are mine.” I say before kissing her gently, her hands rise to my chest as she pushes me away slightly to look up at me.

  “Why? You have ignored me for years.”

  “No, I have purposefully stayed away from you. You were too young, too innocent for a man like me.” At my words she frowns.

  “What do you mean, a man like you?”

  “You saw what happened today,” at my words she nods, “that is not the only time, if anyone threatens the Bratva I will retaliate.” I hear what sounds like a car driving up to the house, interrupting our conversation. At this time, we aren’t expecting anyone, looking at Paige I lean down kissing her forehead before stepping back. “Get dressed and go to your room, I need to see who has just arrived.”


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