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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 6

by Gigi Birtie

  “It’s true though, you really do have to dress for the fall and not the ride.” Riv adds, “Good looking out for your girl. I have these talks with Mona. When she first started riding, I saw her riding in a damn mini school girl skirt and the fucking thing was blown up for anyone to see what’s mine, damn it. Fuck, I was about to rip her ass off that bike before I saw Sloane stop and tell her whatever she said and they went back to the house to change.”

  We all start to laugh at the story Riv was sharing as Sloane comes back with a bra on, a T-shirt and flannel.

  It may be hotter than shit out already but long sleeves are always smart to have on.

  “Better.” Reese and I say in unison.

  “Alright let’s go for a scoot before I go change back." Sloane says.

  Sloane and I leave the guys since they were all planning on going to the pool to party, drink some beers and barbecue.

  We get to my bike and it is a bit bigger than Sloane’s sportster, but I know she can handle it fine. I can tell she’s a bit nervous as she’s chewing on the end or her braided hair.

  “Look babe this is no different from your bike, it weighs a bit more, but you have the strength to keep it up.” I reassure her.

  “Are you sure? I’m feeling a bit intimidated by it.”

  “Yeah well I remember you apprehensive when you first rode a motorcycle and you over-came that right?” I ask.


  “Well, you did that just fine now you’ll do as great on my bike. Now let’s go, I’ll be right behind you to help if you need it.” Sloane gives me a timid smile which makes me instinctively tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear as I lean in to give her a kiss. Her lips taste of cherry chapstick which makes me think of that stupid girly song.

  Great I’m going to have that stuck in my head all day.

  I pull back and smack her on that firm double bubble of hers.

  “Ah!” She squeals.

  “Come on time to hit it babe.” As I start up the bike and put on my gear.

  After Sloane has on her helmet and gloves, she climbs on and steadies the bike. Once she nods that she’s ready for me I get on behind her

  Fuck I hope this isn’t a bad idea.

  Sloane kicks my bike into first gear and she takes us off down the road.

  It was a bit jerky at first but now that we’ve made our way down the road a bit, the ride is going very smoothly.

  “You’re doing great Sloane!” I say loudly so she can hear me over the roar of the engine.

  “Thanks Ash! You were right, it is like riding my bike!” She says over her shoulder slightly so I can hear but while still having her eyes on the road.

  “Hey, there’s this great bar not that far from here do you have your wallet with the fake ID?”

  “Yeah, I sure do. Just tell me how to get there.” she replies.

  After about two more miles down a desolate road, we come up on one of the greatest biker bars out here.

  Poppy’s and Hettie’s.

  It’s a big property that usually hosts some bands to play. While the rowdy of the rowdiest bikers come to hang out.

  Today they have an Outlaw country band playing which sounds on point. People are dancing and laughing all while what seems like they’re having a good time.

  Since it’s still early the bar is still serving food so there is a mellow vibe unlike what happens at night.

  Sloane and I make our way to a table over by where the band is playing.

  We sit next to each, I don’t want her sitting across from me because then I can’t keep a hand on hers at all times.

  The waitress comes to our table to take our drink order.

  I just get an ice tea since I’ll be riding us back to the camp, but Sloane gets a pineapple Mimosa.

  While the band is good, they aren’t loud enough to the point that Sloane and I can’t have a conversation without yelling.

  Not that we’re talking much but it’s a comfortable silence.

  A song comes on that seems to be a cover of The Doors by Love Street.

  “Do you want to dance?” I ask Sloane. She looks at me like I asked her a question in a foreign language.

  “What? You love to dance." I say as I stand to take her hand.

  “I’m sorry it’s not that I don’t want to, but I’m surprised is all and that you know how.” she giggles.

  I take her hand and drag her to the dance floor. I wrap her up in my arms since it’s a slow song and no fancy dance moves are needed like Sloane normally busts out when she’s getting down.

  We shuffle side to side as I gaze into her glistening blue eyes. Damn she looks beautiful.

  I lower my lips to hers and give her a gentle kiss as she moans in response.

  It’s moments like this that I want to keep having with this girl. I’m almost certain there will never be enough in this lifetime for me to get my fill.

  Chapter Nine


  Our time at Poppy’s and Hettie’s bar was amazing. The way Asher danced with me and looked into my eyes, made me melt all over that peanut shell covered dancefloor.

  We didn’t stay long though; I made sure not to get drunk to the point where I couldn’t hold on from the back or fall off on our ride back to camp.

  The ride back was nothing short of spectacular in my book. Being able to hold Asher to me while resting my front to his steely back is something I can never tire of. I couldn’t help but slip my hands up Asher’s T-shirt so I can drag my fingers across his rigged abs.

  Now that we’re back with everyone it seems it’s going to be a mellow night since our group has a long ride home in the morning.

  The sun is setting in the desert with a smattering of clouds making the sky seem more vibrant than it should.

  Everyone is hanging out at the pool since today was a hot one and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to cool down anytime soon.

  I’m not up for swimming though, there’s no doubt it would be refreshing to get this dried up sweat off my body but I’d rather stretch out in this lounge chair instead and stare at the stars that are making their way out. I can’t remember the last time I just enjoyed being outside. Asher is talking with some people that are in the pool. Unlike myself that’s just laying down by the poolside.

  My eyelids are heavy so I close them as I listen to everyone’s chatter. Their conversations of what everyone’s plans are for the rest of the summer simply puts a smile on my face as I drift off into a dreamless nap.

  When I wake up, it’s almost light outside which is starting to pour into our yurt.

  It looks like Asher carried me to bed last night though I’m not sure. I don’t see anyone else who would do that, so Asher makes the obvious choice. When I roll over to cuddle with him, he’s not there. I sit up to find Asher lacing up his boots.

  “Hey, good morning.” I crooked.

  “Babe I was about to wake you,” he says as he comes over to where I’m laying down in bed. “Time to take a shower and get dressed. Everyone is already out there loading their bikes and we’re leave in thirty minutes.” he informs me.

  “Shit! Thirty minutes isn’t very long to get ready.” I pout.

  “Yeah but all you need to do is slap on some fresh clothes and call it good. No need to do all your makeup since no one will see that already gorgeous face under your helmet.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Let me get up and get this bus moving.” I laugh. I throw back the sheet and swing my legs over the edge to where I’m now sitting next to Asher. I lean over and give him a peck on the cheek since I don’t want to kill him with my morning breath. I hop right up and run to the shower that’s in our room. Since it’s somewhat warm already I take a cold shower. It makes me move more quickly than normal so I’m in and out of there under seven minutes.

  The cold shower was better than I expected. To get the dirt and sweat off my body from yesterday was definitely needed and was quite refreshing.

  When I come out of the bathroom
in my towel, there is a handwritten note on my pillow.

  I walk over to read it,


  If I stayed in here and saw you in your towel, we would never leave but I’m right outside getting our gear loaded up with Rylan and Riv. Come outside when you’re ready.



  I laugh at the note Asher left. It’s too bad really since I would have loved having him before we hit the road but I understand the urgency to get out of here before the sun gets up any further and roasts us all.

  Once I’m dressed and my hair is braided into two Dutch braids, I slap on some of my go to cherry Chapstick. I grab my packed bag and do one last look around before I leave. It looks like we left nothing behind, so I exit out to walk over to where everyone is gathered.

  “Good morning.” I call out to no one in particular.

  I get a few nods and a couple of good mornings back as Mona hands me a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks Mona this smells so good.”

  “Yeah, there’s no doubt you’d need a cup before we hit the road or else you’d be hating life until we stopped for some.” Mona says. She’s very right I can’t start my day without coffee or tea. Usually I like an espresso, but I can make due with what’s here.

  “You know me best girl.” as soon as I said that my stomach dropped since Tala was standing right there.

  I turn to her and add, “You too, of course Tala.”

  “Girl please, there’s no need to feel bad I know you’re thankful for some coffee.” She laughs. Damn I’m going to miss her once she moves to Los Angeles. I can’t believe I hardly hung out with either of my girls on this trip.

  “Hey, I’m sorry we didn’t hang out much on this trip. Since we have a few more months before college lets have a girls trip before we have to part ways?” I smile looking to both Mona and Tala wanting to get their insight on what they thought.

  “What a great idea!” Tala says.

  “Fuck yeah I’m down!” Mona adds.

  “Okay, let’s all think of one place to go and no bikes we’ll take a car obviously.” I laugh.

  “Sounds good let’s meet up next weekend for breakfast and we can all decide.” Mona suggests.

  “Alright, it’s a plan.” Tala says while clapping and jumping up and down, “My destination is going to be the best of the three so you girls might as well just let me pick.”

  “Oh hell no Tala,” Mona laughs. “Remember that one time you had us staying in some damn treehouse in Tahoe and it was infested with squirrels! Sloane here fell down the damn ladder trying to get away from the king squirrel.”

  “That wasn’t even funny Mona, why did you even bring that up?” I play like I am mad, but that shit was terrifying and of course so funny now.

  That squirrel had it out for me.

  “Oh my god, did you die?” Tala asks. “No, now come on it wasn’t that bad!” Mona and I turn to each other and start laughing hysterically. I wrap my arms around my stomach to make my sides to stop hurting.

  “What’s so funny?” Asher asks with the rest of the guys turned our way.

  Once I’m able to regain my composure, a bit I respond

  “It was just something Tala said.” I say through broken up laughter.

  “Okay fine don’t share,” Asher rolls his eyes. “It’s time to hit it. Is everyone ready to get the hell out of this dusty ass oven?” He asks.

  We all nod and start moving to our vehicles. Asher puts his arm around my waist and guides me to his bike. He starts up his Harley and turns to me and leans down to give me a kiss. I can’t help but wrap myself around him and deepen our kiss.

  I hum with pleasure having his lips on mine.

  He grinds his already hard cock into my waist.

  I break our kiss and purr, “Looks like you fucked up by leaving our room this morning.” I gaze up to his darkened eyes and smile sweetly.

  “We have about two minutes, we can fix this right…”

  “Hey you two let’s go!” Reese calls out. I laugh at Reese’s timing

  “Looks like we don’t have two minutes.” I say.

  “Fuck.” Asher says as he pecks me on the lips one last time before we put on our full face helmets and gloves.

  Once we’re on Ashers bike, we fall into line to where everyone in our group is waiting. I notice Roland is up front ready to lead us all back home.

  Roland two finger waves at Asher while Asher gives the same wave back indicating that we’re ready.

  The roar of everyone taking off one by one makes the hair on my body stand up while my eyes widen with excitement seeing our crew of beautifully painted motorcycles have excellent formation. Mona is in front of Asher and myself. She looks so badass being the only girl riding her own bike. What I wouldn’t give to be next to her, the least I can do is take some photos though. It’s so much easier taking pictures when riding on the back of a bike.

  Since we’re at the very end, I was able to grab some shots of the whole crew. These will be printed without a doubt.

  We all make our way through the desert to the main highway. It’s open roads all the way home.

  The few stops that we had were quite with no break downs or crazy bathroom sex with Asher, but it was still a beautiful ride home. At our last gas up stop we all said good bye since everyone would be breaking off to go home.

  “Thanks Roland, for having us come with you.” I say as I lean up and give him a hug.

  “Fuck yeah girl, glad you came, though I’m sorry your bike broke down, but hey bring it to my house this week and we’ll fix it while Asher is at football practice.” Roland looks to Asher and fist bumps him.

  “You are aware that I can fix my girls bike Roland.” Asher says with a smile.

  “I am, but we need you to stay focused on football and it’s no problem for me to help my friend getting her shit dialed back in. That and I need her to photograph some of my work for me while she’s there so really it’s a good trade off.” Roland smiles hopeful in my direction.

  I jump up and down with excitement, “Hell yeah I’ll photograph your work! Thank you!” What a great opportunity to work with one of the most legendary automotive painters in the industry.

  “Oh shit will you have naked or painted chicks in the shoot?” I ask.

  “Oh hell no, my work will speak for itself and there’s no need to distract from that with some hot ass. Though it would be rad to have some models draped over my work but I’m trying not to be that guy.” Roland smiles.

  “Okay just checking.” I laugh. Roland goes in to hug me one more time.

  “Alright kid I’ll call you this week.”

  “Sounds good.” Stepping away so Asher and Roland can talk I say my goodbyes to my girls, Riv, and Rylan along with some of the rest of the people who I don’t really get the chance to know but I wanted to be polite.

  I make my way over to Reese and Lux who were getting back on to their motorcycle.

  “Hey so are you two coming to the house or going to Lux’s?” I ask.

  “We’re going to my house,” Lux informs me. “Do you and Asher want to come over?” She asks sincerely.

  “No, I want to go home and relax a bit before I go to Riv’s and grab my broke down bike.” I pout.

  “Okay well if you change your mind or want to come over later you know where to find us.”

  “Sounds good Lux.” I lean in to give her a big hug.

  I really like Lux she’s been so good for Reese. She’s made him so much more tolerable, mellow, and not so crazy with his overbearing big brother role.

  Turning to Reese I just lightly punch him in the arm and walk away. As I look over my shoulder, I see him just smiling at me and shaking his head which makes me dip my head with a smile spreading across my whole face.

  “You ready to go?” Asher asks as I step into his space.

  “Yeah, we’re going to my house, right?”

  “Well yeah, I have most of my stuff there now anyway so it doesn�
��t matter for me to go home.”

  “Then there we go, we have a plan.” Asher smiles at me and nods.

  We walk a few feet to his bike, he starts it up again and I ready myself to get back on, adjusting my jacket and pants. It’s gotten cooler since we hit closer to home. I couldn’t be happier that I packed extra layers.

  We all take off like we have every time and every time I get goosebumps from the excitement. I swear this could never get old. Especially when Asher and I ride together. He always has a hand on my leg when we’re on an open stretch and it’s touches like that, that makes my heart swell.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been a week since we came back from the Desert Moon run and what I thought would be a mellow week of relaxation, was nothing but constantly being on the go. I haven’t seen Asher this week either which bums me out, but I’m aware with football starting back up he has had no time but to sleep and eat all while training for the upcoming season.

  Right now I’m sitting in Rolands’ expensive garage taking pictures of a Harley Knucklehead that he painted and a lowrider that he also worked on. With my lights that I have set up, it should make that flake in the paint sparkle more than normal. I’m absolutely in awe of his creativity here. This will be exciting to capture with my camera.

  The owner of both vehicles is here watching me work and it couldn’t be more nerve-racking.

  “Hey Roland, a word if you will?” I ask.

  Roland walks over to me from where he was standing with his client.

  “What’s up Sloane? You need something?” he asks.

  “Yeah maybe you two can go in the house for a minute, you’re both making me nervous.” This is the first time I am having people watch me take pictures, so I’m a bit out of sorts. My work is looking affected by it too.

  “Oh sure, I’ll have him come in for a drink and we’ll let you do your thing.” Roland smiles at me letting me know he understands. He turns and I see him asking the guy to go with him in the house for a drink.

  “I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind.” The client says.


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