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My place in the life

Page 13

by Quelli di ZEd

gave to withdraw him/it.»

  I felt me very nervous but also he didn't seem calm considering that he/she quickly spoke to me and with the lowered look.

  «I thank you Patrick, you didn't have to disturb you.»

  «Imagine, you/he/she has been a pleasure. Forgive me for the other day, I didn't want to be discourteous but you/he/she has been stronger than me. I hope for you understands me.»

  «Certain but the fact is that I didn't wait me for him. I/you/they have come here for speaking of it.»

  I fixed for a moment the floor, then his/her eyes.

  «What intentions you have?»

  «How that intentions I have?» he/she asked me almost stunned by my question.

  «I like to go crazy, when I see you I don't understand anything and I feel an uncontrollable attraction toward of you.»

  «You are sincere?»

  «As I could joke with you!»

  «I don't know what to do. I try a lot of attraction toward of you but I don't believe to be able to say to love you.»

  «It is normal, it Feels happy. We don't know very well each other. We have always spoken of photos, colors, layings and never of ourselves. I would like to try to be with you, there earth a lot.»

  «I am not sure Patrick, and then thing would say the people? A girl that goes out with a man, his/her teacher moreover. I immediately would be classified as one few of good person and I would surely give a big sorrow to my parents.»

  «If for you it is a problem, we could frequent us of hidden, at least for some time, so we will see if we get along and if our history can work.» it told me approaching himself/herself/itself to me.

  «I don't know. The ams afraid.»

  Patrick fixed me and without saying nothing it gave me another of his/her overwhelming kisses. This time I didn't withdraw me, I followed his/her movements and his/her passion. In that precise instant I had decided.

  By now more time I spent to the study of Patrick that to house. Besides being taken by the relationship that I had begun with him, I had to prepare with Laura an exposure of photos that on Sundays would be held in the principal plaza of the city. We had to select the most beautiful and representative photos among an endless range of jobs that you/they had prepared the students of the course. The theme of the show concerned the city and its inhabitants, therefore it was necessary to only choose the images that more they mirrored the in demand characteristics.

  Patrick had submitted this assignment to me and proper Laura because there were separate for cleverness during the last course held by him.

  «It won't be to choose effortless among these photos.»

  «Not to despair Laura, among some Patrick will arrive and will help us.»

  «For me it is a big responsibility to make this selection. I am afraid to make a blame to someone and the last thing that I want to the world it is to create me some enemies!»

  «As you are exaggerated. All the people that these jobs have prepared know to have made excellent photos but they also know that some will be discarded because it is not possible to show her all. Probably we will also discard of it of ours.»

  In the meantime Patrick had arrived, bringing with itself containing boxes the last photos to select.

  «How the job proceeds?»

  «Benone but it is not simple. And then Laura fears to make to become rabid someone having to eliminate some of these jobs.»

  «Not to worry you Laura. If they will only pick her/it up with me, because I should be me to do that job. The fact is that I don't have a lot of time and I blindly trust your tastes.»

  «You have too trust!» it said Laura.

  Patrick tenderly embraced me and gave me a kiss on the neck.

  I still tried some embarrassment in front of Laura, even if Stephen and she were the only ones to know about our history. You/they had sustained me since the beginning and they tried to understand me in all the ways.

  More times I found me to think about Patrick, to reflect on the relationship that was among us, but I always reached the conclusion that, at least on my behalf, it was not true love. I certainly loved him, I was infatuated perhaps, but he/she anchors him today I am convinced it treated above all of physical attraction. Only one look of his made me climb the desire to the brain.

  It was oddly a warm day. In the city there was not a thread of air, the sun was bright and the warm saliva from the asphalt of the plaza.

  We had exposed the photos on big panels that had been prepared then along the whole plaza. We had had to work until late the preceding evening because we were undecided on some jobs to expose. Patrick and Laura liked some, while I preferred others of it. After having discussed for quite a lot minutes, considering that we didn't put of accord there, Patrick had advised to expose all of them, so, following the votes given by the visitors, we would have been able to ascertain who had justly judged those photos.

  People started to arrive; they immediately gave a fast glance, you/he/she seemed they feared not to succeed in seeing all the jobs, then they returned to the beginning of the" crossed" that we had conceived and they looked with more attention, perhaps also with the hope of recognizing himself/herself/themselves in some image.

  It was amusing to observe the attitude of the people in front of a show that they could personally concern. Some of them, blocked even the eyes, when they recognized him in a photo, even in positions or expressions that didn't even dream him to have been able" to interpret", then they were brought a hand to the mouth, they smiled and they started to make comments with the first person that you/they found again nearby him.

  Crowd increased and I finally flowed my parents.

  Unusually dressed sporting, dark glasses to protect himself/herself/themselves from the rays of the sun, hand in the hand, they drew near to my table. When they saw me they greeted me with the hand and a tender smile, making to understand me that you/they would be passed by me after having made a turn of the show.

  Despite you/they had not immediately accepted and appreciated my hobby, above all my father, my parents he was thrilling for my jobs and my mother, even you/he/she had picked up, and filed all the works, as it defined her her, that I had created up to that moment, in elegant albums, to be able to show to whoever it entered our house. They were both fierce ones of me but my father it kept on insisting so that I found a more concrete street for a sure future. You/he/she had remained of the idea that I would have had to think about a degree or perlomeno to an university diploma and to keep on cultivating, however, the passion for the photo. He had also realized that I was brought for that activity and I had a lot of talent but you/he/she would never have seen her how a real job. Frankly when discussions rose respect this activity, my father it had the power to make to rise me thousand doubts; I was very impassioned and did I give all myself but did it sincerely make me reach the point to ask me: I will succeed to way of living making photos? And if a day I grew weary me? Or if, did nobody still give me job worse?

  I always finished that squabbles with atrocious worries that ploughed me the mind.

  My father, didn't have perhaps all the blames. I would have been able to enroll me in the university however and to keep on making photos, so I would have satisfied both him and me.

  But thing I could choose? Every whenever I found me to think about thing I would inevitably have done in the life an answer it didn't rise.

  I felt me very lost and disenchanted, because I remembered me that from small he always day-dreamed on the future that we would have had to face, on thing we would have liked to do, and we were always ready with thousand answers.

  Account I have become, instead, that reality is well different. In few they have the fortune to decide whether to do and to succeed above all in doing him/it. The most greater part of the people adjust him to" to choose" what the destiny proposes, for idleness to decide or for fear not to be able to find nient'altro.

  I didn't want to find again me in front of a similar situati

  I desired to reach the point to say: I want this and I will do this. But the nature, is known, it is stepmother and it always reserves us disagreeable revelations, that he/she punctually introduces us in the least opportune moments.

  The show turned at the end. We had received the compliments of all the visitors but above all of Patrick that, every whenever someone made him notice that it was a good teacher and it had as pupils of the" small geniuses", he turned verse me and Laura and it said:

  «It is not my worth. They are good of nature!»

  That day I had surprised more times Patrick to stare at me and me, simply reciprocated his tender and irresistible look with a smile for fear to give way to the people that were around us to draw hasty and malignant conclusions. Even you/he/she was stopped once between me and Laura, and you/he/she had told her:

  «You have to tell your friend that is stupendous and I has an awful desire to be with her!».

  Then verse of me was turned with an expression of amazement as to say" I had not seen you"!. Laura, sneered continuously naturally for the wisecracks of Patrick and the poor Stephen, it didn't do anything else other than to lift the eyes to the sky and to shake the head as to look for an answer that didn't arrive.

  You/he/she had been a splendid day, very amusing, but unfortunately it didn't have to finish so well as starts.

  I felt me to the sudden very tired, the people around me they had some unknown faces that I

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