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Her Highland Secret: Steamy Historical Scottish Romance

Page 23

by Fiona Faris

  He couldn’t remember exactly, but it didn’t matter. He remembered clearly deciding he would rather live in the cave forever than face his father’s wrath. He had spent the night in the cave, and in the light of morning he emerged to see a large red ball of woolen plaid snoring like a bear right at the mouth of the cave. His father had not only found young Lucas, but allowed his son’s stubbornness free reign and didn’t drag him home immediately to apologize.

  Upon seeing his sleeping father, he had burst into tears, his little body wracked with guilt. His father had woken and spoken with him about his feelings. Explaining that sometimes the simplest gesture, like apologizing for a wrong doing to someone he loved, could feel insurmountable. But it was important to face his fears. An honorable man always apologized.

  Now as he sat in the same spot all these years later it appeared Lucas had not fully learned his lesson.

  “How will I ever live up tae th’ man ye were!” he shouted at his dead father into the nothingness. He banged his fist against the cold earth and dropped his head. He had not allowed himself to grieve for the man he had looked up to his whole life. A man who was larger than life. Yet it appeared, he also hadn’t taken to heart any of the lessons Angus tried to teach him. He’d been a fool and made Ella cry. Lucas allowed himself to weep for his lost father.

  He loved Ella. He loved her enough to share the burden of Evans impending approach with her. He wanted to be an honorable man for her. She deserved to know. The last thought he had before allowing his exhausted body and soul to slip into a dreamless slumber was of Ella. Her dark grey eyes, and gilded hair. Her smile, laughter, sharp wit, and first thing in the morning her forgiveness.

  Ella woke again to an empty bed. She had tried desperately to keep her eyes open waiting for Lucas, but the babe growing in her stomach had other ideas and sometime before dawn she had succumbed to sleep. Now she looked to his side of their shared bed, and it was clear Lucas hadn’t even bothered to come in. Heat crept up from her center. The wise words given to her by Kelly and Milly the afternoon before flew out of her mind and all she could think of was Lucas in another woman’s arms.

  It was one thing to avoid her during clan meals and waking hours, but she was his wife, and he was Laird. He couldn’t humiliate her by sleeping in another’s bed. If he didn’t want to be married to her in the truest sense, then that was fine by her, but he should have the decency to at least be discreet. What if Violet or any other maid had come in to stoke the fire and saw he hadn’t slept with her? The rumors were already flying around he keep, they would only get worse. She refused be made a fool in her own home. She rose to quickly dress herself. It was still early enough that she may be able to catch up with her husband in the main hall. Maybe he didn’t need to come to their bed, but he would need to eat.

  Milly was already seated at the table enjoying what looked to “Ella like toast with jam. Her stomach did a flip-flop, but she pushed down the urge to wretch.

  “Good morning sister…” Ella didn’t wait for her to finish her greeting.

  “Have you seen your brother, he didn’t bother to come to our chamber last night,” she spat out. Milly’s face dropped.

  “Nay, I haven’t seen him at all.” Ella sat next to her friend, defeated.

  “I know you don’t think he would have a mistress, but if not, where is he?” she asked, refusing to allow herself to cry again. Milly wrapped her arms around Ella.

  “I dinnae ken, but I ken who might.” Ella looked up to see Milly pointing at Magnus who had just walked into the main hall with Kelly.

  Ella rushed at the large man, taking him by complete surprise. “Where is my husband!”

  “Shh, now my lady,” Magnus replied, looking around to see if any other clan members in the hall were watching them. Ella was past caring, she wanted information about Lucas, and she wanted it now. “Kelly told me of yer condition, and yer concerns. ‘Tis not what ye think, I assure ye. Lucas would never take another over ye. He has been struggling for certain, but I think he needs ye more than ye ken. I’ve urged him tae tell ye what’s been eating him, but he is afraid. I’ll not break his trust, and I dinnae ken where he was last night, but I saw him riding that sad excuse for a horse intae the keep just now. Ye’ll find him at the stables. May I suggest ye go tae him?”

  Relief flooded Ella. He hadn’t taken a mistress. Magnus wouldn’t lie to her, and he especially wouldn’t lie to his wife. She looked from Magnus to Kelly who gave her a slight nod and a smile. The confidence that was fuelled by her anger was ebbing. She was unsure if she could face Lucas alone, right away. She clutched her stomach.

  “Kelly, will ye come with me?” The nausea was coming back and if she needed help, she wanted her friend by her side.

  “Aye, of course my lady,” she replied.

  Milly came running up, a piece of bread falling from her lips. “Ye’ll not be goin’ without me!” she added.

  “Ladies,” Magnus said bowing dramatically as the women turned to leave. “I’ll leave ye tae beat up my Laird without me. I’m famished.”

  Ella hugged her plaid around her to ward off the chill as she, Kelly and Milly made their way across the yard toward the stables. It was a grey morning, and Ella could smell snow on the air. Winter may have arrived. She was unsure what she would say to Lucas when she saw him. She was torn between screaming and shouting how dare he put her through the turmoil of the last two weeks, and taking him into her arms, showering him with kisses and begging him to tell her what has been troubling him.

  Kelly and Milly were both chattering mindlessly Ella was only half listening, her mind occupied on thoughts of Lucas and what could possibly be troubling him. Suddenly she froze, a familiar woman stood before the entrance to the stables, and Ella reached out her arms to silence the two women. Edina was sneaking into the stables and she wasn’t alone.

  “Of all the stupid…” Kelly whispered, and Ella grabbed her arm tightly, her vision began to cloud over, and thoughts of violence ran through her. He was faced away, and too far to have heard them approach. She made a shushing sign with her free hand. A shudder ran through her, and her posture went rigid. Ella would have recognized the tall, thin man with his hunched over upper body from a million miles away.

  Commander Anton Evans was in the keep with Edina, and they were headed to exactly where Lucas was supposed to be. Ella’s worst nightmare was happening.

  “It can’t be…” she whispered. “He’s here.” She picked up her skirts and rushed toward the stable. Unaware of her friends following suit.

  Chapter Thirty

  Lucas stretched his arms above his head, sweat and peat wafted off of him. His body ached from sleeping on the stone floor of the cave, but his mind was clear. He was eager to see Ella. He knew that she would forgive him, once he explained about Evans and the threat to her and the clan. His heart. He wanted to hold her, taste her, bed her, and make sure she knew he would never keep information from her again. She was truly his wife in every sense of the word, and he was eager to let her know it. But first, he was in desperate need of a bath.

  “Hopefully, the lass will forgive me more readily if I smell nice? What say ye cuddie?” The horse gave a solid whinny in agreement and Lucas laughed.

  He also needed to find Magnus, he wanted to pull Thomas Graham from the MacKenzie lands and send him to scout Evans’s location. Maybe the lad would be able to blend in and gather information about what he man’s next steps would be. If he only knew where Evans was and what he was thinking he would better be able to prepare the men. Battle plans and strategies began to play out in his thoughts. He wished, and not for the first time in the last two weeks, that he’d had Gavin’s skill for battle.

  He wasn’t too lost in thought to hear the crunching of footfall on gravel behind him. Lucas’s whole body stood at attention. Adrenaline coursed through him. Not a single clan member would be so brazen as to try and sneak up behind the Laird. He instinctively knew whoever was behind him meant to do harm. He ca
lmly grabbed his sword from the saddlebag draped over the horse’s stall, waiting for the intruder to make their move. He hummed to the horse and continued to brush the beast with his free hand.

  Without warning a rush of warm air slid past his head, He spun on his heal ducking, just narrowly saving his ear from the intruder’s sword. He heard Ella scream out from behind “Watch out!”

  Coming up quickly and at the ready, Lucas was face-to-face with the pair of beady eyes he vowed to never forget.

  “Evans.” The man looked mildly entertained, and sure of himself. Lucas was going to enjoy ending his life.

  “Laird, we haven’t had the opportunity to meet. You are correct, I am Commander Evans. Congratulations on your new title. I’m simply here to claim what you have stolen from me.” He held his sword out and gave Lucas a mild bow.

  “Aye, and that’s why ye just tried tae take me ear off, then?” How the hell had Evans known to call him Laird, and how the hell did he get into the keep without being detected. Lucas’s eyes were drawn to the familiar girl standing behind Evans. Her head was ducked in shame, and Lucas knew instantly how Evans entered the keep. Dammit to holy hell, Edina. He should’ve thrown her in the dungeon a month ago.

  “You promised not to hurt him!” she screamed at the Commander. He whipped around and slapped her hard, knocking her to the ground.

  “You’ve done your part wench. I thank you sincerely for writing to me and explaining how the Laird here… married my bride. But I will not have you screaming at me. Be gone.”

  Lucas couldn’t believe the arrogance of the man, he moved toward Edina, she was no friend, but he wouldn’t allow her to be beaten by the bastard. He lunged for Evans and the Commander dodged with skill. Ella was running toward the door to the stable. Lucas’s gaze met hers and he implored her to run. She shook her head defiantly. Blasted woman. He didn’t dare yell out. Evans’s hadn’t seen her yet, and he didn’t want to draw attention. Kelly reached the door and grabbed Edina from behind.

  “Come with me ye damn twit,” she snarled as she dragged Edina from the stables. Lucas looked back to Evans who was circling him, sword drawn. Eager for a fight.

  “Evans, yer not wanted here. Ella is a MacGille now and under my protection.”

  “I have your walls surrounded Laird. I would suggest you rethink your attachment to the girl. I’m sure there are plenty of other lasses you would find equally as eager to warm your bed.”

  “That’s where ye are wrong, sir. Ella is my bride. I’ll not be givin’ her up. She is MacGille as much as I or any member of my clan.” Lucas had to keep him talking and get him out of the stable. If he could battle him in open air, he would have a better advantage. He walked toward the commander as he spoke, giving the man no option but to back out of the keep. Milly ran up and caught his eye. With his free hand he flashed her a small hand signal she and Gavin had made up as children. With the flick of his forefinger and thumb she knew to run and get help. As quickly as she came up, she darted back, rushing for the keep. Hopefully she would also get the women and children to safety. There was no way Evans was here alone. Men such as he always travelled with protection.

  Good girl, he thought. Then turning back to Evans. “Maybe ye and I could reach an agreement of sorts where it comes to my wife,” he said.

  “What kind of agreement did you have in mind, Scot?”

  “Ella stays here where she belongs and ye get tae leave with yer life. For now.” The Commander’s laugh was loud and grating, making Lucas scowl. “I’m glad ye find me funny.”

  “Grab him!” Evans said, and out of nowhere two soldiers grab either of Lucas’s arms. As his sword falls to ground, he let out a curse. He had led the bastard out of the stables and himself into a trap.

  Kelly rushed passed Ella, breathing heavily and dragging a cursing, sobbing Edina in her wake.

  “I’ll take care of this trash,” she said stopping by Ella. Edina tried to spit on her, but Ella was fast and dodged. Kelly yanked Edina’s hair hard in response.

  “Take this,” she said, handing Ella a dirk. “Milly has gone tae get th’ men and tae bring th’ women and children intae the keep. I’ll throw this twit in the kitchens where Mrs. Thomas can string her up, and get me husband and be right back.” Ella could do nothing but nod. Her eyes were glued to Lucas and Evans circling each other.

  This was all her fault, and while she was grateful for the knife Kelly gave her, she felt weak and questioned if she would be able to use it.

  She watched in horror as Lucas emerged from the stable and was instantly grabbed from behind by two of Evans’s men. Where had they come from. She hadn’t seen them before. When he had implored her to run with his eyes, she had defied him. She flashed back to the pond, there was no way she was going to leave him. Now she was glad she stayed. He was outnumbered and outwitted.

  Her world shrank, and all she could think of was her husband, and their unborn child. She hadn’t had a chance to tell him she was with child. He could die and not know. She gripped the dirk tightly, tucking it between the folds of her skirt. Evans was standing in the way of her complete happiness and a strength unlike any she had known filled her.

  She would end this now, she would give Anton one chance to leave her, Lucas, and her clan in peace. If he chose to continue his ridiculous pursuit. She would kill him, without a second thought.

  “Anton!” she bellowed. The Commander abruptly turned, smiling at the sight of her.

  “Ella! No!” Lucas shouted.

  She was calm. “It’s okay Lucas, my love. This has gone on long enough.”

  Evans smiled like a cat having just dined on a delectable mouse. A chill ran up her spine. “My dear Ella, we’ve been so worried about you. Let me take you back to your father, dear. We can have this silly Scottish marriage annulled. Nothing has to change.”

  “Save your fake concern, Anton. I’ll not be going anywhere with you. This is my home. Have your men unhand my husband this instant and leave us!”

  He laughed. Ella flinched as if he had slapped her. “What is so funny?”

  “Well dear, you must be in shock. I cannot in good conscience leave you alone here, with these…these ruffians. No, unfortunately, every man in this keep will be arrested for treason, including your husband. And once he is hanged as the leader of the Jacobite uprising, and of course for kidnapping a lady of the Crown. We won’t need to bother with an annulment. You will be a widow, and I will marry you of your own volition.”

  He was insane, and Ella knew she had no choice. “I will never leave here with you. I will never marry you!”

  Raising the dirk, she let out a battle cry, rushing Evans, she brought the knife down onto his upper leg with resounding force, she twisted it in and it stuck. Her own strength surprising her. He let out a loud scream of pain before bringing his fist down on Ella. She fell back, hitting her head, hard. The last thing she heard before everything went black was Lucas screaming in rage.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Lucas watched in terror as his wife rushed the Commander. The gut-wrenching cry that came from him as Evans cast her to the ground was all the MacGille men needed to hear before chaos broke. He was immediately released from the hold Evans’s men had on him. He looked briefly behind him as Magnus and old Calum battled the two, giving his friends a nod of thanks he turned all his focus onto Evans.

  Everything slowed, blood pounded in his ears. His breath became heated in anticipation of battle. Evans towered over Ella’s body as Lucas rushed him, sword raised. Lucas leapt into the air and brought his blade down on the man’s neck with amazing force and speed.

  Evans opened his mouth, but if he let out a cry of pain, Lucas wasn’t able to hear over his own pain and rage. This time he was not too far away to intervene as Evans tried to destroy another person Lucas loved. He grabbed the man by the collar and spun him away from Ella’s listless form. He had no way of knowing if Ella was alive or dead. The puddle of blood forming behind her head was all the focus he need
ed. Lucas quickly raised his sword again, this time pushing the blade through Evans at his center watching as the life drained from the bastard’s eyes. It was done.

  Dropping Evans to the ground, he rushed to Ella’s side. “Please lass,” he whispered. “Stay with me, please.” He felt her chest and she was still breathing. That was good. Ripping his shirt away from his body, he wrapped the wound on her head. Milly came rushing over and knelt beside Lucas. She pushed him out of the way as she examined Ella.

  “Run and get Violet,” she said to Kelly who was quick approaching. “We need tae get Ella inside tae a bed. Magnus will need tae help.”

  “No I will lift her,” Lucas said. He would be damned before he let anyone touch Ella besides him.


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