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Cookies and Buried Secrets

Page 5

by Amber Crewes


  “AND I’D LIKE TO THANK our newest resident of Sandy Bay, Sofia, for all of her advice!” Winston said to the crowd. “Karen’s daughter is a beautiful, intelligent woman who knows almost a little too much about her guns, and I’m thankful for her expertise!”

  The crowd clapped unenthusiastically; about twenty-five people had gathered for the opening of Winston’s dealership, and the atmosphere was tense. Winston seemed oblivious to the awkwardness, but Meghan could sense trouble brewing.

  “This is the tackiest thing I’ve ever heard of!” Kirsty Fisher hissed to Meghan as they listened to Winston’s speech. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to invite us all here to show us his guns! He was just in jail! It just isn’t done.”

  Meghan nodded at Kirsty. Kirsty’s former husband, Vince, was serving a life sentence in prison for a murder he had committed several months ago, and Meghan knew that Kirsty was sensitive to the current situation.

  “It does seem a bit...odd….” Meghan whispered back. “I’m not sure it’s something I would do.”

  Kirsty smoothed her immaculate blonde hair and narrowed her eyes. “Everyone knows he did it! Winston had eyes for that daughter of Karen’s since the day she stomped into town on those tacky heels of hers! I can see it in his eyes, can’t you? No wonder he wanted her boyfriend dead.”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” Meghan murmured. “Brody was her ex-boyfriend.”

  Winston waved at the crowd. “I have another special person to thank!” The crowd grew quiet as Simon walked onto the stage. Meghan could see Sofia was confused.

  “This is Simon, and I have to thank him for his help over the last six months!” Winston declared as Simon smiled graciously at the people of Sandy Bay. “He is a subject matter expert on guns, and he has supplied me with more incredible pieces than I know what to do with! He knows everything about guns and bullets, and he has been an invaluable resource as I’ve worked to start this business!”

  Meghan looked at Sofia, whose mouth was agape. Meghan could see that something was amiss, and she moved through the small crowd. As Simon took the microphone, Sofia exited the stage.

  “Hey!” Meghan called out. “Sofia!”

  Sofia ran over to Meghan. “Something isn’t right,” Sofia said worriedly. “I had no idea Simon was working up here in Sandy Bay. I didn’t know about this deal. We tell each other everything; we’re business partners above all else, but I don’t know what’s going on here.”

  The color drained from Meghan’s face. “He knows all about guns, doesn’t he?” Meghan asked as Sofia nodded. “And he hated Brody?”

  Sofia’s face darkened. “Oh my goodness,” she whispered, reaching for Meghan’s hands. “Meghan….”

  “We have to talk to him right now,” Meghan said. “As soon as he gets off of the stage, we are going to demand some answers!”

  As Winston resumed his speech, Meghan watched as Simon slipped off of the stage. “Let’s get him,” she whispered to Sofia as Sofia nodded. “Come on.” The two women walked to the stairs, and as Simon made his way down, Sofia reached for his hand.

  “Mi amor,” Sofia said to Simon. “Come here!”

  Simon smiled at Sofia and kissed her on the lips. “My beautiful woman!” Simon said, as Sofia led him into a vacant corner, Meghan following closely behind.

  “We need to talk,” Sofia said, the sweet look disappearing from her face. “I think I know what you did, Simon, and I want answers.” Sofia crossed her arms in front of her chest and tapped her toes in front of her. “Talk. Now.”

  Meghan walked up and stood beside Sofia. “Yeah, Simon. Let’s hear it.”

  Simon scowled. “What is this? Sofia? What are you talking about?”

  Sofia glared at Simon. She reached into her purse and pulled out her golden gun, pointing it into Simon’s face. “You know what I’m talking about,” she said venomously. “Talk. Ahora mismo.”

  Simon held his arms up. “Easy,” he said to Sofia. “I had to do what I had to do. This deal came up months ago, beautiful, and I had to take it. I was just about to close it, and Brody threatened to ruin it all. You know how crazy he was, Sofia!”

  Sofia shook her head. “So he threatened to ruin this deal months ago? So what?”

  Simon narrowed his eyes. “I paid him off, Sofia. I paid him off, and he said he would let me do this deal and let us get on with our lives. You two had broken up, and he was crazy! He took my money, and then, a few weeks ago, he reached out to me and told me that he had changed his mind. He told me that he was going to track you down, and that he was coming up to Sandy Bay to ruin this deal!”

  Sofia started to cry. “So you killed him? You killed him over a business deal?”

  Simon waved his hands in front of his face. “No! No! Sofia, please! I wouldn’t do that. I was angry that he threatened the business deal, but I was angrier that he still threatened you! I love you, Sofia, and he was a mad man! He could have hurt you!”

  Tears streamed from Sofia’s dark eyes. “I still loved him, Simon! How could you? How could you kill him?”

  Simon rolled his eyes. “Everyone knew you still loved him! I could see it in your face every time we talked about him, and getting rid of him not only saved my business deal, but in the end, it saved your life! He was violent, Sofia! You told me that yourself! I saved your life by ending his!”

  Sofia gasped. “Why? Why, Simon? How did this happen?”

  Simon shrugged. “You told me you were coming up here to find your mom. It was a total coincidence that my deal was here; Winston reached out to me before I knew this was your mom’s hometown, and it all just went downhill from there. I followed you up here from the start, knowing that Brody was going to tail you as well. I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, Sofia, and after I heard him screaming at you in that bar--Winston’s bar, of all places--I knew I couldn't’ wait. He had to go.”

  Sofia spat at Simon’s expensive-looking leather shoes. “You murderer!”

  Simon narrowed his eyes at Sofia and glared at her. “I’ve made so many sacrifices for you, and you are just a selfish, impulsive brat! I did what I had to do, Sofia, just as I always do!”

  Sofia jumped toward Simon, but before she could tackle him, he shoved her against the concrete wall. Meghan gasped. Sofia moaned as her body crumpled to the floor. She clumsily rose to her feet, struggling to maintain her balance in her six-inch stiletto heels.

  Simon lunged for Sofia, grabbing her gun and hitting her over the head with it. “I think it’s time you and I leave town, my love,” he said menacingly as he slung Sofia’s limp body over his shoulder.

  He turned to glower at Meghan. “From what I’ve heard about you, you’ve just been nothing but trouble in this town. Now, you’ve caught me at…. a bad time, but we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”

  Meghan stared at Simon, watching as his face relaxed into a frantic smile. “The easy way means you’ll keep that mouth of yours shut. I’ll slip out of here with Sofia, and it’ll be like none of this ever happened.”

  Meghan shook her head. “Brody will still be dead,” she said quietly. “You killed a man in my town. How am I supposed to just pretend like none of this ever happened?”

  Simon’s smile evaporated, and he bared his long, white teeth as he crept toward Meghan. “So we’re doing this the hard way, huh?”

  Simon dumped Sofia’s unconscious body in the corner and rushed toward Meghan. He grabbed her by the throat, but she jammed her leg into his stomach.

  “Oooomph!” Simon cried as Meghan’s knee made contact with his belly. “You! That was a mistake!”

  Meghan turned to run away from Simon, but before she could leave the corner, he caught her by the hair. He tugged tightly, and Meghan shrieked as Simon yanked her long, dark hair. He held her hair in one hand, and used the other hand to turn Meghan around to face him.

  “As for you….” Simon raised the golden gun above his head to hit Meghan, but just before the gun struck her, she heard a fam
iliar voice.

  “Hey!” Jack yelled as he slammed into Simon. The gold gun went flying across the floor. “That’s enough!” Jack wrestled Simon’s arms behind his back, and looked up at Meghan. “You did it again, Truman,” Jack said, panting as he looked at Meghan with admiration. “You caught our killer.”


  “DON’T MISS ME TOO MUCH,” Sofia said, planting kisses on Meghan’s cheeks. “I think Sandy Bay is just too quiet for me, but the puppies will keep you company!”

  Meghan gave a half-hearted smile as Sofia climbed into Karen’s jeep. “Adios, amiga!” Sofia called out as Karen drove them off to the airport.

  “Sandy Bay is too quiet?” Meghan muttered as she carried the two puppies inside of the bakery. “Please.”

  It had been a week since the opening of Winston’s gun dealership, and despite the murderer being caught, Meghan was exhausted from another Sandy Bay mystery. Jack had arrested Simon on the spot, and Sofia, Winston, and Karen had been fully cleared of Brody’s death. Sofia had decided that she couldn’t bear to remain in the place where her true love had died, and the morning after Simon’s arrest, she booked a one-way ticket to Antigua.

  “I hate to say it, but I’m relieved,” Karen had whispered on the phone to Meghan. “I told you, Sofia is trouble. She’s my daughter, and I will always love her, but she is trouble.”

  “Hopefully she finds what she’s looking for,” Meghan had said. “And I hope you feel better. Your daughter isn’t a killer, and the man responsible for the murder is behind bars. It’s all going to be okay again.”

  Karen laughed. “I was so distraught that I had cut my runs down! I was only running ten miles a day instead of my usual twenty. Can you believe that?”

  Meghan giggled. “You are too much, Karen.”

  “And you are fabulous, sweetie. Thanks for trying to get to know my daughter. Thanks for acting like a real daughter to me.”

  As Meghan stepped back inside the bakery, she felt her stomach drop as she looked at the clock. It was nearly five in the evening, and Jack was supposed to be picking her up in an hour.

  “We have to get ready!” Meghan cried to the puppies as they wagged their tails at her. “Jack will be here any minute!”

  Jack and Meghan had made plans to take the dogs to the dog park, followed by dinner at a dog-friendly restaurant downtown. Meghan carefully selected her outfit for the date; she needed to be casual, but she wanted to look nice! Jack had been complimenting her up and down since she had helped him catch Simon, and she was thrilled to be going out with him.

  “That’s it,” she said as she gazed at her reflection in the floor-length mirror that hung in her room. “This is the outfit!”

  Meghan was dressed in white linen shorts and a black tank that showed off her long, thin arms. She smiled at herself and twirled around, feeling warm as she imagined Jack getting ready for their date.

  “It’s going to be great, guys!” Meghan said to the two puppies as they watched her from their perch atop her bed. “Fiesta, Siesta, you are going to love Jack and his dog, Dash! We’ll have a great time!”

  Meghan took one last look in the mirror. She pulled her long, thick hair into a ponytail, but decided against it. Meghan ran a hand through her dark locks, and she grinned as they settled over her shoulders.

  “It’s been a crazy couple of months,” Meghan said to herself and to her newly acquired puppies. “It’s been hard, but at this point, it’s all uphill from here! We’re off to meet Jack, all is well with Karen, and for once, my name wasn’t wrapped up in a murder scandal! It feels truly sweet to be Meghan Truman today, my little puppers!”

  With that, Meghan fetched her purse and placed the little puppies inside. She skipped down the stairs, whistling to herself as she walked out of Truly Sweet, a spring in her step and hope in her heart.

  The End

  Thank You!

  Thank you for reading Cookies and Buried Secrets! I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing it!

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  The next book in the series, Donuts and Disaster is OUT NOW! Click here to buy your copy, or turn the page to read the first chapter now!

  About Donuts and Disaster

  Released: September, 2018

  Series: Book 4 – Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Standalone: Yes

  Cliff-hanger: No

  Meghan Truman’s relationship with her assistant is severely tested when she becomes prideful over a donut recipe she’s introduced to Truly Sweet’s menu. Matters are further worsened when a distant relative of this assistant, with selfish intentions and bad manners, is found dead in the town center.

  The local handyman is arrested and put in jail when several witnesses confirm they saw him having an altercation with the murdered victim. Handsome detective Irvin and Meghan believe he’s innocent but the evidence against him is too damning to overlook.

  Will Meghan’s attempt to give her assistant a second chance at restoring their relationship backfire or will a determination not to harbour unforgiveness in her heart lead her to the true murderer?


  “It’s a huge promotion!” Jack Irvin exclaimed as Meghan Truman beamed back at him. The pair stood in the dining area of Truly Sweet, Meghan’s bakery, and Meghan could hardly believe Jack’s good news.

  “Being moved up from a police officer to a detective is serious business, and I can’t believe it just happened to me!” Jack explained, his face filled with pride.

  Meghan could see the excitement in Jack’s blue eyes, and she felt butterflies in her stomach as he grinned at her. She could hardly contain her crush on Jack; they had been on several dates together over the last few weeks, and as she stared up at his enormous smile and deep dimples, Meghan hoped she wasn’t blushing too hard.

  “I’m so excited for you,” Meghan said. “This is cause for celebration! How about I bake a nice black forest cake for you, Jack? You could take it in to work to celebrate! I’m sure the folks at the station would love some treats!”

  Jack nodded enthusiastically. “That’s truly sweet of you to offer,” Jack replied, winking at Meghan as the heat rose to her cheeks. “I love your cakes so much, but you know what would be great, Meghan? Donuts!”

  Meghan’s dark eyes widened. “Donuts?” Meghan answered weakly. “Are you sure?”

  Jack bobbed his head affirmatively. “Yeah! Officer Nunan was just talking about how badly she wanted donuts, and this is the perfect occasion! I know that cakes, pies, and cookies are your speciality here at the bakery, but could you swing some homemade donuts for me? That would be so awesome!”

  Meghan forced herself to smile. She ran a hand through her long, dark hair, and looked up at Jack. “Of course,” she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I would be happy to make homemade donuts for you.”

  Jack gathered Meghan into a hug. “Thank you,” he said. “You are truly the sweetest!”

  After Jack left, Meghan raced upstairs to retrieve her cell phone from the little apartment just above the bakery. She rifled through her purse, throwing aside gum wrappers, her sunglasses case, and her wallet. “Where is it?” Meghan groaned, tossing the contents of her purse onto the wooden floor.

  When she finally found her cell phone, she dialed the number of Karen Denton, one of her best friends. While at twenty-seven, Meghan was several decades younger than Karen, there had always been a strong connection between the two women, and whenever Meghan had any trouble, Karen was her first phone call!

  “Come on, Karen, pick up!” Meghan muttered as the phone rang and rang.

  Finally, Karen answered. “Meghan! How are you, sweetie?”

  “Karen, I have a problem,” Meghan
whispered, her stomach churning. “I need your help.”

  “What’s that sweetie? So sorry! I’m on mile fifteen of my twenty-mile run and the reception out here is just awful!”

  Meghan couldn’t help but laugh. At seventy-three years old, Karen Denton was the fittest, healthiest person Meghan had ever known, and Karen was always training for something.

  “My marathon is coming up next month, you know, and these back roads aren’t going to run themselves! Meghan? Meghan? Are you there?” Karen asked, her voice cutting in and out. The call suddenly dropped, and all Meghan heard was the dial tone.


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