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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

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by Gigi Birtie

  “Fuck Reese.” I say quietly.

  The guy is grabbing his face while rolling back and forth moaning.

  “What the fuck dude!” the guy yells through his agony.

  His buddy is now helping pick up his friend and trying to get him to go with him.

  “My friend is drunk and I promise he won’t be happy with the bullshit he said about Asher sharing or the way he acted once he sobers up,” Short guy says as he turns to the tall guy and says to him. “Let’s go man.” Short guys face is solemn which makes me feel bad for the kid, so I grab Reese’s arm to lead him back to the table where we have our towels.

  “Alright I figured he was talking out his ass with Asher but thanks and lets part ways and forget all about this.” I say to everyone.

  The two guys nod as they continue their way out of the area and Reese walks with me, still puffed up as any alpha male would be.

  I laugh a little to myself at what all went down.

  “Here Reese have a beer and let’s get back in the pool.” I say handing him a beer from the cooler that was on the ground by the table. These coolers are all over the camp and on my way in I looked into a few so I was already aware that there was beer in this one too.

  “You should have let me pummel that guy Sloane.” Reese grits out.

  “I appreciate you protecting me big bro, but you have way too much going for you these days to where you don’t need to put yourself in situations like that. Especially when it can all be taken away on the likes of some idiot loud mouth like that.” I say.

  “Sloane, I will never care what I have at stake if it means protecting you. I got your back everyday all day, remember that.”

  Tears begin to well in my eyes. These aren’t conversations Reese and I normally have. I’m so grateful to have Reese as my big brother and my protector. When it came to big brothers, I would say mine was the best any little sister could ever have.

  I lean in and wrap my arms around Reese giving him the strongest hug I could but Reese bear hugs me while picking me up and walks a few steps. The next thing I knew we’re completely under water. When I break to the surface I scream

  “Reese!” as I sputter water out of my lungs, “You really know how to kill a tender moment bud.” I say clearing my throat again.

  Reese continues to tread water a few feet from me laughing the whole time.

  “If only you could see your face Sloane.” Reese laughs out.

  As I watch him laugh as hard as he is, I can’t help but laugh with him.

  “You suck.” I say through my now uncontrollable laughter.

  All I get in return is one of Reese’s blinding mega-watt smiles that I always love being on the receiving end of.

  After we gained our composure, we were both still in the pool floating on a swan and a flamingo. We talked about everything from what my major would be, to if I was living at the dorms, to what he finally decided to major in. I was proud to hear it was in creative writing since he wanted to be a comedy writer.

  “That’s a great direction for you to go in because I don’t know anyone as funny as you.” I say as I lightly splash some water his direction.

  “The struggle in life can either make you one of two things: You can either be funny and live a life full of laughs or you can be one miserable sorry sack.” Reese says.

  I couldn’t agree more. With our childhood we could have both been jaded with the world. It’s not like we had it bad but we didn’t have parents. We had providers and that’s a huge difference. If we didn’t have each other, I know I would hate experiencing what life would be like without him.

  “You turned out pretty rad Sloane, I’m proud to be your brother. I know I don’t tell you enough or I’m always telling you the things you say are lame, but in all reality you’re pretty damn funny, caring and intelligent. I’d like to think I raised you right.”

  I’m stunned silent. After a minute I ask,

  “Where is all this coming from?”

  “I honestly don’t know, but for some reason it needs to be said.” A single tear spills over onto my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

  “I love you Reese. Thank you for everything.”

  Before he can respond a buxom blonde wearing a barely there bikini walks up.

  “You two are one sexy couple, do you both want to join me back in my teepee? We can lose these swim suits and see how things end up.”

  My jaw must be down to my knees.

  “Thanks, but we’re brother and sister.” Reese responds for both of us.

  “That’s okay I don’t mind” I turn to look at Reese and now his expression matches mine. Suddenly we both lose it and start laughing.

  The blond looks put out due to our uncontrollable laughter.

  “I can’t even.” Is all I can say through my fit.

  The girl huffs and walks away leaving us with utter disbelief that resulted in continued laughter.

  Rolling off the swan I’ve been lounging on for the last hour the water shocks me as it has cooled a bit from earlier.

  “Well that was entertaining. I think that’s my cue to get back to my yurt and see if Asher is up already.” I say as I hoist myself out of the pool and walk over to my towel.

  “I think that’s a good idea. I need to go check out what Lux is up to myself.”

  Reese does the same move I did only a minute ago and rolls off his flamingo into the water. He swam through the pool to the stairs to where his things were set.

  There’s no point in putting my clothes on so I wrap the towel around my waist, slide my feet into my boots and I turn to walk back to our camp.

  As we walk around from the back to where all the trailers and yurts are set up, there is a massive bonfire flaming before us that lights up the dusky desert sky. It’s beautiful with its orange glow against the purple, pinks, and navy blues the sky is casting all around. People are scattered around drinking beers and sharing stories. I spot Tala and Rylan talking with a group of people. I wave as I catch Talas eye and mouth that I’d be right back. She gives me a head nod and a smile.

  Reese is in one of the trailers across from my yurt. Which I couldn’t be more thankful for, nothing worse than hearing your own brother get it on with his girlfriend.

  “I’ll see you in a bit sis.” Reese says as he turns to his door.

  I give him a salute and make my way to Asher.

  As I get inside, there’s Ash spread out naked on the bed with only the sheet draped over his already semi hard cock. I lick my lips while taking in my view.

  “If you don’t get in this bed with me, I’m going to drag that sweet ass over here.” Asher says in a raspy just woken up grumble.

  He doesn’t even open his eyes to call me to him.

  I bite my lip and crawl in bed to fit myself right next to him.

  Asher kisses the side of my temple and wraps an arm around my waist

  “You’re all wet babe,” As quickly as he says the words, he’s rolled on top of me. “Are you wet anywhere else Sloane?” his voice purrs.

  “Like you have to ask Ash.” I say coyly.

  His strong hands explore my straps to my top and he quickly has my bikini top off and whipped to the floor. He captures one of my erect nipples with his mouth and swirls and plays with it with his tongue.

  I moan low as my pelvis rises up to get the friction of Ashers cock that’s trying to dig its way into my body.

  “Baby you ready for this dick?” I roll my eyes and try to stifle a laugh.

  “Asher who says that shit before they fuck?” I ask laughing unable to hold it back.

  Sometimes I swear he can be so cheesy, so male but it doesn’t make me want him any less. In fact it makes me want him more but I always have to say something when he does or else it’s just a crime against women kind.

  “I say shit like that babe, I’m always going to ask if you’re ready for me.” He says between peppering kisses along my neck, “I’m only ever going to take what you’re willing to give me.

  I literally melt at his sweet confession.

  “Fuck Ash, I’m so thankful how life worked out and that you’re mine.” I sigh.

  “I’m glad it finally happened. I think I waited long enough for you. Now answer my question, are you ready for me? I need to be balls deep right now and worship your tight body.”

  I gulp hard over the lump in my throat and nod.

  Damn this man is mine.

  Asher gently slides into my dripping apex, stretching me and causing me to feel fuller than any other time that we have been together. He stills letting me adjust and his lips explore my neck while he waits. He’s so patient with me and caring. It’s what makes sex so good.

  It’s what makes us good together.

  I run my hand along his toned back, and he starts to move slowly making me clench all around his hard, throbbing cock. Our movements are not hurried, there’s no sense of rushing our time.

  The fact that we’re making love and not just fucking has tears welling up in my eyes. Asher looks to me and sees my emotions that are clearly written on my face and he leans in to kiss my lips softly.

  He murmurs “I love you Sloane,” and he pushes deeper into me. He keeps repeating it on every thrust making my heart swell. His words bury themselves deep in my soul causing our bond to strengthen and grow.

  We continue to take our time with each other. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Us making love was never something I thought we’d do anytime soon, but it’s been earth shattering.

  My world will never be the same.

  My love for Asher has grown to unimaginable lengths.

  It’s in that instant that I’m aware that Asher is the man who will forever have my heart.

  Chapter Eight


  With what I just experienced with Sloane I had no idea I could take her as slow as I did. Or worshiped her like I had. Or feel as consumed by her as much as I do. I knew I loved her before, but being connected like that and exploring each other like we did. Well, it put our relationship in a whole new perspective.

  I would kill for this woman.

  I will forever defend her from anything that comes at her.

  She is my everything and fuck, I can’t believe I already want to make her my forever. Yet there is no other way I can go through life any other way.

  That’s my girl and I’m going to make sure to give her everything she’s ever needed or want.

  We’re out at the bonfire with everyone and Sloane is talking with her girls, yet I can’t stop staring at her. I’ve never seen Sloane so carefree and relaxed.

  Mona leans into Tala and Sloane to say something but I can’t hear over the guys discussing about the ride here.

  Suddenly Sloane looks over and simply smiles a lopsided grin at me. I return that same lazy smile.

  I curl my finger motioning her to come to me and as she steps forward Reese leaps into my arms.

  What the hell.

  “What are you doing Reese?” I laugh and try to keep from dropping him or have our nuts touch.

  “I thought you were telling me to come to you or was that for my baby sister?” he laughs as he jumps off me.

  “It was for my girl and yes your sister.” I turn to Sloane and she’s a bright shade of red as she’s gasping for air from laughing at me and her brother.

  “Look what you did to her.” I say to Reese as I punch him in the arm as I walk over to Sloane. She collapses into my chest still laughing and I rub gentle circles on her back to calm her down. Sloane takes in a staggering breath.

  “Thanks Ash, I was in mid sip of my beer when Reese jumped on you like that and I was in a weird laugh choking combo sorta thing here.” She says as she clears her throat.

  “Your brother is nuts.” Sloane beams with pride when I say that. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her silly expression.

  “Are you having a good time?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, it’s kinda tame to what I thought was going to be happening here.”

  “Well, give it an hour and this will be a whole different kind of party.”

  I’ve been to these kinds of runs before and though this one is getting off to a slow start, there no doubt someone will be getting dragged through the fire with a rope on the back of a motorcycle as everyone throws beer on them.

  True to form three hours later guys were getting dragged, girls were flashing their tits and people were running around naked from the pool back to their camps. Sloane and the girls were taking it all in and enjoying the surrounding idiots. I’m glad all their clothes were staying on and none of their tits were being shown off.

  I want Sloane to be her own woman, but those tits are just for me now. Not for the crowd here or anyone for that matter.

  It looked like she was going to go up on one of the trailers where the other girls had crawled up to flash us all but I had to reminder her that I don’t like to share.

  She looked like she was melting when I said it and she quickly jumped into my arms and planted a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek.

  “Not a problem keeping these under wraps for you to take them for yourself later." she says as she gives me a wink.

  Our communication is so open after her freak out to my dumbass comments that I’m thankful we had that blow out to where we are now.

  After a while of hanging out and a few guys chasing girls around the fire I had enough of this party.

  We said our good nights to everyone and went back to our yurt.

  Sloane and I were a bit too drunk, so we passed out wrapped around each other instead of pawing at each other for animalistic sex.

  The next day I spent trying to fix Sloanes motorcycle. With a blown piston it was looking like she would be riding on the back with me on my bike. Which made me happy, but I could tell she was a bit disappointed.

  “How about I let you ride my bike and I’ll nut to butt with you on part of the ride?” My nuts to her sweet ass didn’t make me feel bad at all for wanting to ride in the bitch seat.

  “Deal!” she says and puts her hand out so I’ll shake on it.

  I spit in my palm and smack it to hers.

  Her facial expression was hilarious and worth the mess I now have on my hand.

  “That was gross and so not necessary.” she laughs.

  My girl has the best sense of humor, always laughing at the stupidest shit. I hope that never stops.

  “Camp is dead today, I think everyone is hung-over let’s go for a ride on my bike and you can practice riding it before we go home. What and I also know a pretty rad spot that I want to show you before we leave tomorrow.”

  “Okay let me go wash my hands really quick and grab my gloves and helmet.” she says as she turns and runs for her stuff.

  I load her bike back up into Riv’s el Camino and strap it back in so it’s ready to take home.

  On my way over to the bathrooms I run into the guys from our group. They’re already drinking some beers as their girls still sleep in their quarters.

  “What’s up guys?” I greet them.

  “Hey man, where have you been?” Rylan asks.

  “I was over there trying to fix Sloanes bike, but it looks like a blown piston so she’ll be riding home with me until I can fix her shit when we get home.” I say informing them of what’s going on.

  “Damn Sloane must be bummed.” Riv adds.

  “Yeah, but I’m going to let her ride my bike so she can have some time on a bike.”

  “Dude are you fuckin’ nuts?” Reese spits out. “Why would you risk your life with a new rider like that?”

  “Damn it’s not like she sucks. Sloanes really good on a bike, plus anytime I can get behind her I’m game.” The guys all start to laugh except Reese as he stands there and cringes.

  “Huh, gross that’s my sister. I don’t need the visual on that.”

  “Sorry not sorry. I’ll ride nut to butt with her any day.” I smile as Reese fakes vomits at my confession

the guy howl at his reaction.

  “I’m digging on the fact that Asher here is banging your sister, Reese. I haven’t enjoyed watching you squirm this much since when we were sixteen in biology dissecting cow eyes in class freshman year.” Riv laughs.

  “Thanks a lot fucker, she’s like a sister to you too. You should be as equally grossed out.” Reese says as he tries punching Riv in the balls.

  “Oh, you missed!” Riv laughs. “You suck by the way I never thought about it like that. I was just happy Sloane is happy and not dealing with both those chuff nuggets anymore.”

  “He’s right Reese, Asher is good for your sister man." Rylan adds.

  “Yeah true, but I’d still like to kick his ass for being with her.” Reese winks at me and I know he likes Sloane with me as well and is playing everything up like he always does.

  Just then Sloane comes bouncing up on some tight jeans a cropped tank top that barely cover her tits with her helmet and gloves in her hands.

  “Ready to roll?”

  My mouth is still hanging open at the sight of her under-boobs peeking under her top

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” Reese bellows

  “Hey now, leave the girl be in her fashion choices Reese." Rylan says.

  “No, I’m going to agree with Reese. What the fuck are you wearing?” Shit my dominate side is showing, and it’s looking ugly.

  “Fuck calm your tits guys. It’s nothing but some fat and skin.” Sloane says as she rolls her eyes.

  “No, you need to go put on a shirt and bra. You have to dress for the fall not the ride girl.” I say

  I let my words sink in as I stare her down. You can see that it makes sense and without a word she stomps off.

  “Good call on that one.” Reese remarks.

  “Dude that was the worst thing I’ve ever said to some perfect tits like that. I deserve a damn medal because tell me who didn’t want to see that sight on a motorcycle!” I shake my head with disgust at myself.

  “Hell no! I don’t want to see that shit!” Reese practically yells. We all laugh at Reese’s remark and yeah I don’t blame him.


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