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Cookies and Buried Secrets

Page 6

by Amber Crewes

  “Shoot,” Meghan said. She thought for a moment, and then called Lori, her trusted assistant. Lori had been working as an assistant in the bakery for several months, and Meghan adored her company; Lori was like the little sister Meghan never had, and Meghan knew she could always rely on her!

  “Meghan!” Lori squealed as she answered Meghan’s call. “How are you?”

  Meghan smiled. Lori was unfailingly friendly and energetic, and Meghan loved having her around.

  “I have a little problem, Lori,” Meghan said, her voice serious. “Jack came over earlier and had something important to ask me….”

  Lori shrieked. “Finally!” Lori exclaimed. “Finally! It’s about time!”

  Meghan cocked her head to the side. “Finally? What are you talking about, Lori?”

  “He came over and asked you to be his girlfriend! It’s about time! You’ve been on a handful of dates with him, and even your dogs get along well together! I’m so happy to hear this news, Meghan! Jack is such a cutie! I can’t believe he asked you to be his girlfriend at last!”

  Meghan sighed. She had been thinking a lot about their budding relationship; Meghan had moved to town and met Jack only a few months ago, and while she hadn’t been fond of him at first, she had developed strong feelings for him. She hoped that perhaps someday, their relationship would turn into something more than just dates at the dog park and the occasional dinner together, but for now, she had bigger donuts to fry!

  “That’s not what he asked me, Lori,” Meghan said. “He asked if I could make donuts for him! Donuts, Lori!”

  Lori paused. “Wait, what? I don’t get it, Meghan,” Lori said.

  Meghan took a long breath. “I don’t know how to make donuts, Lori,” Meghan admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. “I never trained formally to become a baker! I went to college, and then moved to Los Angeles to become an actress, and when that didn’t work out, I ended up here in Sandy Bay!”

  “But your treats are so good, Meghan! Who cares about formal training? Lots of people don’t train for things and are successful!” Lori argued.

  “Lori,” Meghan said slowly. “You don’t get it. I have no idea how to make donuts! I tried once, and it was a total failure! I couldn’t get the filling right, I burnt them in the fryer, and the sugar melted into a big mess when I tried to sprinkle it on top. I don’t know what to do. I told Jack I would make him three dozen homemade donuts to celebrate his promotion at work, and I don’t know how to make homemade donuts! What do I do?”

  Lori giggled, and Meghan felt the sharp tug of rage in her belly. “Lori!” Meghan said sternly. “Why are you laughing at me? This is serious!”

  Lori giggled again. “I have good news for you, boss!” Lori said. “When I was a little girl, my father taught me how to make donuts; it was one of our traditions, and each Saturday morning, we would spend time together making donuts for the whole family!”

  Meghan’s spirits immediately lifted. “Lori, are you saying….”

  “I’ll help you, Meghan! You know I’ll help you make the donuts for Jack! It’s my pleasure, boss!”

  The next two days were a flurry of activity in the bakery. Meghan waited on customers and filled her corporate orders, and Lori worked away on several types of homemade donuts. She and Meghan taste-tested each batch, and after making several hundred different donuts, the pair agreed on the best three flavors.

  “My favorite is the toasted coconut mocha dream!” Lori sighed as she bit into a warm donut.

  Meghan nodded. “Yes,” she said. “That’s one of the best flavors! My two favorites were the blueberry lemon and the chocolate chai. I think we have some winners here, Lori! You have been such an angel to help me. Thank you so much for your help!”

  Lori blushed, her small, elfin face aglow with Meghan’s compliment. “I was happy to do it, Meghan! Anything for you!”

  “We’ll have to introduce these to our customers at the bakery, Lori! They’re wonderful. You’ve been so helpful, and I want everyone in Sandy Bay to see how wonderful the donuts are!”

  Two days later, Meghan wanted to eat her words. Jack had been thrilled with the donuts; he raved about them to Meghan, and he even sent a thank you card and a bouquet of red roses to the bakery! The residents of Sandy Bay had also been thrilled with the newest addition to the bakery, and after several hundred compliments, Lori’s ego had exploded in a way Meghan had never experienced.

  “They’re saying my donuts are the best thing to happen to this town in years!” Lori bragged to Meghan as they loaded a tray of fresh donuts into one of the display cases. “Mrs. Sheridan told me that she wishes that I had started baking them earlier! People are begging for my donuts! Begging!”

  Meghan nodded politely. Lori’s excitement over her success had been endearing at first, but after enduring Lori’s endless boasting over the last few hours, Meghan was ready to scream.

  “Kirsty Fisher told me that my donuts are so good that I should open my own shop! I knew my donuts were good, but now, I just know they’re fantastic!”

  Meghan rolled her eyes. “Lori,” she said gently. “I’m thankful you helped with the donuts; you really came through for me, and you know how much I appreciate your help! I just think that we should focus on work right now and maybe chat a bit less about the donuts? They were a great team effort, but we have a lot on our plate right now. Let’s focus on the task at hand!”

  Lori narrowed her eyes at Meghan, and she angrily placed the tray of donuts on the counter beside her. “I knew it,” Lori said quietly. “I know this would happen.”

  Meghan raised an eyebrow. “What, Lori?”

  Lori frowned. “You’re just jealous,” she said. “Mrs. Sheridan said you would be jealous, and I can just tell! You’re jealous that I made such amazing donuts and that everyone is obsessed with them!”

  Meghan laughed aloud. “Lori, don’t be silly,” she said. “You helped make the donut, but I created the flavors and picked the ingredients. This was a team effort, Lori. Let’s not lose sight of that….”

  Lori crossed her arms across her chest and glared at Meghan, her eyes flashing with anger. “A team effort? Meghan, come on. You may have helped, but I made these donuts with my own two hands! I have so much potential, Meghan! Everyone in Sandy Bay has been telling me that after tasting my donuts! Don’t kid yourself!”

  Meghan stared at her assistant, her lips turning downward. “Lori,” Meghan advised. “Please don’t speak to me like that. I don’t appreciate the attitude.”

  Lori tore off her yellow apron and threw it on the wooden floor in front of Meghan’s feet. “Fine,” Lori said. “I’ll take my attitude somewhere else!”

  Lori turned on her heel and stomped out of the bakery, slamming the door as she left. Meghan sighed. “That wasn’t truly sweet of her, was it?” Meghan muttered to herself. She was familiar with the saying that all good things must come to an end but she never in her wildest dreams foresaw her relationship with Lori ending this way.


  Click here to find out what happens next in Donuts and Disaster, the 4th book in the Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series!


  The Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Apple Pie and Trouble (Book 1) – OUT NOW

  Brownies and Dark Shadows (Book 2) – OUT NOW

  Cookies and Buried Secrets (Book 3) – OUT NOW

  Donuts and Disaster (Book 4) – PRE ORDER NOW

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