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Page 11

by Jennifer Sucevic

  Why does he have to ruin everything for me?

  Stupid question.

  I know exactly why.

  It doesn’t take long for Josh to glance in my direction with a frown. All of my hopes crash back to earth with a loud thud.

  Lanie sidles up to me before nodding her head toward the two guys. “What’s going on over there?”

  “I don’t know,” I mutter. That’s another lie. One of the many I’ve been telling recently. I know exactly what’s going on, but I don’t want to admit it out loud.

  Her voice drops, becoming hesitant. “You know Josh is on the football team, right?”

  My heart sinks further. “He is?”

  “Yeah,” she adds softly, “he’s a wide receiver.”

  It never occurred to me that Josh might play football and in the few conversations we’ve had, he never mentioned it. Other than Jax, I’ve tried to keep my distance from any guy who looks like they’re part of the Cougars. Football is like a brotherhood. They stick together. I saw enough of that in high school to know better.

  Reluctantly I glance at them again only to find two sets of eyes watching me. Not knowing what else to do, I turn away. Lanie hoists her smile as we both pretend that Hunter didn’t take away the little bit of happiness I’d managed to find since returning home.

  Chapter Fifteen


  W hat am I still doing here?

  I should have taken off hours ago, but I didn’t want to give Hunter the satisfaction of driving me away.

  A high-pitched giggle erupts from across the bonfire. I focus more intently on the label I’m trying to peel off the beer bottle in my hand. I don’t have to glance over there to know that it’s the same girl who attached herself to Hunter like a barnacle before crawling onto his lap.

  The last time I looked in their direction, her arms were twined around his neck as if she was afraid he might try and make a run for it. Although, that doesn’t seem likely. As far as I can tell, he’s enjoying the fawning attention.

  A thick lump of nausea has taken up residence at the bottom of my belly. It hasn’t budged since Hunter called Josh over. No matter how hard I try to banish it, the tension refuses to dissipate. Whatever Hunter said to Josh was enough to scare him away.

  For a few fleeting moments, I had considered marching over to Hunter and demanding why he did that, but what would be the point? It would only reinforce how much power he wields over me. It’s better to pretend that I don’t give a damn and hope he tires of the game he’s intent on playing.

  When the dark-haired girl straddling Hunter’s lap begins to nibble at his neck, I rise to my feet, unable to stomach anymore of the show they’re putting on. I know he’s slept with half the girls on campus but that doesn’t mean I want to watch him hookup with someone in front of my face.

  I need to take a breather and regroup before I lose it.

  Lanie’s fingers snake out and grab my hand before I can take another step away from the lawn chairs we’re parked on. She’s perched on Jaxon’s lap and they’ve been making out for a while.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic for Lanie. Jax is an amazing boyfriend. But that doesn’t mean I need a front row seat to their PDA. I’m tired of being the odd woman out.

  “Hey, where are you going?” she slurs. Lanie has downed her fair share of drinks this afternoon and she doesn’t have much of a tolerance for alcohol.

  I nod toward the water. “Just up the beach.”

  I need to clear my head and I can’t do that sitting across from Hunter while a groupie gives him a lap dance.

  “Want me to come with you?” Her gaze is slumberous, she looks relaxed and happy wrapped up in her boyfriend’s arms. I don’t want to steal her away from him, I know how much they missed each other over the summer. The way they go at it, it’s like they’re trying to make up for lost time.

  “Nah, stay here and enjoy the fire. I won’t be long.”

  “Are you sure?” Her gaze slides to something over my shoulder. My guess is that she sees what I’ve been forced to endure for the last thirty minutes.

  “Yup.” I paste a smile on my face. “I’m good.”

  Her teeth sink into her lower lip and she worries it. “Don’t be gone too long, okay?”

  “I won’t. It’ll be a quick walk up the beach.”

  I don’t spare my ex-boyfriend another look as I move away from the group. It’s frustrating to have these feelings for him. I should be over this by now. If Hunter would leave me alone instead of trying to solicit a reaction from me every chance he got, maybe I would be able to move on.

  It’s only when I’ve put some distance between myself and the mob of people on the beach that my chest loosens, and I’m finally able to breathe again. It doesn’t take long before the noise of the party fades and I become more attuned to the waves crashing on the shore. The sound reminds me of distant thunder. I close my eyes and inhale the salty air as it rushes past me. The tension that had been filling me slowly dissipates into nothingness. Now that the sun has sunk below the horizon, there’s a definite chill to the air. The water lapping at my ankles feels warmer than it did this afternoon.

  My fingers go to the hem of my shirt. I’m not consciously aware of what I’m doing until it’s been pulled over my head and tossed to the damp sand at my feet. Then I’m shimmying out of my shorts and throwing them on top of the shirt before wading in deeper. With every step I take, it’s like toxins are being released from my body.

  Once the water hits my thighs, I dive headfirst into a wave before it can crash into me. Only when I’m fully submerged does everything inside me feel like it’s been righted. What happened with Josh and Hunter sinks to the sandy bottom. My hair floats around me like a tangle of seaweed and water fills my ears.


  This is what I live for. It’s the only thing capable of soothing all of the aches that plague me. If only it was possible to always feel this free. I know all too well that it won’t last, so it’s best to enjoy it while I can.

  And that starts by not dwelling on Hunter Price.

  Chapter Sixteen


  T wenty minutes.

  That’s how long Skye has been gone for.

  I glance impatiently at the sports watch on my wrist.

  Make that twenty-one minutes.

  I crane my neck, sifting through the darkness with my eyes. The chick on my lap thinks I’m trying to give her better access to my neck.

  “Hunter,” she whispers, “let’s get out of here.”

  What’s she babbling about? Never mind, I don’t give a fuck. I’m too preoccupied with Skye.

  Seriously, where the hell did that girl disappear to?

  For her sake, she’d better not have left to meet up with another dude. I put the kibosh on that situation by pulling Josh aside and giving him the lowdown. I could tell he was disappointed but too damn bad.

  I glance around, scouring the vicinity for my teammate. Luckily for him, he’s busy chatting up a different girl.

  But still…Skye is missing in action and I don’t like the idea of her wandering off alone at night.

  “I’m ready to get out of here,” Lucy, the girl on my lap, coos before nipping at my bottom lip to reclaim my attention. “Wanna go back to my place?”

  Hell, no.

  Before I realize it, I’m on my feet. Lucy squeaks and clings to me like a baby monkey. I’m sure this will come across as douchey, but I didn’t mind Lucy’s antics when Skye was sitting across from us. Now that my ex-girlfriend is no longer watching, this chick has lost her purpose.

  Oblivious to the fact that my interest waned twenty minutes ago, Lucy brushes her mouth against my ear. “Are you as turned on as I am?” She pulls away and searches my eyes. “I want you so much. Anna, my roommate, is going to die when I tell her about this.”

  Actually, Anna won’t be dying anytime soon because this isn’t going to happen.

  Unsure how to extract myself from the situ
ation, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I have to take a leak.”

  That statement is enough to wipe the sultry smile from her lips. “Oh.”

  Nothing kills an intimate moment more than telling a girl that you gotta piss. All right, that’s not true. Taking a shit probably tops the list.

  Not waiting for a response, I pry her arms loose. For a chick who probably weighs less than a buck twenty, she’s got one hell of a grip. “I’ll be back.”

  At some point.


  Unwilling to throw in the towel just yet, Lucy says, “Don’t take too long.”

  I don’t get more than three steps when she bleats again. “I’ll be waiting for you right here! Come find me!”

  I give her a quick nod before taking off in the direction I last saw Skye. As I push my way through the crowd, I scour the area, but don’t see her anywhere. There are pockets of people drinking and smoking pot along the beach.

  I check each group, but she remains elusive.

  Where the hell did she go?

  My heartrate kicks into overdrive. Which is fucking crazy. Skye Sinclair is no longer my responsibility. She hasn’t been for a while. I shouldn’t give a damn where she is or who she’s with. But I do. More than I care to admit. A mixture of jealousy and concern eat me alive.

  By the time I’m a quarter mile down the shore, I’m starting to freak out. Maybe I should call beach patrol.

  How could she disappear without a trace?

  Is it possible she caught a ride home with someone?

  Doubtful. Her shoes and bag were next to the lawn chair she was sitting on. Plus, Lanie’s still hanging out by the fire. Skye wouldn’t have taken off without her best friend.

  An uneasy feeling takes root inside me as I glance at the dark water. The ocean, for all its beauty, can be a dangerous place. Especially at night. There are rip currents that can easily suck you out to sea. Hell, sharks are spotted swimming along the coast all the time.

  You know what? This is ridiculous, I’m calling beach patrol. I plow a hand roughly through my hair and continue searching the empty stretch of shoreline. I’m about to grab my cell from my pocket when I stumble across a small pile of clothing in the sand.

  What the—

  With a frown, I reach down to find a pink tank top and pair of jean shorts. I’d recognize this shirt anywhere. Skye was wearing it earlier today.

  Squinting, I scan the water more carefully. As I do, I catch a glimpse of a slim figure diving through a wave.

  Son of a b—

  I cup my hands around my mouth and shout, “Hey!”

  Of all the boneheaded things to do.

  She’s too far out to hear me. Every time I catch a glimpse of her, she disappears beneath the waves. Is she struggling or goofing around? With a grimace, I wade out to my calves and bellow at the top of my lungs, “Skye!”

  My voice carries over the water and she snaps her head in my direction. We watch each other silently as she continues to bob in the water.

  When she doesn’t move toward the shoreline, I bark, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I wave her in with my arm. “Get your ass out of there right now!” I could seriously strangle this girl. Who knows, maybe when I get my hands on her, I will. Skye grew up around the water, she knows better.

  After about thirty seconds, it becomes apparent that she’s not going to budge. I’m not able to make out the expression on her face, but I’m pretty damn sure I feel the heat of her glare over the distance that separates us.

  She solidifies those thoughts when she yells, “Go away, Hunter! You’re not my keeper. I don’t have to listen to you!”

  That may be so, but I’m not leaving until her ass is out of there.

  “You know it’s dangerous to swim alone at night!” I shout. “Get the hell out of there or I’ll come in and drag you out myself!”

  She flips me the bird before sliding beneath the water. When her head disappears, my heart seizes. I take another reluctant step in her direction.

  I fucking hate the water.

  Especially at night.

  And Skye damn well knows it. She’s one of the few people that do.

  As I force myself to take another step, she breaks through the surface. Air rushes from my lungs in a painful burst.

  “Goddamn it, Skye! Quit fucking around and get out of there right now!”

  “No! I can do whatever I want!”

  I press my lips into a tight line until they feel bloodless. She’s not wrong. The problem is, as much as I hate her for breaking my heart, I could never forgive myself if something happened to her. I’ve lost enough to the ocean, I won’t lose her, too.

  “Fine, stay in there,” I shout, “but I’m not leaving!”

  Skye shrugs and dives under another wave, disappearing from sight. She has to know that she’s cutting me up inside. When it becomes obvious that she won’t be vacating the water any time soon, I return to the shore before dropping down to the wet sand. Sooner or later, she’s going to have to come out. And when she does, I’ll be waiting for her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  W hy won’t he go away and leave me alone?

  I bob in the water, watching Hunter from twenty yards away. I knew he wouldn’t wade in after me. He’s hated the ocean ever since his parents died. I had assumed he would hang around for a couple of minutes before getting bored and taking off. Instead, he plunked himself down in the sand. What’s worse is that he doesn’t show any signs of leaving. When I dove in thirty minutes ago, the water had felt invigorating. Now my fingers are pruney and my teeth are chattering.

  I’m cold.

  If Hunter hadn’t shown up, my swim wouldn’t have lasted more than fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, he tried ordering me around like he has the right to tell me what to do.

  I don’t think so.

  I’ll be damned if I let Hunter Price dictate anything in my life. He’s been a total jackass since I’ve returned home.

  My feet are firmly planted on the sandy bottom and my arms are wrapped around my upper body as the water brushes against my chin with each new wave that rolls toward the shore.

  He may be stubborn, but guess what?

  I can be obstinate, too.

  He can sit there all damn night. I’ll stay here until morning if I have to, just to thwart him.

  I yelp as something brushes against my thigh. I have no idea what it was and I’m not going to wait around and find out. My arms cut through the water and I kick my feet, moving steadily toward shore. A wave propels me forward and my belly scrapes against the sand before I reluctantly come to my feet. When I glance at the place where I’d left my clothes, I see Hunter standing with his arms folded across his wide chest.

  Slowly his gaze slides down my length. His tightly clenched jaw ticks and my belly hollows out in response. Nerves scamper along my chilled flesh.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he snaps.

  “Swimming,” I say, attempting to calm everything that is racing inside me.

  I don’t owe Hunter any explanations. And I sure as hell don’t have to stand here and listen to him berate me.

  So, guess what?

  I’m not going to. Instead, I’m going to pick up my clothes and get the—

  As soon as I reach down to grab my shirt and shorts, his hands shoot out, wrapping around my upper arms. His fingers bite into my flesh and I wince.

  He jerks my body and growls, “Do you have any idea how stupid that was?”

  I grit my teeth to stop them from rattling. “What I do is none of your damn—”

  My words fall off when he shakes me again. “Do you think I’m going to walk away when you’ve put yourself in danger?”

  People swim at night all the time. He needs to stop being so overdramatic.

  Should I have done it while alone?

  Probably not. But nothing bad happened and I’m fine. There’s no reason for him to flip out. Hun
ter needs to get back to the girl who was all up in his business and leave me alone.

  “Nothing happened.” When I attempt to tug my arms free, his fingers tighten around me like iron shackles. “I went for a swim. Last I looked, it wasn’t a capital offense.”

  “You grew up around the water, Skye. You know what the dangers are.”

  “Yes, and I’m a strong swimmer.” Again, I try jerking away but his hold remains tight. It’s through clenched teeth that I mutter, “Let me go. I’m sure you have better things to get back to.”

  He gives me another abrupt shake. “What if something had happened and you needed help? There was no one around. You were all alone.”

  This is ridiculous!

  “Why do you even care?” I twist my body, attempting to break his hold but he refuses to budge. It’s like I’m fighting with a brick wall. “Let me go, damnit!”

  Hunter compresses his lips and remains silent. I pant, twisting and turning in his grip.

  “What the hell is wrong with you,” I grunt. “Leave me alone!” Instead of releasing his hold, he drags me closer until my wet body is pressed against his.

  “I wish I could.”

  That’s all the warning I’m given before his lips crash onto mine. The hold he has on me is harsh and punishing, as if he’s trying to inflict as much pain as possible. I can’t help but feel the pent-up anger that brews dangerously beneath the surface of his skin. This kiss is more of an assult on my senses than anything else, but it’s not an unwelcome one. It would be so much easier to deal with if it were.

  Even though he’s still holding me captive, the palms of my hands press against his chest. Instead of shoving him away, my fingers are tangling in the soft cotton of his T-shirt to tug him closer. My nipples pebble into hard points that ache.

  His mouth roves hungrily over mine, dominating my senses before dragging me under to a place where I’m no longer able to think. Sensing my surrender, he pulls away enough to nip at my lower lip.


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